My People Folding Journey (mostly anyway!)


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
A little copy and paste from the previous thread so I don't lose track of my goals!! Hopefully I can be more consistent with check-ins again :stubby:

Some of my goals for this year are not specific in nature as I'm more interested in being functional and just enjoying myself. I have more specific goals around jiu jitsu and those are done below!

BJJ is the most important fitness aspect to me at the moment and so I'm hoping to move my daily fitness around in such a way that it compliments my jits training, has me all of the happy, but also puts me on track for some steady progress on things that need work.

Some physical things that need some love are - stronger core, glute activation, more flexibility in my hips and shoulders, high intensity cardio conditioning (just running is fine for me, but the step up from there is not great), some toning up and losing a maximum of 15lbs, but ideally no more than 10lbs.

With the World's Master Championships ending two weeks ago our club is already doing some pre-planning for next years competition. I have a follow-up at the hospital in January so I won't know if I'm competing until after that appointment. In any case, I'm going into the fall season training like I am competing next September so at least I raring to go!

Some of the things that I need to work on are:
- glute activation
- stronger core
- forearm/ grip strength
- balance + stability
- cardio conditioning
- better flexibility in my shoulders + hips

Some of the things I would like to happen:
- have a good mix of lifting, bodyweight, cardio/high intensity and bands
- do more running again on a regular basis
- lose around 10-15lbs so I will be down a weight class to light for competitions
- be able to do the splits
- maintain daily mobility flow + daily circuit

Some specific BJJ stuff I need to work on:
- better reaction time on my feet
- practice flowing between my jits takedowns to judo throw set-ups and vice versa. I feel like if I am at ease with using my standing game then the reaction time is honestly gonna follow.
- breaking grips and keeping my grips in both standing and when dealing with opponents in open guard. The latter has gotten A LOT better, the former isn't terrible, but it needs more work.
- spider guard: moving to subs or sweeps when I've got it and breaking it when stuck in it
- work on my open guard game + retention and passing when standing
- tighter maintenance when in mount
- half guard: getting my sweeps or deep half guard faster + drill the crap outta one higher half guard pass and one lower pass so set-up requires no thinking

IG ~ if anyone wants to connect outside of the Hive
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Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
19.09.2023 (Mon)

BJJ Morning Class (1hr) ~ first off one my teammates passed his purple belt test this past weekend so he got his new belt at the start of class! Always so exciting when someone gets a new belt as that is a lot of time, effort and training to make it happen. Super stoked for him!
Worked on in class: focused on haymaker/punch to the face defense to the takedown (sit-down) back and forth; same side gi-grip for a pseudo cross collar choke from standing, worked both sides, back and forth; a sneaky baited arm lock to opposite collar grip from closed guard for this choke, worked the one side, back and forth.

Lifting ~ Chest (mostly) [5 sets]
bench press: 6, 6, 5, 5, 5 reps w/ 105lbs [3 rep increase]
DB floor flys: 12 reps w/25lb DBs [5lb increase]
incline DB press: 6, 4, 4, 4, 3 w/35lb DBs [5lb increase]
8 upright rows w/25lb DBs [8lb increase] + 8 bicep curls w/32lb BB [2lb increase]
alt incline DB press each side: 8, 7, 7, 7, 6 w/25lb DBs [5lb increase]

Cardio Trim Run D28 ~ 40 push-ups (wide grip) -- one go
Core Strength D28 ~ [2 walkouts, 10 ct full plank, 10 up/down planks, 10 plank crunches] -- Level 3 / 5 sets. Done in one go.

Daily Circuit
70 ninja run (lateral jumps) / 30sec rest / 4 sets
18 sit-ups + 18 air bike crunches + 18 sitting twists / 30sec rest / 4 sets
5 sec flex hang / 30sec rest / 4 sets
20 glute flex + 20 bridges / 30sec rest / 4 sets
200 side leg raises (50/50/50/50) + 200 back leg raises (50/50/50/50) + 400 side kicks (100/100/100/100) + 1 min side splits

Mobility Flow ~ 10 min at the club pre-jits class + 15 min at home post-workout cool down.

Before Breakfast Cardio D19 ~ 55 jumping jacks / 30sec rest / 3 sets -- completed


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
20.09.2023 (Tues)

Stone Patio Work ~ 3 hours

Lifting ~ Back [5 sets]
bent over rows (rotate grips): 8 reps w/ 47lb BB] (*6 sets instead of 5 sets because of the rotated grip)
DB lever rows: 10 reps w/ 25lb DBs
bent over flys: 10 reps w/ 15lb DBs

Cardio Trim Run D29 ~ [20 jumping jacks + 4 knee to elbows (x5)] -- Level 3 / 7 sets. Completed in 2 sets instead of 7 sets
Core Strength D29 ~ [10 leg raises + 10 sitting twists (x3)] -- Level 3 / 5 sets. Completed

Daily Circuit
35 crunches + 40 side jack knives / 30sec rest / 4 sets
70 air bike crunches -- one go + 70 heel taps -- one go
30sec flex hang -- one go
80 bent leg kickbacks (40/40) + 80 fie hydrants (40/40)
200 side leg raises (50/50/50/50) + 200 back leg raises (50/50/50/50) + 400 side kicks (100/100/100/100) + 1 min side splits

Mobility Flow ~ 10 min side body + upper glute focus in the a.m. + 15 min full body flow around lunch time

Before Breakfast Cardio D20 ~ [15 sprawls / 30sec rest / 3 sets] -- completed


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
21.09.2023 (Wed)

BJJ Morning Class (1hr) ~ we had essentially an hour Q&A with the Professor this morning to work on more specific things that we're struggling with when rolling or drilling. Everything was worked back and forth with partner after discussion of it.

Worked on:
~ sweeping opponent when attempting a guillotine from closed guard and they are attempting to stand up. Hook same side leg as choke arm and sweep them right into mount, ideally keeping that guillotine grip on the chin because then you can finish the choke there by tripoding up onto your head
~ straight on triangle from closed guard, push-pull arms and pop legs up, clamp leg over the neck, grab the shin + push the knee + use other foot on the hip to help you shoulder walk until their posture is broken, then through the triangle on and squeeze.
~ Also triangle from the side also via closed guard same push-pull set-up, but instead of locking in the legs, scoop the arm outside of the triangle, clamp same side leg down over the head while pulling opposite arm across the body, then hip out until posture broken and squeeze. If one leg doesn't tap them out then can hook ankles together for the tap.
~ hitchhicker escape from full arm bar. I am trash at this escape because you gotta walk one to walk the other and come up into a crush/stack pass. It apparently makes my brain melt and I need some solid drill on it so I don't gotta think about it to have any success with it.
~ basic north-south choke. Move from side control (kesa ideally), control that side arm and step over it to block it, scoop head with that side arm, block the hip with your under hook arm as you shift you step + shift your body to north, melt into the choke as this allows your armpit to pry the chin up for more of your shoulder. If you can drive the hand scooping the head to the collar for a deeper choke, base your hand that was blocking the hip so you can plank up and use your ribs to move their head sideways, then base with your head by their shoulder and squeeze. Ideally shouldn't need both hands to finish this choke, but you can go palm to palm to finish it if needed. Sucks so much and I can't wait to use this choke!! It's like an upside down head and arm choke :plot:

Core Strength D30 ~ [50 side leg raises left, 20 knee to elbows, 50 side leg raises right, 20 knee to elbows] -- Level 3 / 5 sets. Completed.

Daily Circuit
80 ninja run / 30sec rest / 4 sets
20 sit-ups + 20 air bike crunches + 20 sitting twists / 30sec rest / 4 sets
5 sec flex hang / 30sec rest / 4 sets] [20 glute flex + 20 bridges / 30sec rest / 4 sets
100 side leg raises (50/50) + 100 back leg raises (50/50) + 100 side kicks (50/50) + 1 min side splits

Mobility Flow ~ 12 min lowerbody focus before jits in a.m. + 10 min general flow in afternoon

Before Breakfast Cardio D21 ~ [60 jumping jacks / 30sec rest / 3 sets] -- completed


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
22.09.2023 (Thurs)

~ I was supposed to work on the stone patio for a few hours today, but my day has completely gotten away from me and feeling a touch overwhelmed with my "have to get done" stuff at the moment! Friday is typically my write off day as it's just back-to-back stuff going on until bedtime basically, so it looks like I'll be working on Saturday in regards to the patio. My brother is getting married Sunday afternoon so I'm going into a VERY full weekend with lovely fall temps, but that is a great plus side for me!

Lifting ~ Shoulders [5 sets]
shoulder press: 9 reps w/ 47lb BB
lat raises: 10 reps w/ 15lb DBs
front raises: 9 reps w/ 15lb DBs
arnold press: 8 reps w/ 20lb DBs
shoulder squeeze: 20 reps w/ 50+10 lb bands

Hard Reset Cardio D1 ~ [20 minute run required] -- actual run time: 27 minutes / 4.62km. My first solid run since I dislocated my toe about a month ago and it went not too badly and had a decent pace as well
[ZR - S3/M23: I'm With Stupid] Season 3 has gotten real interesting since about mission 15, or around there, and I'm stoked to see what happens next. Thanks to @Whirly for the Zombie, Run reminder as I'd not been on there in a bit!

Hard Reset Strength D1 ~ 5 sets
12 bicep curls w/ 17.5lb DBs
6 upright rows w/ 50lb BB
6 lat raises w/ 17.5lb DBs
6 shoulder press w/ 50lb BB
6 bent over rows (alt. grip) w/ 70lb BB

Daily Circuit
40 crunches + 40 side jack knives / 30sec rest / 4 sets
80 dead bugs -- one go + 80 heel taps -- one go
35 sec flex hang -- one go
90 bent leg kickbacks (50/40) + 90 fire hydrants (50/40)
100 side leg raises (50/50) + 100 back leg raises (50/50) + 100 side kicks (50/50) + 1 min side splits

Mobility Flow ~ 16 min general flow

Before Breakfast Cardio D22 ~ [16 sprawls / 30sec rest / 3 sets] -- completed

Current Running Total (2022): 145.48 km
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Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
23.09.2023 (Fri)

~ The afternoon imploded with some massive family drama and so I didn't go to class this evening like I'd planned as I was literally on and off phone calls for hours with one person after the other. While also attempting to finish up my errands before driving the 45 minutes back home. That drive isn't so great without any tunes to keep you company so you don't feel sleepy.
I'm very much the mediator in this kind of stuff and we've had no major drama in at least 5 years, maybe longer honestly. My dad attempted to get into a full on fight with my brother who recently left the army (special ops) and then preceded to tell him to get effed + then gave the same spiel to my other brother who was getting help renovating his RV there. Needless to say the both of them are tap dancing well pact livid, only one of them is coming to our other brother's wedding this weekend now, and both never wanna see/talk to our dad ever again. The whole thing is so, so odd as my dad isn't like that at all. My brain is still thinking :saywhat: Hopefully once everyone has a beat to get their noodles chilled out they can have some sort of discussion.

Lifting ~ arms [5 sets]
skull crushers: 8 reps w/ 17.5lb DBs
reverse curls: 9 reps w/ 15lb DBs [+1 rep per set] + hammer curl: 8 reps w/ 17.5lb DBs [+2.5lb increase]
over tri exts: 8 reps each side w/ 25lb DB
zottman curls: 8 reps w/ 17.5lb DBs [+2.5lb increase]

Hard Reset Cardio D2 ~ 20 minute cycle / 6.9km

Hard Reset Strength D2 ~ 5 sets
12 lunges w/ 17.5lb DBs
12 sts lunges w/ 17.5lb DBs
12 calf raises w/ 50lb BB12 goblet squats w/ 30lb DB

Daily Circuit
80 ninja run / 30sec rest / 4 sets
20 sit-ups + 20 air bike crunches + 20 sitting twists / 30sec rest / 4 sets
5 sec flex hang / 30sec rest / 4 sets
20 glute flex + 20 bridges / 30sec rest / 4 sets
100 side leg raises (50/50) + 100 back leg raises (50/50) + 100 side kicks (50/50) + 1 min side splits

Mobility Flow ~ 10 min general flow in the a.m. + 10 min lower body in the afternoon

Before Breakfast Cardio D23 ~ [65 jumping jacks / 30sec rest / 3 sets]

Current Running Total (2022): 145.48 km


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
24.09.2023 (Sat)

Open Mat (11:30am to 12pm) ~ Sparred with two +200lb purple belts for four 5 minute rounds with 45 sec rest. Easily two of my favourite team mates to roll with because they don't go easy on me at all and give AMAZING instruction as well! I'm so close to snagging subs on the both of them, I just need my reaction time to kick it up a notch now :yas: Other half has Saturday's off for the next six weeks now so I think we'll be hitting up this open mat for all of them honestly. I'm stoked to get some great rounds in consistently and ratchet up the ninja skills even more!!

BJJ afternoon class (12p to 1:15p) ~ I was working with a new gal for this class, it was her first one ever, and we focused mostly on some fun sweeps from closed guard. Some good review for some things for me and a new one that I think I am going to use regularly now. It feels terrible when you do it and you end right in mount with a paper cutter choke already cranked on across the throat. So awful for the person on the bottom, but yays for the person on top! :imp:

Core Day [5 sets] ~ skipped as I'm so dang sore from Open Mat and afternoon jits class

Hard Reset Cardio D2 ~
[Pt. 1 ~ 30sec climbers / 30sec rest / 5 sets] -- completed
[Pt. 2 ~ 10 ct elbow plank, 10 ct side elbow plank each side, 10 ct raised leg elbow plank each side, 10 ct elbow plank] -- completed

Hard Reset Strength D2 ~
[60sec straight leg kickback hold, 60sec bird dog hold, 60sec fire hydrant hold] -- each side. Completed
[60sec superman, 60sec prone rev fly hold, 60sec back stretch] -- once through. Completed

Daily Circuit
~ didn't do any of these today. Was ridiculously sore.

Mobility Flow ~ 12 general flow at the club + 10 min hip opening in the evening

Before Breakfast Cardio D24 ~ [17 sprawls / 30sec rest / 3 sets]

Current Running Total (2022): 145.48 km


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
25.09.2023 (Sun)

~ Brother got married this afternoon to a very lovely gal. I'm very glad that he's found someone that fits him so well!
My kiddo (ASD + non-verbal) doesn't well with groups larger than 10 or a ton of noise so we hung out in the garden at the church for the ceremony. We did try to stay inside but literally 5 minutes before it was supposed to start he got extremely irritable, beginnings of physical crashing, and we took an exit stage left so it wouldn't disrupt the ceremony. We danced, played chase, did BJJ drills, and climbed trees for just shy of an hour and it ended on a lovely positive note for him/us :D

Side note ~ no family drama happened at the wedding so that is a pile positive. Nothing is fixed, but nobody started anything either.

Active Rest Day ~ probably the first time that I've done this so dang well!

Hard Reset Cardio D4 ~ [20 side kicks, 20 front kicks, 20 punches, 20 combos: jab + cross + side kick] -- Level 3 / 5 sets

Hard Reset Strength D4 ~ [Pt. 1 ~ 80 side leg raises, 80 back leg raises, 40 sts lunges] [Pt. 2 ~ 2min side splits]

Daily Circuit
~ the insane soreness continues worse today if that is possible?

Mobility Flow ~ 17 minute flow in the evening

Before Breakfast Cardio D25 ~ [70 jumping jacks / 30sec rest / 3 sets]

Current Running Total (2022): 145.48 km


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
26.09.2023 (Mon)

~ Stone Patio Work: 9am to just after 12pm

Lifting (mostly) Chest [5 sets]
bench press: 7, 7, 6, 6,5 reps w/ 105lbs [+4 rep overall increase]
DB floor flys: 12 reps w/27.5lb DBs [2.5lb increase]
upright rows: 8 reps w/27.5lb DBs [around 5ish lb increase - tough!] + bicep curls: 8 reps w/35lb BB [3lb increase]
incline DB press: 6, 5, 5, 5, 4 w/35lb DBs [still tough! but +4 rep overall increase]

Hard Reset Cardio D5 ~ 20 minute run -- imma do this tomorrow with the other 20 min run for a longer run as I typically don't do anything under 30 minutes so may as well do the time at the same time. Plus my day was honestly too busy to fit it in so this works out great!

Hard Reset Strength D5 ~ 5 sets
12 rom DL's w/ 70lb BB
6 bent over flys w/ 17.5lb DBs
12 bicep curls w/ 17.5lb DBs
6 bent over rows w/ 70lb BB
6 shrugs w/ 30lb DBs

Daily Circuit
45 crunches + 40 side jack knives / 30sec rest / 4 sets
90 dead bugs -- one go + 90 heel taps -- one go
40 sec flex hang -- one go
100 bent leg kickbacks (50/50) + 100 fire hydrants (50/50)
120 side leg raises (60/60) + 120 back leg raises (60/60) + 120 side kicks (60/60) + 1min 20sec side splits

Mobility Flow ~ 10 a.m. general flow + 18 min more general flow with a slight focus on side body

Before Breakfast Cardio D25 ~ [18 sprawls / 30sec rest / 3 sets] -- completed

Current Running Total (2022): 145.48 km


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
16.10.2022 (Sun)

~ I disappeared and opted to pause both programs + lifting, and literally any other form of tech entertainment, while I got the stone patio job done.
I was too overwhelmed with the two jobs, 2 programs + weight lifting, BJJ training again three days a week and my kiddo starting school all in the same few weeks. So I focused on the daily challenges (x5 or 6) and just the patio for two weeks ish and I got it finished the beginning of this week!

I worked my photography job this weekend so I'll be back into both Hard Reset programs as of tomorrow. I'm planning to pick up weight lifting again the beginning of November and I'm staying with the three days of BJJ training at this point at the club.

Very glad to be back what is my regular programing :glee: and posting more as well!


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
17.10 (Mon) to 20.10.2022 (Thurs)

Alright so, just gonna do a bulk update for the last few days.
On Monday I played catch up for Sat and Sun in regards to the daily challenges and that put me back on track with them for the rest of the week/month. I picked up the Hard Reset programs between Mon and Tues as well., but I'll put that in a different post along with some REALLY excellent news!!

[Mon] First Thing Push-ups D15 ~ 30 push-ups (one go)
[Mon] First Thing Push-ups D16 ~ 60 push-ups (50/10 - wide)
[Mon] First Thing Push-ups D17 ~ 10 push-ups (one go - wide)
[Tues] First Thing Push-ups D18 ~ 15 push-ups (one go)
[Wed] First Thing Push-ups D19 ~ 65 push-ups (45 wide/20 close)
[Thurs] First Thing Push-ups D20 ~ 20 push-ups (one go - wide)

[Mon] Daily kicks D15 ~ 30 front kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets (no rest)
[Mon] Daily kicks D16 ~ 32 side kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets (no rest)
[Mon] Daily Kicks D17 ~ 32 turning kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets -- I don't like these kicks.... which for myself is often a good incentive to do them more... I'm planning some private muay thai lessons so I can focus more on the striking stuff I am struggling with. Are there any more experience Muay Thai or Taekwondo peeps that have some tips for practicing these kicks when you are literally trash at them?

[Tues] Daily Kicks D18 ~ 32 front kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets (no rest)
[Wed] Daily Kicks D19 ~ 34 side kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets (no rest)
[Thurs] Daily Kicks D20 ~ 34 turning kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets -- for real.. my nemesis at this point :sus:

[Mon] Ab Challenge* D15 ~ 40 sit-ups + 180 flutter kicks (110/40) + 2min elbow plank (1min/1 min) + 40 sitting twists -- done nonstop until all reps finished
[Mon] Ab Challenge D16 ~ 20 sit-ups + 20 flutter kicks + 20sec elbow plank + 20 sitting twists -- one go
[Mon] Ab Challenge D17 ~ 42 sit-ups + 190 flutter kicks (150/40) + 2m10s elbow plank (1m10s/1min) + 42 sitting twists
[Tues] Ab Challenge D18 ~ 44 sit-ups + 200 flutter kicks (150/50) + 44 sitting twists
[Wed] Ab Challenge D19 ~ 46 sit-ups + 210 flutter kicks (160/50) + 46 sitting twists
[Thurs] Ab Challenge D20 ~ 20 sit-ups + 20 flutter kicks + 20 sec elbow plank + 20 sitting twists
* I am doing the daily allotment of exercises either in one go or completing the reps broken up but moving from one exercise to the next until all reps are completed. If that makes sense.

[Mon] Arms + Abs D15 ~ 12 sit-up punches / 30sec rest / 5 sets -- done in two sets
[Mon] Arms + Abs D16 ~ 22 shoulder taps + 22 side shoulder taps / 30sec rest / 5 sets -- done in two sets
[Mon] Arms + Abs D17 ~ 14 sit-up punches / 30sec rest / 5 sets -- done in two sets
[Tues] Arms + Abs D18 ~ 24 shoulder taps + 24 side shoulder taps / 30sec rest / 5 sets -- done in two sets
[Wed] Arms + Abs D19 ~ 14 sit-ups punches / 30secs rest / 5 sets -- done in two sets
[Thurs] Arms + Abs D20 ~ 24 shoulder taps + 24 side shoulder taps / 30sec rest / 5 sets -- done in two sets

[Mon] Level Up** D15 ~ 3 min high knees / nonstop
[Mon] Level Up D16 ~ 80 shoulder taps (40/40)
[Mon] Level Up D17 ~ 30 climbers / 30sec rest / 7 sets -- done in two sets
[Tues] Level Up D18 ~ 50 sts lunges + 50 shoulder taps / 30sec rest / 3 sets
[Wed] Level Up D19 ~ 3 min climbers / nonstop -- the freakin' worst. bleh.
[Thurs] Level Up D20 ~ 100 sts lunges (60/40)
** I am doing some mods to the days and/or exercises for this challenge on the second time through it to focus on things that I need to for me.


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
17.10 (Mon) to 20.10.2022 (Thurs) [cont.]

~ I started as the assistant instructor for the self-defense classes at the club this week and I am INCREDIBLY excited about it! The focus for these classes is defending against different types of punches/kicks, protecting your neck against chokes, defending and escaping headlocks, and mount escapes - essentially all stuff from standing initially to some minor fundamental stuff on the ground - so you can run away. Or, if you're more fight inclined via your adrenal response then we'll also briefly go over a little offense as well in those situations as well. I completely love BJJ and I never in my wildest dreams thought that I'd be in a position to not only help instruct to this capacity, but it actually be a job for me too :makeway:

[Mon] Hard Reset Strength D14 + 15

[Tues] Hard Reset Cardio D16
[Tues] Hard Reset Strength D6

[Thurs] Hard Reset Strength D17 - 5 sets
14 hammer curl to press with 17.5lb DBs
8 upright rows with 17.5lb DBs
8 lat raises with 17.5lb DBs
8 bent over rows with 60lb BB

~ I will be doing both Hard Reset Days 14 + 17 later on this afternoon via an indoor cycle as I've managed to do a crap job of managing my time today *sigh*


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,324
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
[Mon] Daily Kicks D17 ~ 32 turning kicks / 30sec rest / 3 sets -- I don't like these kicks.... which for myself is often a good incentive to do them more... I'm planning some private muay thai lessons so I can focus more on the striking stuff I am struggling with. Are there any more experience Muay Thai or Taekwondo peeps that have some tips for practicing these kicks when you are literally trash at them?
Bring the knee up. Rotate pelvis so hip is now facing ceiling and middle of shin is kind of in line with hip - you'll need to rotate your supporting foot too. Extend leg all the way through the target (imagining the target is directly in front of you). Bring leg back, then rotate and down. Rinse, repeat. It's easy to do - on 'paper'! :LOL:


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
Oh my word @TopNotch this is an excellent description of what my body needs to be doing. That feels totally different to what I was trying to make my body do and weirdly cranking my knee in the process just a bit. So despite the on 'paper' aspect of it, it makes sense and I don't think I've ever pivoted so well until this point! Thank you very much!!!


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
Been insanely busy through the month of November with both jobs; winter gearing up here aka shoveling galore; my kiddo's school + extracurricular activities + therapies; my own jits training and various other appointments; AND I decided to just finish doing my upgrading - only English 12 left! Once I finish that course up then if I want to do anything at the college in the near-ish future then I just can!

Also, stayed on top of 5 daily challenges, a smattering of Darebee WOD thrown in there when I was extra energetic, and I did my weight lifting split for all of this month too. I think for the first two weeks of December I'll pause the lifting simply because I want to get a handle on my school schedule with my training thrown there as well. I don't work the photography job, outside of admin stuff, for December + January so that is a small blessing.

I am possibly doing the Winter Open Tournament in Edmonton at the beginning of February. But, it is dependent on if I end up in Calgary the week before that or not for some second family stuffs. If that does happen then I'll spend the weekend with my bro there and get a comp in while I'm there. I am training like it is happening because even if I don't do that one, then I'll do one in my area when I get back.

Oh ~ and I got my first stripe on my blue belt two weeks ago!
Once you're a coloured belt you won't get graded in any of the entry level classes, but I was spending so much time helping assist in these classes that I just didn't have time to go to any advanced classes with my crazy schedule.
I've changed up my training schedule completely now, so I hit only advanced classes at lunch times twice a week, muay thai one night a week, and then I assist with the entry level class after kickboxing. And then self-defense is throughout the week both at the club and on location as well.

Not really sure what my plan is for fitness outside of jits training for December. Probably play it a little by ear and see how I'm feeling physically and mentally for the first little bit.

Side note that is not fitness related ~ Christmas break is in a few weeks and then I can FINALLY play the new God of War game. It's installed and just waiting for me to play it :plot:


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Mercenary from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Kunoichi from BC, Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 77
"*smack + boop*"
Holy smokes I didn't realize I was away from here since before the new year!! How has six months gone by that quickly?! :whaa:

Firstly - thank you everyone for the congrats about the belt upgrade and the happy new year's as well!! You are so lovely and I hope this first half of 2023 has been kind and all of the awesome sauce to everyone :D

Secondly - thank you for the bday wishes!! :kizz: It was fairly relaxed, but that was exactly what I wanted so complete success I suppose, eh!

As for what I'm doing these past handful of months well, I had a small tear in my left MCL. Thanks, of course, to BJJ and sparring with a lower belt that hadn't mastered the art of relaxing when rolling :bigcry::sit:

Sooooo, I've been rehabbing that bit of body garbage since the beginning of the year basically and at the beginning of May I was given the a-ok by my Physio to go back to training (super duper lightly) in BJJ, though with no sparring still. Also, I can start running again as long as it's a super relaxed pace - no elevation or sprinting yet, and I can do some plyometric exercises too. I am beyond thankful that I can just be doing something other than PT exercises and the stationary bike at this point. My knee is WAAAYYYY better than it was so while I'm feeling frustrated with not being able to do full-on training for all the things, the healing has come a LONG way! Ideally things should be back to, or close as it can be, come the fall if I do only the things I am supposed to be doing - I'm excited for that moment!

I'm currently finishing up at the end of this month another round at the programs TEN, Total Burn and Core Strength as well as the Lower Abs Challenge.

Think I'll be picking up both the Hard Reset Programs for next month with the Code of Abs program too.

Also, I started bi-weekly private Muay Thai lessons in May and I'll be starting bi-weekly BJJ private lessons in June since I can't do any sparring so it'll focus more on drills and specific positions so I don't hurt my knee again!