90 Days


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Ranger from West Virginia, United States
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That's a good feeling, isn't it?!

Happy Way To Go GIF by ConEquip Parts


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
That's a good feeling, isn't it?!

It is!

Thank you, Wolf Dreamer.

On we go:


Fighter Plan: Combat Day. Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge, circuit 2, week 1, session 2.

Boxer Challenge: High knees and punches.

Exercise of the Day: side plank hold.

Power HIIT Day 5.

Nico Marie Yoga, vinyasa.


Exercise of the Day: back leg lifts.

Power HIIT Day 6.

Run: 3.4km, untimed.

Nico Marie Yoga, vinyasa.

Boxer Challenge: Push ups and punches.

It's all going OK.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Just wrote a long post that I lost!

All is going well. I'm up to date. I had a very busy day today after missing a couple of things yesterday.

I've still done exercise, yoga, and meditation every day.

I did Park Run yesterday and got another personal best for 5k 23:49.

Because this is all new I haven't really hit any plateaus yet.

Thank you bees. X


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Monday was football, yoga, Boxer Challenger, exercise of the day, Power HIIT.

Yesterday I had a less good day. A friend came round and I didn't plan my time very well. I did exercise of the day, Boxer Challenge, and a 5-minute yoga.

So, I've swapped days in my Fighter Programme: today is now Thursday, yesterday was Wednesday, and tomorrow is Tuesday!

So today is so far:

Fighter programme, HIIT. I've done a Fitness KayKay video off YouTube (30-minute kickboxing HIIT). I have really enjoyed her videos. I couldn't do every move in this one, which included (effectively) 1-armed burpees! Very enjoyable and sweaty.

Exercise of the Day: sumo squat hold.

Boxer Challenge: high knees and punches.

Still to come: 2 days of Power HIIT, 2 yoga classes, and maybe a run.


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Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
I know right, @Maegaranthelas!

She does a lot of an exercise she calls a "ranger", which I think Darebee calls a "plank jump out". This was the one-armed version and it was too much for me.

I continued yesterday to do a couple of days of Power HIIT and a single Nico Marie vinyasa class.


Posts: 7
Hi @colin ,

I'm a little late to the party, just wanted to reply to your struggles with goal setting being ADHD myself 😊

For me, routines are the life hack. Starting out with microhabits and then moving up from that. To me, establising the routine is the most important - and sticking to it. Most days I have these thoughts "Oh well, I'll do it tomorrow" and I know: "Nope, you won't if you break it now. And the day thereafter and your routine's completely broken ..."

I started with a really easy routine, 1 Darebee program and only 1 Set rather than 3 🤭 This was 4 months ago. Now I'm onto 2 programs (4 and 2 sets) + 2 challenges.

I started working out first thing in the morning and added the second training in the evening after 2 months only, right before bed, either before or after brushing my teeth. So my triggers are: Workout out of bed, workout before getting into my bed 🤣

It works for me, possibly routines can help you with sticking to your habits and goals in becoming fitter as well 😊💪


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Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Thank you vivviv that's very good advice. I'll add it to my thoughts on ADD.

Tuesday's badness kinda expanded a bit but I feel back on track today.

Yesterday I did enough (Boxer Challenge, exercise of the day, Power HIIT, Yoga) to keep up my streak, but I didn't feel up to doing the combat workout from the Fighter Plan.

I've done that this morning along with the pacer steps for exercise of the day. That leaves Boxer, Power HIIT, yoga, and a full-body strength exercise) to do for the rest of the day.

I've done a Welsh session, and meditated. I'm finding meditation hard at the moment as it's visualisations and, well, I can't do it! I read recently that when some people are asked to "picture an apple" they do actually sort of see an apple in their mind. I'm one of the ones who doesn't. It's made this frustrating.

All good though. All good.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,158
Instead of "seeing" can you smell, touch/feel, hear, taste ? Not that it's very important , I am sure you can find other meditation paths that help ; but I used visualisation quite a bit when I was in the hospital, and for visualisation, for exemple of the beach at St Malo, I'd call on all my sense - of course there's all the rocks and forts and ships to see, but also I can hear the waves, feel the sand cold and firm under my feet, feel the cool wind on my skin, and the smell... The unique smell... An apple, can you smell its fruity smell? feel the skin - either the slightly rough ones, or the smooth ones, feel the crispness or more softness under the tooth, taste the tartness or sweetness... Hope it may help.


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Bard from The Netherlands
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"I sing and I know things"
I also do not visualise things =D There's many of us!
I believe I heard it referred to as aphantasia, and that about 10% of the population has it to greater or lesser extent.

I have not so far been able to stick with a guided meditation, as it's usually either visualisations or body-scan.
And it's really not restful to catalogue the chronic pain you'd been successfully ignoring :chuckle:
I do better listening to soothing music and directing my thoughts back to that when they drift.

I hope you find a method that works well for you soon =)


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Thank you PSW and Maega. I've passed through the visualisation lessons now and on to Loving Kindness. The meditation that has always worked best for me in the long term has been breath focus. After the next 10 days on Balance I'll have completed their foundation programme, which covers learning skills. After that I hope I can settle into a regular pattern of my own. I've found Balance useful largely as a means to give me some structure as I get started, and to remind me to sit down every day.

I've not done so well in updating my thread here. And supporting other Bees. I do apologise for that, I'm not really on top of the new forum yet.

So, without updating everything, I'm up to date with everything I committed to doing:

Yoga every day.
Exercise every day.
Meditate every day.
Welsh lesson every day.
Don't use the Hell Site.

Currently that's Darebee Fighter programme. Montrait Muay Thai 90-day Challenge. DarebeeBoxer Challenge. Darebee Power HIIT. Black Yogi Nico Marie vinyasa classes.

I'll be at the end of my play list of Nico Marie yoga classes fairly soon.

The main challenge I face is the obvious one. Everything I'm doing is progressively getting harder. So, I'm working quite close to the edge of what I can manage. Montrait and Boxer Challenge sometimes have extra rests in. I can't always do everything in Nico Marie's yoga classes either - crow pose, for example.

More generally, I'm a little isolated at the moment. My partner works away a lot and (because her work has been going well this year, so that's a plus!) is travelling a lot at the moment. From the middle of November she's out of the country for 6 weeks. When I found a new job, my motivation was to have some real-life interaction. Unfortunately, my employer is currently without premises so I'm working from home all the time. We've moved house to a small village from a big city... This is a challenge.

But it's all still going very well. I'm very lucky I know. Love and support to all Bees with much more challenging circumstances. x

I think I'm possibly in the best physical shape of my adult life at the moment.

I've had some long-term fitness goals for a while. They are:

To do the Al Kavadlo Century - 40 squats, 30 press ups, 20 hanging knee raises, 10 pull ups. This is a fair way off. I can do 40 squats. I might, on a good day in a couple of weeks time, be able to do 30 press ups. I bought a pull-up bar a few months ago. I don't use it very much and I can't do a pull up (I had a couple of back and shoulder injuries).
To Run up the Hill that is Not a Mountain. That's only 3km, but it's a 197-metre climb. I have tried to approach it and have got about half way up. I think this a very do-able for me, but I'll probably wait until next spring to really start working on it - the Hill that is Not a Mountain is often very wet. All of my running involves some climbing because of where we live, so if I keep that up to any extent I should get better.
I'd like to look fit. I've shied away from saying I want to look better and focussed on mental health and confidence in the part, but I would like to look thin and strong. It's already happening and I'm very pleased.
I ran just under 24-minutes for the Park Run 5k last time out. Is getting under 20-minutes too much to ask? Mmm. It's something I think about.
I'd like to be a better football player. And keeping fit and getting stronger is part of that.

Something odd is happening to my appetite. I seem to be eating less, and to be getting less hungry. I haven't planned or tried anything very much around my diet. I think I'm eating less dairy - which has helped my skin problems I think (eczema and other allergy/reactive things) - and possibly more protein. Maybe that's what it is, because I'm exponentially more active than I was relatively recently.

I've said an awful lot there.

It's Tuesday. I may swap my Tuesday and Thursday schedule again. That's fine.

Thank you for all the likes and comments and other support, it means a lot. Lots of love to all Bees.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"

Fighter programme: rest/casusal training, so a 3.2km run.

Yoga. I got into Crow pose! Briefly, but I was there and stable. I think I'll keep working on this.

Power HIIT day 20.

Exercise of the Day.

Boxer, 2 minutes push ups and punches.

On we go.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Thank you, PSW and Dawn!

Erm... I'm behind my posting.

Rather than list everything I'll just say I'm up to date: I've exercised every day, done Yoga every day, meditated every day, stayed off the Hell Site every day, and done a Welsh lesson every day.

I had a couple of struggley days from switching my schedule around, and then having to double up.

Things worth noting are:

I missed Park Run yesterday but did a 6.23km run - with wading! - from home. It had a 128m vertical range.

Today was a catch up day, so:

Exercises of the day: 30 knee to elbow, 2 minutes back fist.

Fighter Programme: Combat, Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge, 2nd part, week 4. The reps come down in the final week. It remains tough for me though.

Power HIIT Day 23 and 24. As usual, a mix of weights and rest times.

Boxer Challenge: punches and push ups.

Black Yogi Nico Marie vinyasa and hiit classes:

I couldn't do everything in this class, largely because of my hamstring issues.

And I cycled today - the weather here is lovely.

It's all still going fine and dandy.

I have some scheduling issues this week. Next Saturday I'm going away for a Leeds game, which means leaving here very early. I'm going to have to do a quick yoga in the morning I think. I'm travelling tomorrow too.

That's the main challenge. Time and tiredness. Doing the amount of stuff I'm doing now is a big time committment for me. In my partner's current absence I can do the time easily enough. I'm pretty knackered after a session like today. I need to look at that for my choices to follow up Power HIIT and the Boxer Challenge.

I was really pleased with the running yesterday. I handled the distance really easily. That's something I'd like to push on. I have 3 runs a week in my schedule (including usually the 5k Park Run on Saturdays) and I'd like to work a progressive progamme of sorts into that.

I'm interested in trying horse stance too.

Thank you for the support Bees.

On we go!


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Still all up to date. Somewhat rushing around with some medical issues for my partner before she travels away for a long period.

Hoping to post at M U U U U U U U C H H H H MO O O O O O O O RE LENGTH shortly!



Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Still up to date!

I finished Power HIIT and Boxer challenge on Friday.

Saturday was driving and football. We won! Hooray!

On Sunday I started the final section of the 90-day challenge from Montrait Muay Thai:

I was scared of this one. But, in the end, I was pleased at how well I completed it. I see that a lot of my strength improvements have come from doing yoga.

I've also done yoga every day. I don't have an ongoing plan with this at the moment and will probably find one. I enjoyed the vinyasa and HIIT-style classes I did most recently.

Yesterday I played football. And lost. Boo!

And today I'll do the Montrait again, or, if I feel too knackered after football will do a HIIT instead.

My partner travelled for her work yesterday. She's going to be away for 6 weeks. This is a bit of a challenge for me. I really hope that keeping to some sort of exercise schedule will help me get through this time in good spirits and health!

I hope you all have lovely days Bees. It's very wet and windy here in south Wales at the moment.

On we go!


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Thank you so much PSW!

I've been less good since then. I'm not very well - a cold, I don't think it's anything more serious, and I haven't done very much at all.

That's OK. When I'm fully recovered I will get back on track. I'd like not to lose the whole week, but, if so, that's how it is.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Thank you MamaT. And thank you for the likes.

I've had a bit of a wobble but should get back on track today and over the weekend.

I'm doing Push Ups First Thing challenge and I've continued successfully with that. 55 this morning.

So today I'd like to restart exercise. I plan to do a yoga. If I'm up to it I'll do my Muay Thai challenge. If not, restart 1-minute Hiit, probably on day 1.

Hope to make Park Run tomorrow.

On we go. :)


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Back on track a little!

I did my Muay Thai workout.


And it included: 84 squats, including 60 jump squats, 102 push ups, including 30 explosive push ups, and 58 burpees.

I find it incredible I can do all that. I couldn't have imagined that a while ago. I don't do it as fast as the video does it but I do it all and don't rest during sets any more.


On we go. x :)


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
I'm still wobbling a bit mentally but kept busy physically.

Saturday I did a run.

Yesterday was combat day. It's the biggest week of Muay Thai challenge - 75 Burpees in total now!

I'm doing 1 minute HIIT and I'm on day 4 today.

And I've done yoga, usually vinyasa.

Thank you bees. On we go.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Thank you MamaT!

Yesterday was active rest in my programme.

I ran. I've increased the distance of my "standard run" to 4.14km. I'd like to continue to do that.

I did a vinyasa yoga c;ass from Nico Marie. It was extremely hard!

And, day 4 of 1-minute HIIT. Squats and calf raises.

In the evening I played football.

Plenty of good things there.

Have wonderful days Bees. On we go. :) x


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Today was Combat day but I decided I needed a rest after rest day... :p so it became Hiit day.

Pushups first thing. 10.

I did a 45 minute video by FitnessKaKay and was pleased how it went.

Day 5 of 1-minute Hiit was shoulder tap variants.

Short standing yoga video by Nico Marie. I was tired after cleaning up.

Still a little unsettled in some ways, but very grateful for You and Here.

Tomorrow is a run.

Thank you Bees. On we go. X


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
Rest day.

A run in lovely cold, bright weather. 5.41 km.

Exercise of the day, high knees.

1 minute HIIT day 6. Jack variants.

Nico Marie, a hiit yoga that I found very challenging but largely completed as demonstrated.

15 push ups this am.

I signed up for 3 10k races near me. They're in April, June and September next year. I hope that might help keep my running focused.

I will meditate tomorrow. In the end I got so annoyed with the app I was using that I stopped. Not the right decision! 5 minutes will be a good start!

I have quite a tough schedule tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you Bees. On we go. X :)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,158
5 minutes is all I can manage those days. So I try to make it count - strong visualisation, mantra, point to point focus, but there's no shame in doing 5 minutes. I know it plays seriously on my IBS, so I still try to do one of the IBS meditations / week, but I think last week and this week this was even no dice, LOL.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"
I've been somewhat inactive for a while.

I injured my shoulder that made it a bit of a pain to do some exercises and I haven't really done anything for a week.

I played football on Monday. I'm going to try to do something today and to restart properly tomorrow with my schedule, which will be a HIIT.

On we go! x :)


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"

Restarted today.

I did:

Exercise of the day. 1 minute HIIT day 1. Kicks and punches challenge day 1. A run 4 kmish. A yoga class.

I can't do the press up challenge I was doing on my shoulder. And I'm going to restart the Muay Thai 90 day challenge. I don't mind that as I enjoy it a lot.

Thank you again lovely bees. On we go.


Well-known member
Bard from Wales
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 211
"Starting again"

Combat day, so day 1 of Montrait Muay Thai 90-day challenge.

Exercise of the Day. Heel Hoop thingies.

1 minute Hiit day 2.

Kicks and punches. Punches day.


And... I've hurt my shoulder again.

I think for the moment I'm going to stick to just running and maybe some standing Yoga until my shoulder is properly healed.

On we go. x :)