Week #2 of 52, story #2 of 54 is done.
Turned this one in with 2 hours to spare. Which is far too late.
(2 hours before deadline = 1AM in my time zone.)
But the story is done. (Not 100% certain that it has the right ending. But it has an ending. And it's done. At least for now.)
I'm having issues with formatting in my word processor. I don't have MS Word. I use Open Office. Format my stories beautifully in manuscript format. Then save them as Word files. And a page break gets inexplicably added somewhere on the second page. The file looks fine. I save it. Close it. Re-open it. And there's an unasked for page break. I remove the page break. Re-save. Close and open again. Same thing. This always happens at the end of a paragraph. So I have tried removing the offending line break, allowing the two paragraphs where the problem was occurring to run together. But then the problem just occurs after the next paragraph.
Do any of you my fellow Bardic Bees use Open Office? Have you run into an issue like this one?
I have no idea why it's happening. And I need to find a solution soon. (I need to start submitting these stories to pro markets, and they pretty much all want MS Word files.)
I can compile Word docs directly from Scrivener. (Which is the software I use for writing.) So perhaps that is the way to go. It's a bit of a hassle due to all the content in my Scrivener files I don't want included in the compile. And I'd need to figure out how to make Scrivener spit out standard manuscript format. (Which I have not yet learned, due to not using Scrivener to create the manuscript files in the past due to the aforementioned hassle. But likely the best solution is just to teach myself this.) I can always copy just the content I want into a clean Scrivener file and export it from there. (Scrivener even has a template with a manuscript format compile preset in it.)
Anyhow... the first step is to get to a place where I'm actually finishing my stories early enough to have enough time left over to sort this stuff out.
But for now: week #2 is done. Which is a win. And I wrote this story in the same universe as my Perseverance novel-length WIP that I started last year. Which definitely slowed me down because there were a lot of things I needed to look up to make sure I wasn't contradicting world-building I'd already set up. But I loved getting back to these characters and their world, and I expanded that world with some cool new stuff in this story, and I definitely want to write more in this series. So that was a win too.