Finding great heights


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Ranger from USA
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Posts: 4
Hey all, I’m a community member from long ago (formerly Imperator_Furiosa) returning to find many changes! I’m back to get my cardio health in order, in preparation for a week of high-altitude trekking in Peru this spring. I live at sea level with no hills and REALLY don’t want to be too weak to enjoy the hike, so figure the place to start is with cardio, which I’ve basically ignored for the past three years. No better place to start than zero.

Keeping a log really used to help me stay on track, so here I am again!

First program: Cardio Blast.
Today I did day 1, medium level, and it was HARD! Definitely glad I’m getting started now. I also did the daily dare (40 tricep dips) in sets of 10 with a few seconds rest between. I wrapped it up with a 10 min yoga video. Pretty sure I’ll be feeling it tomorrow.

PS: what happened to badges??


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,358
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 467
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"


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Ranger from USA
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Posts: 4
Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

Cardio Blast, day 2 - good lord, I'm out of shape.

This was a straightforward, high knees/climbers day. I thought I would get to Level II, at least. After two sets (30 sec rest between), I had to LAY DOWN because I was feeling so lightheaded. I alternated one and two minute rests for the other three sets just to make it to Level I. So now I can confirm - my heart and lungs definitely need a chance to pump! I'm taking it as a good thing, since it gives me far to go. I'm curious to repeat the day at the end of the month to see if there's any change.

I wrapped up with the Daily Dare (exercise of the day? Gotta get used to the new lingo), warrior 3 60 sec on each leg, followed by a 10 minute yoga stretch and cool down. And now, I lay on the couch, because I am DONE. Back tomorrow for Day 3!

Tired Good Night GIF


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Ranger from USA
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Posts: 4
Day 3! Based on how I felt yesterday, I though about dropping down to an easier program, but am going to try to get through the first week, then see how I'm doing.

Cardio Blast Day 3, Level I. Much better than yesterday! I started out in knee plank for the plank arm raises, but was able to do the last four sets in full plank. Felt like I could maybe do two more sets, but decided not to push it and did the Exercise of the Day (20 jump squats) instead. My squats were not low, but I did it! :staystrong:


New member
Ranger from USA
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 4
Day 4 - 100 squats. I had planned to spread these out through the day, but ended up only doing 30 during the work day, so I started my workout with 20 more, did my warm up, another 20, did two minute abs, and the final 30. I also started the 5 minute plank challenge, which I did many years ago but know I'm nowhere near now! My goal for tomorrow is to do my workout right when I wake up so I don't miss a day for the holiday - happy Thanksgiving to those in the US!