Author of a Thousand Fails


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Have a fever... Can't say that I was expecting it, but I'm not surprised. Swollen lymph nodes, a brief time out turning into a 6-hour errand run... who'da thunk! Got a lot of pain running all along my right, and every place I have ever sustained injury is swollen and throbbing. C'est la vie... I knew at least that much would happen after that much endless crazy. If I had known that so much would be piled on me just for being "out and about", I would've gone to bed... And I'm mad at myself a little... I said, "It's ok. This is something that needs to be done. I don't mind." Truthfully, I said that because I knew it was all stuff that needed to be done, and I didn't want to be an inconvenience. Guys, I hurt. I really hurt, inside and out. My cherry disposition is just natural... But sometimes, I feel like I'm gonna die... And after saying this, I'll go back to regular conversation and smiling and lookin' at the bright side of life, because life is as beautiful as it is messy and so full of silver linings. I know I've got a lotta years left in me... Sometimes, though, I get really close to the edge.

"Call me a daredevil, call me a rebel.
I look over that edge whenever I'm able.
I dip my toe in the water to see if it's warm;
Just a little closer, what's the harm?

"I like to cheat death on the sly.
I may fall, or I may fly.
Perhaps, I'll embrace it some day,
For now, I'll taunt and run away." - D.S.

8 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :x:
AM stretches :v:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

I guess, you could say I intermittently fasted... I had a mid-day snack and skipped dinner yesterday. As for inflammatory foods: I went to another friend's establishment to celebrate her reopening and got myself a smoothie. They use Herbalife products... Which contain ingredients that are on my "do not eat" list. I was happy to support a friend, though. Who knew that a quick run to their establishment would be the start of a major spiral... not up, not down... more like a preschooler with a crayon. Oh, how I wish I could face my reality with a little more grace and endurance... Maybe, when my fever goes back down...

Enjoy your days! Find something positive to do today and don't hold back! Choose the path of least regret! Seriously, go out and do something productive.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Been a while since I posted on here... Celebrated husband's birthday Sunday, spent 5 hours on Monday hurting myself, spent today recovering. That about sums it up...

9 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :x:
AM stretches :x:
PM stretches :x:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

10 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :x:
AM stretches :x:
PM stretches :x:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Sickness and pain yesterday, but I was finally able to have a full day of JUST REST! I feel better today.
11 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :v:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :x:
PM stretches :x:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

The "overwhelm my kids with homework" bit is getting there... I've thrown some basic math into the equation because when I told them that I would be quizzing them at the end of the month on their times tables, they insisted they knew it. When I asked them what 11 x 12 was, however, they stumbled... So, multiplication chart on my dry erase board and a daily review of the times tables has joined our summer school program.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
To be fair, 11 x 12 isn't really on one of those tables you have to memorise. Or is it? I only had 1 to 10, but nothing above that. Took me almost a minute to calculate that, btw. It's 131, isn't it?

Good to read that you had a day of rest and that you feel better.


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
To be fair, 11 x 12 isn't really on one of those tables you have to memorise. Or is it? I only had 1 to 10, but nothing above that. Took me almost a minute to calculate that, btw. It's 131, isn't it?
132... Eleven table is easy, there's a trick (you take the number 11 is multiplying, put the first in first (1 in 12) the second is the two numbers added (1+2=3 here) and the last number last (2 in 12). And you have your answer : 132.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,883
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
132... Eleven table is easy, there's a trick (you take the number 11 is multiplying, put the first in first (1 in 12) the second is the two numbers added (1+2=3 here) and the last number last (2 in 12). And you have your answer : 132.
I never knew that... :shoked: At least I know the trick about the 9 x tables.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
A for effort @lofivelcro My kids' times table goes up to 12.
Slept in today. I feel like I'm ACTUALLY resting for a change! I was able to get up and walk around for a minute without pain. So, as long as the people I love STAY AWAY, I may actually be able to continue healing! I really have a hard time saying, "No," when someone says, "I need help." Mostly, because I know what it's like to be in dire straights and have to go it alone... even worse, I know what it's like to have to go it alone after an unhealthy heaping of verbal abuse plus suddenly having to carry someone else's baggage... I don't want to be that "last resort" who turns away a person in need... because what if I really am that "last resort"? It's nice, though, that the people around me are finally starting see and hear me... like, really look and listen... My boundaries and needs are starting to be met. For the first time since this started, my heart isn't racing from adrenal rushes whenever someone enters my home or my bedroom... I feel like the people around me finally "get it", and have lowered their expectations of me for the time being. I'm grateful.
12 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :v:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

Husband brought me some chocolate maple peanut clusters... He thought they were just peanut clusters, though. He didn't know that I hate maple clusters, too... HAHAHA! Poor man... I had a couple of chocolates and thanked him.


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I meant 132! Seriously! I just got confused because I was figuring it out so I got a knot in my brain. But I meant 132.
@Tileenah thanks for the trick, although I needed a long time figuring that out and even then I had to ask for help understanding it. My math is beyond help.

OJJJEM, I'm glad to read that the people around you get it. I hope it will help you in your healing and resting process.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Another restful day of doing absolutely NOTHING, and my mind wasn't going crazy from it!... In a couple of day, I'm sure I'll start to get restless, but I'm taking it in today. My friend brought me soup and chocolate zucchini cake for dinner. So, yay for not breaking my diet while everyone else chows down on enchiladas and brownies!

13 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :x:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

#6 fried me some onion rings yesterday and served it with BBQ sauce. I have been eating so little food, and most of what I do eat being pretty healthy, that those onion rings came back with a vengeance come morning. HAHAHA! I'm so glad that my kids are at an age to take care of themselves... I'm so glad that I taught them how! Really, though, #6 is the deep-fried and pancake queen of the world! HAHAHA! All of my kids have talent in the kitchen, really, but if you want quality pancakes and perfectly breaded deep-fried south, my 12-yr-old sure knows how to dish it! HAHAHA!

Earlier today, my kids were on a "which My Hero Academia character are you" kick... Apparently, I'm All Might. HAHAHAHA!


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Another restful day... I may actually heal within 6 weeks at this rate! Took me a full year to heal last time...
14 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :v:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :v:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Nothing much to report... No complaints. Just another restful day. Though, I will say that I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have to heal. Life will demand more of me later this week than I feel prepared to handle. So, resting over the past week has truly been a blessing for me.
15 July 2023

No inflammatory foods :v:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :v:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

My mum gave me a book to read called, "Gift from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It's an old book that resonated with her and some of my sisters... So, I'll be reading it this week. Figured I'd share with anybody who wants to look it up and read along.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
I'm wide awake at 3am. So, why not post? HAHAHA! This coming week will be a bit difficult for me, as I won't be able to rest as much as I'd like, but I will still be able to take time for restful moments... I hope this week doesn't set my healing back.

16 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :v:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

I stress ate yesterday, and I am suffering for it today. On a brighter note... here's a little something that my oldest wrote. I liked it so much that I copied it to share.

In a world so dark and grey
There lived a little girl
Her teddy bear was patched and her dress was in rags
But her eyes reflected the whole world

She had cute little dreads
And loved everything pink and purple
She had chocolate chip eyes
And a sweet little giggle

But this world of hers, so cold and dreary
Passed over day by day, leaving her in the dark

The grown-ups sometimes fought
The grown-ups sometimes hit
The strangers always stared
And her parents always spit

Then one day, she heard a sound
Of something under her bed

She found a little red kite
That was so bright and pretty
She didn’t want to let it go

She found that it had no string
She gave it that and a tail
And then it flew right out the window!

She chased it out and traveled far
Past the square and past the bar
She passed a lonesome man on the road
Begging for change
She passed a family in the cold
With no coat like hers, though ragged it is

She saw stray dogs barking at cats
She saw a crying child on the streets
She saw a family mourning the loss of an elder
She saw rich people singing in the church

She saw the mean old man from across the street
Was serving soup to so many
She saw the nice lady from the bakery
Knitting in the cold, cold snow

She ran further and further, and out from the city
And she ran right into the woods

Her feet were chilled and her hands were cold
Her ears were frozen and her coat was soaked
But she followed that kite, for she wanted to know
Where could it take her? Where would she go?

She found herself a little valley
And in that valley, a little meadow
And in that meadow was such a large pine tree!
Covered in snow, and firefly lights

She couldn’t see the kite anymore, though

Lost in that meadow, the little girl trembled
And she sat under the pinetree, trying not to cry
After all, it was so very cold
Surely, if the tears fell, her face would be frozen over

She sat for a while, and then she stood
She walked towards the treeline, where she saw a house in the woods
A treehouse, so cute, and small and square
The ladder fell down for her, though no one was there

Inside this tree house she found the little kite
And inside this tree house, she saw many sights
One every wall, in every corner, was a portrait
Just small enough for a little child

In one she saw a girl walking in the woods
Holding the hand of her lover and smiling
In another she saw an old ugly nun
Who was grinning so happily that all felt such joy

She walked through the portraits, with her bear and red kite
She walked through so many memories, and saw so many sights
She saw as one man stole, and the other gave
She saw the poor steal from the poorer, and the rich steal from the richer

She saw people love, and she saw people hate
And she saw people who didn’t feel anything at all

Until finally she found herself underneath her own bed
Crawling out with that little red kite
As if she had never left that little room

And this time, she did walk out
And her parents did ask her to stay in
And she did not listen, and wanted to go play
And her parents let her go

She then walked out and traveled far
Past the square and past the bar
She passed a lonesome man on the road
And gave him change, and saw his smile glowed
She passed a family in the cold
And gave the child her coat, though ragged it is

She saw stray dogs bark at cats
She comforted the crying child on the road
She passed the family mourning the loss of an elder
She joined the rich singing in the church

She helped the old man from across the street
And served soup to so many
She smiled to the nice lady from the bakery
And from her learned to knit, in the cold, cold snow

She walked further and further, and out from the city
And she walked right into the woods

Her feet were chilled and her hands were cold
Her ears were frozen and her coat was gone
But she followed this path, for she wanted to know

Where could it take her? Where would she go?


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Up and walked last night after dinner... Just a brief walk down the road... It felt good to be up, but I'm taking it slowly because technically, I should still be resting in bed. It was nice to move and not hurt, though... It's amazing what a week of full rest did for me! I'm taking it slowly today to ensure I don't regret my walk last night. The more I do, the more I want to do, and the more I push myself to do more, the more I'll regret it the next day... So, I'm fighting my urge to do more.

17 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :x:
AM stretches :x:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

My husband took me on a brief date yesterday. He took me to get my biggest vice: mozzarella cheese sticks... HAHAHA!

We've recently acquired some summer squash... I haven't yet decided on what to make with this new bounty, but I'm so looking forward to eating them!


Well-known member
Posts: 50
I'm wide awake at 3am. So, why not post? HAHAHA! This coming week will be a bit difficult for me, as I won't be able to rest as much as I'd like, but I will still be able to take time for restful moments... I hope this week doesn't set my healing back.

16 July 2023
No inflammatory foods :x:
Intermittent fasting :v:
AM stretches :v:
PM stretches :v:
Overwhelm my kids with homework :x:

I stress ate yesterday, and I am suffering for it today. On a brighter note... here's a little something that my oldest wrote. I liked it so much that I copied it to share.

In a world so dark and grey
There lived a little girl
Her teddy bear was patched and her dress was in rags
But her eyes reflected the whole world

She had cute little dreads
And loved everything pink and purple
She had chocolate chip eyes
And a sweet little giggle

But this world of hers, so cold and dreary
Passed over day by day, leaving her in the dark

The grown-ups sometimes fought
The grown-ups sometimes hit
The strangers always stared
And her parents always spit

Then one day, she heard a sound
Of something under her bed

She found a little red kite
That was so bright and pretty
She didn’t want to let it go

She found that it had no string
She gave it that and a tail
And then it flew right out the window!

She chased it out and traveled far
Past the square and past the bar
She passed a lonesome man on the road
Begging for change
She passed a family in the cold
With no coat like hers, though ragged it is

She saw stray dogs barking at cats
She saw a crying child on the streets
She saw a family mourning the loss of an elder
She saw rich people singing in the church

She saw the mean old man from across the street
Was serving soup to so many
She saw the nice lady from the bakery
Knitting in the cold, cold snow

She ran further and further, and out from the city
And she ran right into the woods

Her feet were chilled and her hands were cold
Her ears were frozen and her coat was soaked
But she followed that kite, for she wanted to know
Where could it take her? Where would she go?

She found herself a little valley
And in that valley, a little meadow
And in that meadow was such a large pine tree!
Covered in snow, and firefly lights

She couldn’t see the kite anymore, though

Lost in that meadow, the little girl trembled
And she sat under the pinetree, trying not to cry
After all, it was so very cold
Surely, if the tears fell, her face would be frozen over

She sat for a while, and then she stood
She walked towards the treeline, where she saw a house in the woods
A treehouse, so cute, and small and square
The ladder fell down for her, though no one was there

Inside this tree house she found the little kite
And inside this tree house, she saw many sights
One every wall, in every corner, was a portrait
Just small enough for a little child

In one she saw a girl walking in the woods
Holding the hand of her lover and smiling
In another she saw an old ugly nun
Who was grinning so happily that all felt such joy

She walked through the portraits, with her bear and red kite
She walked through so many memories, and saw so many sights
She saw as one man stole, and the other gave
She saw the poor steal from the poorer, and the rich steal from the richer

She saw people love, and she saw people hate
And she saw people who didn’t feel anything at all

Until finally she found herself underneath her own bed
Crawling out with that little red kite
As if she had never left that little room

And this time, she did walk out
And her parents did ask her to stay in
And she did not listen, and wanted to go play
And her parents let her go

She then walked out and traveled far
Past the square and past the bar
She passed a lonesome man on the road
And gave him change, and saw his smile glowed
She passed a family in the cold
And gave the child her coat, though ragged it is

She saw stray dogs bark at cats
She comforted the crying child on the road
She passed the family mourning the loss of an elder
She joined the rich singing in the church

She helped the old man from across the street
And served soup to so many
She smiled to the nice lady from the bakery
And from her learned to knit, in the cold, cold snow

She walked further and further, and out from the city
And she walked right into the woods

Her feet were chilled and her hands were cold
Her ears were frozen and her coat was gone
But she followed this path, for she wanted to know

Where could it take her? Where would she go?
This is lovely writing. I hope she continues to write.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
UPDATE: So, I won't get into details, but I started physical therapy recently. I'm still taking a bit of a break from Darebee, but I wanted to leave y'all a small update about what I'm up to atm. Bright side: Still alive. Down side: Most of my life is in a bed. I'll try to update you guys every so often until I am back in the saddle once more.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Physical therapy feels like it's working a little at a time. There are people around me who question the madness to my method... I shouldn't take offense, but I it was a little hurtful for my condition to be questioned... Well-meaning people, but I'm irritable and triggered right now due to reasons... so I got offended. I hope to find out by September if I have the genetic markers for neuroendocrine cancer... compliments of three siblings suddenly coming out of the cancer closet at the same time... Can't help but feel more than a tad bit wary now... My biggest hurdle is that when I say, "I'm in a lot of pain, and my autism is showing. I need to withdraw and rest," my boundaries aren't entirely being respected. Part of that is my fault, though. I take pride in being there for people. I take pride in being someone that can be relied upon, in my strength, and that I haven't lost heart in humanity. However, in my greatest time of need (or at least sweet reprieve), I am still pushing myself when called upon for help. I have a hard time saying, "No," because I've been there! I've been that person floundering with no one else to rely on. I've been that person who called on another for help, and the only "willing" participants did so with the mindset of "holier than thou art" or "I can fix you". I try so hard not to be that person, and I take pride in the fact that, so far as I know, I haven't been that person. I keep my heart and front door open to anyone and everyone in need, and that's also a point of pride for me... BUT MY PRIDE IS KILLING ME!!! And the people who don't truly hear me when I say that I'm tired aren't helping. Anyway, it's a bit of a vent, but my mind's not in the best place right now. I'm worn out, still... I had to put my muscles through rehab recently because the overwork is causing spasms again, and spasms = tearing = guts coming through the muscle wall like last time... practically turning myself inside out! Yes, I recognize that part of it's my fault for saying, "It's okay. You need help. I'll be fine with some rest." BUT WHEN DO I GET TO REST!?! Anyway, I recently learned how to say, "No," to some extent... It helped, but some people really don't know how to accept the fact that I'm a useless blob now. Got a few people in my life, actually, who I need a vacation from just for my own survival. My mind has gone into survival mode, meaning I'm not the best company... I really want people to stop texting/calling/messaging me for help... I can listen to vents, I still have that capacity... but I always feel like there's an expectation for me to physically get up and do something whenever my phone makes a sound lately... My adrenal glands can't take much more!

Today: I got up, brushed my teeth, and went back to bed. Aside from the occasional moments where I had to get up for something kid-wise, I was in bed. Went on a fast today, too, because body pain from inflammation was making me want to puke, and spasming was affecting my digestion. I had progressed to being able to be up and about for up to 4 hours in a day, but life stuffs brought be back to zero... So, here I am, at zero, and crying on the inside.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Able to move around freely for about 2 hours today... Got up and dressed for the day, made my bed, gave my plants and animals water, did a full maintenance check of the property, then started to feel some discomfort... So, I took a nice, cool shower and hopped into bed... Didn't take long for me to start sweating buckets outside in this weather! It was a nice walkabout, but by the time I was in bed again, discomfort turned to pain. Sadly, I'm the only one who seems to care about whether or not the plants and animals have water... So, my nursery is dry all over again... Looks like my peaches and avocados didn't survive... Another motivator for me to rest when I need to rest and stop the moment discomfort hits: I want my garden back!

I put my foot down pretty strongly recently and haven't been bothered since. It's sad when I have to turn into a raging b*tch to get people to listen... It's like, unless I dramatize my words, they just don't click with the people around me... and even then, all that's left is a bunch of whiplashed family and no-longer-acquaintances who wonder why this "Karen" is making such a mountain outta a molehill... How about the fact that I nearly DIED last time I was in this hot a mess, and technically, I shouldn't even be able to walk right now, and No, I don't want company, and No, I can't come help you move your truck, and No, I can't come babysit, and No, I cannot eat that because I'm on an anti-inflammatory diet, and No, I will not get up to help you look for something! I'm still a little emotionally sore about my life choices, in case y'all couldn't tell...

Anyway, productive day yesterday and today in the sense that I was able to get up and move around a little bit... no lifting, no travel, just a casual stroll around the property in the mid-day sun. I can say with a surety that physical therapy is slowly working... It's when I push myself to the point of pain that all my efforts become undone...

Hopefully, things will continue to look up.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Well, things are progressing... I was doing so well with approximately 2 hours out of bed, that I decided to move it up to 3 hours and see at which point my body says, "Nope." I even managed to mow a small portion of my front yard... my teens aren't pulling their weight with the yardwork... Seeing me red-faced and drenched sitting in my son's favorite chair prompted him to finish the job for me. :D
So, today, I got up, got dressed, made my bed, did day 2 of the Zen program (my sisters and I are doing it together!), watered the plants and animals, discovered a need for new weed killer, mowed a little under 1/2 of the front yard before my body screamed "REST!", made myself a quick snack, took a shower, and got back into bed before my body started screaming, "PAIN!"
Got a couple more well-meaning people not leaving me alone... I sincerely wish to be left alone during this time of my life, though... I guess I shouldn't complain too much about it... How many people can brag such popularity in the community! BAHAHAHA!
This is snack that I made for myself today:


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Yesterday confirmed that my heart has gotten weak from how stagnant I've been. Today, I literally had a dizzy spell simply doing Day 3 in the Zen program... How the heck did my heart rate go up that high from just basic 60-minute holds! To be honest, that's been my biggest concern with how much I've had to rest, but I feel that as long as I continue on this course, since it's a slow and steady course, I'll be alright. Just gotta keep going back to basics!

Today, made my bed, did day 3 of Zen, sprayed bug killer around my house, and made a bean and veggie stew (same ingredients as the white bean dip recipe, plus carrots and celery). Nearly 100F degrees today... tomorrow, though, shows a temperature drop out of the 90s and into the 80s... so, looking forward to that. :D

Also, weekly weigh-in has me under 285lbs. Looks like I'm no longer trapped in the 290s... Looking forward to next week weigh-in.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
I don't know what I did, but my hip is throbbing like crazy after sitting during Zen day 4 meditation... I couldn't even sit for more than 3 minutes before changing to a laying position... couldn't hardly even focus my breathing. I really hope it goes away after a day's rest...

Today, I made my bed, got dressed, did Zen day 4, suddenly started having a whole lotta dizzy spells and heart palpitations, so rested a lot, went for a brief walk down the street hoping to get at least SOME sort of movement in, made something yummy for the kids, took a cold shower hoping it would soothe the inflammation, and laid down before anything else happened to me.

Not good at writing things recipe style, but here's what I made today: chopped a yellow squash, red potato and a carrot into bite-sized chunks, added a minced garlic clove and 1/2 small chopped red onion. Tossed it all in a hot skillet, sprinkled in some salt, and poured in a little avocado oil. Cooked it on medium-medium high heat til the potatoes and carrots were soft, poured in a can of beans and some lemon juice, simmered it down until the aquafaba (bean liquid) had thickened a little, and ate it as a stew with some seed crackers.

If I could do anything differently, I'd've cooked about 1/4 cup quinoa in the aquafaba... I probably wouldn't have been able to call it a stew anymore at that point, though... HAHAHA! Methinks, I'll try that tomorrow for my lunch.

There's definitely a better air about the house as the kids have watched me trying to do things. They are moving more with intent and have a greater desire to get things done as they watch me try to get things done. They've also been arguing less and laughing more... I believe that part of this is because they can see that I'm not simply being selfish or lazy and that I genuinely WANT to tend my home, spend more time with them, and have fun outside.

About the issues with my heart rate and dizzy spells... I have no clue what's going on with that... It started a couple ago when I tried to mow the lawn, and now, every time I exert myself, even a little bit, I start to get super dizzy and don't even notice my heart rate until I sit down to rest. Then, I realize that my chest is pounding like a rabbit's! It's simple tasks, too... I got up this morning and felt tipsy walking to the bathroom. So, it'll be a point of concern for me to bring up with my doctor next month. I really hope that it's something my body will correct on its own as I'm up and about more, though.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Zen day 5 completed.

Today, I made two meals for my family and got my notice of intent to homeschool turned in... My two middle kids are still in public school, but my two youngest are proving to be the sort that get worse over time in public education... Got a same-day approval response, too! YAY! Not much else was done today, though. I took it easy, and my heart thanked me... I had a walkabout to help me better plan out my next steps in the yard, and that was about it. Slow, relaxing day...