Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @NancyTree!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • (with difficulty)
  • I will call for an appointment tomorrow
  • The high knees and squats should be doable tomorrow, so I'll double up on Epic Cardio on Tuesday
  • Why does my back have to be out in the exact spot I can't crack myself? 😭
  • I wasn't up to straightening my legs, but Nobu still wanted to cuddle
  • He's the cutest 🥰
  • Tiny apparently adores tuna and is not happy when my sister doesn't give her any 😂
  • Had lunch at the Mexican restaurant my brother introduced us to last month
  • Yummy food yet again!
  • Good: managed the elbow plank
  • Happy: cats are so silly!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • If I don't lean back, my back is mostly okay!
  • I pushed the appointment to tomorrow so I can see Tyler
  • (He's off on Mondays)
  • Liz is great, but Tyler knows me
  • The high knees were fine, but I couldn't go down as low as I wanted with the squats
  • I managed it, at least!
  • Nobu is sharing the couch with me after demanding attention last night
  • It strained my back a bit, but he finally got my straight legs to stretch on
  • A purring cat is worth a great deal of discomfort!
  • Good: was able to relax today
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Caught up with Power Hold
  • My back is better!
  • It's all realigned, just tender where it had been out
  • I had a few moments where things cracked, and then one that I just knew
  • It's going to go from 18° to 1° in 4 hours tomorrow
  • That'll be fun!
  • It's not even sunny! Rain's causing this shift!
  • The cats are happy with open doors, at least
  • Nobu cuddled last night and demanded to curl on my lap today
  • All's well here!
  • Good: great visit with Tyler
  • Happy: all the cats have been social today!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @MadamMeow!
  • Basics
  • Glad to be done with the high knees, though I will be adding them into my daily routine
  • I'll enjoy them much more when I can set the amount!
  • My morning started with a purring Nox!
  • Had an argument with Dad followed by a 2 hour conversation with my sister
  • Needless to say, it's been a day
  • Nobu was the best by coming up and getting right in my face to check on me, which was delightful but not the best timing 😅
  • Dinner was superb, at least!
  • Good: vented my frustration and calmed down fully with my sister's help
  • Happy: best cats!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Epic Cardio Challenge
  • :completed:
  • Power Hold Challenge
  • :completed:
  • 1-minute yoga Challenge (again)
  • :completed:
  • I'm up to starting a new program!
  • Don't know which one just yet, but there's a good amount to choose from!
  • Very brief cuddles from Nobu and I don't even mind!
  • He's using a pillow!!
  • I got a few things at the store to start some recipes
  • That'll be fun!
  • Good: finished the month
  • Happy: pre-ordered a cookbook I'm ecstatic for!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • :thanku: @MadamMeow, @Fremen, @GentleOx, @VacTom, @Anek, @Deadoks!
  • Basics
  • This month's routine:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Lower Body Blast Challenge
  • cardio and abs Program
  • yoga abs Challenge
  • Splits Exercises
  • This should be a good month to increase my stamina!
  • The day got away from me a bit, so no recipes
  • But it's been a good day, so that's okay!
  • Nobu is a brat. He refused to join me on my bed when I was in it. When I got up, though?
  • At least he's cute!
  • Good: finally pulling away from the hyper fixation on soda
  • Happy: kitten shared the couch with me!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj!
  • Basics
  • +100 High Knees
  • I'll add the high knees to any cardio light days
  • I hope to see that number rise!
  • Other than Casper being a grump, it's been a good day!
  • (He's such a grumpy old man sometimes!)
  • Nobu shared the couch with me and Nox had finally perched on the shoe rack
  • He's the last to do so!
  • I'm working to convince Mom we need to change the single panel curtain to two panels so the cats can look outside
  • She's not totally opposed! 😂
  • I'm going to try a single serve pecan pie muffin after this
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Good: all chores finished
  • Happy: Nobu has been adorable today!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @roman, @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • No caffeine and my head is feeling it
  • No nap, though!
  • No cuddles, either
  • And yet, it's not been a bad day!
  • Just some quiet time with family
  • Always lovely!
  • And! The muffin turned out well!
  • I want to tweak a few things, but that's just fun playing in the next few days!
  • Good: exercised despite headache
  • Happy: the store had several things I was looking for!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • +150 High Knees
  • We got lazy and put our Christmas decorations in the back room
  • We opened the back room today
  • All the decorations made it to the attic 🥵
  • I am going to have a beautiful bruise on my knee, too
  • I'm very glad I'm not lifting weights this month!
  • Moving the shoe rack in front of the closet resulted in two cats on the closet shelves
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  • Cats!
  • No cuddles today, but they've been out back almost all day
  • I did get a magnificent sprawl last night, though!
  • I also woke with 2 cats!
  • So it's been a great day!
  • Good: extra high knees, organized the decorations, and made supper
  • Happy: cats! great food! organization!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • I cleaned my bike and took it for our first ride!
  • Just up and down the street to get a feel for everything
  • It was lovely!
  • I have to get used to the wide handles and lack of speed adjustment
  • There will be many rides around the block in my future!
  • I'm so excited!!
  • No cuddles, but the back room was open again
  • And my sister stopped by!
  • It's a great day!
  • Good: finished everything I wanted to do
  • Happy: bicycle! sister! happy creatures!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • I did not enjoy those high knees
  • I had a productive day, see Tyler tomorrow, and Bee on Friday
  • Considering I'm on day 2 of my period, things are going great!
  • Casper was a grumpy brat for hours today
  • I had to pull him down!
  • It chilled down from yesterday, but I still let the cats into the back room
  • Nobu is cuddling right now, though!
  • And, unfortunately, it's been raining all day, so no biking
  • I want to look at some of the running challenges and see if I can convert them for biking
  • Good: completed all my objectives
  • Happy: great food and kitten cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • I've started doing the split lunges as a walk around the house and am liking them a great deal more!
  • Bike ride ~1 mile
  • That was educational!
  • I need to work on my turns (especially around corners), and going uphill needs speed
  • I know my lack of muscle and stamina don't help, but that's what practice is for!
  • Considering the weather tomorrow, it's a great shame I'll not be riding
  • (I take it easy the day I see Bee)
  • If the forecast is true, I probably won't be out again until Tuesday 😭
  • No cuddles yet today; this was last night!
  • He's so cute!
  • Super early night for my parents, so I get 4 hours of peace and quiet!
  • Good: very productive day
  • Happy: learning my new bike is a delight!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Bee was as wonderful as always
  • I didn't get to enjoy a bike ride, but had a walk at least
  • My sister needed to decompress and it resulted in a 4 hour and 23 minute chat
  • That's our longest yet!
  • It would have been longer, but my headphones didn't charge last night
  • I forgot how touchy the cord is!
  • Another day of back room cat shenanigans
  • If the routine continues, I should have cuddles tonight!
  • Look at his belly!
  • It's been a delightful day!
  • Good: was able to help my sister decompress
  • Happy: Bee! Great weather! Long chat!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Bike ride!!
  • It cleared up enough it was only cold!
  • Managed about 1.4 miles of very hilly road
  • My stamina should increase rapidly with these hills!
  • I opened the back room, but the cats haven't been out much
  • I've had many cuddles today!
  • My lap is currently very warm 😁
  • Good: woke up early
  • Happy: cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • No high knees; my head said a very painful no
  • Sister visited!
  • That was a delightful surprise!
  • We got maybe 2 inches of snow
  • No biking in that!
  • Cuddles last night
  • And this afternoon!
  • My silly kitten!
  • I'm hoping for an early night; it took much too long to fall asleep last night
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Good: tried a new dish at the restaurant
  • Happy: sister and cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @Anek! I'm very lucky to have them!
  • Basics minus program
  • Jumping was not happening today
  • I think it's the weather that's causing the pain
  • I don't notice it until I jump
  • The snow has fully melted, but it was very cold; biking tomorrow, hopefully!
  • Tried coffee in a moka pot and whew
  • Hoping it's the beans because that was bitter
  • I'm trying the French press tomorrow!
  • I got to sleep half an hour later than I meant to. But it was only half an hour!
  • A wild Nox appears!
  • He's been coming downstairs much more!
  • This is my favorite of Nobu today. Lots of cuddles!
  • Good: doing well with nutrition
  • Happy: cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • All caught up!
  • No biking
  • I probably would have been okay with the temperature, but my headache is still lingering, and I can feel it without jumping today
  • Even if it lingers tomorrow, I'll get out
  • The fresh air can only help!
  • No cuddles yet 😢
  • Didn't crave coffee, so no French press
  • I got to sleep a bit later than I wanted, but woke up on time
  • That's nearly a week in a row!
  • Good: allowed myself a rest day
  • Happy: it's been a quiet day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Bike ride ~1.5 miles
  • Didn't set my watch, and Google maps doesn't count the graveyard lanes as roads, so that's a guestimate
  • Excellent ride, though!
  • I managed all the turns and the incline down the street was easier than ever!
  • All the cats enjoyed the open back room
  • They definitely enjoyed the tuna more!
  • My adorable twins!
  • Nobu cuddled briefly last night, so I'm hoping it'll happen again tonight!
  • Good: I really needed that bike ride
  • Happy: big salad with supper!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • No high knees; I had to rush through things this morning
  • Did get a bike ride in!
  • 1.6 miles, the actual length from yesterday, which I got by remembering my watch today! 😅
  • I should be able to get out tomorrow, it'll just be chilly
  • I got cuddles last night!
  • And then woke to this!
  • Nox was very curious and I got some scritches in, too!
  • Nobu has been the cryptid one today 🤔
  • Good: made a menu for the first time in a while
  • Happy: Nox has come up to me multiple times today!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics minus program
  • Another day of changing weather, another headache
  • No bike, either
  • It didn't get over 10° and I don't go out in that for my health
  • My lungs complain if my heart is going too fast when it's that temperature
  • Colder does mean cuddles, though!
  • I woke up to my seat stealer doing his job, had a lap heater holding off exercising, and he just landed again!
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  • He's so warm!
  • Used the French press!!
  • The beans that were uncomfortably bitter and acidic?
  • Oh, the delight!
  • So yummy!
  • Dad and I are going to experiment with different beans!
  • Good: managed everything but the program
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Caught up on the program
  • No bike ride 😞
  • The wind-chill was about 1° at the warmest
  • Looks like it'll be a week before I can get out again
  • And Nobu hasn't cuddled at all today 😢
  • I got a great stretch last night at least
  • And I think I heard him jumping into my papasan as I fell asleep!
  • It's been a quiet day
  • Good: big salad with supper
  • Happy: I've been getting to bed at a good hour for a week now!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The time I had set aside to exercise was taken by Nobu to cuddle
  • It was absolutely worth it!
  • I did get some walking in while at the store, so there's that
  • My cousin and her son came over for supper
  • Casper sat on his lap, of course
  • That grouch adores kids 🤷‍♀️
  • The twins didn't love the noise, so I had both of them upstairs while trying to brush my teeth
  • My bathroom is very small!
  • But I got to scritch Nox, so I'm happy!
  • Good: great dinner with family
  • Happy: sister is here!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics Yesterday and Today
  • All caught up!
  • It's been a slow, snowy day
  • Not too much has stuck, but it's been plenty cold
  • Nobu has been greatly enjoying the fire
  • He keeps rolling over before moving to his shark to cool off 😅
  • Good: quiet day after some noise
  • Happy: it's been a slow, gentle Monday


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • It seems like he gets longer by the day, @GentleOx!
  • Basics
  • Still fighting a headache, but I pushed through and did the cardio!
  • Nobu cuddled briefly!
  • It may be the first day of spring, but it's still Buffalo
  • Snow is sticking to the lawn; maybe two inches?
  • I fell asleep on the couch last night, for the first time in more than a week
  • Can you blame me??
  • Coffee experiments have me learning I like dark roast, but not smoky flavor
  • Now I get to experiment with beans!
  • Good: pushed through the headache
  • Happy: cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • No high knees due to headache
  • I see Tyler tomorrow, though, and he may be able to help!
  • "Spring" in Buffalo
  • At least it's pretty!
  • I got cuddles last night!
  • Casper was grumbling and this is what I found
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  • Between a rock and a hard place!
  • My sister says I should label the second picture "Soon" 😂
  • Good: big salad with supper
  • Happy: Tyler tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Tyler got some very loud cracks today!
  • And Theo was there!!
  • He was very tired 😂
  • I fell asleep to Nobu at my back, and woke up several hours later to him using my bare arm as a pillow
  • I was chilled and ecstatic!!
  • He's next to me and upset I wasn't sitting in a good cuddle position
  • Mom wanted to start with the Doctor Who reboot, so we're binging that
  • I'm not complaining at all!
  • Good: got to the store
  • Happy: NOBU!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • I took today and am taking tomorrow to do not much of anything
  • It's absolutely lovely!
  • A short holiday while it stays so cold
  • I've not had cuddles, but Nobu has been near me
  • He didn't love me getting his attention 😂
  • Tyler helped me realize that my headaches are from sinus pressure
  • Between some acupressure and medicine, I'm feeling much better!
  • Good: quiet day
  • Happy: enjoying the fireplace for the last time this season


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj! It's been a delightfully quiet day!
  • Basics
  • I almost didn't work out, but pulled myself up and got to it
  • I'm trying to write this and watch Doctor Who at the same time
  • One or the other only 😅
  • Dad let the cats out back and they almost immediately wanted back in
  • No cuddles yet, but I got some last night!
  • Good: exercised
  • Happy: did almost nothing!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • Got out of the house today!
  • Was just a few stores away from my sister's work, so I got to see her!
  • She didn't recognize me at first (sunglasses, mostly) and started the customer service spiel 😂
  • Nobu cuddled last night
  • I wasn't allowed to use my hand 🤷‍♀️
  • It's been a quiet day
  • Good: got outside
  • Happy: saw my sister!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,439
  • Basics
  • It's been a quiet day and I'm not complaining!
  • We opened the back room again and the cats have all been enjoying it
  • I'm hoping for cuddles tonight!
  • (Nobu gave me some last night)
  • If the weather holds, I'll get to use my bike tomorrow!
  • Double fingers crossed 🤞🤞
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: finished the first season of Doctor Who