Onwards and, well, onwards!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
February 26
First Thing Water day 29
Foundation, Knee Push-Ups, 60 Days of Cardio day 27

The weather was quite lousy and I really got in the zone with my sewing work, so I did not manage to get out for a walk. I am not mad about it though, very pleased with my progress!

However, all that sewing is quite a lot on my body, and the jumping jacks in foundation plus the push-ups really messed up my neck. I did some foam rolling to try and release some of the tension, which worked a bit but made me feel ill :')

So I did not manage to do zen today, instead sitting still with my neck brace on xD

I guess I need to try and do my neck and shoulder exercises more regularly. And just take it easy on the jumping after a full day.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you, lovelies :lovely:

February 27
First Thing Water day 30 :completed:
Zen day 29 & 30 :completed:
Foundation, Knee Push-Ups, 60 Days of Cardio, Walking day 28

February 28
Foundation, Knee Push-Ups, 60 Days of Cardio, Walking day 29

I intermittently have a lot of pain in one of my legs. One of the things that sets it off is jumping.
I forgot and started to do Cardio day 29 as normal :') Ended up modifying to lunges right / leg raises left / lunges left, leg raises right.
I went to my GP, and there's nothing dangerous going on, I just have to wait until the pain leaves.
We don't know how long that will be, as it's been over a week so far.

My neck is less bad, but today my lower back is feeling very fragile.
I guess I am just at the fall-apart state of my health right now :muahaha:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
You are all incredibly lovely :lovely:

So the issue with my leg... Lemme put it in spoiler mode because some people have altogether too much medical stuff going on to want to read about any other things <3
So I have been injecting b12 twice a week for about a year now, and because I do it myself and it needs to be intramuscular (i.e. 4cm needles), the only option I have is my thighs. It seems that with my nerves/muscles being weird as they are, my legs are now rebelling against getting stabbed every week. So my right thigh has decided to just feel like a needle is being rammed into it every so often. Sometimes it does it when pressure is applied (my compression stockings are currently extremely unfun to put on) and jumping definitely sets it off. Today was a pretty high pain day, I barely moved from my bed all day because even just walking set it off, and I did not have the emotional spoons to deal with that amount of pain today. I just need to wait for my muscles to chill out and the pain to go away on its own.
On the plus side, after posting about my back, I realised the issue was just all my leg muscles and such being so tight they were pulling on my pelvic joints and spine, so at least that's a solvable problem xD

So I have to modify my exercise substantially for now, and will have to keep doing that for a while.
Motivation to move is pretty low at the moment, but hopefully that will come back soon.
I just have to get my mind used to the idea that this may be the new normal for a bit.

If any of you lovelies has a suggestion for strength programmes or challenges that have no impact exercises, I would love to hear it!
I'm generally good at doing substitutions, but I think at the mo my brain just gets too sad when I see exercises I should be able to do but can't.

Oh, in happy news, I made oodles of progress on knitting a jumper today :amused:

February 29 (whoah, bonus day!)
Foundation day 30, high knees modified to calf raises :completed:
I also did day 30 of my modified Knee Push-ups, which I will not be claiming yet because I wasn't doing them on my knees xD
But hey, maybe that's a rematch for March?
I also got halfway through 60 Days of Cardio, day 30 milestone reached =D


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,218
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
More congrats for Foundation! :perfect:

I'm sorry you have to deal with all of that other stuff, but so many people would use that as an excuse to do nothing. Be proud of your efforts!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,908
"Striving to be the change."
Congratulations on completing Foundation and on your knitting progress!

If any of you lovelies has a suggestion for strength programmes or challenges that have no impact exercises, I would love to hear it!
I'm generally good at doing substitutions, but I think at the mo my brain just gets too sad when I see exercises I should be able to do but can't.
Are squats and lunges okay? I liked Ironheart because it alternates upper body and lower body days (unlike some of the other dedicated strength programs that use a chest & triceps / back & biceps split, which results in two upper body strength training days in a row). You need dumbbells (or something dumbbell-like) for Ironheart--for the upper body days, at least. (The lower body days depict the use of dumbbells too. But you could do those exercises with just your bodyweight and still get a good workout.) Ironheart has a three day cycle: 1. upper body, 2. lower body, and 3. yoga or tendon strength.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
Are squats and lunges okay? I liked Ironheart because it alternates upper body and lower body days (unlike some of the other dedicated strength programs that use a chest & triceps / back & biceps split, which results in two upper body strength training days in a row). You need dumbbells (or something dumbbell-like) for Ironheart--for the upper body days, at least. (The lower body days depict the use of dumbbells too. But you could do those exercises with just your bodyweight and still get a good workout.) Ironheart has a three day cycle: 1. upper body, 2. lower body, and 3. yoga or tendon strength.
Ooh, that does look like a fun programme! I think squats and lunges are still okay.
I have dumbbells, will just have to move them downstairs so I can actually get to them every day =)
And I may start off at a lower weight, just to be sure my body doesn't rebel.
Thanks for the suggestion :love:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
Thanks all :heartsit:

I'm still fit enough to carry a massive 12kg parcel of fabric up the stairs :p

March 1
Walking day 30 :completed:
Knee Push-Ups, 30 Days of Yoga, Back & Core, Ironheart, Lower Body Blast day 1

I am gong to have to postpone continuing 60 Days of Cardio as the next four days all have exercises I can't currently do.
So I have found a bunch of other things to do ^^
3kg dumbbells for Ironheart to make sure I don't hurt myself by jumping too enthusiastically into the weight training again.


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you lovelies again :sendlove:

March 2
Knee Push-Ups, 30 Days of Yoga, Back & Core, Ironheart, Lower Body Blast day 2
Daily Walk day 1

I did quite a lot today, and while my leg was still smarting a bit when walking, it wasn't bad enough to stop me from going outside.
And I put a lot of effort into finishing my knitting project today! All those pesky ends are sewn in.
Now I just need to wait for it to dry and hope I can actually wear it xD
It's my first colourwork project, and those are notorious for being too small the first time.
I'm more concerned by how high and tight the doubled collar is :') I hope blocking it somewhat aggressively has helped.

In any case I am proud that I managed it, and in the worst case scenario that I can't wear it, I have some smol friends who would probably enjoy it.
And if they don't want it, it goes to charity =D


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
March 5
Knee Push-Ups day 5. going up to 3x6 is already getting tough, however I still managed to do it with only the 30s rest, unlike last month ^^
So there is definite progress there =D It just seems likely I will have to increase my rest time before too long, and that's okay =)
Lower Body Blast day 5 oh this is getting challenging already, I have barely begun being able to do lunges at all xD
Back & Core, 30 Days of Yoga, Ironheart day 5

Rather tired today and the weather was very meh, so no walkies.
Tomorrow is a rather full day of crafting, I caused myself a veeeeery short deadline for a fitting so I need to get a move on :')


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
March 7
Knee Push-Ups, 30 Days of Yoga, Ironheart, Lower Body Blast day 7
Back & Core day 7. I am happy with how well the top row of exercises went, but for the one handed planks I had to go to kneeling planks.
I do not have the shoulder stability for that xD
Zero Hero day 13 & 14

I hit my deadline! It was exhausting but I got everything done and it all worked out pretty well.
I didn't recover any energy in time to go for a walk, but I did have a little extra in the tank to pick up some Zero Hero =D
Still holding off on 60 days of cardio as the pain in my legs is not quite gone yet. But luckily it is less =)

All this push-up work is really helping my planking, and that's pretty cool!
I wonder how long it will be before I start seriously considering a plank-challenge... :muahaha:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
March 8
Knee Push-Ups, Back & Core, Ironheart, Lower Body Blast day 8
Daily Walk day 4
60 Days of Cardio day 31. I could lift my knees but not bend them well, so it wasn't able to do more than one day's worth.

Will have to catch up on the yoga, got some nausea at the end of the workouts so more planking was not a good idea.
Sleep seems like a much better plan ^^


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 620
"I sing and I know things"
March 9
Knee Push-Ups, Back & Core, Ironheart, Lower Body Blast day 9
30 Days of Yoga day 8 & 9
Daily Walk day 4
60 Days of Cardio day 32

I am still just about managing to do the push-ups with only 30s break, which I am pleased with.
It's difficult for sure, but 3x7 unbroken at the short rest is so much better than last month!
Overall way too many planks in the workouts today :')

But it was almost warm enough to sit outside so I had a bbq with my parents xD