In Amongst The Trees


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Ranger Posts: 383
*looks around* Well, I'm back.

I disappeared for a few months. In that time I tried a few other fitness apps/websites, none of which lasted once the novelty wore off. Eventually I just stopped working out (yeah... I'm kinda out of shape at the moment).

Then I decided that Darebee is still the best workout thingy on the Internet, plus the Hive is so nice, and I don't really know why I left?

So yeah. Picking back up with Fit December and a few challenges. New thread, new picture. Trying to work out on a regular basis (I'm baaad at consistency) and have some fun with it, doing my best to fight the old anxiety-depression combo and live my life.

7th December 2023
  • Fit December (7/31)
  • Power Squats (7/30) owww. Yesterday had so many lunges, and you remember what I said about being kinda out of shape? Yeah, my legs did not appreciate.
  • Destress (7/30)
  • 5 min meditation
  • Gratitude: I had so.much.pasta today (I love pasta so much you guys its amazing)


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
9th December 2023
  • Fit December (9/31) *singing* in which I remember my loathing for jumping...
  • Power Squats (9/30)
  • Destress (9/30)
  • 10 min meditation
  • Gratitude: Walking outside in the dusk with birds flying overhead
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
Welcome back, Haleth! It's great to see you again!

P.S.: Your check-in thread link from your profile is broken. Looks like you have too much stuff in there. The software only wants the back end of the URL from you. So:

(depending on whether you want the link to go to the first page of your check-in thread or to the last checked page)


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
*edited previous day to add the 10 minutes meditation I did*

Thanks for the welcome @Laura Rainbow Dragon! (and the heads-up about my link)

10th December 2023
  • Fit December (10/31)
  • Power Squats (10/30)
  • Destress (10/30) fun fact, every time I type 'destress' my phone tries to autocorrect it to 'distress'. That's like the opposite of what I'm going for here ;)
  • 4 min Plank (done in 60sec sets throughout the day) for the Christmas tree
  • 5 min meditation
  • Gratitude: I felt exceptionally peaceful this morning


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
Thank you @aku-chan !

11th December 2023
  • Fit December (11/31)
  • Power Squats (11/30)
  • Destress (11/30)
  • 3 min Plank (60sec sets) for the Christmas ornament
  • Bible in a Year (168/365) I've just accepted that this will be more like the bible in 2 years now :D
  • 5 min meditation
  • Gratitude: colleague told me I'm doing awesome today so that was nice to hear!


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Ranger Posts: 383
12th December 2023
gosh today has been so busy. I'm so tired guys.
  • Fit December (12/31) Hall pass today. Couldn't summon up the energy for a proper workout.
  • Power Squats (12/30)
  • Destress (12/30)
  • 3 min plank (60sec sets) for the Christmas ornament :completed:
  • 10 min meditation
  • Bible in a Year (169/365)
  • Gratitude: my cats sitting on me and being furry hot-water bottles


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 685
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday @Haleth !!!

Happy Birthday GIF


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
19th December 2023
  • Fit December (19/31)
  • Power Squats (19/30)
  • Destress (19/30)
  • 123 snowballs dodged in the snowfight
  • Bible in a Year (172/365)
  • 10 min (very distracted) meditation
  • Gratitude: gorgeous sunset on my walk today (bonus: it's finally stopped raining. I like the rain, but there are limits!)


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
Hello all! I've got a bit behind on Fit December (and run out of hall passes, oops) but I'm caught up now on Power Squats and Destress.

If I don't have time to come here tomorrow then Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday of your choice, or just happy 25th of December to everyone in the Hive!


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Ranger Posts: 383
Start of a new year! I want to try Hero's Journey. It's a little scary, but also looks very fun. So... that's my plan for the next few months, but I will be taking Sundays off from it to give myself a little break and because I'm usually busy then.

A few more January goals:
  • Complete Power Hold and Good Morning Challenges
  • Meditate on a regular basis - I'm starting the meditation challenge to help with this.
  • Warmup and stretch before/after working out
  • Continue with gratitude and Bible in a Year
  • Get back into learning Welsh (remember when I used to do this)
I don't necessarily expect that I'll do all those things every day, but it gives me something to strive for.

And for today:

1st January 2024
:x:Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (1/30)
:v:Power Hold (1/30)
:v:Hero's Journey (1/60) Level III
:v:Meditation (1/30) 5 min
:v:Bible in a Year (180/365)
Gratitude: I've got a whole new year in front of me :ss:


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
3rd January 2024
:v:Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (3/30)
:v:Power Hold (3/30)
:v:Hero's Journey (3/60) - I chose the magic ring as my weapon.
:v:Meditation (3/30) 5 mins
:v:Welsh (2 day streak)
:v:Bible in a Year (181/365)
Gratitude: I've been saying I'm going to repaint my room forever now, and today I finally got round to ordering some paint samples.


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Ranger Posts: 383
Uhhh OK let's see if I can remember what I did for the past week!

4th January
:v: Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (4/30)
:v:Power Hold (4/30) Pushups 7-5-4
:v:Hero's Journey (4/30) Level III
:v:Meditation (4/30) 5 min
:x:Bible in a Year

5th January
Today I left to spent a weekend with friends, I didn’t have too much time for a workout.

:x:Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (5/30)
:v:Power Hold (5/30)
:x:Hero's Journey
:v: Bible in a Year (182/365)


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
6th January
Today the only thing on the list I did was Welsh practice. In terms of exercise, I went on a 3-hour hike and did some dancing in the evening (and didn't go to bed until 3am, oops!)

7th January
Again, only Welsh practice today.

8th January
:x:Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (6/30)
:v:Power Hold (6/30) - Pushups 10-6-6
:x:Hero's Journey
:v:Bible in a Year - (183/365)
:v:Welsh Practice

9th January
...I don't remember what I did yesterday. I don't think it was anything. I slept a lot, still recovering from the weekend.

I'll post my log for today later on, when I've actually (hopefully) worked out.


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Ranger Posts: 383
10th January 2023
In which I did, in fact, work out! Yay!

:v: Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (7/30)
:v:Power Hold (7/30)
:v:Hero's Journey (5/30) Level I
:v:Meditation (5/30) 5 min
:v:Welsh practice - 7 day streak
:x:Bible in a Year

Gratitude - I started watching Daredevil Season 3 and wow it's good!


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Ranger Posts: 383
13th January 2023
:v:Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (9/30)
:v:Power Hold (9/30)
:v:Hero's Journey (6/60) Level I. Push-ups 10-10-10-7-7. I always forget this program is 60 days long...
:v:53 turning kicks for @Laura Rainbow Dragon birthday!
:x:Welsh Practice
:x:Bible in a Year

Gratitude: my cats continue to be the best cats, even when I don't feel great


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Ranger Posts: 383
14th January 2023
This is a planned (semi) rest day.
:v: Power Hold (10/30) pushups 4-2-1 - I'm stiff and sore from yesterday's pushups, hence the low numbers today
:v:Good Morning (10/30)
:v:Meditation (6/30) 5 min
:v:Welsh Practice (9 day streak)

Gratitude: Really good falafel for lunch.


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Ranger Posts: 383
Monday I woke up in the grips of a bad depressive episode. Like, can't do anything, take the day off work bad. It's mostly gone now. But this is the first day that I've had energy to exercise.

18th January
:x: Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (11/30)
:v:Power Hold (11/30)
:v:Hero's Journey (7/60) Level I
:v:Welsh Practice (11 day streak)
:x:Bible in a Year

Gratitude: my brain feels normal


Well-known member
Ranger Posts: 383
22nd January 2023

:v: Warmup and Stretching
:v:Good Morning (13/30)
:v:Power Hold (13/30)
:v:Hero's Journey (9/60) Level III
:v:Welsh Practice - 13 day streak
:v:Bible in a Year (186/365)
:v:Meditation (8/30) 5 min

Gratitude: tea! I like tea. Tea's great