Onwards and, well, onwards!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 12
Walking day 6

I tried to do 60 days of cardio but my wrist decided to just collapse at the final burpee of the first set.
Which was obviously really really painful.
So I just played a game for the next four hours straight and now I am going to go to bed.
Walking will have to do.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 13
Knee Push-Ups day 12 & 13
Lower Body Blast day 11

Apparently my body is not in the mood for anything besides push-ups xD a few squats for the heck of it
I did try and succeed at doing one full-length push up!
And then did a few more on various steps of the stairs because I wanted more exercise but my body only wants push-ups :chuckle:

Very low on spoons today, but happy with my push-up energy!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 14
Knee Push-Ups day 14. I was motivated to get out of bed by push-ups, and realised afterwards that I did tomorrow's set :p
Walking day 7. Went for a lovely 2 hour walk in the nice weather!

And then I ran out of spoons. I finished the book I was reading (Against Technoableism, it's short and very very good).
And then just crashed and distracted myself from feeling awful by playing games again...
Ah well, the walk was nice.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 15
Knee Push-Ups day 15 (I mean actually day 14 due to yesterday's mix-up but that's too confusing)
Lower Body Blast day 13 & 14
Back & Core, 30 Days of Yoga day 11 & 12
Honestly most of my exercise today was sitting on the floor for hours organising my fabric scraps and otherwise tidying up the crafting room so it's actually usable again :muahaha:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 16
Knee Push-Ups day 16
Lower Body Blast day 15 & 16
Ironheart day 11 & 12

And then I ran out of energy again.
I really hope this doesn't last too much longer, I want to get back to my happy exercising :')

But I did some sewing and some knitting and I fixed the snaps on my trousers so I don't have to worry about those opening on their own xD


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 17
Knee Push-Ups, Lower Body Blast day 17
Ironheart day 13, 14, and 15! Didn't do the 3 minute arm hold though, 3x1 minute arm circles was plenty challenging for my poor shoulders :p
Back & Core day 13. Which was a yoga workout :')
Energy is definitely a little better today @Deadoks :move:
I did realise today that all my floor trolling for sewing basically amounts to one-arm kneeling planks at very odd angles, so it kinda makes sense it's exhausting xD


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
I was brave and texted mum if we should go swimming.
They recently changed the open hours of the pool to close at 11 instead of noon, and morning are THE WORST.
But I texted at 10:15, we got there by 10:30, and did 30 laps (of 25m). Both very very tired now, but also proud.
We'll see if I have energy to do anything else tonight :chuckle:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 19
Swimming 750m
Walking day 9
EotD 1-minute Bear Plank (in one go). Because my brain wants to click the "I did it" button.
Knee Push-Ups day 19. This was such a struggle after the swimming:haha: I had to take a breather after every three and it made me giggle.
Lower Body Blast day 19. Surprisingly not so terrible. Maybe my struggles the past weeks were actually restricted range of motion?
Ironheart day 19. Because I thought about taking it easy but apparently my brain says no :p
Back & Core day 16
30 days of Yoga day 13

Early bedtime for me, standing up is becoming difficult :muahaha:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
Just not been in an updating kinda mood, nor been feeling very fit the past few days :phew:

March 21
Knee Push-Ups, Lower Body Blast, Ironheart day 21

March 22
Knee Push-Ups, Lower Body Blast, Ironheart day 22
Walking day 11

March 23
Knee Push-Ups, Lower Body Blast day 23
stretching because my hips are apparently so tight again that I can't really move much in the lunges.
Recently the only time they went well was after swimming...

Just very tired at the moment. Managed to get some sewing done though, that was satisfying.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 26
Knee Push-Ups, Lower Body Blast day 26

Decided to do something radical and actually rest today.
So I played the new Stardew Valley update with breaks for food.
By the evening I actually felt like doing a little work on a sewing project and had enough energy to wash my hair!
Darn it, rest really is good for humans :chuckle:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
March 28
Knee Push-Ups, Lower Body Blast day 28

Still very tired. I did come alive late in the evening after I decided to try if a small can of coke would help.
It did! So then I finally felt motivated to do some sewing and didn't want to stop :tap:
But I'm heading to bed earlier than yesterday and less angry, so it could be worse :p


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you lovelies :lovely: @Fremen @Deadoks @Anek @MadamMeow @Syrius

March 31
30 Days of Yoga day 17 & 18
Back & Core day 19 & 20 (ugh, planks)
Zero Hero day 15 & 16 (ugh, more planks)
Baseline day 1 (to give myself a relatively easy daily win for exercise)
Upper Body Blast day 1. with 1kg weights.

I think my exercise is not going to be so neat for the next month, but today I felt motivated to do a little of everything ^^
The daylight savings change has really thrown off my body. I had finally achieved some semblance of a rhythm.
I feel like my internal clock isn't off by just one hour, but four :')

I do really want to keep improving my push-ups, but a little at a loss how to proceed after the knee push-up challenge.
Should I just try to do ten full push-ups a day every other day or something like that?
Advice is welcome :heartsit:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
April 1
Baseline, Upper Body Blast day 2
30 Days of Yoga day 19 & 20
Back & Core day 21 & 22
Zero Hero day 17, 18 & 19
Walking day 15

I went to a museum today with friends, it was fun!
We were all exhausted afterwards but also inspired.
And apparently I rallied relatively well this evening because I managed quite a bit of exercise :wiggle:

I think I like this mode better than the previous though.
Just two things I plan to do daily throughout the month, and bunch more I can do as much or as little as I like.
That seems to suit me better than a lot of once-per-day things.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
April 5
Baseline, Upper Body Blast day 6
Zero Hero day 26 & 27
Back & Core day 24

So today I felt groggy and awful until basically my usual dinnertime.
I didn't have a proper dinner, I just ate some ice-cream (because I was sad and deserve nice things).
I've felt pretty okay ever since not eating dinner...
I am so confused, what does my body want?! :shake:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
April 6
Baseline, Upper Body Blast day 7
Zero Hero day 28 & 29
Walking day 18
30 Days of Yoga day 20 & 21

Don't worry @MadamMeow I am proud of myself for just being kind to myself and eating ice-cream.
My confusion is that I felt so much better after having half a portion of ice-cream instead of dinner xD

Today was a fabric store day again, and I managed to finish the hem of my dress before going.
I am quite pleased with how this day went ^^


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
I have been exercising, I have just been forgetting to update until I was already in bed, at which point I think it's better to just stay there and try to sleep :muahaha:

April 8
Baseline, Upper Body Blast day 9
Zero Hero day 30 :completed:

April 9
Baseline, Upper Body Blast day 10
Back & Core day 25 & 26

April 10
Baseline, Upper Body Blast day 11
Back & Core day 27 & 28