Journey onward


Fighter from Denver, Colorado
Pronouns: She her
Posts: 10
Quick introduction to who I am:
I used darebee for years but haven't been on for 6 or so years???
I was a martial artist and had my first Muay Thai fight when I was on here last. Since then a lot has changed. By alot I mean ALOT!
Which includes getting out of shape. šŸ™ˆ
But I realize the importance of maintaining my physical health so im returning here to encourage myself again.
So HI guys!
My old account was simply Candace.
Right now I'm starting ridiculously small (at least form what I was doing) I'm just choosing daily workouts I can do in 30 minutes for now. No real regiment yet. And I'm not back onto martial arts because I have my 3rd ACL tear.


Fighter from Denver, Colorado
Pronouns: She her
Posts: 10
This morning I did the Ninja Assassin on level 2. Then I decided to pick up a challenge. I'm doing Epic Glutes because it seems like a good core boost.
I'm not gonna lie its a hit on your pride when you use to train 4 hours a day and now 30 minutes seems a bit hard.

On another note I work as a memory care coordinator at a senior living facility. I lead excerise with my residents daily and I have been utilizing all the darebee chair work outs with them! However they are hard to find even when I type in wheelchair or sitting ect.... so if any of you have a link to any of them give it yo me and I'll see if I already have that one. This morning I'm gonna do the seated warrior with them. šŸ˜

Hope you guys have an amazing day!


Fighter from Denver, Colorado
Pronouns: She her
Posts: 10
Hi, there are two collections with seated workouts:
Seated Workout Collection and Sofa Workouts.
In the books section i would check the office workouts and fitness over 60.
When searching among the workouts you get probably most if you only type "seat".
Hope this helps and you and the seniors have fun moving. What an important job you are doing!
Prefect! Thank you! I didn't find any of that!


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,404
"ā€œKeep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.ā€ Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone."
On the epic glutes challenge all of them say 10 count hold. Does that mean I do a ten count hold on every rep??? Or hold for 10 on last rep???
Hold for 10 on last rep :) otherwise it becomes exhausting ;)


Fighter from Denver, Colorado
Pronouns: She her
Posts: 10
Hold for 10 on last rep :) otherwise it becomes exhausting ;)
Yeah. I figured bc holding on each one would be tedious as all get out. And loooong....

So yesterday I did chair boxing with my residents. Someone voiced a concern that it was teaching them violence. šŸ™„
People really have a misconception that martial arts teaching you how to kick Someone's tushie.
I explained the benefits as not only physical but cognitive as well. I mentioned that only Someone that wanted to be violent would use it violently but that it had NOTHING to do with throwing some hand combos from their chair.
The residents loved it and even giggled through the "harder" combos. (Harder meaning 4 punch combos because most of them are in the middle stages of Alzheimer's and Dementia )