The Other Side


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Mon, Aug 28, 2023

AM- woke up a little after 6am (PDT) to hazy blue skies, wind out of the north (to bring the smoke back), 68 (F)degrees, and MEDium pollen. Husb and Canoe were up several times in the night. It feels like there is some sort of a *change* in the wind….heading into fall. The temp is forecast in the 100s today, but then cooling down into the 80s and then the 70s over the next 10 days…
  • Desk work: x30 minsβœ…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x20 minsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Kitchen tile grout cleaning: x20 minsβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)βœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • ❌Quilting
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min Flexibility practiceβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Tues, Aug 29, 2023

AM- woke up to thunderstorms in the wee hours and they were still going on at 6ish when I got up. Haze is dense and visibility is reduced to about 5 miles with air quality getting up there, as well.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x30 minsβœ…

  • Grocery shop: x45 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Nap: x2 hoursβœ…
  • DareBee Better Arms, Day 27: 60 sec punches x3 sets= 326βœ…
  • DareBee Better Arms, Day 28: 22 tricep dips x3 setsβœ…
  • Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Wed, Aug 30, 2023

AM- woke up at 5:30 to my big black doggo slithering up onto the bed to snuggleπŸ₯°. Then he left, so, I got up at 6ishπŸ₯΄. Outside is stormy, drizzly, 60 (F)degrees, with LOW MEDium pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x20 minsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…β€¦this is the 10th anniversary of my dear stepdad’s death from cancer on hospice. It was a struggle for our mixed family, as he was the *gorilla glue* that held us all together. Without him, we flew apart by centrifugal force in all diff directions. Nothing helped to keep us from it….πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜©πŸ˜“
  • Kitchen tile grout cleaning: x20 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Convo w/bro in law: x1 hour βœ…
  • DareBee Better Arms, Day 29: 60 sec punches x3 sets=318βœ…
  • DareBee Better Arms, Day 30: 24 tricep dips x3 setsβœ…
  • Prep mother in law apt (bathroomβœ…)for daughter/granddaughter visit this coming weekend
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Reading: 30-40 mins of The Body Keeps the Score (kindle)by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
Fetch stepson to mow etc
  • Dog park: x10 minβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga:


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Thurs, Aug 31, 2023

AM- woke up at 6:15am (PDT) to clouds, a little haze, a little sun, 57 (F)degrees, and LOW pollenπŸ₯³

  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…

  • Dog park: x25 minsβœ…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
  • Town errands: x1 hourβœ…
  • Vacuum, mop, dust lower 2 levels: x90 minsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Doggo walk: x50 minsβœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Fri, Sept 1, 2023

AM- had a lot of trouble getting to sleep, so woke up late at nearly 7am (PDT). Gotta do some final prep work for the girls’ visit today, and I think was/am anxious about that, and how Canoe will greet them after not seeing them since Dec when Boo died. Also, I’ll be going to back down to Portland the day after Labor Day (Mon) to help start granddaughter to middle school!!!!
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x40 minsβœ…
  • Finish prep sleeping area for daughter/granddaughter arrival this afternoonβœ…
  • Dinner prepβœ…
  • ❌Journaling
  • Canoe training session to desensitize to neighbor at fence: x30 minβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 1: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 1: 5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
PM- daughter and granddaughter arrived, yayπŸ₯³πŸ˜ŽπŸ₯°. Canoe was an angel! Of course we used our/his training technique for proper greeting of people he knows, and he was just a squiggly-wiggly messπŸ₯°πŸ«£
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sat, Sept 2, 2023

AM- woke up at nearly 7am (PDT) to hazy, partly cloudy skies, 59 (F) degrees, and LOW pollen😎
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x45 minsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 2: 20 shoulder taps + 10 sec plank hold x3setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 2: 5 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Post-Run Stretchingβœ…

  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)βœ…
  • ❌Quilting

Met with stepmom & her husb for lunch with the girls

  • Canoe ball throwing: x40 minsβœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sun, Sept 3, 2023

AM- woke up late at 7am (PDT) to wind, clouds, 70 (F)degrees, and… hey! There’s no pollen count available🫣
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x50 minsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 3: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 3: 5 setsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Mon, Sept 4, 2023

AM- LABOR DAY; woke up close to 6am (PDT), after going to bed late. The girls are leaving this morning, and then I plan to have a nap.πŸ₯΄Outside is breezy, partly cloudy, 60 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen.

Daughter and granddaughter left right after bkfstπŸ˜•
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x60 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 4: 20 shoulder taps + 10 count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 4: x5 setsβœ…
  • Laundryβœ…
  • Nap: x1+ hourβœ…
  • Prep/pack for tomorrow’s trip to Portlandβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x30 minsβœ…
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 mins Flexibility practiceβœ…
Last edited:


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Tues, Sept 5, 2023

AM- woke up to husb’s alarm at 6am (PDT) after a mediocre night’s sleepπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«. Outside is partly cloudy, hazy, 51 (F)degrees, with LOW-MED pollen.

Travel Day

Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x40 minsβœ…

Left home at 9:50am, arrived in Portland and checked in by 3:45pm

  • Foot soak: x20 minsβœ…
  • Journaling: x15 minsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 5: 30sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 5: 5 setsβœ…
  • Park walk at daughter’s condo: x1.5 milesβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Wed, Sept 6, 2023

AM- woke up at 5am (PDT), having crashed at 9pm last nightπŸ˜€πŸ˜‚. It’s dark outside, but mostly clear and 51 (F)degrees with LOW-MEDium pollen
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 30 reverse plank kicksβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 6: 20 shoulder taps + 10-count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 6: 5 setsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Morning walk: x2 milesβœ…β€¦to/from the hotel/condo/school bus stopπŸ˜…
Noonish- more school prep errands for daughter while she’s working😎

  • Soak feet: x20 minsβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)βœ…
Spent evening at daughter’s condo cooking school day snack and breakfast stuff with granddaughterπŸ₯°πŸ˜Ž


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Thurs, Sept 7, 2023

AM- woke up at 5 again, even tho I couldn’t manage to get sleep until nearly 10:30 last night.πŸ˜’. I need my 8 hours, so this is not the best. After seeing the kiddo onto the bus this morning, I am planning to drive an hour north to check in on my mother in law. And, bring her some groceries and some boxes for packing.
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 7: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 7: 5 setsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Morning walk: 2.5 milesβœ…
Noonish- drive to/from mother-in-law (1 hour north) to check on her. Yikes, she’s really aged since I saw her last, in Feb. Her short term memory is failing at an alarming rate.😩

  • Foot soak: x20 minsβœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
Dinner and evening chores with kiddo while her mom was on a work zoom. Then back to my hotel for the night.


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Fri, Sept 8, 2023

AM- trouble going to sleep again even tho I was super tired. The room above me β€œwelcomed” a new set of customers that sounded like they were stomping around all nightπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
Woke up before 5am, and they were STILL stomping aroundπŸ₯΄. Makes me wonder if *I* sound like that to those below me….πŸ™„However I do try to β€œpad around” as carefully as possible….
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 8: 22 shoulder taps + 12-count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 8: 5 setsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Morning walk: 2 milesβœ…
Noonish- time at condo with daughter while she does home improvement stuff😎. She is way more productive with when I am with her…πŸ₯΄πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

  • Foot soak: x20 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
Spent the evening with the girls having pizza and watching The Lego Movie. It was fun😎πŸ₯°


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sat, Sept 9, 2023

AM- went to bed late last night, due to having a late Friday with the girls. So, woke up this morning when the stomping overhead began, and pried myself out of bed at nearly 7am, when my caffeine-deprived headache demanded I get tf out of bed and drink coffeeπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 9: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 9: 5 setsβœ…
  • Deliver granddaughter to her friend’s birthday partyβœ…
  • Drive to Vancouver storage unit for CL bookcasesβœ…
PM- spent the evening with the girls again after granddaughter returned from a birthday party. We watched The Second Lego MovieπŸ€ͺπŸ˜…
  • Journaling: x15 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sun, Sept 10, 2023

AM- woke up at 6:30am (PDT) to partly cloudy skies, 56 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen. Travel home today.
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 10: 22 shoulder taps + 12-count plank holdβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 10: 5 setsβœ…
AM/Noonish- drive 5+ hours back home

  • Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Mon, Sept 11, 2023…it’s been 22 years since the terrorist attacks on American soilπŸ›©οΈπŸ˜­

AM- woke up at 6:30am (PDT) after a very restless night of light sleep, waking up frequently. There is a ton going on this week, mostly with parentals, so my anxiety level is quite high….πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜°. Outside is partly cloudy, 57 (F)degrees with LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x45 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands βœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 11: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 11: 5 setsβœ…

  • Grocery shopβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
  • Nap: x1.5 hoursβœ…
  • Dog park: x25 minsβœ…
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min restorative practiceβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Journaling
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Tues, Sept 12, 2023

AM- woke up at 6ish to partly sunny skies, 50 (F)degrees and LOW pollen
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x45 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 30 crunch kicksβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 12: 22 shoulder taps+ 12-count plank hold x3setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 12: 5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Doggo trainer here todayβœ…
  • Stepson & gf here for lunchβœ…
  • Nap: x1.5 hoursβœ…
  • ❌Journaling
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Wed, Sept 13, 2023

AM- woke up a little after 6am (PDT) to mostly sunny skies (after the sun came upπŸ™„), 52 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen.

  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x30 minsβœ… in the vacant lot by the groomers’
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 13: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 13: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Garage clean up/vacuum: x45 minsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
Stepson & gf here to mow etc. It’s his 34th birthday, today.

  • Nap: x1.5 hoursβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing/training time: x 40 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Thurs, Sept 14, 2023

AM- woke up around 6ish to hazy sunny skies, 48 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen. After nearly 8 hours of solid sleep, I feel *almost normal,* post travel, finally. Now, I have 2 days to prepare for husb’s stepmom and her friend to arrive enroute to a family visit north of us. Also, today, my dear deceased stepdad would have been 89 years old. He died 10 years ago…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x50 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 2 mins backfists= 150βœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 14: 24 shoulder taps + 14-count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands βœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 14: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)βœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • ❌Doggo walk: husb didπŸ₯³
  • Desk work: x2 hoursβœ…
  • Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Fri, Sept 15, 2023

AM- woke up late at 7am (PDT), after trouble getting to sleep. At least the sky is clear, it’s 51 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x30 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…

  • Outside/inside Living room window washing: x45 minsβœ…
  • Make beds and prep in mother-in-law apt for husb’s stepmom and her friend arrival Satβœ…

  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 15: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 15: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • ❌Journaling
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • Quilting: x30 minsβœ…πŸ₯³
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x40 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sat, Sept 16, 2023

AM- woke up close to 6am (PDT) to clear skies, 54 (F)degrees and LOW pollen. I can definitely feel fall 🍁 is in the air…
  • ❌Grocery shop: husb did; prep for his stepmom, etc
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x30 minsβœ…
  • Visit with neighbors in our yards while Canoe socialized nicelyβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 16: 24 shoulder taps + 14-count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 16: x5 setsβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • Quilting: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Doggo walk: x40 minsβœ…
  • Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sun, Sept 17, 2023

AM- woke up at 4:30am (PDT), high clouds, 57 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen. Husb has been up for hours. I do t think he really slept….and doggo is up and super clingy🫣Ladies are not up yet….
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x45 minsβœ…
Husb’s stepmom and her friend left to continue their road trip…


Husb left for the 5 hour drive to his mom’s…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 17: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 17: x5 setsβœ…
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • Canoe ball throwing: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Journaling
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting:
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Mon, Sept 18, 2023

AM- woke up at 5:30am, to cloudy skies, some haze, 56 (F)degrees, and LOW pollen.
  • Journaling: x30 minsβœ…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x45 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 18: 24 shoulder taps + 14-count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 18: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Vacuum/change sheets in master bedroomβœ…
  • Desk work: x1 hourβœ…
  • Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
  • Quilting: x1.5 hoursβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x30 minsβœ…
  • Foot soak: x20 minsβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)βœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Tues, Sept 19, 2023

AM- woke up at nearly 6:30am (PDT). Outside is cloudy, hazy and 49 (F)degrees with LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x45 minsβœ…
  • Journaling:x10 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 19: 30 sec squats x3 sets
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 19: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Desk work: x30 minsβœ…
  • Negotiating husb’s mom to come live hereπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  • Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Quilting: x1 hourβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)βœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Doggo walk: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Wed, Sept 20, 2023

AM- woke up at 5:30am (PDT) to rain. Alas, I guess we are hitting the Equinox here in a day or so, therefore, I should be expecting rain. But, still….
  • Journaling: x15 minsβœ…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x50 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 20: 26 shoulder taps + 16-count plank hold x 3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 20: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)βœ…
  • Canoe ball throwing: x10 minsβœ…
  • Quilting: x1 hourβœ…
  • Doggo walk: 35 minsβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Thurs, Sept 21, 2023

AM- woke up 6am (PDT) to cloud, wind, 53 (F)degrees and LOW pollen.
Today, I need to be making some contingency plans for Nov, in the event that husb’s mom is actually here with us by then….πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Doggo walk: x45 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 21: 30 sec squats x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT, Day 21: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)βœ…
  • Quilting: x1.5 hoursβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Dog park: 30 minsβœ…
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 mins restorative practiceβœ…
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Fri, Sept 22, 2023

AM- woke up after 5:30am (PDT) to fog, some clouds, 50 (F)degrees and LOW pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x30 minsβœ…
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearmsβœ…
  • Wrist extension/flexionβœ…
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBodyβœ…
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipeβœ…
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punchesβœ…
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both handsβœ…
  • DareBee Challenge: The Miner, Day 22: 26 shoulder taps + 16-count plank hold x3 setsβœ…
  • DareBee Program: 30 Days of LiiT: x5 setsβœ…
  • Foam-rolling back/lower bodyβœ…
  • Journaling: x10 minsβœ…
Noonish- stepson says he was verbally assaulted by a customer last night in the drive thru where he works as a barista, so he is pretty traumatized and won’t be mowing this week. We’ve told him to come over and debrief with us, so he’s got support. Poor kid….why do people have to be such assholes to service providersπŸ˜–
  • Lawn mowing, followed by allergy mitigation: x2 hoursβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams (1931)
  • ❌Quilting
  • Nap: x1 hourβœ…
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Union by Colin Woodard, (2020)
  • Canoe ball throwing: x20 minsβœ…
  • Dog park: x30 minsβœ…
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
Stepson here for dinner and debrief


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Why do people have to hb such assholes? Not just to services providers.
Who ever did that to him was probably frustrated with himself and aspects of his/her own life and took it out on your stepson because he can't really do anything in return.
That's the way the world works I guess.

I hope he'll be okay.
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