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Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@Deadoks maleolus are the bony projections from the tibia to the ankle joint. If there is a problem with the knee joint it reacts badly to high-impact exercises usually that cause inflammation in the non-bone components of the joint because of the extra load the impact delivers. This exercise has no impact and though you will feel the load on your knees as you rise it helps strengthen the knee joint way more than jump rope. But yeah, any kneeling exercise like this is best done on a mat because the skin over the knee is pretty thin, it is easily damaged plus just kneeling like this hurts. :LOL:


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
Foot strength really becomes an issue only when we don't have it and then, developing it is hard because we usually struggle with some kind of injury or pain associated with weak feet. Here's how to never get to that point, without however having to do much about it either :LOL: .



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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Interesting, thank you @Damer ! Actually I do not like at all / am not used to being barefoot in "regular" time (the old "be dressed to the shoes cause I don't want you to step even on the terrace barefoot" education) ; however, with yoga I always exercise barefoot, and it is way more silent for my neighbours on the floor below, LOL. So, yay, I'll continue exercise barefoot, at least.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@PetiteSheWolf there's some 'old school' conditioning we all have to overcome, plus modern shoes are incredible feats of engineering, they recycle a lot of the energy we push through them to help us walk, run and jump more easily. Unfortunately our feet get weaker as a result and the recorded instances of feet aches, pains and injuries is only going up. You're doing the right thing. :LOL:


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
I mostly train barefoot. Jump rope barefoot is a real torture even if I do well, a miss is so painful haha. Years ago I bought some barefoot shoes from Vibram one pair for inside and one for outside. I did a Spartacus and a Stronviking run with them it was amazing. Love these shoes.


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
Good work! Impressive! And very nice kicks.
Even after more then 20 years into combat art I'm not able to do these kicks as I'm not flexible at all. I tried to work it and my taekwondo and other teacher tried but no I can't... So I would do low kick low kick.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@Deadoks that is really good and barefoot shoes are amazing, these days I use them on most of my 5km runs. Anything longer and I need different shoes because the attention I need to have to what's on the ground is too tiring on long runs :LOL: . I'm with you on skipping rope barefoot. Land wrongly and you know it immediately!!!


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Hunter Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 26
I should show this to my mom, who was in a constant battle with me when I was as a kid and teenager about wearing shoes indoors and in the garden. :imp:

To this day I walk around barefoot in my apartment and always work out barefoot at home too, I never tried barefoot running tho.


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
Good one I do this sometime during the day 2 time each side. I never extend too much cause I just can't.
In fact to be complete, I do my foot to my butt, then I balance it to high knee (without touching the floor) and I extend a little my leg (to my poor flex possibilities).
Then I put my foot on the floor and I do the other one!


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
This is an easy exercise to perform and it actually helps you feel really good about yourself, especially if you add your favorite brand of music to it.

Do it for a minute or two (if you can) and you will immediately feel the benefits.



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None from France
Posts: 571
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Thanks @Damer, really interesting, and really true. I find recently that the reason why i wanted to get fit was not really clear for me (or maybe i have to much and i am confused, need to think more about that) and that is maybe why i am not succeeding. On top of ectic life.
And i am so happy not being 18, this way i won't get bought by an alien :LOL:


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@graoumia you made me laugh :LOL: and yeah, working out for ourselves why we do things is the secret to being able to do them, otherwise they just go on a list of actions we have to do that is always added on and the moment something more pressing comes along, something drops and it's usually fitness which we know is so important for so many things. None of us just "get it" we all need to carefully look for our reasons, but once we understand them we become truly unstoppable, I am really glad this helped.


from Arkansas
Posts: 24
"Sometimes the why is more important than the action."
I can't watch the video since I am at work... but you make a valid point. I have always told my kids and my husband that your why is always more important than what you did.

I think I need to find my why. I have always tried to get healthy or lose weight but its always easier to not do anything about it than do something about it. I need to find my why or I'm not going to stick with it this time either.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
I can't watch the video since I am at work... but you make a valid point. I have always told my kids and my husband that your why is always more important than what you did.

I think I need to find my why. I have always tried to get healthy or lose weight but its always easier to not do anything about it than do something about it. I need to find my why or I'm not going to stick with it this time either.
I cannot add anything more meanigful than your wise words.


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None from France
Posts: 571
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
@Damer, i have 2 questions, the first one is related to the first point, the why. Can we have several one , if yes, h should we limit their number, and should we prioritize them ?
And second, about the fail, do you think we should include iin our plan something like on these special days (maybe something related to work or a personal chronic struggle , it is ok if i don't eat well, or not exercize ? Or is it better just knowing it will happen ?

Thanks for your help


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@graoumia you can have many moving parts to your why but really, when you truly think about it, there is only one clear, overriding reason why you want to do something as uncomfortable as exercise, day after day, every day. You just need to truly find it and, in particular, understand it. As for how we treat those days when we fail, I think we should never plan to fail by saying, for instance, "I'm having a bad day, so off I am to eat the wrong foods and drink" that's the wrong approach entirely. It's giving ourselves a Hallpass. Our aim and intention should always be not to fail and when we do, we should both be kind to ourselves and also have a contingency plan that gives us a small win: "Sure, we didn't manage to workout today because life got crazy, but we meditated." I hope this helps.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@graoumia you're doing the right thing, thinking deep to find your reason. What I will say is that whatever it is, it is yours. It is always something personal. Something deep. Something that, when you find it, you know it is right. And that keeps you going.


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Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
I'm still there after nearly 40 days!
I found my why but this why is way different then my why when I was in my 20's, 30's, 40's...
I had several goals, several fails, several big wins unfortunately.

The hardest for me was to cope with big big changes in my life.
For example (personal matters) when I was at the top of my health at 28 I had a big car crash (A guy crashed on my car while I was on a file line, he did not see the circulation was stuck, he was on is phone... BAM...) and for 4 months I was not able to do anything else then the recovery process. Lost so much. It made me loose my cycle of health for quite some time and it was really hard to go back onto it. When my ex wife left and let me my 2 children it was also something I could not handle... i had to give priorities and my mind and body were not into health and sport anymore...
I have a very good why that can help me continue long and achieve my goals... But I think the people that can continue their journey like this even when life strike hard have a way stronger will then me.
I began my log the 1 january because it was a date I like but it's like 3 month I was doing soft exercises, some workouts and so to prepare to publish my logs.
Because if I begin to do something to others, I do it good, perfect, clean and lean!


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
@Deadoks the fact that you're still with it 40 days in is hugely inspiring and thank you for sharing your own journey here. Big events in our lives always affect us deeply and often derail our plans. Our "why" will change over time. This is natural and it is the result of changing circumstances around us and also our own changing experience and knowledge. You mentioned "stronger will" and I have to say there is no such thing. The motivation to do something has nothing to do with character or will power or discipline. These are the judgmental labels we applied in the past when we couldn't understand the scientific basis of motivation and the real need to better understand who we are and what we want. Everybody who sticks with their training plan does so for reasons of their own. They do so because of what they feel about what they want to achieve. This is a process. We are dynamic beings living in ever-evolving situations and environments. We need to think what is we want to achieve with the things we do and how do we want to feel about ourselves.


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
Here's the latest time-saver you can do at home. You can use any weight you want or substitute it, safely, with any improvised weight. The trick is to not let the weight drop below head-height at any time. As usual, let me know your thoughts and, also, how useful you find it.



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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,011
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I realize that my way of training is completely changing from a search for performance to one for well-being in the broadest sense of the term :)
I will never be grateful enough to Darebee for helping me understand the difference between looking fit and actually being fit, thank you :please:


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 749
Hands are often overlooked in our fitness plan. Yet they play such a key role in our overall health and fitness. Here are three exercises you can do any time, anywhere. No warm-up required. Let me know what you think as always.

And here's an additional, super-quick hands exercise you can do when you're super-pushed for time. Perfect if you're typing a lot, use a keyboard or a mouse.
