very fat i wanna get a perfect body


New member
Posts: 3

I am flare I am 16y and my weight is around 90+kgs kindly tell me the best fat burner I am ready to do it no matter how hard it is out but I can't do push-ups and pull-ups such things. I feel very shame about these thing .. please can you tell me the best workout plan in 30 days please


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Perhaps start by reading this article, so you will have the clearest ideas :)


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Posts: 55
To lose weight you need to burn more than you eat. So have a calorie deficit, say 15%
Also try to be active, it is more important than the exercise .
The zero hero seems to be ok for you, or try the foundation program.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Amazon from Miami, FL
Pronouns: She, her
Posts: 52
"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
I lost 60 pounds through portion control, I couldn’t stick to a strict diet so I started drinking more water, and eating 3 fresh fruits every day which really helped me be less hungry.

If I wanted a burger I’d have it but without the fries and coke, I had baby carrots and water w/lime instead. If I wanted a chocolate chip cookie I had it, but instead of buying a whole bag I bought just one and I had it with an apple or banana and a cup of almond milk.

It took a while but I like vegetables now, my go-to is baked chicken, red potatoes, and frozen mixed veggies. But if you don't like to cook you can get a rotisserie chicken, a salad kit, and multi-grain bread.

Good luck!
