The Other Side


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Mon, May 1, 2023

AM- woke up at 6:30am (PDT), cuddled with Canoodle for a few mins before actually getting up. He’s such a love🥰. Outside is cloudy, 51 (F)degrees, with thunderstorms in the forecast, and MEDIUM pollen🥳
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: 20 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 1: Quick Bodyweight Strength and Power Glutes Circuits, 23 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1.5 hours✅
  • Ball throwing/weeding: x20 mins ✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 35 min Hatha practice✅
  • Doggo walk: x25 mins✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Tues, May 2, 2023

AM- woke up at 6:45am (PDT) to haze, clouds, 50 (F)degrees, and medium-high pollen🫣
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅

Stepson here to mow, etc

  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Elliptical: 2.5 miles in 25 mins✅
  • Reading: 25 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Restorative practice✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x25 mins✅
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Wed, May 3, 2023

AM- woke up late at 6:45am (PDT) to blue hazy sky, 57 (F)degrees, and MEDIUM-HIGH pollen. I was particularly snotty yesterday cuz of all the mowing (neighbors mowed also🙄), so I had me a tiny dose of prednisone. It’s been nearly a month since I had the last dose, so…🤷🏼
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Vacuum main level: x40 mins✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 2: Core Balance and Strength Circuits with Three Round Match or Beat Cardio HIIT, 45 mins✅
  • Desk work: x2+ hours✅
  • Doggo walk: x25 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Thurs, May 4, 2023

AM- woke up late at nearly 7am, after a shitty night of being anxious and wide awake…..outside is hazy, semi-stormy looking, 58 (F)degrees and MEDIUM pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
❌Mobility- time constraint with friend lunch

  • Lunch with an old friend✅…several hours😵‍💫
  • ❌Elliptical…ran out of time😵‍💫
  • Doggo walk: x35 mins✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 35 min restorative practice✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • Reading: 12 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Fri, May 5, 2023

AM- woke up at 5:45am (PDT) after sleeping hard….Outside is cloudy, 51 (F)degrees and LOW pollen🥳. It rained over night, which always helps flush that shit out of the air😎
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD- 50 side kicks✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: 5 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • FB Strong Runner program, Day 3: Time Under Tension Lower Body Strength Circuits with Bodyweight Intermissions, 45 mins✅
  • Doggo walk:
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sat, May 6, 2023

AM- woke up at 6:15am (PDT) to a black slithering doggo oozing up onto the bed to cuddle🥰 Outside is mostly cloudy, 51 (F)degrees, with MEDIUM pollen.😎
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Pick up Walmart grocery order ✅
  • Elliptical: 2.92 miles in 30 mins ✅
  • Reading: 30 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min Restorative practice✅
  • Doggo walk: x50 mins✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • Quilting: x1.5 hours✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sun, May 7, 2023

AM- woke around 6am (PDT), snuggled with Canoodle for a few mins before actually getting up😂. Such a sweet boy🥰. Outside is mostly sunny, 49 (F)degrees, feels like 47, with MEDIUM-HIGH pollen.

Husb due to be home later this afternoon, so I wanna get the grass mowed…
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Lawn mowing: x2 hours✅…followed by allergy mitigation measures🥴
  • Long phone convo with daughter ✅
  • Husb arrived home after 3 week road trip✅🥳🥰
  • Doggo walk: x25 mins✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Mon, May 8, 2023

AM- woke up earlier than I would have wanted, at 5:45am (PDT), for no particular reason….outside, it is partly cloudy, 47 (F)degrees with MEDIUM pollen😎

  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Reading: 20 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • Doggo to vet for annual stuff✅
  • FB Strong Runner program, Day 4: Quick & Low Impact Cardio Intervals, 30 mins✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x 50 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Tues, May 9, 2023

AM- woke up around 6am (PDT), to partly cloudy skies, 46 (F)degrees feels like 43, and LOW-MEDIUM pollen😎🥳
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Dinner prep✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: X reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Elliptical: 3.53 miles in 35 mins ✅
  • Reading: 35 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Yin practice✅
  • Pick up farm store veggies✅. A neighbor grabbed them and brought them by😎
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Wed, May 10, 2023

AM- woke up just before 6am by Canoodle slithering up to cuddle🥰

Outside is hazy but sunny, 44 (F)degrees feels like 41, with MEIUM-HIGH pollen😵‍💫

  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 5: Upper Body Strength with Push Intervals, 40 mins✅


  • Reading: 20 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Thurs, May 11, 2023

AM- woke up just after 6am (PDT) with SUPER scratchy eyes; it feels like I gravel in them😵. All of the allergy things have now been used/applied, so I am waiting for it all to work. It would prolly help if I could cry…..

Outside is sunny/hazy, 48 (F)degrees with medium-high pollen😎😛

Stepson is coming over to see his dad, and Canoe has Spa Day🥳🤩
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Doggo to/from Spa✅
  • Visit step mom✅
  • Stepson here for long visit✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
So….it was an unplanned REST DAY, I guess…🥴🤩
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Fri, May 12, 2023

AM- woke up at 6am (PDT) to blue sky with haze on the horizon, 50 (F)degrees, and HIGH pollen🤧😷
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • FB Strong Runner program, Day 6: Bored Easily Cardio Workout - Lower Body & Core Cardio (with low impact mods), 30 mins✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min Restorative practice✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 min✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sat, May 13, 2023

AM- woke up at 5:30am (PDT) to sun and a bit of wind. Outside is slightly hazy, 52 (F)degrees with MED-HIGH pollen🫣😷
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: X reps both directions both hands✅
  • Elliptical: 3.51 miles in 35 mins✅
  • Reading: 35 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
Stepson here to mow, etc

  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Restorative practice✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
  • ❌Doggo walk…too hot and windy


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sun, May 14, 2023

AM- woke up at 6am (PDT) to sun, wind, 63 (F)degrees, and HIGH pollen🤩😵‍💫


  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Brunch with stepmom/husb, my husb, my younger brother and my stepson: x2 hours✅
  • Nap: x2 hours✅…super tired from wind exacerbating my allergies😵‍💫🥱
  • Reading: 10 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅
  • Reading: 5 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Doggo walk…too hot: 🥵90 (F)degrees🥵
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Mon, May 15, 2023

AM- Woke up before 6am (PDT) when Canoe slithered up onto the bed to cuddle🥰. Outside is partly cloudy and rain just started😵‍💫It’s already 63 (F)degrees with medium-high pollen. It’s due to be in the 90s today.🥵

This is really difficult: I am holding off on coffee until I get my fasting lab work drawn at 7:30…🫣😨
  • Fasting labs drawn✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk….too hot by the time I got home, had coffee😵‍💫
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 8: 360 Degree Glute Activation Workout with Bands and Dumbbells, 30 mins✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • Pool play: x30 mins✅. To cool off the doggo😎🏖️🌺
  • Reading: 20 pages of The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper✅ = DONE
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Tues, May 16, 2023

AM- woke up to a thunder storm just before 6am (PDT). It’s raining, 65 (F)degrees with MEDIUM-HIGH pollen…🤧Always glad to get some rain to flush the pollen out of the air
  • Doggo walk: x50 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBod✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Yard Clean up: x10 mins✅
Stepson here to mow etc

Now it’s raining. A LOT🙄

  • Elliptical: 3.5 miles in 35 mins✅
  • Reading: 35 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Restorative practice✅
  • Vacuum main level: x45 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Wed, May 17, 2023

AM- woke up with a splitting headache just before 6am (PDT) as Canoe was slithering up to cuddle. Outside is hazy (or foggy?) but sun is behind all that, 60 (F)degrees, and Med-High pollen🤧
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x50 mins✅
  • Dinner prep: x15 mins✅
  • Vacuum bedroom level: x20 mins ✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Elliptical: 2.0 miles in 17 mins✅. I was going for speed and killed it🥳
  • Reading: 17 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 9: Exercise Ball Core Add-on (to a quick run)Workout, 18 mins✅
  • Desk work: x2 hours✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • ❌Doggo walk…too hot🥵
  • Pool play w/ doggo: x45 mins ✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Thurs, May 18, 2023

Mt St Helens Day (May 18, 1980), it blew ash all over the PNW and into several other states. Massive devastation…..I was a junior in high school on a weekend trip in Seattle from my home in Portland.

Woke up around 6am today, to blue but hazy sky, 57 (F)degrees and Medium-High pollen….
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • Doggo walk: x50 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Elliptical: 2.79 miles in 28 mins ✅
  • Reading: 28 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 30 min Restorative practice with quad stretches✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x1 hour✅ with pool play to cool off doggo🏖️
  • ❌Doggo walk…too hot🥵


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Fri, May 19, 2023

AM- woke up before 6am (PDT) to more smoky haze than yesterday😩

I heard the wild fires in Alberta are the source of the smoke. This is May, and we are already on fire, here in North America….😵‍💫
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 side kicks ✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 10: Lower Body Strength Workout with Push Intervals, 40 mins✅
  • Nap: x45 mins✅
  • Long phone convo with daughter: x60 mins✅…wrt her visit/check-in at mother in law’s house today.
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Pool play time: x30 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: too hot for an actual walk. But, we made brief visits to our neighbors on each side to provide a bag of doggo treats for them to help me desensitize Canoe as they approach our fence. He’s gotten quite nippy since we installed it, and we need to fix that….😵‍💫🫣
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sat, May 20, 2023

AM- woke up before 6, as Canoe slithered up to cuddle🥰 Actually GOT up around 7am (PDT). Outside is quite smoky/hazy, 70 (F)degrees, with Med-high pollen. Oof😷
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • In town errands✅
  • Desk work✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 45 mins Hatha practice with flexibility focus✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: did back yard pool play instead x30 mins, due to 90 (F)degree heat✅🥵


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Mon, May 22, 2023

AM- woke up just after 6:30am (PDT), to sunny CLEAR skies🥳, 51 (F)degrees and MED-HIGH pollen. The wind shifted yesterday and is now coming out of the south, so the fire smoke has cleared off a bit, yay🥳
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x20 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅. Followed by massive doggo barf when we got home😵‍💫🤯😩
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 front kicks ✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 11: Total Body Bored Easily Cardio, 27 mins✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: 20 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Tues, May 23, 2023

AM- awake at 4:30, but managed to stay in bed until 5:30am (PDT)😓. Last week my bro in law said he would be over from the west side today. I haven’t heard from him since then. So, I am having all sorts of anxiety about whether he is coming or not, because of our very anxious doggo and his reaction to visitors….***Sigh***. 🙄

Outside is partly cloudy and MUCH cooler, at 47 (F)degrees with MED-HIGH pollen🫣
  • Doggo walk: x50 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
Husb just left for the 5 hour drive to his mom’s. She called this morning feeling very scared due to confusion and asked him to come…..😨
Turns out, bro in law has Covid, so we are having a good timing day😤

  • Elliptical: 33.52 miles in 35 mins ✅
  • Reading: 35 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Restorative practice✅
  • Already planned town errands✅
  • Quilting: x45 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Wed, May 24, 2023

AM- woke up at 6 with Canoe slithering up to cuddle🥰. Got up at 6:30am (PDT). Outside is partly cloudy, 50 (F)degrees feels like 46 (we are back to winds from the north, boooo!), and Med-High pollen
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • FB Strong Runner, extra credit Day 12: Quick Upper Body Strength Workout, 12 mins✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 12: Single Dumbbell Upper Body Strength Circuits with Core EMOM Finisher, 37 mins✅
  • Quilting: x2hours✅
  • Doggo walk: 35 mins✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga

Husb says mom is feeling too vulnerable to stay alone so he’s staying another day, after all….


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Thurs, May 25, 2023

AM- woke up late at nearly 6:30am (PDT), to partly cloudy skies, 55 (F)degrees, and Med-High pollen😵‍💫
  • ❌Yard Clean up: stepson here to mow, etc
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅

Dog park visit after dropping stepson to his house

  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Elliptical: 2.13 miles in 20 mins ✅
  • Reading: 20 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 40 min Hatha practice for flexibility✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Fri, May 26, 2023

AM- woke up at 5, made myself go back to sleep until Canoe slithered up onto the bed at 7am (PDT). Outside is windy, mostly sunny, 66 (F)degrees and MED-HIGH pollen😵‍💫
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB Strong Runner, extra credit Day 13: Bodyweight Balance Workout to Improve Proprioception and Coordination, 17 mins✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 13: Energizing & Restorative Cardio& Stretch, 25 mins✅
PM- husb arrived back home in one piece from his mom’s; says her cognitive decline has accelerated since she fell last week.
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x40 mins✅
  • ❌Opt Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sat, May 27, 2023

AM- fit-full sleep cuz husb was not sleeping due to anxiety wrt his mom…after several awakenings and a Canoe monster wedging his huge self in between us, I got up at 6:45 am (PDT). Outside is hazy again, dammit, with high clouds, 56 (F)degrees and MED-HIGH pollen.
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk

  • Down Dog Yoga: 45 mins Hatha with flexibility practice✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Long phone convo with daughter following her visit to husb’s mom to check in✅…she is only an hour from mom, and we are 5 hours from mom, so she offered to help with this🥰🥳
  • Reading: 10 pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Sun, May 28, 2023

AM- woke up just before 6am (PDT) when Canoe was slithering up to cuddle🥰. Outside is hazy, but sunny, 55 (F)degrees and Med-High pollen😎
  • Doggo walk: x50 mins✅
  • Fighting Cancer: EotD— 200 punches✅
  • FB Strong Runner, Day 14: Power Yoga Flow for Hip Strength and Release, 40 mins✅…and DONE!
  • Desk work: x1 hour✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Mon, May 29, 2023

AM- woke up after 6:30am (PDT) to less haz, more pollen, sun, and 55(F)degrees. Dunno how much I can get done today, as we are expecting a friend of my husb’s and his gf here for the day/evening and tomorrow. I am projecting positivity to Canoe for his “welcome” of them to be nice😵‍💫😅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
PM- dinner out with the company. Canoe spent most of the visit in his crate. He seems happier there and if everyone ignores him🙄
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Tues, May 30, 2023

AM- woke up late after a late night getting to bed. Head is spitting for need of coffee😖. Outside is sunny, with a little haze, 56 (F)degrees, and Med-Higher pollen🤧

Friends are coming back this morning for breakfast before they head home. I’ll be going out to walk with Canoe when they get here😎
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • ❌Mobility
  • ❌Elliptical: 30-40 mins
  • ❌Reading: 30-40 mins of The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD
  • Doggo walk: x35 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,357
Wed, May 31, 2023

AM- woke at nearly 6:30am (PDT), to sun and a little haze, 55 (F)degrees, and Med-High pollen. So glad for no company today😵‍💫Canoe managed with our friends, but, I kept him muzzled when he was not in his crate. He would happily go back to his crate after about 5 mins of attention. After 5 mins he would start to poke with his nose, and would get incrementally more nippy thru the muzzle. I’d ask him if he was ready to go back to his crate and off he went, settled in and waited there for the next outing! It was cute.🥰
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x45 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FB random workout: High-Intensity Strength Training to Increase Metabolic Rate, 35 mins
  • Down Dog Yoga: 25 min Restorative practice✅
  • Nap: x1 hour✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of American Nations by Colin Woodard
  • ❌Quilting
  • Doggo walk: x35 mins✅
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