[Pull-Up Team Progress 2024] Pull yourself together, again!


New member
Jedi from Paris
Posts: 1
Hi. I am late but want to join your team.
So i ll try to understand how to count points...quitte difficultés, for my english level.
Who can hello me to start?


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
Hi @Dof welcome to this challenge, it's great to have you here.

About the points:

We will count down levels as a team, similar to the years before. To make it easy for everyone to start a new Level, progress will be made in steps of 1000.
LEVEL 1 = 1000 points, LEVEL 2 = 2000 points… you get it, right?

Count every repetition, that gets you one step further on your "Pull Up Road"...

You rank the exercises yourself:
easy: 1 point per rep/hold
medium: 2 points per rep/hold
hard: 3 points per rep/hold
and beyond: ? points per rep/hold
Help needed?
Here is a possible ranking system:

Ranking (max reps/ to fatigue): points per rep
Rank A+ (1-2): 5 pts
Rank A (3-5): 4 pts
Rank B (6-13): 3 pts
Rank C (14-24): 2 pts
Rank D (25+): 1 pts

1 rep equals a 3 sec hold


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,330
I'm trying to restart, I tried to do a pull up but failed totally, didn't even get halfway. I'm using the negative pull up challenge to get into the groove again.

2-1-1 negative pull ups. Rank A+: 25 pts

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 587 <<< (level 4)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
I'm back with 3x3 Underhand on close grip
Total = 27 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 300 <<< (level 4)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,330
Negative pull up challenge day 3 and 5: 2-2-1 and 2-2-2. I see that last time I counted 5 points too many, so now with five points less I can add 50 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 121 <<< (level 4)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
I survived the heat wave...
3x9 underhand on close grip and 3 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 210 <<< (level 4)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,330
I survived the heat wave...
3x9 underhand on close grip and 3 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 210 <<< (level 4)
I think you accidentally substracted your points from your own last entry instead of the one from the group.

So it will be

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4924 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x6 underhand on close grip, 3x3 underhand on normal grip and 3 overhand on close grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4734 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
The correct count should be 4734 - 40 preps (x 3 to get the corret points count) done by AceofSwords = 4734 - 120

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4614 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x10 underhand on close grip
total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4524 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 197
The correct count should be 4734 - 40 preps (x 3 to get the corret points count) done by AceofSwords = 4734 - 120

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4614 <<< (level 5)
Oops, I must have been in Opposite Land when I posted that!

Got some more reps in

1440 / 2023

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4464 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x6 underhand on close grip, 3x4 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4250 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x6 underhand on close grip, 3x4 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4160 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x4 underhand on close grip, 3x5 underhand on normal grip and 3 overhand on close grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 4070 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x5 underhand on close grip and 3x5 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3735 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x5 underhand on close grip and 3x5 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3645 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x10 underhand on close grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3555 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x5 underhand on close grip and 3x5 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3465 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x10 underhand on close grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3375 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x5 underhand on close grip, 3x4 underhand on normal grip and 3 overhand on close grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3165 <<< (level 5)


Well-known member
Gladiator from Italy
Posts: 313
"I can’t do difficult things; I have to make them easy"
3x5 underhand on close grip and 3x5 underhand on normal grip
Total = 90 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3075 <<< (level 5)