696 Days


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Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 09.12.2022

1. Boxing: 40 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
2. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
3. 4 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 13 minutes.

❤️Boxing: This was ok today. I wasn't really in the mood to do it but did it anyway. The music helped.

Notes: Work was rough after vacation and the Broncos lost on MNF. Not great day to say the least.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
 Friday 09.16.2022
6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 49 minutes.

Notes: Sick day for our yearly physicals and bloodwork. Scott's bloodwork was normal. Mine was normal except for my lipid panel. I was surprised and pissed off to see that my cholesterol numbers got worse instead of better. I made a lot of positive changes to my diet since last year's test. THIS is where my frustration comes in. Honestly, though, we eat too much candy/cookies. Although Scott's cholesterol is great and he eats it too. Anyway, I didn't talk to the nurse when she called. They tried to put me on meds last year so I could only imagine what they had in mind this time. I sent a message through the portal saying wanted to to redo the test in 6 month before turning to meds. I feel like this is my last chance to get my shit together. In other news, we got our flu shots. Scott feels fine but my arm hurts and my HR is elevated.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 09.17.2022
1. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
2. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
3. 8 mile walk outside. 2 hours and 28 minutes.
4. Moving Mango: Day 4: Cosmos | FULL BODY CIRCULATION ‐ 21 Days of Bloom - Pilates to plant Trust.

❤️Boxing: This was rough...between my arm and my headache. Ouch.
❤️Walk: Not what we planned but at least we got our 8 miles in.
❤️MM: It had some tough spots but it wasn't bad.

Notes: The flu shot is weirdly kicking my ass. I woke up with a headache and my arm was sore. We were supposed to go to the Ponds today but since I felt so shitty, we did the walk here. I felt better after walking the first 4 (plus I took some Ibuprofen) so we did the second 4. In honor of the Statin Avoidance Program, I had a Clif Duo bar (smaller with less sugar and less fat than a normal Clif bar) instead of Oreos for a snack. Also, I need to get more serious about my workouts and lose some weight. Menopause makes weight loss harder but I am done with excuses. In other news, we did some laundry.😺
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 09.18.2022
1. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
2. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
3. March step variations: 5 min (3 times throughout the day during football
4. 1+ mile walk outside. 18 minutes.

❤️Boxing: This was ok today.

Notes: This was a weird football Sunday. I woke up with a headache that went away quickly but then came back later. I have to admit I was thrown off by the forum movement here. I am working on saving my old data. I wasn't focused on the early games at all but did see some late game comebacks. The Broncos won but they looked like shit. Their new coach looks clueless. I felt little off again. SAP: No cookies again. In fact, no snack at all. Not that Sundays are a great food day for me but at least I not adding to it.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 09.19.2022
1. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
2. Boxing: 40 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. 4 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 11 minutes .

Boxing: Kick-ass but tiring workout. I created some new combos and rocked out to the music.🔥🥊
❤️Walk: Brutal. Too warm.

Notes: Today was rough (work, the walk). SAP: I brought almonds back into my life. Yay! And speaking of statins, the nurse replied to message in the portal. The doc said to do the tests in 3 months, not 6 months. Whatever. My numbers aren't that bad. In other news, there were 2 games on last night and one started at 5:15 so we went out early for our walk. Too hot. In other (shitty) news, my mom is sick. At least she is so far testing negative for COVID.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 09.20.2022
1. Hard Reset Cardio Day 1 (20 minutes of run/walk intervals on the treadmill)
2. Heather Robertson Day 13: TOTAL ABS Workout.
3. Jessica Valant Pilates: 10 Minute Full Body Workout ‐ No Repeats!
4. YWA: Day 24 ‐ Process | MOVE ‐ A 30 Day Yoga Journey
5. 4 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 12 minutes

❤️HRC: Dist = 1.58 mi, AHR = 167 , Rating = 5. Hard. I pushed it today. HR was high but new sports bra worked great.
❤️HR: Short but tough. Modifications were necessary.
❤️JVP: This wasn't hard but she talks a lot.
❤️YWA: Ugh...the balancing flow in this one was really tough.

Notes: I overdid it with the intervals. HR too high and my knees felt weird later. HR was really hard. My core is weak. My mom felt worse today and my dad was nauseous. My dad tested negative for COVID. My mom tested positive Wednesday morning. 😿
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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Hope your mom has an easy time with it. I was really scared for my mom when she got covid this year, she is immunocompromised and my parents forgot to get boosted because of some life stuff that was going on, but she got put on that paxlovid med right away and barely had any symptoms. I'd been really worried about her catching it but it turned out alright, I hope it does for your mom too.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 09.22.2022
1. Hard Reset Cardio Day 2 (Get Fit With Rick: 80's Rock | Indoor Walking Exercise| Mood Rock Music Workout)
2. Heather Robertson Day 14: LEGS & BICEPS Workout
3. Two Birds Yoga: 20 Minute Slow Flow to De-stress and Unwind
4. 4 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 9 minutes

❤HR (GFWR): I am still not great with the steps but better than last time. This is fun though.
❤️HR: I didn't do all the reps that Heather did but I still got a good workout in.
❤️TBY: This seemed fine. I just don't find download dog relaxing.
❤️Walk: In the 50s and rainy. Gross.

Notes: As stated above, my mom tested positive for COVID. She and 3 of her friends got home from Nashville on Friday. She got sick Monday, tested positive Wednesday. Friend 2 was feeling sinusy on trip but tested negative when she got home. Tested Wednesday after my mom's test. Tested positive. Friend 3 has no symptoms. Tested Wednesday, tested negative. But she also had it in June/ July. Friend 4 is sinusy and REFUSES to test...even though her husband is a transplant patient. I have opinions about Friend 4. Fuck COVID.

In other news, I did all my planned afternoon workouts this week instead of opting to walk the extra couple of miles in lieu of the workout. Of course, Wednesday was easy because I didn't want to walk 4 miles in yesterday's weather let alone 6😼


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 09.22.2022
1. Hard Reset Cardio Day 3.
2. Heather Robertson Day 15: 30 Minute CARDIO WORKOUT Workout
3. Moving Mango: QUICK & EASY PILATES WORKOUT FOR TRAVELING ☀️| 10 Minute Low Impact No Equipment
4. YWB: Gentle Yoga in Bed! | 30 Day Yoga Challenge | Day 24
5. 4 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 11 minutes

❤️HRC: This was harder than it looked. Plus, I still had DOMS from Heather's ab workout on Tuesday. 🙀
❤️HR: This was hard and I needed some breathers.
❤️MM: I had something else planned but I ran out of time. This worked though.
❤️YWB: I had something else planned but I needed my gentle favorite.
❤️Walk: Chilly and gloomy but no rain.

Notes: Parental COVID update above. I am feeling grateful my mom is doing OK and my dad hasn't caught it. I am also feeling sore. Mega-DOMS from the deadlifts in Heather's Wednesday workout.🙀

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
❤️TBY: This seemed fine. I just don't find download dog relaxing.

I've been practising yoga for ~ a quarter century now, and I still find the whole "down dog is a resting pose" nonsense to be bizarre.
Sure, if the alternative is doing an endless flow of vinyasas, holding down dog for 5 breaths is a bit of a break from that. It's an easier pose (for most people) to hold than plank or 4-limbed staff. But holding downward facing dog pose is not resting. It just isn't.

Yoga instructors say a lot of silly things. I think in part just because we talk a lot. If enough words spill out of your mouth, eventually some of them are going to come out goofy.
Unfortunately, there is also a tendency amongst yoga teachers to just repeat things they have heard other teachers say without first making the effort to assess their validity (or even to understand them, in some cases)--especially if that other teacher is someone they consider to be their "guru". The whole "down dog is a resting pose" myth is especially problematic because it makes practitioners who don't find the pose particularly easy think they are doing it "wrong".

Downward facing dog is an inversion (your head is lower than your heart in the pose) in which we are placing significantly more weight on our arms than most people's shoulders are accustomed to bearing in their day-to-day activities while the whole backside of the body is stretched and the arms are elevated overhead. If you don't find that "relaxing" it means you are a human and you have a human body.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 09.23.2022
1. Hard Reset Cardio Day 3. Level 3, no rest.
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos:
3. YWB: Restorative Yoga For Deep Sleep and Relaxation | 30 Days of Yoga
4. 6 mile walk outside. 1 hour and 45 minutes.

❤️HR: The kicks were rough because I still had deadlift DOMS. The were pretty crappy form too.
❤️Boxing: This was a slog. My kicks with session sucked too.
❤️YWB: Nice session that I am sure would felt better if I wasn't sore.
❤️Walk: Nice weather. Split into 2 walks.

Notes: My mom is feeling better. She's bored. My dad has no symptoms. Work was shitty...had a huge head/neckache that required ibuprofen. I got the crap working before EOD.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,408
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday night I was just about to update my log for Saturday, giving a good COVID report for my parents. I talked to them Saturday morning. My mom was feeling normal and my dad still had no symptoms. Then, I talked to my dad Sunday night. He started feeling like shit Saturday and they both tested positive Sunday. As of last night, my mom is still feeling normal. My dad sounded better. I think he had a small fever Monday (he didn't take his temperature but had the chills). The chills were gone by the time I talked to him though. On top of everything else, his back is so bad he can barely move. 😿