Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Thank you, @Tileenah! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
  • Basics
  • It's been a quiet day
  • Quite pleasant!
  • I did fall asleep on the couch last night again
  • But Nobu was with me!
  • He was being a brat until I picked him up and cuddled with him
  • Then he slept until Mom woke us both up!
  • Mom had an unused pair of inserts!
  • Not memory foam, but much more cushioned than what came with the shoes
  • Now I just need the ice to melt...
  • I've had a sweet tooth this cycle
  • Not too bad a side effect!
  • It does push the donation back another week
  • (That's my own forgetfulness; I'm thankfully very regular)
  • I think I'm going to make a single serving of cookie dough...
  • With grapes!*
  • *Edit: I will be eating grapes, too
  • (Have to keep it healthy 😉)
  • Good: laundry completed
  • Happy: Nobu curled up behind me! Look at that face!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • @CODawn, @Anek ♥️
  • Basics
  • I woke up late and stayed in bed for more than an hour
  • Nobu joined me!!
  • He never joins me in bed!!
  • It was a good morning
  • Dad went to another store when I went grocery shopping
  • It was so fast!
  • Mom had a different set of inserts specifically for running in her work locker
  • (Not that I run. But I do walk very fast.)
  • She had tried them as a last resort with a pair of work shoes
  • (The shoes themselves were the problem)
  • I'm giving them a real walk to decide if they're what I need
  • The arch support is a piece of hard plastic under the padding
  • We'll see!
  • (Soon, hopefully? It's been snowing and it's still cold enough to want my boots.)
  • I also managed to bruise my heel by sleeping on the couch again
  • Of all the things...
  • I've done it before and it'll be fine in a few days, at least
  • You know you're getting older when...
  • Good: completed shopping
  • Happy: cuddly, playful kitten in bed!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Basics
  • Push Pull Legs
  • :completed:
  • So glad I completed days of this early in the month
  • I liked the program, but I started to hate it in combination with Bootcamp
  • I'll most probably be coming back to try again
  • It turns out that the brand we first tried when my sister was diagnosed with celiac has my brother's favorite hamburger bun so far (Udi's)
  • It's most interesting because my sister was 8, versus my brother at 27 and he had many more years to get used to gluten foods
  • So it's especially good news!
  • Nobu. Cuddled. With. Me!!
  • Is he not the cutest??
  • I'm allowing myself the pleasant thought that I had both kittens last night
  • One walked up to me (Nobu), but jumped into my papasan
  • Just after that one walked around my legs
  • I definitely had one for at least a few minutes
  • Was the second feeling the first kitten again?
  • Did a feline ninja walk out before I fell asleep?
  • It doesn't matter. I fell asleep believing it and that's what matters!
  • Good: pleasant afternoon with family
  • Happy: kitten!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369

  • :thanks: @CODawn, @Tileenah, @Fremen, @Matan, @TheLibrarian, @HellYeah, @Anek, @mavie, @Mianevem!
  • Basics
  • Had to cut the plank based exercises from Bootcamp
  • I slept wrong and put something in my neck out
  • It's minor and not very painful, and moving, so I'll live with it until I see Tyler on Thursday
  • Nobu curled up with me again!
  • Nox cautiously came up to me, sniffed my hand, and immediately jerked back
  • ???
  • No clue why he so dislikes my scent
  • I was thinking of Liam and went through the saved media on my phone
  • I didn't watch the videos, but the pictures only made me a little sad!
  • This is a picture I never posted anywhere
  • Look! Big dogs can loaf too!
  • He was my sweet baby 😢
  • But!
  • I have been thinking about making dog treats again!
  • On the one hand: no dog to taste test
  • On the other hand: no dog to whine over the extra treats
  • Good: went through Liam's media
  • Happy: dulce de leche ice cream


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Basics
  • Finished warrior abs
  • I got very tired of ten minutes of punches early on
  • Five straight minutes of punching is very doable!
  • Nobu has been with me on the couch most of today!
  • Not on my lap, but sharing space!
  • Nox got into the very cold back room and didn't want to leave
  • The door had to be left unlatched so he could get back in
  • It was cold!
  • So I bullied him in
  • (Can walking up to a cat and nudging with a toe be called bullying? 🤔)
  • Snow has kept me from using my new sneakers
  • Grumble
  • Good: worked through minor technological frustration
  • Happy: Nobu!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Basics*
  • This month's routine:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Bootcamp Program
  • Unbound Program
  • warrior arms Challenge
  • Splits Exercises
  • *Days 28-31 of Bootcamp
  • *Today and tomorrow of everything
  • Caught up so Bootcamp ends on the 30th
  • Seeing Bee and Tyler tomorrow, so I will only do the daily exercise
  • So glad for that!
  • Mandalorian Season 3 came out today!
  • Not that I'm watching until I can binge the whole season
  • But it started!
  • Nobu followed me to the basement, to the upstairs, back to the basement, and finally curled up with me on the couch
  • When this kitten wants attention...
  • Good: pushed through with the exercises
  • Happy: Bee and Tyler tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Did that after seeing Bee for once
  • She helped work my hips, though, so it made sense!
  • I tried out my new shoes!
  • Walked to the bakery across the street
  • Tried a Paris Brest for the first time
  • It was pleasantly unsweetened?
  • Would have walked more, but Bee worked my achilles for the first time in months
  • Ouch
  • Took a nap!
  • It's been a slow sort of day
  • Good: physical care
  • Happy: Theo ran from the back of the clinic when I walked in and gave me lots of kisses!
  • (He won't let Tyler buy a new bed! He came home in this and turns his nose up at all others!)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • So glad others love Theo too! ♥️
  • Thank you, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • I thought I was going to get to a new puzzle today
  • Then Nobu wanted cuddles
  • And I found a spot that had his leg going like a dog's!
  • Puzzles can wait!
  • I made mushroom soup for supper and it must have been the type of shrooms
  • Because my stick blender did not work as well as I like
  • Vitamix next time!
  • Mom had a strange shift (11-7:30 instead of 6-2:30) because of Lenten fish fry
  • Always puts my day off!
  • But I got waffles for breakfast, so it balanced out!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: watched all my saved Liam's videos and laughed at a picture
  • (Look at that snoot!)


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Poor tree, but it looks beautiful :aww:
I hope you won't have anymore power cuts.

Congrats on your new shoes


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • The tree only lost a few small branches, thankfully, @Gandhalfit. We shouldn't have any more power outages. 🤞 Thank you!
  • Basics
  • It's so much easier to do cardio days in Bootcamp with Unbound following
  • I'm trying to go to sleep and wake up earlier
  • My eyes did not want to open this morning!
  • But I didn't oversleep, so I'll call it a win!
  • Forgot to lock the door during my shower
  • Nobu waited until I was done, at least!
  • He was so upset I moved the drain cover!
  • Good: briefly left the house
  • Happy: look at this goofball!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • ♥️ @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • I sat in a awkward position 2 days ago
  • (Casper wanted on my lap. When cat wants to sit, it sits!)
  • I was feeling it a bit in my legs yesterday
  • Today? Oy. Those squats weren't the most fun!
  • Two of my cousins came by for supper!
  • Always great to see them!
  • My brother made King Arthur's Gluten Free Banana Bread in muffin form
  • Not bad!
  • A bit grainy and had that characteristic gluten free gumminess, but not unpleasant!
  • And obviously uses mostly banana flavoring, because one muffin didn't hurt me!
  • (When I made banana bread for him before the celiac, I'd eat a piece and only half hate myself.)
  • I think bananas are the food I'm most upset about being allergic to
  • Good: family interaction
  • Happy: is this going to be a thing?


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • This morning and afternoon dragged
  • I feel much better after my shower, so I'll remember that for any future days
  • I'll catch up tomorrow!
  • Good: shower washed away mood
  • Happy: the kittens are playing and it's a joy to watch!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • Basics
  • Yesterday and Today
  • Much better day!
  • I did oversleep, but that seems to have been necessary
  • I'm used to Nobu following me into the bathroom
  • Casper?
  • He tried to escape through the mirror?
  • Settled behind me and then started hissing at Nobu, who pushed the door open
  • I did not need that right next to my ear
  • Cats...
  • (Nobu did me dirty. Purred away on top of the couch. My lap was right there!)
  • He was within reach, at least
  • I made clean-the-fridge quiche for supper
  • Always fun to see what will work
  • (Everything so far, thankfully!)
  • I'm going to go for a walk tomorrow, weather permitting
  • I figure if I write it here, I'll guilt myself into it!
  • I didn't keep count, but today Nox got his collar off
  • He kept it for awhile!
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: I fell asleep on the couch last night and woke up to this! My phone was touching my nose, he was that close!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • ♥️ @Tileenah
  • He did, indeed, @Gandhalfit!
  • Basics
  • Walked!
  • Only a mile, but at a decent pace!
  • My shoes need some more breaking in
  • Blisters are forming very quickly on the backs of my heels
  • Simple fix until the shoes soften!
  • Otherwise, the inserts are wonderful!
  • I may be recanting some of that tomorrow...
  • Nobu was fascinated with my weights today
  • His head went up and down with the bicep curls
  • And when I put my hand near him, he grabbed the weight and started chewing on it!
  • Silly kitten!
  • Good & Happy: walked!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • ♥️ @NancyTree
  • Basics
  • Walk: 1m/3.3mph
  • Took the same route, but in reverse!
  • I was right about the inserts!!
  • :chicken:
  • I'm feeling it a bit more today, but I also walked a bit faster
  • I may be taking a day or two, though
  • The blister on my right ankle burst and even using a bandaid hurts
  • I'll see how it is tomorrow!
  • I was feeling the deadlifts from yesterday, so really pressed into Unbound
  • Necessary, but oy
  • Finally got to Trader Joe's and now have a new treat to try!
  • I'll post tomorrow how that goes!
  • Nobu. curled. on. my. lap.
  • !!!!!
  • Good: walked through the pain
  • Happy: a progression of adorableness
  • (He got settled, then comfy, then light-headed! He got up shortly after the last picture.)
  • (Don't mind the Christmas decorations Dad forgot about in the backroom. 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,369
  • ♥️ @CODawn
  • Basics
  • No walk
  • It snowed!!
  • I would have had to use my boots and they hug my heels too closely right now
  • My new treat from Trader Joe's:
  • Very yummy! Spicy, but pleasantly so, and an awesome texture!
  • I want to try Korean rice cakes again, but not in the air fryer, just to see the texture difference
  • Mom had the fish fry station again tonight, so another weird time day
  • Good news, though!
  • The snow had her ending an hour early and one person only has to do 2 night shifts during Lent
  • So she's done with them!
  • I spent a good portion of today curled up with Nobu
  • Snow, yummy food, and a kitten?
  • :cantwait:
  • Good: laundry got done
  • Happy: Nobu decided my lap was his favorite place today. Laundry was an hour late because it could hold.

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