Bucketlist WO rest

At this workout we do the reps in manageable sets and there is no "do them in a day", so I thing we have some minutes (1-2 minutes or maybe more) as intervals between sets, It depends at our fitness level.
I thing this is the idea of an workout. Of cource the people that created this workout will say
Also as I see this is an advanced workout


Well-known member
Posts: 55
At this workout we do the reps in manageable sets and there is no "do them in a day", so I thing we have some minutes (1-2 minutes or maybe more) as intervals between sets, It depends at our fitness level.
I thing this is the idea of an workout. Of cource the people that created this workout will say
Also as I see this is an advanced workout
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Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 671
@broli up to two minutes, give or take. During trials we left it entirely up to each person. Some of the volunteers who tested it needed just 15-20 seconds each but others needed a little more than two minutes, particularly after push-ups or pull-ups. So really it is up to you on how you choose to challenge yourself.