A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Hey, time to sign on this new forum!

For those who do not yet know me, a short presentation :
I am a French bee, been around since Fall 2016, and still loving it ! My present exercise is very much influenced by the fact that I had open heart surgery (mitral valve replacement by a mechanical one, hence the thread title , and rythm surgery), and still have some sequalae so you will see I regularly mention my heart rate (HR), wanting to exercise and rise it up but in a way that's safe. I am also trying to run again, that is when weather and pandemia will authorise it, LOL, if the heart allows. I like the variety of exercises here, and try to use to complete my yoga practice. :muahaha:

1 year and 55 consecutive days of exercise (1 year 30 days on 01/09).

I will be back to update on what I'm doing these days!


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Fitato ! (hmm, now wondering if I am gonna make my next spud in purée, or in the oven...)

So, so far Monday I have done meditation and

Tuesday, meditation, Body pump class and

Today, meditation and

Hoping to go to aqua-gym tonight.

Last week, the overall count is:
  • Either walked 5,000 steps or went to the gym 6 days out of 7,
  • Ate fruit every day,
  • Ate fish twice,
  • Ate non-homemade three times, the upper limit but still within goals,
  • Meditation every day,
  • Reading 6 evenings out of 7,
  • Two-steps self-care 6 days out of 7.

So it was pretty good.
For fish I cooked salmon in papillotte with a bit of rice in the bottom, onions, and a sauce that was 1/1 fresh cream / honey plus curry and grated ginger (and a pinch of salt). Very, very flavorful!


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Anek , still have to put on my avatar / Mademoiselle Luna, though, but it seems like it'll be a good place.
Only issue I have is getting that I haven't found, in the alerts list, one I have read the alert, if / how I can delete it. Any tip will be appreciated!

This morning 5 minutes meditation and level II

(elbowing @Damer - bokken for the win!)
And went to a bodybalance class since my yoga teacher is off this week.

Also, had a super lunch : a cold (room temperature) bowl of udon (buckwheat, so no gluten for the win!) with an hard egg, green peas, heirloom tomato, and what I call my "asian vinaigrette" - sesame oil, rice vinegar, and a dash of gluten-free soy sauce. Yummy !

Just also warning, I am leaving on Sunday till next Wednesday for a worktrip to Amsterdam, so expect less updates, but I shall exercise!

1 year and 59 consecutive days of exercise (1 year 30 days on 01/09).


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Ranger from Colorado
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Posts: 467
Only issue I have is getting that I haven't found, in the alerts list, one I have read the alert, if / how I can delete it. Any tip will be appreciated!

The alerts don't disappear once you have read them, but they do turn from yellow to white so you can tell which ones are unread. I miss being able to "clear" all my notifications like in the old Hive, but I'm starting to get used to the new format. :)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you all, @Whirly , @CODawn , @Sif_Shepard and @Anek . I had a blast - visited something related to my genealogy, saw Van Gog's paintings (my gosh, how much I still love that flight of crows over a field...), and then focused well on the professional conference. I am very, very tired , but I will take an extended WE (Mondat off) to recuperate.

I walked a lot on Sunday, Monday and yesterday , but no formal workouts - so break streak (no biggie). Break of streak for meditation too, this was so hectic.

But this morning 5 minutes meditation, and the WOD,

Could we call that Good Wolvie? ;)
first day of consecutive exercise.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Quick update since I am very tired.
Sunday meditation, and workout Wakeup and connect.
Today meditation and workout grown-up.

House of the Dragon was great, Paddy Considine deserves serious praises for his work, really! I will comment more tomorrow, when more clear-headed.

Day 5 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Today 8 minutes of meditation, and level II of

Plus yoga class at lunchtime :smirk: Fairly knee-intensive , so I was very protective of my right knee, should be good, but keeping an eye on it for tonight and tomorrow. The teacher knows about this knee and is quite good generally at offering me modifications of asanas.

Day 7 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thursday evening aquagym, plenty of fun with a new teacher.
Friday 5 minutes breathing exercise, and

Saturday Bodypump, I can still feel it! And 7 minutes relaxation.
This morning 20 minutes yoga.

Day 11 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)

For today's lunch I cooked for my parents Beef stroganof, with my new crockpot / pressure cooker, worked very good :)And I baked a gluten-free chocolate fondant, using some high-quality chocolate. Yum!

So, this week
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7
  • Meditation 6 days out of 7
  • Fish 3 times
  • Fruits 5 times, not a very good week, will have to do better. I didn't plan well enough when going to the market.
  • Not-homemade meal only twice this week, so success
  • Reading before bed every evening
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 6 days out of 7, so good.

That's it, folks!


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Right, @Anek , just a "sometimes" treat :noming:, but a nice way to indulge in chocolatey goodness without flour around!

Yesterday 7 minutes relaxation and level II

This morning 5 mintes relaxation and level II

and yoga class at lunchtime.
Tonight, my first rehearsal with the church's choir (recently joined that specific church), that should be fun!

Day 14 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Pas few days have been super busy, hence the silence. But here I am! Choir was a lot of fun; the level is quite good, hope I can integrate nicely!

Thursday 5 minutes equal breathing and

Thursday evening I saw a friend from the US (my former pastor in the Chicago area), tiring (especially since I had to go to the office) but so good!

Friday morning 6 minutes meditation and

And in the evening aquagym class.

This morning 5 minutes meditation and

Didn't feel up to the boy pump class, I have to recover some energy.

Day 17 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
This morning meditation and 10 mins yoga, short but done before leaving early for church choir, new rythms, LOL!

Day 18 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)

So, this week
  • Walking more than 5,000 steps or going to the gym 6 days out of 7, good
  • Meditation 7 days out of 7, good
  • Fish 2 times, good
  • Fruits 7 times, back on track, good
  • Not-homemade meal twice this week, good
  • Reading before bed every evening, good
  • Self-care habits 1 and 2, 6 days out of 7, so good.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
@Mianevem , @Sif_Shepard , @Anek , @CODawn , @NancyTree , @Froud , thank you all so much for thinking of her (and me).
The surgery went well, now it is time and recovery that will tell if it works (and if there's no secondary effect), so relief, but still waiting mode.
Caution, may be TMI / medical
She had trouble urinating this morning, couldn't feel a full vesical globe and had to sort of force to urinate, so we are a tad worrying there's damage to nerves that shouldn't have been touched... but it may also very well be the anaesthesia and drugs, so hoping it turns out nothing.
That's the problem with spinal surgery, if messed up, it can be really heavy with consequences.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Froud and @NancyTree - and those who like the posts. Can't wait to see her tonight to get a better feel of how she's doing.
This morning 5 minutes alternate nostril breathing, and

At lunchtime, yoga class.

Glad to have yoga and pranayama / meditation in times like this.

Day 21 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)[/workout][/workout]


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Matan
Mom's doing quite good, actually the surgeon was happily surprised that she already walked twice yesterday - once with the kinesitherapist, once with my dad. She's hurting after moving, but heck, after what's been done to her back... And as she was operated on in the later part of the afternoon Tuesday, that was all less than 24h after the surgery. And the issue I mentioned in TMI seems to be resolving, must have been the anaesthesia. Now let's hope they release her Saturday as planned...

This morning 5 minute of breathing exercise, and

Day 22 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @NancyTree , @Mianevem , @Froud , @TopNotch ! Even better news, she is home today. Dad and I are quite amazed! She couldn't stand the hospital meals anymore, LOL. As soon as I finish working I will go see them. One of the advantages of having moved quite close to each other!

This morning 6 minutes meditation, and at level II

And punches against the bats for our Halloween defense, LOL! But I will post later how many (doing the 50-punches every now and then approach).

Day 23 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Froud and @NancyTree and @Anek and @Montserrat and @CODawn :happy:

So, yesterday I added 250 punches in the bat-fight.
This morning 5 minutes meditation, and a body pump class.
Now we are fighting swarms of spiders :spider:;), I will post later my kicks (that's hard, after the body pump class, but heck, it's the Hive, we all fight for the good of each other!!! Non mais!)

Day 24 of consecutive exercise (D1 on 06/10).