The Other Side


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Fri, Feb 24, 2023

AM- woke up at 6:45am (PST) to blue sky, 4 (F)degrees feels like -8!!🥶😱
  • 🥰Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing:
  • ❌Doggo walk:
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 350 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Fighting Cancer/Kicks & Punches challenge, Day 24: 350 punches ✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FitnessBlender, FB Just Your Body, Day 12: Active Stretch Flow for Hips, Core, and Lower Body, 25 mins✅
  • Vacuum main level: 45 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk: husb did
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Reading: 20 pages of Last Dog on the Hill by Steve Duno✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sat, Feb 25, 2023

AM- woke up shortly after 6am (PST), to mostly clear skies, and 8 (F)degrees…no wind, yay🙄😂🥳
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x25 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk
  • Fighting Cancer/Kicks & Punches challenge, Day 25: 50 side kicks x3 sets✅
  • ❌DareBee: 2-minute Warm-up
  • Elliptical: 2.92 miles in 30 mins ✅
  • Reading: 30 mins of This is Your Mind on Plants (Kindle) by Michael Pollan✅
  • ❌DareBee: Ease-Out
  • DareBee: Shoulder Stretch
  • DareBee: Post run stretching✅
  • In town errands✅
  • Doggo walk: ~1 mile✅ in field with Jasmine & Maizie
  • Bathing Canoe: husb followed an actual bath after my initial de-stinking from Jasmine🙄✅
  • Book box unloading: x2 hours✅
  • Reading: 20 pages of Last Dog on the Hill by Steve Duno✅…and DONE🥳. What a fantastic book about an amazing dog. I was bawling my eyes out in the final pages as he died😭😭😭
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sun, Feb 26, 2023

AM- woke up at 6am (PST), to clouds, a look of snow coming, 25 (F)degrees feels like 18. Perfect🙄Husb felt sick last night, so he slept in the mother-in-law apt bedroom. He thinks he’s got Covid, since he was the one who went to deal with my stepmom’s husb on Thurs. So, will test him today…😨And, it’s positive.😖Drat…

Skies are now blue, with high clouds, and wind is chill😎❄️

Planned REST DAY—-
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x25 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: ~1 mile✅ in field, watching closely for signs he wants to roll in dead shit🤯
  • Book box unloading: x30 mins✅
  • Fighting Cancer/Kicks & Punches challenge, Day 26: 50 punches x 3 sets✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 40 min full practice with flexibility✅
  • Doggo walk: ~1 mile✅
  • Nap!!✅🥳
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Mon, Feb 27, 2023

AM- woke up at 4:30am, cuz I had turned my light out at 9pm last night, so was pretty much done sleeping. I stayed in bed and dozed some more until finally getting up just before 6am (PST). Outside are high clouds, 25 (F)degrees feels like 18❄️

Husb says he feels crummy and his sleep is interrupted by coughing fits, but, he’s alive. Lots of body aches😖
I seem okay so far. He has taken up residence in the mother in law apartment, so that I can sleep, and not be AS exposed….
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x25 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: ~1 mile✅
  • Spiky ball or Golf ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • BaoDing balls: 50 reps both directions both hands x4 sets✅
  • Fighting Cancer/Kicks & Punches challenge, Day 27: 400 side kicks✅, and, then Day 30: 50 punches x4 sets (gotta truncate the days here, due to the short month🙄)
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • FitnessBlender, FB Just Your Body, Day 13: Bodyweight Strength with HIIT Burnout Sets, 30 Mins✅ ….and, DONE😎🥳
  • Doggo walk: ~1mile✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland
  • ❌Quilting:
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Tues, Feb 28, 2023

AM- woke up around 6am (PST) to snow on the ground again! It’s 29 (F)degrees feels like 24, and cloudy.
I think husb slept all night; no signs of him prowling around the kitchen in the night, at least😆
Now that he’s up, he says he’s turned a corner and is feeling less sick🥳

  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer/Kicks & Punches challenge, Day 28: 400 punches✅ then, Day 29: 50 side kicks x4 sets✅….and, DONE🥳
  • BaoDing balls: 50 reps both directions both hands x4 sets✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • ❌Doggo walk: too late
  • Unloading book boxes: x1.5 hours✅
  • ❌Reading: X mins of This is Your Mind on Plants (digital) by Michael Pollan
PM- Welp, I know I have DOMS in some spots of my body from yesterday. But, there are other places that should *not* be hurting. Unless I’m getting sick. Like, my throat and neck. And, I am super fatigued😵‍💫
  • Nap😵‍💫✅
  • Quilting: part of my next project arrived today🥳
  • Doggo walk: 1+ mile✅
  • Down Dog Yoga: 40 min Restorative practice✅
  • Reading: <10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland✅
Went to bed super early, but sleep eluded me due to achiness and chills…😖


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Wed, Mar 1, 2023

AM- woke up sick after not really sleeping due to having to turn over/change positions about every 15-20 mins all night. The achiness of this shit is dreadful. And, cough plus chilling/sweats. And, face, head and neck swelling….
Outside is 25 (F)degrees and partly cloudy.
Gotta put off my March plan until I get better….🥴
After bkfst, I did a Covid test. Of course it was positive, ugh…🙄
Then I went back to bed for a 3 hour nap!😵‍💫

Noonish- did some laundry, threw the ball a little for Canoe.

PM- ball throwing was not enough; clearly, there would be no peace until he got walked. So, out to the field we went for our 1+ mile doggo walk✅ After LOTS of running, I asked him if he was done, and he headed for home😅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Thurs, Mar 2, 2023

AM- slept better with tons of drugs on board for symptom control. Had gone to bed at 9ish last night. Was up at 5ish this morning. I expect to be back in bed around 8am, again🥴The drugs aren’t helping as much during the day as they did in the night😩
Outside is cloudy, 35 (F)degrees feels like 27.

Noonish- back to bed from 8am to noon.

PM- Up from noon to 1pm, then back from 1pm until 5pm. Then off to bed at 9pm for the night🥴😷😴

*Reading: 20 pages of Adolf Hitler Vol 2 by John Toland✅
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Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Fri, Mar 3, 2023

AM- slept all night with minimal coughing until just before 5am. Then realized my head had drained, so my throat was now swollen and clogged up. Got up before 6am. It’s still quite windy outside, 35 (F)degrees feels like 28.

Back to bed from 9am to noon.

Noonish- up until 1:30pm

PM- back to bed from 1:30pm to 3pm
  • Doggo walk: ~1mile✅… now I’m really exhausted😵‍💫
  • Reading: 20 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland✅
In bed for the night by 9:45pm with lights out at 10pm. This is my typical time, so I am definitely improving. All your healing vibes are helping!🥰🥳Watched the first 2 episodes of Star Trek Picard, Season 3😎


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sat, Mar 4, 2023

AM- woke up before 6am (PST) to a little wind, clear sky, 30 (F)degrees feels like 23. My head is more clear and I can breathe thru my nose. But, from my nose down, feels swollen, with my throat particularly tight and sore when I swallow. Gonna take about half of the drugs today and see what happens and how I feel. On the bright side, I am making progress on reading my Hitler biography🥴🤭
  • Reading: 20 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland✅
Only one 2 hour nap today, and I did a chore. WooHoo!🤪
In bed with lights out by 11pm…😴


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Sun, Mar 5, 2023

AM- woke up at 6ish, and feel like I’ve finally turned a significant corner. Throat is about half as sore as yesterday. Head is mostly clear, and I feel more alert.
Outside is cloudy, 33 (F)degrees feels like 28 with snow expected today🙄
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Quilting: x2 hours✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Nap: x30 mins✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland✅
Watched the first 2 episodes of The Last of Us, and was totally freaked out. Went to bed anyway, at 10ish but really didn’t sleep much all night.🥴


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Mon, Mar 6, 2023

AM- awakened from whatever lousy kind of sleep I was in at 5:30am by Canoodle oozing up onto the bed🥰

The other thing that kept me awake was contemplating a move by my daughter and granddaughter from Portland into our house with us. We had a brief chat last night between episodes about how she wants to get her masters in psychology online in WA state and how we can help make that happen.
Meanwhile, this morning, I feel pretty good wrt Covid. Just a tad bit of congestion left.
Outside, it’s snowing again, and 31 (F)degrees.😵‍💫❄️
  • ❌Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing
  • ❌Doggo walk: husb did
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • ❌BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • Reading: 10 pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland✅
  • Quilting: x1 hour✅
  • Nap: 30 mins✅


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Tues, Mar 7, 2023

AM- slept from 10:30pm to nearly 6:30am (PST), and woke up to a black slithering monster dawg oozing up onto the bed to nestle in the crook of my arm🥰 Outside, the sky is blue, it’s 31(F)degrees feels like 26. This is Day 8, and I feel at about 80% of normal. Want to try some yoga today….
  • Doggo walk: 30 mins✅ in field with Jasmine. Omg, Canoe has missed her; I mentioned her name and he went crazy with spins and zoomies😂
  • Desk work: x60 mins✅
  • Quilting: x30 mins✅
  • Grocery order pick up✅
  • ❌Reading: X pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x30 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x30 mins✅
  • Nap: x60 mins✅. I intended to do mobility stuff and yoga, but…it didn’t happen🙄


Well-known member
from Eastern Washington State, USA
Posts: 1,266
Wed, Mar 8, 2023

AM- slept for about 8 hours, but woke up with more congestion, and fatigue, again. When I went to bed I could feel it increasing. This is a damnable virus😖
Outside is looking ominous with gray/black clouds, 29(F)degrees feels like 24. WeatherBug app says we are gonna get more snow🥴
  • Yard Clean up/Canoe ball throwing: x15 mins✅
  • Doggo walk: x25 mins✅
  • Spiky ball rolling on hands/forearms✅
  • Wrist extension/flexion✅
  • LaCrosse ball roll UpperBody✅
  • Shoulder mobility w/pvc pipe✅
  • Fighting Cancer: 100 punches✅
  • BaoDing balls: 100 reps both directions both hands✅
  • Foam-rolling back/lower body✅
  • Reading: 40 (yes, 40!) pages of Adolf Hitler, Vol 2, by John Toland✅
  • ❌Quilting
  • Nap: x2 hours✅
  • Doggo walk: x20 mins✅
  • ❌Down Dog Yoga
  • Canoe ball throwing: x10 mins✅