Seri's Log


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
I wanted to get back to maintaining a log here in order to get back on track with maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I have had a really hard time since the beginning of 2022 in staying motivated to consistently exercise and maintain healthy eating habits. I had started a couple of the programs here and stopped half-way through, and I really want to stick with it this time.


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
September 19, 2022

Total Burn Day 1 completed at level 3.
2000 Push-ups Day 1 completed
Day 1 of 100 completed of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges

September 20, 2022

Total Burn Day 2 completed at level 3.
2000 Push-ups Day 2 completed
Day 2 of 100 completed of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges

September 21, 2022

Total Burn Day 3 completed at level 3
2000 Push-ups Day 3 completed
Day 3 of 100 completed of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges

Consecutive workout days 3


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
@val.lavigne86 , it was from here, but I think that it was taken off the site.

From what I can remember, there were 2 separate 100 days challenges where a person could do 50 reps or 100 reps of the following exercises:
  • punches;
  • side kicks;
  • lunges;
  • squats;
  • Sit-ups;
  • Push-ups; or
  • jumping Jacks.
I just wanted to complete these in my workouts in small groups


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"

Excited Happy Birthday GIF by Kiki


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
I stepped away from doing anything from the Darebee site today, but still kept up with my workout streak by doing a 10K run which was done as a virtual run for 'Step Up For Mental Health'. It wasn't one of my better times, but I still completed it in a time that was comparable to some of my previous 10K runs. I may be sore for a day or two since it has been several months since I really have done any running.

The people that organized the run set up the run as a virtual run or an in-person run for tomorrow (September 24th) in a city that is 2 &1/2 hours away from where I live. I was hesitant about doing any in person races this year still, but ended up not regretting my decision to do it as a virtual run after seeing 4 of my coworkers miss work this week due to Covid :(. I didn't have any close contact with any of them, but still will be taking care around people overall.

Consecutive workout days 5


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Total Burn Day 6 done at level 3.
2000 Push-ups day 6 completed.
Day 6 of 100/ 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed.

25 minutes on spin bike completed :soaked: .

I'm feeling quite a bit better after my run from Friday with minimal soreness.

Consecutive workout days 7


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Darebee workouts were put on hold for the day, but still kept the workout streak going...

I did another 10K run for a virtual run today. My time wasn't as good as last week's run, but I wasn't too far off of that time. I did walk a little bit more this week in comparison to last week, which explains the difference between the two runs. I am not expecting to be sore like I was last week.

The option to get the Moderna Bivalent vaccine became available to people in my age group today, and my husband and I both got it, so I may end up with a sore arm instead of legs over the next few days. :blink:

Consecutive workout days 11


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Total Burn day 12 completed at level 3
2000 Push-ups day 12 completed
Daily Kicks day 2 completed
Day 12 of 100/ 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed

40 Scissors (EoD) completed.
Consecutive workout days 14

Now that I have consistently exercised daily for the last 2 weeks, I am going to also get back into better eating habits and focus on some weight loss. I have gained ~10 - 12 lbs over the last 3 to 4 months and have really noticed a difference in how my clothes are fitting. I'll be using the scale, taking measurements and pictures as a way of monitoring progress. I'll talk about progress on a monthly basis.


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Total Burn day 13 completed at level 3
2000 Push-ups day 13 completed
Daily Kicks day 3 completed
Day 13 of 100/ 50 Reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed

EoD completed

13 minute treadmill run completed.

First day using the gym at work since the pandemic started in 2020 has finally happened, but it was a fairly quiet experience. There was 5 of us (I am including myself in this number) that would be there every morning before work prior to the pandemic, and we got to know each other fairly well. Of the others, one will not be coming back as he is retiring at the end of the week, the second is undecided about coming back, the third is looking at later in the month and the last one is unknown.

Consecutive workout days 15


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Total Burn day 15 completed at level 3
2000 Push-ups day 15 completed
Daily Kicks day 5 completed
Day 15 of 100/ 50 Reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed

EoD completed.

I didn't get a chance to use the any of the cardio equipment for a short period of time in the gym today. The gym is in an area of the building that was locked outside of normal work day treatment areas when there was more restrictions in the facility due to the pandemic. :( The only bonus is that I get some extra steps in by having to walk to the other end of the building to get someone from security to unlocka door for me.

Consecutive workout days 17


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
I have kept up with my workout streak, but did end up walking on Monday instead of doing a workout due

I have completed up to day 21 of Total Burn program, 2000 Push-ups Challenge and 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges, plus day 11 of Daily Kicks


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Well, I was doing so well, but then I got busy with doing things around the house during my holidays like fall cleanup and freezing vegetables. The worst of it was shoveling snow (the wet heavy type) over the last couple of days. Planned exercise went out the window as a result.

Today was my first day back to work, and back to restarting a workout routine. I decided to start a different program, and hope that a daily routine sticks over the next 30 days.

 Ironheart day 1 completed.
50 Push-ups in One Go day 1 completed.
Day 1/100 50 Reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed.

EoD completed

20 minutes of intervals completed on the treadmill

Consecutive workout days 1


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Ironheart day 6 completed
50 Push-ups in One Go day 6 completed.
Day 6 of 100/50 Reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges completed.

EoD completed.

50 Jumping Jacks for the Haunted Hive event completed.

Consecutive workout days 6


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Days 7 to 9 completed of the Ironheart Program, 50 Push-ups in One Go Challenge and towards the 100 days of 50 reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges.

Completed days 1 and 2 of the Power Punches Challenge.

Completed the last 3 days EoD.

Consecutive workout days 9


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
I have done up to day 15 of the Ironheart Program, 50 Push-ups In One Go Challenge, and of the 100 days of 50 Reps of Punches, Side Kicks and Lunges. I have also done up to day 8 of the Power Punches Challenge.

I have also done the Exercise of the Day for this period as well.

I took Sunday off from the structured workout programs because we had really crappy winter weather and had a lot off :snowball::snowball:to move. I did include a longer walk with my dog that day in my streak. Duncan doesn't hesitate in moving fast in crappy weather as he doesn't have a winter jacket at the moment and he has very short hair. :shakez:


Well-known member
Jedi from Canada
Posts: 126
Days 16 to 18 completed in the Ironheart Program, 50 Push-ups In One Go and 100 days of 50 Punches, 50 Side Kicks and 50 Lunges Challenges.

Days 9 to 11 completed of the Power Punches Challenge.

EoD for the last 3 days completed.

Consecutive workout days 19