Progress over perfection


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Mage from Belgium
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Posts: 614
Tuesday, December 19
:v: FIT December, day 19
:v: Power Squats, day 19
:v: Poomsae practice: ee jang
:v: Taekwondo base work: modified to just be kicking forms
:v: Front splits stretching A

Not the hugest fan of the holiday season, and now pretty much all possible taekwondo classes are cancelled because they're on Christmas/New Years'. That makes only one (potentially two, if we manage to go next Wednesday) training actually attended.

Least I can do is work on my skills at home, though that does always feel a bit... off? When I am practicing at home, the quality of my kicks is so much higher than during practice: the swivel on the standing foot, the smoothness, even my front kick during poomsae practice, my turning hook kicks absolutely aren't there yet but even there I have more reach at home. Yet when I am actually in training, I feel like the quality of my kicks isn't that much better than they were two years ago. Clutzy & slow. And overly critical of it & myself.
I'd love to figure out the root of that, because I know I have more in me.

Current workout streak: 19


Well-known member
Bard from USA
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Posts: 203
Clutzy & slow. And overly critical of it & myself.
I'd love to figure out the root of that, because I know I have more in me.

If you don't mind unsolicited / unqualified advice :).....

The only big physical thing I can think that would be different between your home and the gym is the gym mats. Maybe your foot is catching on the mat and not at the house since your carpet / vinyl / wood floors have less friction? How is your front kick in the gym vs home?

Sounds like a mental thing is the most likely culprit. If your kicks are much better at home then they have to be much better period. I'm thinking a case of gym intimidation maybe? Hopefully that doesn't come off as offensive. I certainly don't mean for it to be and apologize if you do find it so. I get a bit nervous in front of groups and can at times have this issue.


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Mage from Belgium
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Posts: 614
If you don't mind unsolicited / unqualified advice :).....

The only big physical thing I can think that would be different between your home and the gym is the gym mats. Maybe your foot is catching on the mat and not at the house since your carpet / vinyl / wood floors have less friction? How is your front kick in the gym vs home?

Sounds like a mental thing is the most likely culprit. If your kicks are much better at home then they have to be much better period. I'm thinking a case of gym intimidation maybe? Hopefully that doesn't come off as offensive. I certainly don't mean for it to be and apologize if you do find it so. I get a bit nervous in front of groups and can at times have this issue.
No, no, don't worry about offending! I appreciate the help!

We don't tend to use gym mats much at all - our "dojang" for lack of a better term is the sports hall of a local elementary gym or on Sundays, a sports center in town. Both of them have vinyl sports flooring which isn't that different to the flooring at home. We have 1h30 classes, and especially with only a few older kids & adults that actually help out the set-up and breakdown of the matts just isn't worth it when we only have access to the school gym a few minutes prior to class.
But in general: front kick is higher during training/class because I am more warmed up, but the form of my 'ball-of-the-foot' poomsae front kicks are much worse.

I do think that it's mainly mental as well. How did you tackle that?


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,883
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Perhaps you feel worse at training because you're doing it in front of the people who trained you and you are worried about disappointing them, whereas at home, you don't have that. Perhaps it's the speed at which you are working. I know sometimes my coach calls a little faster than I'd like (depending on how I'm feeling) and my balance or whatever isn't quite right and therefore my kick is off which puts off the next kick and the next...
And sometimes, when I'm training at home, I do actually try a little harder, just to see if I can do something, and I probably wouldn't try that in class. If I fail, oh well, but if I succeed! Ah, if I succeed. :)
I do a little better when I focus on what I am doing rather than how I am doing it. I know that sounds a bit confusing. For example, I'm doing a front kick. I'm not thinking of driving up my knee first and then snapping out my foot and then rechambering; I'm simply picking a spot above me where that kick is going to land. I know how to do a front kick so I shouldn't be thinking about that, not about the how. All I think about is effectively landing that kick. Total focus on that. Of course, it's harder to do when you totally suck at a kick (back spin kick, looking at you!). And also, achieving that focus at home is so much easier than in the dojang.
Well, them's my thoughts, anyway.


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Bard from USA
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Easier said then done but try not to be so concerned about how other folks are doing or how they see you. Focus on your technique, as described by TopNotch, and let the kicks come as they do. I have a similar problem getting nervous about saying something dumb at work (I'm quite a bit younger than the vast majority of our workforce and it can be intimidating). At a point I just started to say something whether it was "dumb" or not. I find that usually it isn't dumb (though sometimes it is) and when it is dumb most of my coworkers remember the good ideas not the bad ones. I'm guessing most folks at your gym are just happy you show up and workout with them.


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Mage from Belgium
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Posts: 614
Thank you for your thoughts, @Baryl & @TopNotch! Trying to place my focus on another aspect of the kick sounds like a very good shout. The nerves & other more mental aspects I'll try to work on. Got the advice written down in my little training notebook, to bring back up into whichever next training it is that I can actually attend. I realize it probably sounds silly (because realistically, I know this), but it's still good to hear I'm not the only one to struggle with this kind of thing.

Wednesday, December 20
:x: FIT December, day 20 (postponed)
:v: Power Squats, day 20
:x: Poomsae practice

:v: Adapted sparring work: low intensity, focussed on finding combos & getting techniques down
:v: Core conditioning (3 sets)
:v: Hamstring stretching

Thursday, December 21
:v: FIT December, day 20
:v: FIT December, day 21: Hall pass (cardio)
:v: Power Squats, day 21
:v: Poomsae practice: sam jang, sa jang, Koryo

:v: Pancake stretching
:v: Middle split routine A

Considering there's no taekwondo or running this week, I moved my leg day back to Saturday this week to spread out the rest days a bit more.

Current workout streak: 21


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Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Friday, December 22 - Thursday , December 28
:v: PPL: Pull A - 10 kg (3 sets per exercise, minimal rep - tryout for 10 kg)
:v: PPL: Legs A - 8 kg

:v: Fit December, day 22 - 28 (1 hall pass because cardio)
:v: Power Squats, day 28

Thursday, December 29
:v: FIT December day 29
:v: Power Squats, day 29

Took a tiny break from the internet around the holidays -- I tend to not do too well around Christmas time and not being on the internet as much helps with that. For this last week of December, I am taking a reset week. No weight work etc, just FIT December and Power Squats, while I set up my goals for January and try and see if I want to make any changes about how I have been handling things.

No running like I hoped to be able to return to this week. Cautiously did the little bit of cardio that FIT December day 29 was, and that went pretty okay! Hope to be able to return to the beginning of a C25K plan next week, cause I do miss being able to go on runs.
Ont the plus side - I did manage to up my weight for Pull days (back) to 10 kg! Only 3 sets per exercise, and low rep count of course. But I managed all the same, which I am glad about

Current workout streak: 29


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
A very belated thank you, @TopNotch!

Oops. Didn't intend to abandon my thread for so long. Spent the first week of the year testing stuff out and trying to properly formulate my (fitness) goals. They're very vague & broad at the moment, and I'd love to break them down into separate achievable sub-goals that are more tackleable & are some clearer indicators of progress.

Returning to running (or attempting to) this week - hopefully able to return to taekwondo the week after if everything goes well;

Monday, January 8th
:x: PPL: Push B
:v: YWA: Flow day 7

Current workout streak: 39
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Wednesday, January 10
:v: Monster Core, 3 sets
:x: Hamstring stretch
:v: YWA: Flow day 9 - Release

Had plans with a friend this evening that ran a bit later than intended, and with a job interview Thursday I wanted to get enough sleep so I prioritized my yoga calendar over the Hamstring stretch, and the yoga calendar did include some hamstring work. I don't sleep well when I'm nervous, so I needed to get to at least try to get to bed at a decent time. Probably will switch around the Leg/run day I have scheduled for Thursday with Pull day on Friday because I won't have time for a run all morning.

Feeling much more cautiously optimistic about the lungs - they barely acted up during that yoga session and core work at all, hope they continue to improve.

Current workout streak: 41


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Saturday, January 13
:v: Flow day 12: Stability
:x: Front split stretching (-> Full body stretching session tomorrow)
:x: run

For keeping consistent with yoga I have one rule with myself: I have to show up on the mat if my evening ends suitably enough. (ie - Thursday was a very late night and I prioritized sleep). Even if I don't feel like it, I have to try. Give it 5-10 minutes, if I can't get into the right mindset I call it a day, but most often enough I make it through the full yoga session having enjoyed it. It's the carving out the time that's the biggest issue. Today was a 5-10 minutes day, but that's okay.

No run today. Spent from morning until late evening playing a TTRPG with friends, most of which was chaos, with an attention span of a group of goldfishes for the whole group. Still managed to make a more progress than our GM expected out of the session, somehow. Super fun, but very very draining.

Current workout streak: 44


Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Sunday, January 14 (rest day)
:v: Flow day 13
Monday, January 15
:v: PPL: Push B (8 kg)
:v: Flow day 14

Tuesday, January 16
:v: Flow day 15
:v: TrainLikeABallerina front split routine
:x: Run

Wednesday, January 17
:v: Flow day 16
:v: Poomsae practice: taegeuk 1-3
:v: Hamstring stretching routine
:x: Ab workout

Thursday, January 18
:v: PPL: Legs B (8 kg)
:v: Poomsae practice: taegeuk sam jang (+ focus on side kicks)
:v: YWA: flow day 17 (but cut short - Hamstring started acting up with side kick practice & didn't want to push it)
:x: Middle + Pancake stretching

Friday, January 19
:v: YWA: Flow day 18. (okay, I tried at least. Meditation really isn't my thing)
:v: PPL: Pull B (10 kg)
:v: Poomsae practice: taegeuk oh jang

I've been a bit hesitant on the running front. It snowed quite a bit (or well... for Belgian standards at least!), and my usual running path is a bike/pedestrian road which isn't accessible by car, so I know it is very very slippery at this point. I might be able to run tomorrow, but not sure whether I should risk it or not. Glad to have my mojo for poomsae practice back!

Current workout streak: 50


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Mage from Belgium
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Posts: 614
@Fitato It's something I have to tell myself a lot of the time . Glad to be an inspiration & that others appreciate the sentiment! :proud:

Saturday, January 20
:v: TrainLikeABallerina Front split work
:v: YWA Flow day 19 - Ride
:v: Taegeuk work: Yuk jang
:x: Run

Opted not to go on my run today, as the snow really just isn't disappearing/melting away. Maybe next week? First taekwondo class in a while in the morning. I'm sure I'll have to tell my coaches I'll have to hold back a little with the cardio because I haven't done any in a month, and I haven't focussed on the techniques near as much as i ought to have. but stoked all the same. Cancelled - friend isn't feeling good
The Train Like a Ballerina front split work has been really effective - the holds are a bit longer which lets me get deeper into the splits. Definitely will need to add PNF work to get strength at these ranges, but it is going to make a good steady addition to my routine.

Current workout streak: 51
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
Sunday, January 21
:v: YWA Flow day 20: Inward

Monday, January 22
:v: PPL: Push B (8 kg)
:v: YWA Flow day 21: Curiosity

Tuesday, January 23
:v: Poomsae practice
:v: YWA Flow day 22: Truth
:v: Taekwondo: repeating kicking basics
:v: Front split routine

Wednesday, January 24
:v: Poomsae practice
:v: Ab work (1 set only)

Thursday, January 25
:v: Poomsae work
:v: PPL: Legs B (8 kg)
:v: YWA Flow day 24: Create

Friday & Saturday, January 25 + 26
:v: YWA Flow day 25: Action
:v: Poomsae work
:v: Mobility work

Taking it a little bit slower towards the end of the week - just to try and be potentially able to keep up with training tomorrow. (hopefully this time, at least). Feeling a bit queasy about it - haven't done any cardio in a while and there is still a bit of a cough with more intensive work. It has been so long since I last got to properly train, that I am a bit worried. But got to start somewhere again. Hope it works. Life said no, again. :vsad:

note: messed up my Week A vs Week B reminders - sorted now, but hence the repeating B week. Didn't catch on until a bit late.

Current workout streak: 57
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Well-known member
Mage from Belgium
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 614
I started a new job in February and now I have significantly less time and energy available to me. Still trying to get back on board with actually managing to work out - I am only just getting to a point where I am not coming home and fighting just falling asleep until bed time.

I keep meaning to come back to working out (and posting again) but it is taking some more time than I hoped/wanted to! I'll be back soon! I hope.

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