Restarting after a couple dozen failure's


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey my name is Serdar, 36 years old, İ've been here previously on other accounts during 2014-2015 had a great run back than got from 155+kg's to 94's with great discipline, support from my friends and this community. Kept it around like 2-3 years until mid 2017 where i had a muscle torn on my left upper leg. Not being able to do sports lost my discipline on food as well and gained back a lot of weight back than which made my left leg injury worse hitting my left knee with all the extra weight and entered a bad cycle which i kept gaining weight and my left leg keep getting worse.
Had been trying to lose weight again and done some tries, but failed on those due to sometimes emotional, sometimes physiological setbacks. Now im further back than where i started around 175kg+ with a nasty shoulder pain probably due to some tendon damage and some nerve damage on my left arm from my left elbow to my fingers. İ know what i am supposed to do what i am supposed to eat how to start exercising and open up my clogged gears and muscles.
Was supposed to start last week made a huge social media shout out and all, but saw my self failing from like 3rd day losing to my cravings, losing my discipline, so here i am planning to mark this day 21.09.2022 one month before my birthday as a fresh start and a new page for the 2nd term of my life and looking for an accountability buddy and what better place to look for other than hive where people keep supporting you.
Had been commuting to work via taxi usually last few years. Going to start walking 20 mins to metro station and walk another 5 from station to office and gonna try to do some 10-15 mins walks between workhours twice a day.( we have a nice campus with decent greenery)
Planning to start with foundation light and maybe some light cardio 20-30 min low tempo walks or maybe some horizontal bike action due to my back pain. And ofcourse try to fix my diet. Give up ordering and try to do some self cooking at home.
İt's nice to be back again ^^
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
20 min walk around the campus. Done the morning session
Found out that i need to strengthen my core
Had a backpain after like 10-12 minutes probably due to my weight but completed up to 20 minutes.
Any Advices on strengthening the core without elbow or arm planks ?
Done Arms of steel chair edition day-1
Looked out some programs and decided to go with Vitality as a starter instead of foundation light since there are no ground exercises
Cup of Green bean soup,
some meat( around 100gr's) cooked with garniture (carrots potatoes bell peppers)
rice around 100 gr cooked with trace amounts of olive oil
And yoghurt 100-150 gr's

around 100 gr boiled vegetables( brocoli, cauliflower, carrots, brussel sprouts)
200 gr's of grilled chicked
around 100gr rice cooked with trace amounts of olive oil
and Ayran( a drink made out of yoghurt)
with 2 small slices of watermelon

Couldnt start vitality last night lost my self on computer screen ^^ need to fix it asap
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Hi Serdar,

This path is not easy, not straight and with a lot of obstacles but we are here together.

I followed Pilates classes for 3 years (quite a long time ago) and the exercises helped me to straighten my core. But at some point, planks and sit-ups are good.
Try to tight all your inner muscles towards your spinal cords (as you would like to crush a nut) while you inhale, and relax when you exhale, then do this while walking and swimming and whatever... it is baby steps, but it might be a good start.


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hi Serdar,

This path is not easy, not straight and with a lot of obstacles but we are here together.

I followed Pilates classes for 3 years (quite a long time ago) and the exercises helped me to straighten my core. But at some point, planks and sit-ups are good.
Try to tight all your inner muscles towards your spinal cords (as you would like to crush a nut) while you inhale, and relax when you exhale, then do this while walking and swimming and whatever... it is baby steps, but it might be a good start.
Thx for the Advice once more i stepped in to this path knowing how hard it is thanks for being around


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Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Talked with a friend of mine who is about to join national team for body building stuff (apparently that is a thing)
Gonna start working out with him and have my meals planned by him starting october 1st so think ill do vitality until then

Took the lazy way out and had a sandwich at work cafeteria had some sort of Cheddar with spicy sausage with tea ( i know its bad )

İt was rainy today so had to take the public transport all the way from home to work (Bus + subway) so no walking during commute today
İt is still raining so couldnt do my workhours walkout yet

Had some sort of noodle soup which i cannot translate right now
With 120-150 gr of meatballs and some beans as side dish
there was a desert which i like very much and i managed to skip it ^^ that's a big success
total calorie count is 870 kcal

Arms of steel Chair Edition day 2 completed
Caught a window of opportunity to walk around for 15-20 mins around the campus

Workout Streak: 2 Days
Meatballs with side boiled vegetables
a cup of rice
with some green salad
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,847
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
That sandwich doesn't sound bad to me. Don't think of any food as bad. There are merely some that you should eat less often. Denying yourself just make you want things more - no fun. And don't forget to eat the right number of calories - too low is almost as bad as too high.


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
That sandwich doesn't sound bad to me. Don't think of any food as bad. There are merely some that you should eat less often. Denying yourself just make you want things more - no fun. And don't forget to eat the right number of calories - too low is almost as bad as too high.
not counting calories yet just shared the info cause its out there on the menu.
When i started last year with the same guy i had started around with like 3800-3900 and was going lower as i was losing weight mostly from pure fat while trying to keep my muscle mass with weight training in the gym. Had a cheat meal each week even some alcohol
So taking low calories shouldnt be a problem most likely both me and the dude knows the risks and dangers of low calories
İt was going pretty smooth which failed when i had a nasty covid case that left some spots in my lungs and i sort of gave up the routine.


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Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Did oversleep today so had to take a taxi to the office so no walking during commute to work
For the same reason had a sandwhich with cheddar, lettuce and some ham at work cafeteria

Arms of Steel chair edition day 3 done before lunch

Creamed mushroom soup
Chicken saute with bell peppers and tomatoes
120 gr of jasmine rice
green salad

Walked for 20 mins during a break at work

Same as usual
meatballs with boiled vegetables
rice and green salad

workoutstreak 3 days
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Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Made a sandwich with cottage cheese , tomatoes bell pepper
and ate it with olives some cucumber with tea

grilled chicken with brokoli and curry flavored rice

Same as usual
meatlballs with boiled vegetables, rice and green salad

Didn't workout today
Did some cleaning around the house felt like a decent exercise
İt was raining so couldnt go out to walk

by the way forgot to mention got a scale that weighs up to 200 kg and found out my weight on thursday 21.09.2022 apparently i was 176,6 Kg gonna start checking my weight weekly to see some sort of progress


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Made a sandwich with cottage cheese , tomatoes bell pepper
and ate it with olives some cucumber with tea

grilled chicken with rice and a green salad

Same as usual
grilled chicken with boiled vegetables, rice and green salad

Did some basic warm up and some stretching


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Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151

No breakfast today gonna do some intermittent fasting for a couple of days

Walked to subway station for like 20 minutes


Lentil Soup,
Meatballs cooked with some veggies (Carrots and potatoes)
120 gr of pasta with tomato paste

Walked for 20 mins around the campus
Skipped one subway station and walked an extra 1.5-2 Km's to the next one on my way to home

Same as usual
meatballs with boiled vegetables, rice and green salad

Workout streak 6 days
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151

Finally a decent meal with 2 boiled eggs some cucumber and some peppers with a bit of oatmeal and home made peanut butter

Walked to subway station for 15-20 minutes, got off one station earlier and added another 1.5-2 Kms to walking distance on my commute to work

Did another 15 minutes walk around the campus after a 2 hours break.
Did Arms Of Steel Chair Edition Day 4 on lbl 1

Lentil soup, some rice cooked with pea's and meat wrapped in boiled and sauteed eggplant with some yoghurt
Done Another walking session for 15 minutes
Gonna get a smart watch soon and hopefully count Steps and gonna report total walking distance/time and steps at the end of day instead of posting it after every session

Walked another 15-20 minutes to the next subway station and came back home now its dinner time


Grilled chicken with boiled vegetables green salad and rice with 2 small slices of watermelon as dessert
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up at 7.30
Did a Universal Warm-up as the first thing before even going to kitchen to boil eggs :LOL:

Two Boiled eggs, one cucumber, 1 pepper, half of a big tomato with some low fast curd cheese

Took a sick leave today due to my ear infection.
Had Meatballs with brocoli and rice

Met up with my PT friend who won the turkey championship on the fitness category and did some planning about meals and workouts walked to some cafe like 15 minutes away also on my return home as well

Had grilled chicken with boiled vegetables rice and green salad

This next part gonna be my meal plan for 1 week starting saturday im thinking of using different seasonings to make it non monatonous

1 spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)10gr zeytin yağı

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Any time between 7.00-24.00
100gr unprocessed nuts total
(caju almonds-walnuts-nuts-)
Green Tea

planning walking around 40 mins total a day since im in sort of recovery mode and gonna start with physiotherapy like exercises with a plates band

Also gonna keep doing this log ^^ Ty for all your support guys!.
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up at 7.15
Did universal warm up after drinking a cup of water
2 boiled eggs with some green pepper cucumber, tomatoes and low fat curd cheese

On my commute to work according to google fit
24 mins walking time 2.5k steps 2.1 km's Distance

doner kebab around 120-130 Gr's with yoghurt and some breadsticks
Also Tarhana soup (Traditional turkish soup)
With 2 slices of Baklava(Traditional turkish dessert )

Walked around the campus for 15 minutes
On my commute back to home skipped one station and walked another 15 minutes.

Meatlballs (165 Gr) with boiled veggies and green salad with 2 slices of watermelon
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up at 7.10 am
Weighed my self
175,3 kg :LOL: 1,3 kg's lost past week
BMİ 52,3 down from 52,7
Body Fat Ratio %46,7 down from 46,9
Small but its progress

Did universal Warm-up after a cup of water and 1 spoon of olive oil
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Walked 25 minutes on my commute to work total 2,23 km 2500 steps


Vegetable soup
Cacık( a cold soup like dish made out of yoghurt and cucumbers)

walked for 32 minutes around the campus on very low tempo
2,2 km's 2600 steps


The usual meatballs with boiled veggies and green salad

Had a PT friends birthday so went a bit loose on the last day before the program starts had some cake and 2 beers
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
01.10. 2022

This next part gonna be my meal plan for 1 week starting today im thinking of using different seasonings to make it non monatonous

1 spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Any time between 7.00-24.00
100gr unprocessed nuts total
(caju almonds-walnuts-nuts-)
Green Tea

Went out for a dance night but didnt dance at all tho it was 50 mins walking back and forth so did my daily workout
Done all the positive Stuff :hug:


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Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
02.10. 2022
Woke up done daily universal warm up and prepared all the food for the day Which is ^^ right now im eating my second meal gonna get out to buy some ZMA supplement and maybe do some shopping

1 spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr
Had up to my 4th meal gonna go out for a walk now if its not raining

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Any time between 7.00-24.00
100gr unprocessed nuts total
(caju almonds-walnuts-nuts-)
Green Tea
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
03.10. 2022
Woke up done daily universal warm up and prepared all the food for the day Which is ^^ right now im eating my second meal gonna get out to buy some ZMA supplement and maybe do some shopping

1 spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Walked around 45 minutes on my commute to work

Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Walked another 20 minutes on my way home

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr
Had up to my 4th meal gonna go out for a walk now if its not raining
Had 1 beer and went up to a kizomba night
Danced around 30-45 minutes total i think

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Any time between 7.00-24.00
100gr unprocessed nuts total
(caju almonds-walnuts-nuts-)
Green Tea
10.290 steps today around 6-6,5 km's distance i think
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up 6,35 am :u:
Prepared the meals for the day. Done Daily Warm-up

spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Walked around 36 minutes on my commute to work

Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Walked for 40 mins during lunch break to purchase some green tea

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Walked another 33 minutes on my way home

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Any time between 7.00-24.00
100gr unprocessed nuts total
(caju almonds-walnuts-nuts-)
Green Tea
10.476 steps today around 7.4 km's distance
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up 6,35 am :cool:
Prepared the meals for the day. Done Daily Warm-up

spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Walked around 30 minutes on my commute to work 2,26 km's 2900+ steps

Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr
Gonna walk another 2-2,2 km's on my way to home probably

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

Any time between 7.00-24.00
100gr unprocessed nuts total
(caju almonds-walnuts-nuts-)
Green Tea
Had 2 glasses of wine from my weekly quota ;) a sacrifice for the dance night ^^
9400 Steps total 90 mins walking time with 6-6,5 km's total distance counting dance night as well
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up 6,35 am :cool:
Prepared the meals for the day. Done Daily Warm-up

spoon of olive oil first thing i wake up (around 10 gr's)

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

İt was raining today so had to take a taxi to office so no walking in the morning
Did a cheat meal in lunch
Some tomato soup, with chicken wrap and kadayıf (a traditional turkish dessert ) with some Ayran(yoghurt dirnk )

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr
A friend gave me a lift home its still raining so did no walking today
im gonna take it as a rest day gonna do some basic pre dance warm up routine should be good for my cranky joints and muscles ^^

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up 6,50 am forgot so set up my alarm :vsad:
Prepared the meals for the day. Done Daily Warm-up

First meal(7-10)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon
Himalayan salt 1gr

Walked 30 mins in the morning on my commute to work 2,26 km's and 2700 steps.
Did a cheat meal at lunch with a hamburger (forgot to check my rice and now im lacking portion for a meal )
walked total of 30 mins on my way to cafe 2,05 km distance total 2750 steps

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 100gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr

4.meal (18-21)
2 whole eggs
Red pepper 50gr
oat meal 50gr
Banana 100gr
Cinnamon 1 tea spoon (istiyorsan)
Himalayan salt 1gr
A friend gave me a lift home its still raining so did no walking today
im gonna take it as a rest day gonna do some basic pre dance warm up routine should be good for my cranky joints and muscles ^^

5.meal (21-24)
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 300gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
İt was weigh-in day this morning wanted to make a different entry from the meal log
174,6 kg :LOL: 0,7 kg's lost past week
BMİ 52,1 down from 52,3
Body Fat Ratio %46,5 down from 46,7
Body Fat mass 81.2 kg down from 81.8
Body muscle mass 88.7 kg unchanged guess the turkey is working ^^
Small but firm steps on my journey especially happy about most of weigh loss coming from direct fat loss at least according to my scale at home numbers may not be %100 percent true tho


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Darn i kept postponing my log for the past 4 days let me do quick recap of the past few days.
done the whole nutrition plan with 2 extra beers and some bitter chocolate from my weekly quota
Walked a total of 75+ minutes with 8047 steps5,3 km distance( finally bought my Zma and god it changes sleep so much )

Done the first 4 meals of the nutrition plan and ate a pizza for my last cheat meal of the first week.
Did no walking today was at the home all day done some stretching and exercises for my left shoulder pain

Woke ap at 6,35
! tbspn olive oil in the morning
had 2 eggs with oatmeal banana +cinnamon and red pepper for breakfast
Done a free meal from office cause i didnt have enough rice dont the rest of the nutrition plan
Spent my whole weekly alcohol quota yesterday had 2 wines and 2 beers @kizomba night and it was a friends birth day so i also spent from my weekly dessert quota and ate a slice of birthday cake
Walked for a total of +-90 minutes 10,594 steps around 6,1-2 km's distance


Woke up 7,30
done my breakfast
prepared two meals 2.nd and 3rd meals of the day
walked 33 minutes on my commute to work for a total of 3100 steps 2,3 km distance

Ate my 2.nd meal of the day with
Zucchini, green pepper cucumber and turkey for lunch
gone out walking during lunch break for 41 minutes 3,594 steps 2,71 km distance
my back is getting better slowly didnt feel any pain/ache until past 30-35 minutes
İts a lot of progress coming from 5 minute walks, Slowly getting my mobility back there is still alot to do tho.
Ordered Pilates resistance bands to start working on my shoulder injury and also a pan sprey had been cooking my meals with olive oil so far but want to try how pan sprey works


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Also got an alternative nutrition plan from my friend gonna be alternating between the 2 from now on.

1st meal .
2 whole eggs
50 gr Ezine cheese( traditional turkish chees with regular fat content)
40 gr walnuts.
1 tbspn of olive oil.
2 slices of wholegrain bread.
1 gr himalayan salt

200 gr boiled potatoes
100 gr chicken
100 gr zuchhini
100 gr carrots
1 tbspn olive oil
1 gr himalayan salt

3. meal
200 gr boiled potatoes
100 gr chicken
100 gr zuchhini
100 gr carrots
1 tbspn olive oil
1 gr himalayan salt meal
2 whole eggs
50 gr Ezine cheese( traditional turkish chees with regular fat content)
40 gr walnuts.
1 tbspn of olive oil.
2 slices of wholegrain bread.
1 gr himalayan salt meal
100 gr cucumbers
100 gr chicken
50 gr lettuce
100 gr carrots
100 gr tomatoes
1 tbspn olive oil
1 gr himalayan salt

also have 200 gr of apples and banana's each to eat any time of the day


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up at 6:45
1 tbspn olive oil first thing in the morning
Done universal warm up

2 whole eggs
50 gr Ezine cheese( traditional turkish chees with regular fat content)
40 gr walnuts.
1 tbspn of olive oil.
2 slices of wholegrain bread.
1 gr himalayan salt
Darn i missed cheese it felt so good after a long time

Walked 37 minutes on my commute to work 2,49 km's distance/ 3413 steps

200 gr boiled potatoes
100 gr chicken
100 gr zuchhini
100 gr carrots
1 tbspn olive oil
1 gr himalayan salt
Fİrst time boiling potatoes after a long time failed on the timing and insides were still a abit raw carrots were ok tho
3. meal
200 gr boiled potatoes
100 gr chicken
100 gr zuchhini
100 gr carrots
1 tbspn olive oil
1 gr himalayan salt
walked another 23 minutes on my way back to home for 1,43 km's distance 2000 steps meal
2 whole eggs
50 gr Ezine cheese( traditional turkish chees with regular fat content)
40 gr walnuts.
1 tbspn of olive oil.
2 slices of wholegrain bread.
1 gr himalayan salt

Went out for dance night (Salsa/bachata) hanged out for like 1-1.5 hours mostly standing still danced in a few songs meal
Did a cheat meal with kokorec sandwich ( local street food in turkey)

also have 200 gr of apples and banana's each to eat any time of the day
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up at 6:40
1 tbspn olive oil first thing in the morning
Done universal warm up

2 whole eggs
50 gr cheese( traditional turkish cheese with regular fat content)
40 gr walnuts.
2 slices of wholegrain bread.
1 gr himalayan salt
28 minutes walking time on my commute to work 2986 steps 2,05 km's distance


200 gr boiled potatoes
100 gr chicken
100 gr zuchhini
100 gr carrots
1 tbspn olive oil
1 gr himalayan salt
had 1 small roll of kebap and baklava for my dessert at the office cafeteria
Walked for 51 minutes during lunch break 3,64 km distance 4856 steps
Done the remaining of the meals an had an extra 15 mins walk on my way back to home
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Woke up at 6,50 there was something wrong with the city water it had like brown stuff so i wasnt gonna cook for the day
had my breakfast done warm up
Was gonna go out for work but heard my cat calling for help, she got stuck behind the fridge and couldnt get out
So took the day off moved the fridge and the washing machine rescued the cat took her to a vet clinic to check if there was anything wrong
done some cleaning in the kitchen since i had the day off had a cheat meal with an hamburger and fries. also an ice cream dunno what came over me,
no walking time on friday, cooked the remaining of the meals with bottled water.

it was a weigh in day on friday nothing changed for the week other than my walking capacity ^^, Reduced some carbs on both nutrition plans starting friday.

woke up 9,15
declared it as a rest day
it was raining a lot so couldnt go out
done nutrtiion plan 1 with lots of zucchini's
Watched anime/played games
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
woke up at 9,15
Had my breakfast with cheese walnuts and eggs
Doing my laundry now
still raining outside so no walking but my resistance bands have arrived and might do some rehabitational light workout maybe today

So here's my shoulder and knee rehab workout pkan with resistance bands gonna start with the lightest and see how it goes starting tomorrow.

Seated rear shoulder row
Rotator cuff band out
Rotator cuff band in
Standing arm circles
Leg extension one leg
Calf raise
Knee raise
3x 15 each movement
hopefully my shoulder and knee/ankle pains will be gone by the time i hit the gym in january
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
yeah got 1 female tho she is not sterilized when she's in heat causes a bit of effection problem ^^ @TopNotch
woke up at 6,45
Had my breakfast with oat meal/banana and cinnamon with 2 eggs
Cooked 2 meals

3.meal (14-18)
Rice 75gr
Turkey 100gr
Olive oil 10gr (added to rice or turkey)
Zuccihini 150gr
cucumber 50gr
green pepper 50gr
himalayan salt 2gr
rice/turkey zuchhini/ cucumber and green peppers.
Walked 25-30 mins on my commute to work even it was raining abit
Gonna eat my 3rd meal soon and gonna do my workout when i hit home before i eat my 4th meal with eggs and oatmeals

Left for a dance night had a beer at the place, left early to go home and cook my 5 th meal but i saw a food cart and had some cig kofte just outside the place, then went back to dance night got out with some old friends and had another snack and a 33cl beer tho whole thing wouldnt happen if i just went home ^^:oops::oops: tho done some extra walking thanks to it i guess ^^
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
woke up at 7.00
Had my breakfast with cheese walnuts and 2 whole eggs wit 2 slices of bread

Gone to my Family doctor. Had the early signs of flu. Took a day of with a report from the doctor.
Walked for 45 mins after leaving the hospital. 4154 steps 3,11 km distance
Done some shopping.
Done the whole nutrition plan 2 without any accidents had 1 dessert ( sutlac made with rice and milk a traditional turkish dessert )


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
woke up 8 am.
Could only do breakfast nutrition plan 1 and take my nuts for the day with me
Probably gonna combine meal 2 and 3 and gonna do a big free meal.
37 mins walking time during my commute to work 2,57 kms distance 3367 steps
24 mins during lunch break 1,62 km's distance 2,2k steps
had some doner kebab with cheese and onions inside, with side salad, cacık, and some dessert as well.
32 mins walk on my way to home 2,25 km's distance like 100 m's climb i think in total 3000 steps
had to rest of my meals according to nutrition plan
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
weigh in day
last week was unchanged at 174,6
173,4 kg down from 174.6
BMİ 51,8
down from 52,1
Body Fat Ratio %46,4 down from 46,5
Body Fat mass 80.4 kg down from 81.2
Body muscle mass 88,2 down from 88.7 kg.
İ dont remember which spot i put my scale last time it changes weight depending on the square i put it on i weighed 174,5 on a different spot but i do remember that this(173,4) spot was the one i had my first weigh in at 176+ so guess im seeing progress no matter how small
Had been struggling with waking up past few days, been hitting the snooze button for the past 2-3 days. yesterday and tuesday was a disaster. İ didnt even cook for the day on thursday and had to do a cheat meal as mentioned above ^^ .
i know it's about self discipline but seeing results really helps.
Maybe i should stop depending on my cheat meals as much as possible to see better results.

By the way, totally unexpected bonus my skin is much more healthier. i guess zucchini and other greens really helps maybe its the vitamin supplements not sure but it feels good. i have chronic rosacea had been using skin products/ antibiotics for like past 5-6 years and whenever i stop taking them my skin would go back to how it is slowly. but its been smooth without any antibiotics so its great ^^
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Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
weighed my potatoes and carrots and zucchini's from the night and placed them on relative cooking tools.
İt did really help with the cooking time and broke the negative snooze circle even tho a bit slow
Hit the snooze button just once today ^^
40 gr cheese ,
2 slices of toasted bread,
25 gr walnuts
2 whole eggs
Cooked 2 meals for the day each containing the following.
200 gr boiled potatoes
100 gr carrots boiled
100 gr zucchini grilled in a pan.
100 gr turkey grilled in a pan with pan sprey.

Had a seminar about energy efficiency in the morning so had an extra hour had to take a taxi to the place cause i slacked of a bit during meal prep and might have slept an extra 15-20 mins.
Walked from seminar place to my office. 2,45 km's distance 3300 steps 39 minutes total
Another 37 mins walk during lunch break 2,81 km distance 3725 steps
another 37 mins on my way to work2,52 km's3357 steps
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