Welcome to my Island


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

I haven't used Darebee since covid, when I did something I had ever done in my life - exercise everyday for like 2 hours. I came out of it super fit, feeling great about myself and ready for any physical challenge (well.. except too much cardio).

Little recap: I am a typically lazy (but not sedentary) person blessed with an always fit body. I'm active and move around a lot but i'm lazy in the sense that I never want to actually "workout".

I work a very unstable job, hours and routine wise - sometimes I work 12 hours at a desk, sometimes its 15 hours standing up and moving around, a lot of times away from home. This doesn't help with building a routine with space for daily workouts. I'm also a terrible sleeper, so waking up earlier to workout... well, never works.

I'm currently working away from home, and I'll be here for 3 months. Before coming I was finally working out regularly - bouldering in a gym.
It was going great, I was motivated and I was finally feeling the progress, especially in my arms! I was gaining grip strength, almost able to do a pull up (I know, just one ridiculous, but I was proud of it). But then I had to come here and falling into a doing nothing scene is very easy when you're tired from working long long hours.

There are no gyms here, so I decided that this is the time for Darebee. I'll try to do even the tiniest of workouts, at least one everyday to try and not lose everything I was starting to achieve.

I thought I could mix a bunch of fast daily challenge workouts, to do either when I woke up or before diner time. This way I have a few objectives per day, which might keep me motivated.

Here's what I did today:

First thing pushups - 1/30
Before breakfast cardio - 1/30
Leg day everyday - 1/30
Lower abs challenge - 1/30

What I still want to do today:

Arms of Steel chair edition
Grip Training workout

I know this might not be an ideal workout routine, but because they are challenge workouts, they might keep me more motivated to do them, and since they are fast and easy, there's no reason why I shouldn't complete them everyday. Maybe in a month I can move to a more complete monthly program, which will ask more of me. I know that if I can keep up with this, I'll want more.

If anyone has them, I would like some suggestions, alternative workouts/programs I could do, something more "complete" maybe?

If you read this far, thank you!

I'll try to not let this die.

Have a beautiful day!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
:hi: and welcome !
First off, one push-up certainly is not ridiculous. Lots of very good people can't do that ;)
As for suggestions, all the add-on programs are usually super fast to complete and can be motivating.
Totals https://darebee.com/programs/totals-program.html can be done throughout the day or in one go so maybe a good idea for you if I understand your conditions correctly.
Epic five https://darebee.com/programs/epic-five.html
Takes 5 minutes or less to complete
And Ten https://darebee.com/programs/ten-program.html
Takes only ten minutes a day and procides a complete program.
Of course these are only suggestions and you're the one who knows if it's going to suit what you're looking for or not.
Have fun ! And hopefully read you tomorrow :happy:


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63
:hi: and welcome !
First off, one push-up certainly is not ridiculous. Lots of very good people can't do that ;)
As for suggestions, all the add-on programs are usually super fast to complete and can be motivating.
Totals https://darebee.com/programs/totals-program.html can be done throughout the day or in one go so maybe a good idea for you if I understand your conditions correctly.
Epic five https://darebee.com/programs/epic-five.html
Takes 5 minutes or less to complete
And Ten https://darebee.com/programs/ten-program.html
Takes only ten minutes a day and procides a complete program.
Of course these are only suggestions and you're the one who knows if it's going to suit what you're looking for or not.
Have fun ! And hopefully read you tomorrow :happy:
Thank you! Very much :)

Will definitely look into them.

Have a great day!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

And thank you for the warm welcome!

Today I woke with slightly sore muscles, which was the proof of how much I need to move my ass.

So with that in mind today I did:

Day - 2

First thing pushups - 2/30
Before breakfast cardio - 2/30
Leg day everyday - 2/30
Lower abs challenge - 2/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 2/30
Grip Training workout - 2/30

While I'm at a more chill phase at work I'll try to keep up with this, and I'll save Tileenah's very sweet suggestions to further on in my project when the days stop having enough time for everything.

Thanks and see you tomorrow!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

First of all that you for the support, I feel your kindness thought this screen.

Today is my day off, and I woke up a bit home sick and overall sad.
Also woke up almost when the breakfast time was up (I'm currently living in a Hotel) so I had to run.

Day #4
before breakfast:
First thing pushups - 4/30

After breakfast, a bit of sulking and an episode of Ted Lasso:
First thing pushups - 4/30 (again)
Before breakfast cardio - 4/30
Leg day everyday - 4/30
Lower abs challenge - 4/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 4/30 level 5
Grip Training workout - 4/30

Feeling a bit better, I'm heading somewhere to try and read a bit.

Wish you all a great day!

See you tomorrow :)


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Tomorrow was a good day :)

We went swimming to the natural pools, and that set a great mood for the day.

Day #5 | 25.05

before breakfast:
First thing pushups - 5/30
Before breakfast cardio - 5/30

At the end of the afternoon:

Leg day everyday - 5/30
Lower abs challenge - 5/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 5/30
Grip Training workout - 5/30 (made some dumbbells out of 1.5L bottles full of sand, they work like a charm for this workout. Still have to find a metal bar to work on my pull ups).

Tomorrow I’m back to work, but feeling good about it.

See you tomorrow :)


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Tileenah thank you! didn’t even notice!!

Day #8 | 28.05

before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 8/30
Before breakfast cardio - 8/30
Leg day everyday - 8/30
Lower abs challenge - 8/30


Arms of Steel chair edition - 8/30
Grip Training workout - 8/30


Day #9 | 29.05

before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 9/30 (today I hated pushups more than ever)
Before breakfast cardio - 9/30 (love me some jumping jacks)


Leg day everyday - 9/30
Lower abs challenge - 9/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 9/30
Grip Training workout - 9/30

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Yesterday was a great day!
We went to the natural pools and then a great dinner.

Day #11| 31.05

before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 11/30
Before breakfast cardio - 11/30


Leg day everyday - 11/30
Lower abs challenge - 11/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 11/30
Grip Training workout - 11/30

Day #12| 01.06

Today I had a horrible insomnia and woke feeling so so sad. Did not workout before breakfast. Went out, tried to do something. And then at the end of the day, I started thinking that I really really wanted to reach the 30 day straight working out so I went and did it.
I know the “before breakfasts” are supposed to be done BEFORE breakfast, but I’m gonna cheat here.


First thing pushups - 12/30
Before breakfast cardio - 12/30
Leg day everyday - 12/30
Lower abs challenge - 12/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 12/30
Grip Training workout - 12/30

I also did the new June challenge - epic glutes - but I’m going to save it for after all these.

See you tomorrow, and thank you for silently supporting me on this. :)



Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Hope you all had an amazing day!

Day #15 | 05.06

before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 14/30
Before breakfast cardio - 15/30
Leg day everyday - 14/30


Lower abs challenge - 15/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 15/30
Grip Training workout - 15/30

I have question, how would you do today’s arms of still:

The exercises one after the other 3 times?
Or each exercise 3 times and then the next 3 times and so on?

Because the layout is different from when it’s an exercise with different levels.

Tomorrow I’m going to die before even having breakfast

See you tomorrow!



Well-known member
Ranger from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 113
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I would do each exercise individuslly, all sets at once. So hold my arms straight up for 30 seconds, rest, hold my arms straight up again, repeat as many sets as stated before moving to the next exercise. Well done on your day though!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Today I had a really productive day at work and I’m feeling very well :)

Also I can’t believe I did 15 days straight! 💪🏽

Day #16 | 05.06

before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 16/30 - I had to split it in 20’s. But I did it!
Before breakfast cardio - 16/30 (I almost collapsed)
Leg day everyday - 16/30


Lower abs challenge - 16/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 16/30 - level 5
Grip Training workout - 16/30


Hope you are all doing great and thank you for the support!

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Thanks for all the support.

I forgot to log yesterday..

Day #17 | 06.06

before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 17/30
Before breakfast cardio - 17/30
Leg day everyday - 17/30


Lower abs challenge - 17/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 17/30
Grip Training workout - 17/30

Day #18 | 07.06


First thing pushups - 18/30
Before breakfast cardio - 18/30
Leg day everyday - 18/30
Lower abs challenge - 18/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 18/30 (this was very hard today)
Grip Training workout - 18/30

I’ve made my peace with the fact that on my days off I can’t work before breakfast, but I make up to it by swimming a lot.

Feeling good :ss:

Wish you all a good day/night.

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Two more done!!

Day #19| 08.06

Before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 19/30
Before breakfast cardio - 19/30
Leg day everyday - 19/30


Lower abs challenge - 19/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 19/30
Grip Training workout - 19/30

Day #20 | 09.06

Before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 20/30
Before breakfast cardio - 20/30
Leg day everyday - 20/30


Lower abs challenge - 20/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 20/30
Grip Training workout - 20/30

Happy that I’m managing to keep this up!! :worried:

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Two more days done!

Day #22 | 11.06

Before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 22/30
Before breakfast cardio - 22/30
Leg day everyday - 22/30


Lower abs challenge - 22/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 22/30
Grip Training workout - 22/30

Day #23 | 12.06

Before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 23/30
Before breakfast cardio - 23/30
Leg day everyday - 23/30


Lower abs challenge - 23/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 23/30
Grip Training workout - 23/30

I thought by now I would be able to do more than 10 pushups in a row, so I’m feeling a bit disappointed that I can’t do more than that without my knees on the floor. Maybe I’ll do this challenge again.

Also as the days go by and the exercises get longer (more sets or more reps) I’m struggling with time to do them. My work days are crazy long, so it’s been a challenge.

Soon my work will get even busier with days waking up at 4am and such so I’ll have to choose wisely what to do next. However I’d like it to be one or more challenges so I have that pressure of doing it every day. I feel that that has really helped keeping me on tracks.

So if anyone has any suggestions, I’m open. @Tileenah proposed the totals and epic five/ten, which look great for what my next couple of months will be. But I’d like maybe one extra challenge for the evenings? Maybe I can manage..?

We’ll see.

Thank you! And see you tomorrow:)


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
If you want to be able to do more push-ups... Then you should do push-ups. As many as you can throughout the day (maybe not ten in a row but your max reps in the morning and again in the evening for exemple). This way you'll see improvement ;)
So maybe look for a push-up challenge that seems doable?


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
I know how it feels to want to reach a goal by a date and feeling bad when you haven't made as much progress as you'd like. But you are getting there, and if you keep at it, you'll reach it one day!

Just make sure you don't put so much pressure on yourself that you end up quitting. It's okay to dial it down sometimes or to switch programs and do other things that are better suited for your lifestyle. A bunch of the challenges on Darebee let you do sets throughout the day rather than all at once, which makes it much easier to find the time to do it all by the end of the day!

For me personally, I found out that whenever I felt like I didn't have time for exercise, it was moreso that it felt like the exercises were taking forever, because I didn't really enjoy them. I could someohow schedule hour-long exercises into my schedule if I enjoyed them, but struggled a lot to do 15-minute exercises if it felt like a drag to do them. I'm not sure if this may also be happening to you or not. If you struggle to find the time even if you're enjoying it, or you're really just nonstop busy, I would suggest more less reps that are more difficult to do. For example, I used to do about 100 calf raises a day, but eventually I started doing weighted calf raises. I could decrease how many I did per day but increase the difficulty of each rep.


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Thank you @Tileenah and @Fitato for your feedback, you both said very wise things that I think I’m going to do next and keep in mind. Also need some of that for when I’m not working out.

Day #24 | 13.06

Before breakfast:

First thing pushups - 24/30 (split in 20+20+20+10)
Leg day everyday - 24/30


Before breakfast cardio - 24/30
Lower abs challenge - 24/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 24/30
Grip Training workout - 24/30

Today the push-ups were way too many, and I had to do the burpees in the afternoon (which I thought were going to be harder, so improvement!). the arms of steel today where super painful, but I made it through.

Tomorrow is my day off!

Have a good evening/morning!



Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Many days went by, and I have kept my schedule!

Day #25 | 14.06


First thing pushups - 25/30
Leg day everyday - 25/30
Before breakfast cardio - 25/30
Lower abs challenge - 25/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 25/30
Grip Training workout - 25/30

Day #26 | 15.06


First thing pushups - 26/30
Leg day everyday - 26/30
Before breakfast cardio - 26/30
Lower abs challenge - 26/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 26/30
Grip Training workout - 26/30

Day #27 | 16.06

Before Breakfast:

First thing pushups - 27/30
Leg day everyday - 27/30
Before breakfast cardio - 27/30


Lower abs challenge - 27/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 27/30
Grip Training workout - 27/30

I’m really enjoying this, and the challenge of finding time for myself in this. Hope to keep it up!

Have a good evening/morning!

See you tomorrow,


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

Two more days went by :)

Day #28 | 17.06

Before Breakfast:

First thing pushups - 28/30
Leg day everyday - 28/30


Before breakfast cardio - 28/30 (i haaaaate burpees)
Lower abs challenge - 28/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 28/30
Grip Training workout - 28/30

Day #29 | 18.06

Before Breakfast:

First thing pushups - 29/30
Leg day everyday - 29/30
Before breakfast cardio - 29/30

Lower abs challenge - 29/30
Arms of Steel chair edition - 29/30
Grip Training workout - 29/30

One more day for the 30 days straight! And I havent chose what to do next!!!!

See you tomorrow!


Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63

I did it!!! And I’m feeling very very good about it! And I feel like keeping it up!

Day #30 | 19.06

Before Breakfast:

First thing pushups - 30/30!
Leg day everyday - 30/30!

Before breakfast cardio - 30/30 !!
Lower abs challenge - 30/30!
Arms of Steel chair edition - 30/30!
Grip Training workout - 30/30!

Yeah!! :worried::LOL::worried:

Here’s what I’ll be doing next:

Before Breakfast:

Morning Stretch


Epic Five

Before Bed:

1 Min Yoga

I'll add a random workout to the afternoon bundle whenever I have time and energy.
I'll also try to do some posture workouts whenever I can fit them.

Because work is getting more hectic, I feel like this is something I can compromise with. Even though some of them are 30 day challenges, I won't force myself to do them everyday, I'll just see how it goes. Because I know that with the crazy hours I won't always have the energy for it. But I'll try.

See you tomorrow and thanks once again for the support. It really makes a difference.



Well-known member
from an Island
Posts: 63
Hey everyone!

Thank you so much 💕

Yesterday I was super hyped and I did:

Day #31 | 20.06

Before Breakfast:

Morning Stretch 1/30
Ninja 1/30 (2min)


Epic Five 1/30
Unbound 1/30

Before Bed:

1 Min Yoga 1/30

Both ninja and epic five were high knees, so today I woke up with my calves ON FIRE. And then my friends invited me to a trip to the beach. But this beach was very, very far from where we parked. So:

Day #32 | 21.06

734 steps down
734 steps back up

It was very fun! And beautiful and the water was great. But tomorrow I won’t be able to walk. 💀

I didn’t do any other workouts, but my I go to sleep with a clear conscience.

See you tomorrow!
