Into The Wild

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
April Summary
Days worked out: 30/30
Total time: 56 hours 57 minutes
Steps: 442,518
Vert: 3318m

Cardio (33 hours 19 min)
Running: 16 runs | 86.5km
Walking: 48 walks | 102.4km

Workouts (8 hours 37 min)
Strength: 17 workouts | 4 hours 22 min
Cardio: 11 workouts | 2 hours 45 min
Mobility: 31 workouts | 4 hours 16 min

Recovery (14 hours 59 minutes)
Yoga: 25 sessions | 8 hours 35 min
Foam Rolling: 1 session | 19 min
Breathwork: 27 sessions | 1 hour 47 min
Meditation: 31 sessions | 4 hours 52 min

Archery (42 minutes)
Practice sessions: 2

A pretty good month despite some challenges. It was my best month of running for a while, even though I had almost a week off while pet sitting and dealing with vertigo. It was good to get back into some weights training, too.

I don't really have any plans for May - I'll just keep doing what I'm doing for now (Ironborn and building my running base with the Garmin daily suggested workouts), and maybe start training for a race in June. I am going to get back into archery a bit more consistently; I've been training at home since I recovered from a shoulder injury, but once I've built up a bit of endurance I'd like to get back to my club and start shooting proper rounds again.

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Wednesday 1st May, 2024
Running - 4.8km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Mobility - 15 min Hip Mobility Flow
Abs & Core Blast - Day 1
1 Min Meditation - Day 1
Ironborn - Day 9
Walking - 1.3km
YWA Greet - Day 1

Thursday 2nd May, 2024
Walking - 3.2km
Mobility - 15 min Morning Mobility
Abs & Core Blast - Day 2
1 Min Meditation - Day 2
Ironborn - Day 10
Walking - 1.6km
YWA Greet - Day 2

Friday 3rd May, 2024
Running - 6.6km (Garmin DSW - Anaerobic)
Mobility - 8 Min Foot & Ankle Mobility
Ironborn - Day 11
Abs & Core Blast - Day 3
1 Min Meditation - Day 3
Walking - 1.6km
YWA Greet - Day 3

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Thanks everyone! :thanks:

Saturday 4th May, 2024 [REST DAY]
YWA Greet - Day 4
Walking - 3.2km
Mobility - 5 Min Everyday Mobility
YWK - 90 Min Yin Yoga for Self Care

Sunday 5th May, 2024
Running - 10km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Mobility - 10 Min Mobility for Runners
Walking - 1.6km
Ironborn - Day 12
Abs & Core Blast - Day 4
1 Min Meditation - Day 4
Foam rolling
YWA Greet - Day 5

Monday 6th May, 2024
Running - 3.7km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Indoor Cycling - 11km zone 2
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility
Walking - 1.7km
Ironborn - Day 13
Abs & Core Blast - Day 5
1 Min Meditation - Day 5
YWA Greet - Day 6

Tuesday 7th May, 2024
Running - 3.7km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Indoor Cycling - 11km zone 2
YWA Greet - Day 7
Ironborn - Day 14
Walking - 1.2km
Abs & Core Blast - Day 6
Mobility - 15 Min Bedtime Mobility
1 Min Meditation - Day 6

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Thursday 9th May, 2024
Running - 8.2km (Garmin DSW - Tempo)
Mobility - 10 Min Hip Opener
Ironborn - Day 16
Abs & Core Blast - Day 8
YWA Greet - Day 9
1 Min Meditation - Day 8

Friday 10th May, 2024
Walking - 5km
Mobility - 10 Min Bedtime Mobility
Running - 4km (Garmin DSW - Base, on trails)
Ironborn - Day 17
Abs & Core Blast - Day 9
YWA Greet - Day 10
1 Min Meditation - Day 9

Saturday 11th May, 2024
Mobility - 7 Min Running Warm Up
Running - 11km (Garmin DSW - Base. Took a couple of wrong turns so it ended up a lot hillier than planned.)
Walking - 1.5km
Abs & Core Blast - Day 10
YWA Greet - Day 11
1 Min Meditation - Day 10

Sunday 12th May, 2024 [Rest Day]
Walking - 3.2km
Mobility - 15 Min Feel Good Flow
Foam Rolling
Yin Yoga

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Monday 13th May, 2024
Running - 4km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility (Intermediate)
Walking - 1.7km
Ironborn - Day 18
Abs & Core Blast - Day 10
YWA Greet - Day 13
1 Min Meditation - Day 10

Tuesday 14th May, 2024
Running - 6.5km (Garmin DSW - Tempo)
Mobility - 7 Min Cool Down
Ironborn - Day 19
Abs & Core Blast - Day 11
Walking - 1.6km
YWA Greet - Day 14
1 Min Meditation - Day 11

Wednesday 15th May, 2024
Running - 4km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Walking - 1km
Ironborn - Day 20
Walking - 1.1km
Mobility - 12 Min Upper Body Stretch
Abs & Core Blast - Day 12
Walking - 1.6km
Yoga - How to End Your Day with Movement
1 Min Meditation - Day 12

Thursday 16th May, 2024
Walking - 4.1km
Mobility - 15 Min Morning Mobility
Ironborn - Day 21
Walk - 1.1km
Abs & Core Blast - Day 13
YWA Greet - Day 16
1 Min Meditation - Day 13

Friday 17th May, 2024
Running - 6.3km (Garmin DSW - Sprint)
Mobility - 20 Min Foot & Ankle Prehab
Ironborn - Day 22
Walk - 1.1km
Abs & Core Blast - Day 14
YWA Greet - Day 17
1 Min Meditation - Day 14

Saturday 18th May, 2024
Running - 12km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Mobility - 10 Min Hip Mobility
Walking - 1.1km
YWA Greet - Day 19

Sunday 19th May, 2024 [Rest Day]
Mobility - 20 Min Morning Mobility
Walking - 3.1km
YWA Greet - Day 18

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Monday 20th May, 2024
Walking - 1.5km
Mobility - 15 Min Morning Mobility
Running - 4.9km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Walking - 1.1km
Yoga - Yin Yoga

Tuesday 21st May, 2024
Running - 6.4km (Garmin DSW - Threshold)
Mobility - 10 Min Mobility Routine for Runners
Walking - 1.1km
Ironborn - Day 23
YWA Greet - Day 21

Wednesday 22nd May, 2024
Running - 4km (Garmin DSW - Base)
Mobility - 12 Min Resistance Band Mobility
Walking - 1.5km
Yoga - 20 Min Rest Day Yoga Flow (Charlie Follows)
YWA Greet - Day 22

Thursday 23rd May, 2024
Walking - 5km
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility
Walking - 1.1km
YWA Greet - Day 23

Friday 24th May, 2024
Mobility - 8 Min Running Warm Up
Running - 6.9km (Garmin DSW - Anaerobic)
YWA Greet - Day 24
Walking - 1.1km
Mobility - 15 Min Daily Mobility

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
May Summary
Days worked out: 31/31
Total time: 69 hours 49 minutes
Steps: 404284
Vert: 3628m

Cardio (34 hours 12 min)
Running: 20 runs | 128.1km
Walking: 39 walks | 78.1km

Workouts (13 hours 1 min)
Strength: 18 workouts | 6 hours 51 min
Mobility: 32 workouts | 6 hours 9 min

Recovery (22 hours 35 minutes)
Yoga: 33 sessions | 13 hours 1 min
Foam Rolling: 4 sessions | 1 hour 33 min
Breathwork: 31 sessions | 2 hour 29 min
Meditation: 34 sessions | 5 hours 30 min

Archery (2 hours 33 minutes)
Practice sessions: 7

Happy with this month's training. It was my biggest month of running since March last year. I also made time for a bit more archery practice - I think I'll train up over winter and then return to the club (and longer distances) once the weather is nicer.

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Saturday 1st June, 2024
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility
Walking - 3.1km
Walking - 1.3km
YWA Get To Know Day 1

Sunday 2nd June, 2024
Walking - 3.5km
Mobility - 12 Min Evening Mobility
Foam rolling
YWK - Yin Yoga For Runners

Monday 3rd June, 2024
Running - 5.1km (zone 2) - First run of my 50km training plan
Mobility - 10 Min Mobility For Runners
Walking - 1.7km
Ironborn - Day 1
YWA Get To Know Day 3

Tuesday 4th June, 2024
Running - 6.3km (Mona fartlek) - Last run of my 50km training plan. I strained my calf during my last sprint interval. I knew it wasn't good the moment I felt it; I couldn't run afterwards without intense pain, and had to limp home. I rested/iced/elevated it most of the day.
YWA Get To Know Day 4
Walking - 400m - testing my leg to see if a gentle walk would help. It didn't.
Mobility - 8 Min Express Shoulder & Spine Mobility
YWB - 15 Min Full Body Stretch

Wednesday 5th June, 2024
Walking - 1.7km - My leg is still sore but walking seems to ease it a little.
Mobility - 15 Min Daily Mobility
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 1 (52 push-ups) - This is a challenge to do 3,249 push-ups over 24 days, raising funds and awareness for mental health.
Walking - 1.5km
Power 20 - Added rows at the end
YWA Get To Know Day 6

Thursday 6th June, 2024
Walking - 1.9km - My calf is still tender, but only really hurts if I go uphill or use stairs, so I think slow walks will be okay.
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 2 (110 push-ups)
Walking - 1.6km
YWA Get To Know Day 5

Friday 7th June, 2024
Walking - 1.9km
Mobility - 7 Min Upper Body Warmup & Mobility
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 1
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 1
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 1
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 3 (123 push-ups)
Walking - 1.6km
YWA - Runner's Yoga

Saturday 8th June, 2024
Walking - 3.3km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 2
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 2
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 2
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 4 (120 push-ups)
Mobility - 12 Min Morning Mobility
YWK - Yin Yoga for Self Care

Sunday 9th June, 2024 [rest day]
Walking - 1.6km
Mobility - 20 Min Foot & Ankle Prehab
Walking - 1.7km
YWB - 20 Min Restorative Yoga

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Monday 10th June, 2024
Walking - 3.1km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 3
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 3
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 3
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 6 (74 push-ups)
Mobility - 15 Min Daily Mobility Routine
Yoga - 10 Min Full Body Stretch

Tuesday 11th June, 2024
Walking - 2km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 4
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 4
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 4
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 7 (129 push-ups)
Indoor Cycling - 10km zone 2
Mobility - 11 Min Home Office Mobility
YWK - 15 Min Morning Yoga for the Hips

Wednesday 12th June, 2024
Walking - 2.9km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 5
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 5
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 5
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 8 (129 push-ups)
Workout - Big Arms
Mobility - 20 Min Soft Mobility Flow + Stretches

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Thursday 13th June, 2024
Walking - 1.7km
Running - 1km (zone 2, testing my calf. Seems to be healing okay.)
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 6
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 6
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 6
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 9
Walking - 1.6km
Mobility - 10 Min Balancing & Stability Routine
YWA Get To Know - Day 13

Friday 14th June, 2024
Walking - 1.7km
Running - 3.1km (zone 2)
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 7
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 7
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 7
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 10
Walking - 1.5km
Mobility - 5 Min Daily Mobility

Saturday 15th June, 2024
Walking - 3.2km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 8
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 8
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 8
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 11
Walking - 1.1km
Mobility - 15 Min Mobility for Better Posture

Sunday 16th June, 2024
Running - 3.5km
Walking - 1.5km
Mobility - 30 Min Mobility Flow
Foam Rolling - 10 Min Upper Body
Yoga - 15 Min Gentle Yoga Flow

Silent Wolf

Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 415
Monday 17th June, 2024
Walking - 2km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 9
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 9
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 9
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 13
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility Flow
Primal Strength - Day 1 (This feels like it's going to be a good program!)
Walking - 1.7km
YWA Get To Know - Day 17

Tuesday 18th June, 2024
Walking - 1km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 10
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 10
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 10
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 14
Primal Strength - Day 2
Walking - 1.2km
Mobility - 10 Min Morning Mobility Flow
YWA Get To Know - Day 18

Went to see a physio to get my calf checked out. It seems like it was a calf strain, but it's healed unusually fast.

Wednesday 19th June, 2024
Walking - 1.2km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 11
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 11
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 11
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 15
Running - 3.8km
Walking - 1.6km
Primal Strength - Day 3
Mobility - 5 Min Daily Mobility

Thursday 20th June, 2024
Walking - 1.9km
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 12
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 12
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 12
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 16
Mobility - 8 Min Beginner Hip Mobility
Primal Strength - Day 4
YWK - 15 Min Morning Yoga Flow

Friday 21st June, 2024
Running - 4km (zone 2)
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 13
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 13
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 13
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 17
Walking - 1.7km
Primal Strength - Day 5
YWK - 60 Min Winter Solstice Yin Yoga
Mobility - 5 Min Mobility at Your Desk

Saturday 22nd June, 2024
Pull-Up Challenge Level 1 (Assisted pull-ups) - Day 14
Back & Shoulders Challenge - Day 14
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 14
The Push-Up Challenge - Day 18
Trail running - 5.6km (zone 2)
Walking - 1.1km
Primal Strength - Day 6
Mobility - 5 Min Spinal Mobility Flow
YWA Get To Know - Day 22

Sunday 23rd June, 2024 [Rest Day]
Walking - 0.8km
Mobility - 5 Min Mobility at Your Desk
YWK - 10 Min Gentle Morning Yoga

I was unwell overnight, so I'll be taking it easy for a few days while I recover.