The Other Side


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Sat, Sept 17, 2022

AM- woke up after 7am (PDT), having had a ton of trouble sleeping. Last night making salad, I cut off the end of my ring finger. So, there was lots of drama and trauma and then PAIN, that made it difficult to get sleep. Consequently, this is an unplanned REST DAY.


  • Indoor sky diving: x1 hour with my bro in law & granddaughter. This uses lots of core/back and butt muscle, and was really FUN! ✅
  • Walking: x2 miles✅

  • NAP!!✅
Drive bro in law back to train station for his trip home. Another late night..


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Sun, Sept 18, 2022

AM- woke up late again, after another crummy night with a throbbing ring finger. So, it’s another unplanned REST DAY.

  • Grocery shop, + Home Depot shop= some walking: 1 mile✅
• Quilting: x1 hour✅…had to be super careful not to bump my finger to get it bleeding or throbbing again😵‍💫
  • Met up with daughter’s new gf for tea and a little walking= socialing✅
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,155
"Striving to be the change."
Sat, Sept 17, 2022

AM- woke up after 7am (PDT), having had a ton of trouble sleeping. Last night making salad, I cut off the end of my ring finger. So, there was lots of drama and trauma and then PAIN, that made it difficult to get sleep. Consequently, this is an unplanned REST DAY.


  • Indoor sky diving: x1 hour with my bro in law & granddaughter. This uses lots of core/back and butt muscle, and was really FUN!

:approve:I am intrigued!


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Ough... my mind vividly makes an image of that... :panic: I hope your finger heals up soon.. :pose:
It’s pretty rough. It seems to insist on bleeding every day about 5pm:sus: I had my granddaughter change the dressing yesterday and it started all the painful zinging again as if it was freshly chopped. Won’t be doing that again anytime soon!:oops:


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Maybe you move or use it too much during the day? At least the germs are washed out 🤪.

It does get bumped a lot…all day. I’m also taking a dose or two of ibuprofen to add to the pain control, so that reduces effective clotting to some degree….


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Mon, Sept 19, 2022

AM-awake before 6am with a throbbing ring finger again. Nerve regrowth is so awful😖. Granddaughter had the same problem this morning with her healing skinned knee. Too much zinging from exposed nerve endings

  • Quilting: x2 hours✅….does this count as exercise?😤😏So happy I can quilt sans ring finger😂
  • Walking: 2+ miles✅
  • NAP!!✅…I’m seeming to need this to heal up🥴
  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 1, by John Toland✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Tues, Sept 20, 2022

AM- woke up to my alarm at 6am (PDT), and a throbbing finger. I can hardly wait until that is not a daily event😵‍💫
  • Golf ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅…my finger is problematic for this😖
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 squat hold punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 20 reps both directions both hands x3 sets✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅

  • Quilting: x3 hours✅

  • Walking: 2 miles✅
  • Reading: 20 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 1, by John Toland✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Wed, Sept 21, 2022

AM- woke up to my alarm at 6am (PDT), with an ITCHY finger!!! Yay, it’s healing!🥳 I’ve got a breakfast date with my stepsister this morning, which I fully expect her to cancel, as is her history.🙄

Meet up with my step sis for brunch/visit….haven’t seen her in a number of years due to her various hang ups wrt seeing me. She finally showed up, and it was a good time, although her age and debilitation is quite apparent. I’m emotionally exhausted for the day. Too much drama with granddaughter in the last 24 hours, and then this on top of trying to heal my finger😵‍💫

  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 1, by John Toland✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
• Walking: 2 miles✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
The finger sounds horrible :hug: Is it still bleeding?
It oozes a little when it gets bumped really hard, yeah. But, I’m opting out of taking any ibuprofen, so the clotting cascade isn’t affected from that direction, at least. I have it covered with a hydrocolloidal bandaid/dressing, which means any oozing it does is contained and essentially *recycled* into healing protein fluids…also, I can leave it on for a long time, and not keep exposing all my nerve endings to air, etc.


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Fri, Sept 23, 2022

AM- woke up before the 6am alarm, again after a long night of waking every couple hours. My finger is itching & throbbing AND tingling, now! Ugh😖
  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 1, by John Toland✅
  • Golf ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅.. extensions on the floor put too much pressure on my finger, so I’m trying them with my arms out front. Not as effective, but definitely less problematic🥴
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody ✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 20 reps both directions both hands x3 sets✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Walking: 3+ miles✅
  • Quilting: x3 hours✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Sat, Sept 24, 2022

AM- woke up late, but I also went to bed late, after staying up to watch an epi of Boba Fett and then the 2000 claymation movie Chicken Run with granddaughter. Then she went on to do her Friday all-nighter.🙄
  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 1, by John Toland✅
PM- lots of running (aka driving) across town and back for a new Sat activity that daughter had scheduled for the kiddo
  • Quilting: x3 hours✅
  • FaceTime with husb✅… we decided to take every opportunity for this cuz I am gone from home for so long😏
I really can’t say that I did much of anything, except quilt and read. My finger hurt all day and I was crabby. The kiddo was super crabby as well, and seemed unable to do anything except be glued to her iPad. We should have gone outside. It would have helped both of us to get some activity. I will do better tomorrow.


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Sun, Sept 25, 2022

AM- woke to the alarm at 7am (PDT), after a later than I wanted night, bedtime squabble with kiddo, over the need to get to bed. I swear, at 9pm it’s like she hypes up, starts bouncing around and stalling at every opportunity. Meanwhile, at 9pm, I’m turning into a pumpkin and getting witchier by the moment🧙‍♀️😵‍💫

This morning, we are making the one hour north trip to see my mother in law, again. Hopefully, no skinned knees and no fights🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  • ❌Reading
  • ❌Quilting
  • Walking: 2+ miles along the river ✅
PM- drive home, video chat with husb, put up LED tape lights in kiddo’s room, get dinner, watch Boba Fett, shower, go to bed. Whew! Made it🥴😴


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,602
Mon, Sept 26, 2022

AM- woke up to my alarm at 6am (PDT), after trouble falling asleep. I think it was the PM cup of coffee after lunch at mother in law’s. The check engine light came on again in my daughter’s car. So, I’ll be calling the shop today.🙄Finger is super zingy today, but not throbbing, so…yay…?🥴

  • Golf ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 20 reps both directions both hands x 3 sets✅
  • WOD: Square One, 5 sets w/extra credit✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 squat hold punches✅
Noonish- can’t take the car in until Wed🙄

  • Grocery shop✅
  • Car & condo window cleaning✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 1, by John Toland✅

  • Walking: <2 miles✅
Had to take the dressing off my finger today. Damn near keeled over from the ookiness. Since I am a retired nurse, one may wonder why I would be so squeamish. It’s cuz it’s a wound on MY body. I’m fine with others’ blood and guts! But, my own? No sirree!! Anyway, I managed. Showed it to husb via photos. He’s a retired MD. Said it needs to dry out, so only a bandaid for 24 hours. Eeeekk, I struggled with that idea. Just putting it on was terrorizing. But, it seems okay now, thank the gawds!

•Quilting: x1 hour✅
❌Down Dog Yoga