Posts: 301
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Birthday: May 27
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    • lpf
      lpf reacted to Deadoks's post in the thread Deadoks on an adventure with Like Like.
      Hell'o all! I'm still alive and in my journey to be more then FIT. I'm doing this month: - Ronin's blade - Carbon and dust - Fit...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to Deadoks's post in the thread Deadoks on an adventure with Like Like.
      Oh I'm not back in a regular basis, I would like doh but I don't give time for it at the moment. I also soon "in march 2025" will have a...
    • lpf
      lpf replied to the thread 30 seconds to....
      *note to myself* doing pull day on Mondays, when you had done Cindy on Friday isn't the smartest idea to have.... (who ever said, you...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to MissSmilla's post in the thread Back to badass with Like Like.
      So, I did Soma 40+ day 10 on sunday, but last night I just went to bed really early and tonight I will not do any Darebee because I went...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to MissSmilla's post in the thread Back to badass with Like Like.
      Soma 40+ day 9 is finished. I only did level I because the calf is, well, not still hurting, but it did feel a little stiff and did not...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to MissSmilla's post in the thread Back to badass with Happy For You Happy For You.
      Oh, and this is non exercise-related, but I just saw that I posted about my no-yelling challenge last year. And lo and behold, last week...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to MissSmilla's post in the thread Back to badass with Like Like.
      Wow. It's been a long, long time, but as neither my goals nor my situation have changed all that much, I hereby resurrect this thread...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to neilarey's post in the thread Neila's Journal with Like Like.
      It's been so long since I posted in my old log, I decided to start a new one. I find it difficult to keep up with my workout updates...
    • lpf
      lpf replied to the thread 30 seconds to....
      *hugs and cuddles*
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to K e l l y's post in the thread 30 seconds to... with Like Like.
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to MissSmilla's post in the thread 30 seconds to... with Like Like.
      Hello there! Haven't been on here in a while, but I just started a new program and wanted to drop in and say hello to you my old darebee...
    • lpf
      lpf replied to the thread 30 seconds to....
      So, just a little update, event though the last entry happened already like 14 days ago.... I plan to do something for sicence and fun...
    • lpf
      lpf replied to the thread At the break of dawn.
      happy belated birthday! :birthday:
    • lpf
      lpf replied to the thread 30 seconds to....
      30 minutes to.... Nickels&Dimes on Level 3.... I really have no power to write more.... the last 5 sets weren't the best, but I kept up...
    • lpf
      lpf reacted to NancyTree's post in the thread 30 seconds to... with Thank You! Thank You!.
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