Finding myself


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Hi there
I found this amazing site / community only 2 weeks ago and I am hooked.
I've been trying to get motivated to get healthy and fit for a while but it never seems to make it past a couple of days, I am overweight and work in a quite demanding job, I'm fed up of being tired and falling ill 🤒 a the time due to me not looking after myself.
I know this is the place for me as I have exercised for 10 consecutive days, today I felt shocking having come down with another bug but still got my daily exercise done.
I'm starting this thread to make sure I continue and reach my goals.
I'm starting off super easy I don't want to take on too much and give up again which is what I usually do.
Here's to the start of my journey

Day 10
Vitality general fitness day 10
Recovery day 4
First water day 1
Steps currently stand at 4317 (2.2 miles)
Exercise of the day

As my bug clears and I get used to my new routine I will add more Gradually getting more difficult.

Here's to the first day of finding Charlotte (myself)

Merry Christmas 🤶


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Happy Merry Christmas GIF by Hello All

Hello 😁
Happy Christmas 🤶

bloody dunmeri

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Spartan from Samara, Russia
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Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Welcome to the Hive!!! :love: andddd Merry Xmas!

Definitely following this thread. Wish you luck on your fitness journey! You'll do great, I believe in you! :happy:

Also, don't beat yourself up for «falling off». It happens to the best of us. Just the response for that should be «okay, I'll do it better now» instead of «eh, I'm just giving up»


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
Pronouns: She / her
Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Welcome to the Hive!!! :love: andddd Merry Xmas!

Definitely following this thread. Wish you luck on your fitness journey! You'll do great, I believe in you! :happy:

Also, don't beat yourself up for «falling off». It happens to the best of us. Just the response for that should be «okay, I'll do it better now» instead of «eh, I'm just giving up»
Thank you, I can not believe how much motivation I've got from browsing the site.

I think thats my biggest problem I fall off plan then wonder what the point in it all is lol ill definitely be doing better this time, it don't feel like I'm doing it alone.

Thank you for such a warm welcome, I can not wait to get to know everyone better :worried:

I hope you've had a fantastic Christmas day .


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 11 - christmas day

Never ever have I completed a workout on christmas day so this is a first for me, I know I'm on the easiest workout I could find but still a victory :LOL:

Day 2 first thing water
Day 11 Vitality
Day 5 recovery
Steps 2182 (not bad to say I've not left the house all day)

Still feel crappy from this bug but I'm starting to feel a bit better

Hoping I feel well enough in the morning to add on another workout/challenge not sure what yet tho.

Hope everyone's had a fantastic day weather you've celebrated Christmas or not 😘


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
DAY 12
Day 6 recovery :v:
Day 12 Vitality :v:
Day 3 first thing water :v:
Walking challenge Day 1 :v:
Easy core day 1 :v:
Attempted exercise of the day but couldn't manage 2 minutes think I managed 1 :x:
Total steps 9381

I've also spent 4 hours decorating my daughters bedroom so alot of up and down ladders and shifting furniture today
(Pink is before white is partway through will hopefully finish tomorrow)

Question anyone know why teenage girls are so messy :sus:


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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,038
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
As a former teenage girl...we don't have time to clean even though we have all the time in the world at that age. :move:

Clothes Mess GIF by Big Brother Australia

My boyfriend used to end up cleaning my room for me. lol

Hopefully she'll grow out of it like I did. That will probably happen once she starts buying her own stuff.


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
As a former teenage girl...we don't have time to clean even though we have all the time in the world at that age. :move:

Clothes Mess GIF by Big Brother Australia

My boyfriend used to end up cleaning my room for me. lol

Hopefully she'll grow out of it like I did. That will probably happen once she starts buying her own stuff.
My room was always spotless when I was a teenager, but I did always buy my own stuff as my mum wasn't interested so maybe thats it.

Would just be nice to see the floor once in a while in her room haha 😂 after I've decorated I'll probably not see it for another year :imp:

Lol you had a good boyfriend I can't get my fella to clean up after himself nevermind me lol

Thank you @MadamMeow it's nice to know it's normal for girls to be so messy I must have been a clean freak haha 😂


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 13

Day 7 recovery :v:
Day 13 Vitality :v:
Day 4 first thing water :v:
Day 2 walking challenge :v:
Day 2 easy core challenge :v:
Total steps 4901

Another full day of decorating today hopefully daughters room will be finished tomorrow :worried: then on to the next one :giveup:

Screenshot_20231227-154842_Huawei Health.jpg


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Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
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"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"

In answer to why teenage girls rooms are always messy - my excuse was that I didn't know where to put all the things away. I also distinctly remember going on "expeditions" into my sister's room to find towels and laundry baskets and it was like wading through junk up to my mid calf. *shiver*


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,038
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
My room was always spotless when I was a teenager, but I did always buy my own stuff as my mum wasn't interested so maybe thats it.

Would just be nice to see the floor once in a while in her room haha 😂 after I've decorated I'll probably not see it for another year :imp:

Lol you had a good boyfriend I can't get my fella to clean up after himself nevermind me lol

Thank you @MadamMeow it's nice to know it's normal for girls to be so messy I must have been a clean freak haha 😂

Maybe you were a clean freak, but my dad and brother were too. Nothing wrong with that either. I sometimes wish I was.


In answer to why teenage girls rooms are always messy - my excuse was that I didn't know where to put all the things away. I also distinctly remember going on "expeditions" into my sister's room to find towels and laundry baskets and it was like wading through junk up to my mid calf. *shiver*

Yeah, don't miss those days now, but back then I knew where everything was on that floor. I don't know how, but when I wanted something I did know where to get it at least.

Kirsten Dunst Reaction GIF


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"

In answer to why teenage girls rooms are always messy - my excuse was that I didn't know where to put all the things away. I also distinctly remember going on "expeditions" into my sister's room to find towels and laundry baskets and it was like wading through junk up to my mid calf. *shiver*
That is my daughters excuse too she don't know where to put things lol
I was always the clean one at home my brothers were the messy ones haha my 9 year old boy isn't amazing at keeping clean but better than the 13 year old haha.
Thay is very similar to how my daughters was I've got 5 loads of washing out of her room and a pile of pots 😂


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Maybe you were a clean freak, but my dad and brother were too. Nothing wrong with that either. I sometimes wish I was.

Yeah, don't miss those days now, but back then I knew where everything was on that floor. I don't know how, but when I wanted something I did know where to get it at least.

Kirsten Dunst Reaction GIF
I'm far from a clean freak now wish I still was I hate a messy house but not enough to constantly clean lol 😂

Lol organised mess like it jessicas was just a mess no idea where anything was


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
day 14

day 8 recovery :v:
Day 14 Vitality :v:
Day 5 first thing water :v:
Exercise of the day :v:
Easy core day 3:v:
Day 3 walking challenge :v:
Total steps 5328

Another full day of decorating but daughter room is finally finished apart for the curtains going up

Another day of decorating ahead of me tomorrow as I start the boys room

Screenshot_20231228-185505_Huawei Health.jpg


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
day 15

day 9 recovery :v:
Day 15 Vitality :v:
Day 6 first thing water :v:
Day 4 Easy core :v:
Day 4 walking challenge :v:
Total steps 7696

Really starting to ache from decorating now working those arms and legs shifting beds and wardrobes and up and down ladders, I think a couple of months a go I wouldn't have been able to manage decorating two rooms

Screenshot_20231229-200118_Huawei Health.jpg


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 16

  • First thing water - Day 7

  • Universal warm up
  • Exercise of the day - 2 minutes - arm scissors
  • Core and Balance - level 1 - 30 second rests
  • Easy core challenge - day 5
  • Vitality - day 16 - level 1 - 30 second rests
  • Recovery program - day 10
  • Stretched

  • Walking challenge - day 5 - 20 minutes
  • TOTAL STEPS - 4840
Its been a very wet Saturday here today (why is the weather always shocking when your off work lol) so only a quick walk today, hoping it clears up a bit for next week so I can get a couple of walks in before going back to work on the 8th. Hopefully I will be finished with the decorating tomorrow with just a massive tidy up left to do.


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
good progress! keep it up!

and good luck with the tidy up! i haven't finished mine till the new year and not going to bother tbh :D
Thank you :)
I am really enjoying the workouts

Thanks I'll need it the kids have trashed the place while I've been decorating and the in-laws want to visit :cry:


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 17


  • First thing water - day 8

  • Universal warm up
  • Blue zone - level 1 - 10 seconds rest
  • Easy core challenge - day 6
  • Vitality - day 17 - level 1 - 30 seconds rest
  • Recovery - day 11 - level 1 - 10 seconds rest
  • Exercise of the day - tree pose hold - 1 minute each leg
  • Stretched
  • TOTAL TIME - forgot to put on my tracker but I'm guessing at 25 minutes

  • Walking challenge - day 6 - 34 minutes / 30 minutes
  • TOTAL STEPS - 5244
I now know that I do not enjoy w-extensions so I am adding them to my 2024 goals

Plan for 2024


  • Complete 1 challenge each month
  • Practice w-extensions daily
  • Complete 12 Programs
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles (I do this every year and really enjoy it, normally I count all my steps this year I am counting boots on only)
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day (walks on rest days)
Health and wellbeing

  • Look at my diet and start making some changes
  • Meditation at least once a week
  • Up my water intake
  • Upgrade my home (I hate my home, its small, cluttered and I can not afford to move or upgrade and decorate so this year I am going to upgrade / DIY / decorate somewhere different in my house each month. January will be my sons bedroom window. Im hoping lots of little simple upgrades will help me love our home again that and a tonne of decluttering)
  • Declutter
I will be adding my new year measurements tomorrow, I think I always go wrong when watching the numbers go up and down constantly so this year Im going by how I feel and will be doing my measurements at the beginning and end of the year.

:stomphard:HAPPY NEW YEAR :stomphard:


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 18


Daily workout
  • Universal warm up
  • Exercise of the day - 100 side jacks
  • 10 x w-extensions
  • Vitality - day 18 - level 1 - 10 second rests
  • Easy core challenge - day 7
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 1
  • Square one - day 1 - level 3 - 10 second rest
  • Recovery - day 12 - 30 second rest
  • Stretched
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 35 MINUTES 36 SECONDS (17 minutes in fat burn / 14 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 7 - 2 hr 42 min/15 min (19 minutes in aerobic / 96 minutes in fat burning / 42 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 3.93 WALK 1000 MILES - 3.93 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 5.64
  • TOTAL STEPS - 11776
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 1 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 3.93 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 35 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 9
2024 Goals
  • Diet - 50/50
  • Meditation ( 0 / 52 )
  • Water ( 750 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )
2 bedrooms now decorated and clean at last, this last week has worn me out getting the rooms organised, now to spend the rest of my time off work cleaning the rest of the house as the fella is no help at all and watches the kids trash the place :cry: 4 bin bags of items for the charity shop from the kids rooms and about 10 bags to in the bin :cool:

Me and the kids went on a local walk today to find some ducks

Its been a bit wet here recently so the waters a bit higher than usual, apparently there used to be a castle here and a moat, the moat is still kind of there, its not always full and in the spring we can walk over to where the castle is meant to have been, if its true it was a rather small castle, we usually come here in the spring to see the bluebells. Fun fact the bird seed on the tree stump is what we left the last time we visited in March :confused:


Finally found some ducks to feed (shocking photos I know ) and don't worry we fed them proper duck food. On the way home we visited the shopping outlet that we are lucky enough to live quite close to so the kids could spend some christmas money.

I have forgotten to do my measurements and I am already in bed so I will do them in the morning but in the meantime here is a photo of me from todays walk, I may make these a monthly thing to see how my body is changing if I remember. (I hate having my photo taken, I'm in need of the hairdressers and have got the worst flumpy coat on but this is me today on out cold but lovely walk )

Beautiful factories in the background, hopefully the next one will be more scenic.


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from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 19


Daily workout
  • Universal warm up
  • Exercise of the day - raised arm holds 5 x 1 minutes
  • 3 x 10 w-extensions
  • Vitality - day 19 - level 1 - 10 second rests
  • Easy core challenge - day 8
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 2
  • Square one - day 2 - level 2 - 30 second rest
  • Recovery - day 13
  • Stretched
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 34 MINUTES 28 SECONDS (18 minutes in fat burn / 13 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 8 - 36 min/35 min (2 minutes in aerobic / 16 minutes in fat burning / 17 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 1.39 WALK 1000 MILES - 5.32 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 1.92
  • TOTAL STEPS - 4592
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 2 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 5.32 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 34 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 10
  • Meditation - 2 x 3 minutes
2024 Goals
  • Diet - none
  • Meditation ( 1 / 52 )
  • Water ( 500 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )
  • Chest 50.5 inch
  • Waist 42 inch
  • Stomach 49.5 inch
  • Hips 47 inch
  • Right arm 14.5 inch
  • Left arm 14.5 inch
  • Right leg 27.5 inch
  • Left leg 27 inch
Today was a total flop, I fell back asleep after my alarm and got up 3 hours later than planned, I didn't want to but I got up and did my workout, todays was pretty simple easy exercises but I seemed to find them harder than they were. I had my breakfast which I was finishing when the fella dragged himself out of bed and went and got back in bed where I have spent 99% of my day binge watching netflix. I finally dragged myself out of bed at around 5 thinking I could make my daily walk to the shop to buy junk food, lucky for me the foot path was flooded as its been none stop rain here today and decided to loop around the estate instead (4 loops bet the neighbours think I am crackers wandering around the estate in the rain) I've tried meditating twice today but can not seem to lift this gloomy mood, I feel like everyone's always take take take at work I have to fill in for everyone as well as my own job like its not stressful enough I feel like they just put on me because I've been there the shortest, at home everyone expects me to do everything now I can understand this off the kids but for the first time since having my eldest I have gone back to work and an working more hours than the fella but he still refuses to help,he occasionally washes the pots and cooks and seems to think its enough, I've finally finished the decorating after spending 12 hours a day for 6 days on it and yesterday came down to a bombsite in the living room I've asked for help multiple times and not received it, yesterday while cleaning I noticed everyone was just watching me or making more mess as I was cleaning, so I stopped told my fella he had to do it because I wasn't going to as hes not done anything to help keep the house clean, his excuse was he didnt know what was christmas gifts but these have all been put away. Today the house is still a mess he has washed the pots and cooked tea left the house a dumping group, oldest promised she would help out and instead has not left her room for 48 hours and has trashed it already 4 days it took grrr. sorry for the massive rant this is not something I intended to do on here a messy house always make my down in the dumps and when I've been slogging my guts out decorating / working / cleaning I would like some effort from the other 3 people that live here to help out but apparently I'm the unreasonable one Hopefully I'll be out of this pit tomorrow and in a better mood 5 days till I am back at work and 9 days till we have guests over for my sons birthday, wish me luck getting my motivation to clean the house.
Jim Carrey Reaction GIF


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 20


Daily workout
  • Universal warm up
  • Exercise of the day - sumo squat hold - 60 seconds
  • 10 x w-extensions
  • Vitality - day 20 - level 1 - 1 minute
  • Easy core challenge - day 9
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 3
  • Square one - day 3 - level 3
  • Recovery - day 14
  • Stretched
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 32 MINUTES 59 SECONDS ( <1 minutes in Aerobic / 16 minutes in fat burn / 17 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 9 - 32 min / 15 min (<1 minutes in aerobic / 17 minutes in fat burning / 13 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 1.05 WALK 1000 MILES - 6.37 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 2.47
  • TOTAL STEPS - 4992
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 3 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 6.37 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 32 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 11
2024 Goals
  • Diet - none
  • Meditation ( 1 / 52 )
  • Water ( 250 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )
Today,s been a better day, still down in the dumps but it was better than yesterday, managed to do a bit of cleaning and washing, had a bit of help from the kids. I feel so bad for having a massive rant on here, sometimes things just get on top of me, was nice to have an outlet but I hate coming across as someone who complains all the time.

Got a busy day tomorrow I have some last minute shopping to do for my sons birthday and the christmas decorations to take down was hoping to get a walk in the park in town but I've just remembered they were doing renovations and I am not sure if its back open yet. I hope it is I'm hoping a dose of countryside will do me some good.

Take care


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 20


Daily workout
  • 2 minute warm up
  • Exercise of the day - knee to elbow - 50
  • 10 x w-extensions
  • Vitality - day 21 - level 2
  • Easy core challenge - day 10
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 4
  • Square one - day 4 - level 2
  • Recovery - day 15 :completed:
  • full body stretch
  • Ankle recovery
  • Sore feet
  • Footwork
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 47 MINUTES 42 SECONDS ( 3 minutes in Aerobic / 35 minutes in fat burn / 7 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 10 - 4 hours 28 min / 40 min ( 7 minutes in anaerobic / 84 minutes in aerobic / 121 minutes in fat burning / 48 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 7.78 WALK 1000 MILES - 14.15 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 7.84
  • TOTAL STEPS - 18,779
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 4 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 1 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 14.15 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 47 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 12
2024 Goals
  • Diet - Good breakfast and tea crap in-between
  • Meditation ( 1 / 52 )
  • Water ( 500 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )
Today has been great exercise wise and I'm too tired to be grumpy lol. I did nearly a 50 minute workout this morning and completed my recovery program and then me and the eldest decided to walk into town as the local pack was closed we were very tempted to catch the bus back but decided to walk I've not done a walk that long for a while, never got round to taking the christmas tree down tho so I guess that will be tomorrow morning's job. Daughter starts back at her boxing club tomorrow so tomorrow's walk will probably be walking her there (Its still getting quite dark early on and her clubs in the next village across). I've got the in-laws visiting so a early morning clean up is a must. Then me and the boy will be filling the freezer with cookies and flapjacks ready for school lunchboxes.


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
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Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Thank you @Fremen and @Anek
Excited Friday GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Day 20


Daily workout
  • Classic warm up
  • workout of the day - glutes,quads,hamstring & calves
  • 10 x w-extensions
  • Vitality - day 22 - level 1
  • Easy core challenge - day 11
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 5
  • Square one - day 5 - level 1
  • full body stretch
  • Ankle recovery
  • Sore feet
  • Footwork
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 31 MINUTES 47 SECONDS ( <1 minutes in Aerobic / 3 minutes in fat burn / 23 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 11 - 1 hours 0 min / 15 min ( 0 minutes in anaerobic / 2 minutes in aerobic / 19 minutes in fat burning / 37 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 2.87 WALK 1000 MILES - 17.02 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 4.48
  • TOTAL STEPS - 9101
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 5 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 1 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 17.02 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 31 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 13
  • Meditation - 3 minutes
2024 Goals
  • Diet - none
  • Meditation ( 1 / 52 )
  • Water ( 1500 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )
Today I've got up feeling sluggish, and has the days gone on started to feel a bit rubbish, I'm really hoping I'm not coming down with another bug as this will be the 4th one in around 5 weeks :(

exercise was a slow one today, managed to get the christmas decorations down and get the living room clean, never ended up doing the cookies and flapjacks incase I was coming down with something. If I wasnt walking my eldest to boxing I think I would have been in bed by 4pm. Planning on a lie in tomorrow and maybe switch my workout to yoga of just stretching.

Take care all


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
Pronouns: She / her
Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Thank you @Mamatigerj and @Fremen :tu:

Day 23


Daily workout
  • Vitality - day 23 - level 1
  • Easy core challenge - day 12
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 6
  • Square one - day 6 - level 1
  • Footwork
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 15 MINUTES 33 SECONDS ( <1 minutes in Aerobic / 7 minutes in fat burn / 7 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 12 - 1 hours 27 min / 45 min ( 0 minutes in anaerobic / 6 minutes in aerobic / 40 minutes in fat burning / 39 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 2.62 WALK 1000 MILES - 19.64 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 2.98
  • TOTAL STEPS - 7129
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 5 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 1 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 19.64 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 15 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 14
2024 Goals
  • Diet - none
  • Meditation ( 1 / 52 )
  • Water ( 500 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )
Had a lie in this morning helped me feel a bit better, forced myself out for a walk to the shops and did a small workout took it easy and only did 15 minutes but I'm not worried because of the walk I did. Hoping tomorrow's a better day and I manage to shift this bug before I start back at work, Mondays after the holidays are always manic.

Take care and sleep well :deepsleep::night:


Well-known member
from East midlands, england
Pronouns: She / her
Posts: 94
"Now he was learning again how easy it was to be lonely in a crowd. - Peter May"
Day 24


Daily workout
  • Classic warm up
  • 10 x w extensions
  • Vitality - day 24 - level 1
  • Easy core challenge - day 13
  • Touch your toes challenge - day 7
  • Square one - day 7 - level 1
  • Not perfect - level 1
  • Footwork
  • Sore feet
  • Ankle recovery
  • Full body stretch
  • TOTAL WORKOUT TIME - 31 MINUTES 47 SECONDS ( 0 minutes in Aerobic / 3 minutes in fat burn / 24 minutes in warm up)
  • Walking challenge - day 13 - 0 hours 18 min / 45 min ( 0 minutes in anaerobic / 0 minutes in aerobic / 0 minutes in fat burning / 16 minutes in warm up)
  • BOOTS ON MILES - 0.71 WALK 1000 MILES - 20.35 / 1000
  • TOTAL MILES - 1.88
  • TOTAL STEPS - 4508
2024 Goals
  • Challenges completed ( 0 / 12 )
  • Practice w-extensions daily ( 6 / 366 )
  • Programs completed ( 1 / 12 )
  • Up my fitness and flexibility
  • Walk 1000 miles ( 20.35 / 1000 )
  • 30 minutes a day ( 31 / 30 )
Health and well-being
  • First thing water - day 15
2024 Goals
  • Diet - 50/50
  • Meditation ( 1 / 52 )
  • Water ( 500 ml / 2000 ml )
  • Mini home upgrades ( 0 / 12 )
  • Declutter / charity shop donations ( 0 / 12 )

Weekly report

  • Total exercise time - 880 minutes (14 hrs 40 minutes) :dance:
  • Calorie consumption - 4790 kcal :float:
  • Miles - 25.62 - Walk1000miles - 20.35 :hope:
  • Total Steps - 61,331 :makeway:
Today's been a busy one I've premade or prepared all the ingredients for next weeks meals, cleaned, baked, ironed and ironed some more. feeling slightly better now. Those end of week figures are helping me feel much better about myself. Worried being back at work will effect these numbers but going to try my best to keep them up.

Night all