Hello there! We have moved! And this is our new home 
If you are new to the DAREBEE community, welcome aboard!
If you had an account and a personal log in the previous forum, you need to register again and move all your stuff here, manually. You can find your old profile and your log back here: hive.darebee.com
Why manual transfer? Simply put, the transfer of data had to be done by professional web developers and due to the size of our database it would cost us over $20,000 to do that. DAREBEE doesn’t have that kind of money so we are trying to do everything ourselves here and, hopefully, with your help, we can get the new Hive up and running in no time.
If you have any problems or questions, post them below.

If you are new to the DAREBEE community, welcome aboard!
If you had an account and a personal log in the previous forum, you need to register again and move all your stuff here, manually. You can find your old profile and your log back here: hive.darebee.com
Why manual transfer? Simply put, the transfer of data had to be done by professional web developers and due to the size of our database it would cost us over $20,000 to do that. DAREBEE doesn’t have that kind of money so we are trying to do everything ourselves here and, hopefully, with your help, we can get the new Hive up and running in no time.
If you have any problems or questions, post them below.