@MadamMeow He certainly is, and went out twice today on his bike.
@Lady Celerity Is there an indoor option?
Cardio and abs Day 18
Upper Body Blast Day 25
Dead Hang Day 25
- Indoor bike, 50 mins, 25.11km.
- Vertical battle-rope pulls, a few minutes.
The morning started slower than I had hoped because Garmin changed their app and I had to play around to find out the
exact format I wanted, no, maybe if I..., hmm, what about putting this here and... Anyway, took me about half an hour to get it where I think I want it. Well, today, at any rate.

Then I got on the bike because I thought I'd give the feet and ankles a bit of a rest. And I hadn't been on the exercise bike for a while. It gave me an opportunity to watch a few YouTube videos that I wouldn't otherwise have watched.
Later, I hauled the battle rope off the deck and slung it over the top of the squat bar and had some fun pulling it down, noting that if the rope landed on top of itself, it was harder to pull than if it landed next to itself. As you might expect! Anyway, that was a lot of fun and I can see myself playing more with that.
I thought I might set myself an actual bedtime, perhaps of midnight, but I note that it's already 11:51 and I haven't showered yet, so perhaps not tonight... It's school holidays, and I have the eldest and youngest with me, and when that happens, the eldest spends much of her time with me in my room, until about 10pm. This means that a lot of things that I might like to do, I don't because I'd rather spend my time with her, but I want to do those things so I do them later. (That excuse only works for this situation and doesn't explain why I normally have late nights - or rather, early mornings.) So I'll enjoy her company until next week when the holidays are over again and
then I'll endeavour to establish a midnight bedtime. And use the Darebee
challenge to keep me going.
Tonight I'll be listening to Day 27 of the 30-day Medito challenge. It's been interesting.
Shower-time now and then bed.