Nebulus' restart


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
New hive - new check-in thread :) (after i realized the hive moved and i needed to re-register)

Some hive members will probably remember me.

For all others or as a recap of my journey with darebee and fitness/sports, here is a short summary:

In my youth and my 20s i worked out using dumbbells and barbells. So the more classic gym rat stuff. I also enjoyed the Spinning classes a lot.
Then came a break with some complacency :)
In my mid 30s i came to the conclusion that i need to become fitter (and now it feels like i am back at the same point ;) ).
I started to play with Freeletics and the Madbarz app. After that the 90 day challenge by Mark Lauren was a big influence to me.
I really gained a lot of fitness and loved the bodyweight exercise approach. During this i discovered darebee and started to do some programs and also joined the hive.
Worked my way up to 10 consecutive pullups and 50 pushups.
Getting better at jogging/running was also on the menu. I finished a half marathon (in a very slow pace) but: i did it :)
Now i am more into cycling. The longest route so far has been 100km.

And a completely different, crazy and wierd path led me to get into hanggliding :)

What happened recently?

Well, in July i had an accident with my bike and injured my right shoulder. I had a surgery at the beginning of august and i am now working on the recovery.

What are my current goals?

* Gain back a lot of muscle. According to my "smart" scale i lost at least 5kg of muscle mass (and replaced it with fat).
A bunch of exercises are still out of question/reach, for example Pushups, Dips, Pullups.

* Loose a lot of fat :) ... together with the point above, yes, body recomposition is the name of the game.

* Get my shoulder back to "normal". I want to be able to do bodyweight workouts without having to check/worry if my shoulder can handle it.
Shortly before getting injured i loved to do Strong by Zumba in our local sports club. I want to be able to do these workouts/programs again.
And of course i want to be able to do Pullups and Dips again.

* Go flying again next year.

* I want to improve my cycling game. Okay, summer is over but i love zwifting so this will be also a part of my fitness regime in winter.
Besides this i bought a nice gravel bike which wants to be ridden :)
Finally riding a 200km brevet next year would be a cool feat.

That's it for now. Fingers crossed that i have the consistency to post regularly now.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,565
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome to the New Hive :)


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
And today another checkin, trying to get a consistent rhythm of working out.

Today i did the Rockin' Abs workout on Level 1 to do a bit for my abs. Level 1 since i want to start slow to avoid getting too sore.
Also did some mobility work for my shoulder. Should remember to do it much more frequently.

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Well, consistency is still lacking somewhat. But i'll get there (hopefully).

On tuesday (10.11.) i did
Tricep pulldowns with theraband (purple): 50, 45, 40
Inside-/Outside rotation with theraband (blue): 20, 20, 20
Hammer curls 7.5kg: 10, 10, 10
Horizontal rows on rings: 15, 15, 15

It feels like i can slowly put more load on the injured shoulder. It still does not feel like the non-injured shoulder ... and i guess this might not change in the future.
But i am not restricted in my everyday life in any way so no reason to be grumpy.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend so far. :)


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Today some more working out :)
Went for a mix of leg, abs and a bit biceps/back.

"Yet another great choice" on level 1 (Legs)
"Ultimate abs" on level 1 (yeah, you guessed it .. Abs :D )

Also did my horizontal rows with the rings, 3 sets of 20

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
@NancyTree Thx! :)

My feeling about doing the workouts on level 1 was absolutely correct :D . The leg workout gave me "nice" but okay DOMS. If i would have gone for level 3 i guess i would have regretted it. Abs were not really sore, so i can amp up there a bit.

Today i did a bit for bicep&triceps (right arm only ;) ).
Hammer curls (7.5kg): 5 sets of 15
Tricep pulldowns (purple band): 5 sets of 15

Both not really challenging, i guess i'll go heavier next time. I'm always a bit unsure in this regard. Without injured shoulder there would be no question to go heavy/hard af.
But i'm always a bit worried about potentially going too heavy to fast. However, i a going to try the 10kg for the DB curls next time. I mean the body and it's structures adapt (yes, muscles are fast, tendons and ligaments very slow) to the demands it's been objected to. And i'm never training with/into pain.

Only one day to go until weekend ... read you soon my dear bees! :)


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
@Nanna Io Thx! :)

Went for a nice bike ride today. Weather was not perfect, very slight rain and some wind. But still good since there were not that many people around. In total around 30km.
I also tested if i can use a heavier dumbbell for the hammer curls. Yes, works. 10kg are good for 3 sets of 15 reps.
Added 3 sets of 30 reps tricep pulldowns with the purple band.

Next week i have 3 days off, so only work on monday and tuesday .. yay. :move:

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Today a bit more working out.

Horizontal (~30 deg) rows on the rings: 4 x 20
Incline Pushups on bed headboard: 4 x 10

Mobility for right arm: "Arm behind back"

And for lower body i did the "Yet another great choice" on level 1 again. I'm curious if the doms is going to be similar to the last time.

Until next time, bye :)


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Mhh ... again a bit longish gap between checkin ins.

Good things first: i haven't been lazy :)
I regularly did my mobility and strengthening stuff for my right arm.
Last week i had some days off and on friday i went for a longish bike ride. Rode 52km with only short breaks to find the way.
But i forgot to take something to eat along ... bad mistake. In the last 10km i really felt how my energy got low and lower.
However, it's a promising start to ramp things up and go further (with proper nutrition etc.).

I hope everything is fine/okay on your side, read you soon! :)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 317
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
But i forgot to take something to eat along ... bad mistake. In the last 10km i really felt how my energy got low and lower.
yeah, I know this problem.... I tend to forget to eat too, during my rides....
the main problem for me is, that I do not only feel this during the ride, but also for the rest of the day.... it is really hard to compensate


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Yesterday i went for another bike ride. It was not that long, did not have enough time. A roundtrip of 30km.
Next task will be to clean the bike ... catched lots of mud ;)

Today i did some more strength training for my right arm and some mobility exercises.
For strength i did
Incline pushups (this time at height of the rim of the bed): 3 x 15
Ring rows: 3 x 20
Hammer curls (now with 12.5kg): 15, 15, 8

I'm looking forward to the darebee ornament event, i'm pretty confident that i find some nice exercise to chime in.

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
On 4.12. another workout:

Incline pushups (height: edge of bed): 15, 15, 15
Rows: 20, 20, 20
Hammercurls (12.5kg): 15, 15, 8
Mobility exercises

10.12. a zwift ride: 35 mins

Today, 12.12. i started doing the punches for the ornament event. Did 1000 punches today.
Also 3 x 20 rows today, this time a bit more horizontal, so some progression.

I looked at some programs which seem to be easily doable (while being kind to my "bad" shoulder). I guess Total Burn or FireHeart will be one of the next programs i will do.


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Mhh ... i didn't keep in mind the correct date on when the ornaments event ends... long story short: i did 2700 punches til the 16th.

Besides this i also did some zwift rides (13.12. and 15.12. each grinding up virtual mountains, 16.12. a short flat ride).
Today i joined again a Strong by Z. class after around 5 months. A lot of the exercises were possible but i refrained from too "fancy" stuff to go easy on my shoulder.

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Today, you guessed it .. yes, squats for the snowfight. 182 to be precise.
Since i did a good amount of cardio yesterday i did some strength work for my arms and shoulders.

Ring rows (again a bit deeper): 3x20
Tricep extensions using rings: 3x30
Bicep curls using rings: 20, 15, 9
Lateral raised with plain dumbbell bar (only "bad" / right shoulder): 3 x 30

Have a good night/day!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Okay, here a short update. Been away during christmas, so no posts.

On the 23rd i did a zwift ride of 1:17h.

Yesterday a bit of "strength" training .. or let's better say i did some small tries on putting pressure/demand on the shoulders:
Shoulder Press 7.5kg: 3 x 20
Lateral raises 7.5kg: 3x10
Both exercises were easily doable, it feels like me injured shoulder is now pretty much healed. Will go a bit heavier next time.

And today i went for a longer bicycle ride. Did 70km in 3:25h.

On the 31st i plan on doing a small fondo ride on zwift to end the year.

That's it for now, read you soon!


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,565
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 317
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Happy new year


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
No real accomplishments to report at the moment (only a bit of walking/hiking). I catched some kind of cold (as did my wife and daughter some days/weeks before me). Covid-test is negative so "only" some nasty cold. I used the time to install some fenders on my gravel bike to hopefully reduce the amount of cleaning in the future. And of course in wet conditions i prefer my feet not getting wet. Does not look to bad ;)
I also got myself a fancy cycle computer because i followed my inner part which loves helpful and fancy things. A book i liked w.r.t. inner parts/voices is "Your head is a house boat" from Campbell Walker.
So once i get rid of all this coughing and my real weird sore voice i'll go an with cycling training. I also plan to finish a 100k in january (at least that's the challenge i joined in strava).
Besides all this i really need to get my weightloss/fatloss journey going. I want to restart hanggliding this spring ... but i'm too bulky to fit into my harness ... :break:
I hope everyone is good so far, cu !


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Wow ... how time runs. About 3 weeks since my last post.
The cold had really a quite long grip on myself. But it feels like it's now pretty much done.
I did 2 Strong by Z. sessions (1h each), a indoor cycling ride of about 1.25h and several walks in the last weeks.
It feels like my injured shoulder is almost back to it's former abilities (mobility wise). I can do all moves in the Strong by Z. class. Strength and conditioning is still lacking big time of course.
Since it's often slippery and snowy recently i did not go for another regular bicycle ride. I will postpone it until we get another warm episode.
My plans for the near future are to start with the Bootcamp program and continue indoor cycling and try to get into a habit of having a strength workout each day.
I wish you all a good start into the new week!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Bootcamp, Day 2 on level 1 today. I split the workout into two sections: i separated the lateral raises out. The reason was to avoid frequent changing of the plates.
Except for the lateral raises i used 12.5 kg DB, for the lateral raises 7.5kg. A higher level would have been possible but i want to start low to avoid too harsh DOMS.


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
@Mianevem Thx! Hope you also had a nice weekend!
@Gandhalfit Glad to be back :)

On saturday i used the nice weather (not too cold, no rain, not too much wind) for a bike ride. Rode about 37km.
On sunday it was again one hour of Strong by Z. and i did Bootcamp Day 4 but i skipped the meditation.
Yesterday and today was no real training since i was pretty busy with unforseen problems and getting my dad back to his home from his hospital stay.
The next days i will ramp up again the training intensity.
Ah, i've been to the orthopedist (now 6 months after surgery) and now i'm allowed to do pretty much what i like. Very nice.

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Yesterday i did 3/4h of Strong by Z. , today i did Bootcamp Day 5 on level 3 and a half hour of indoor cycling.
The next days look quite promising regarding the weather. So a longer bicycle ride would be a good option.
The weight is not dropping as fast as i would have liked, but at least it looks like there is some progress.

Have a good start into the weekend!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Yesterday i did a nice afternoon walk with my wife, around 6.3km.
Today i used the decent weather to do the longer bicycle ride. In total i rode 70km, mainly routes i did never cycle before. So it was very interesting to see new spots.
In the afternoon another short walk of 3.3km.

Read you soon!


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Wow, almost a week gone since the last check-in.
On monday i went for Bootcamp Day 6 on level 1.
On tuesday and wednesday there was pretty much no work out. These are the days i'm currently again commuting to work and i am too tired/unmotivated when i get home.
However, on this days my step count is much higher. So not completely bad ;)
Yesterday i did another Strong by Z. class.

Read you soon-ish ;)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 317
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
On tuesday and wednesday there was pretty much no work out. These are the days i'm currently again commuting to work and i am too tired/unmotivated when i get home.
We have to think about at least one day in office also.... even though we already are in home office for like 6 or 7 years now...
and commuting really takes a lot of time.... we had performance and goals meetings with our boss last week.... so we went to the office....
it took me like 2 and a half hours commuting time (total time)....
not even thinking about getting up at least 30 minutes before going to work, which made it even worse...
this means, having the early morning shift, I have to get up at 4:30, drive to work at 5, to be there at 6....
in home office, it means, getting up at 5:50 to be there at 6
I really don't want to commute to work again....


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
We have to think about at least one day in office also.... even though we already are in home office for like 6 or 7 years now...
and commuting really takes a lot of time.... we had performance and goals meetings with our boss last week.... so we went to the office....
it took me like 2 and a half hours commuting time (total time)....
not even thinking about getting up at least 30 minutes before going to work, which made it even worse...
this means, having the early morning shift, I have to get up at 4:30, drive to work at 5, to be there at 6....
in home office, it means, getting up at 5:50 to be there at 6
I really don't want to commute to work again....
Oh yes, i really get your point. For me it's a pretty similar amount of time for commute (2h - 3h total, depending on whether i go by car or public transport).
So i also have to get up much earlier and get home later. On wednesday we have our "Meetwoch" (this world play probably only makes sense for germans), so there are lots of meetings/discussions and a lot of socializing / coffee trinking. So this day is quite "enjoyable" and makes some sense because refining user stories etc. is easier/nicer when done in presence. The other day seems to be more like a measure to hit some management figures ... :sus:


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Oh my god.... time has passed pretty fast. A lot of stuff has happened in my life since. Somehow i got lost from the darebee hive in the time being.
However, let's proclaim another restart in the "Nebulus' restart" thread... :LOL:

I had a lot of fancy plans of what i would do this year regarding sports etc. Wanted to do a lot of running, cycling, hanggliding, hiking. I also had a ton of vacancies to use for it.
What was the result? A bit of hanggliding, some hiking here and there and a weight gain of another 10kg....
So regarding fitness not the best year so far. But i guess that's also (part of) the reason i'm back again. I have to get my shit together big time. I'm almost back to square 0 now (not completely, cardio is not completely crap and i did some weight lifting, so also not completely weak).
But i guess you get the point / intention :)

But it definitely wasn't all bad in the meantime. I restarted riding a motorcycle after 25 years of pause :) . Was quite some fun.
I also had a nice long familiy vacation / road trip in west coast us and west coast canada. Was a really great experience!

So if i don't immediately fall of the band wagon again you will read regular updates here again. :)


Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 94
Thx for the warm welcome back @Fremen , @HellYeah , @NancyTree .

Regarding workouts i joined two Strong by Zumba Sessions on thurday and today. I now empirically found out that the maximum regeneration time suggested by my garmin watch lies at 96 hours ;)
For the weeks coming i'm planning to get back into running and probably cycling. Might also be that i start another Darebee program. There have probably been several released since my last active darebee phase :)