Viny and Starry Journey.


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
I know, I'm late on the transition from one Hive to another, but I'm here.

So, let's get to the intro post:

About me.

Hi, Stella here, I'm an English teacher (currently not teaching) who's working on her way to another career (being that Computer Science), and now has a stable job that can allow not only donate to DAREBEE —a platform I love so so so much and has helped me to keep my health in good state— but finally afford fitness equipment.

Why do I train?

For two reasons: the first one being to stay active, because of a spine problem I developed back in my teen days, which has an effect on my hips and creates a risk on my leg mobility; the second one being to reach my old age in good health, to keep enjoying life.

DAREBEE helped me fall in love with my body and what's capable of, so I literally feel a bit bad whenever I don't train, unless it's quite justified.

About my regime.

I'm currently doing Hard Reset Strength and Ironheart programs, taking advantage I got a pair of 2kgs dumbbells last week (which are starting to feel light sooner than I thought), along a HIIT training from an app, each on different days of course. I had a list of what I wanted to do but it was left behind on the other thread.

Sleep is going much better, but I still have to work on the time a bit because I'm starting to lose track again, so I'll keep notes on that, and a sugar consumption log. Those who know me may remember how my sugar levels literally plummet when doing too long or too heavy workouts, alongside neglecting my low sugar situation (ref: Military Fit Day 7 aftermath. Didn't take any sugar for two days and almost ended up in a diabetic coma once I finished the workout). Though, I got to say that I've managed to find a solution for it, which happens to be a certain famous sport drink, besides making some small adjustments to my diet I was recommended time ago by a doctor.

Also, if you've seen that I haven't added all the other badges and achievements is because I plan to take this new Hive situation to restart most programs and challenges, except for Foundation, Foundation Light, Baseline, Zero Hero, and Square One programs, which I finished on their highest levels, I'm really curious on where I am right now fitness-wise, also it gives me a chance to work on those programs that I haven't been able to finish on level 3, like Athena's Playbook (my first DAREBEE program, back in 2017).

I hope you guys are doing awesome, I love you all, and I'm glad to be back.


P.S: Going once more with the Sorceress class until the Warrior Nun one shows up.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Also, if you've seen that I haven't added all the other badges and achievements is because I plan to take this new Hive situation to restart most programs and challenges
Clearing badges is an idea that has come to several people, a new beginning :worried:
and welcome to the New Hive :)


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
October 30th, 2022
Hard Reset Strength Day 3
Ironheart Day 3

Sleep log: 9 hours of sleep. Went to sleep past my designated sleep time.
Sugar consumption log: Two very small cookies my mom gave me.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 3/365

Notes: My right leg tendons played a number for a bit during HRS Day 3 but the rest went just flawless. Nothing big to report.
- Thank you for that welcome @TakingBabyStepsBack , and hellooo! @aku-chan @Anek
- @Fremen precisely what I thought, I'm excited about it! And thank you!
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Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
October 31st, 2022
Classic Warmup
Ironheart Day 4
♦ HIIT Training. Week 5. Day 1
Hard Reset Strength Day 4

Sleep log: 8 hours of sleep. Went to sleep past my designated sleep time.
Sugar consumption log: Same as yesterday. And a good passion fruit juice. :happy:
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 4/365

Notes: I'm really surprised of how much my endurance has improved and my body overall. The HIIT Training had some jumps and I'm surprised I didn't go breathless at any point. The rows at Ironheart were kinda hard, probably because I had time without doing them, and on top of that, I had more weight than back when I first started, I was so glad when they were over. I'll probably wear my wrist bands the next time that exercise shows up, because that's where I felt it the most.

Hope you guys are doing awesome!


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 1st, 2022
Classic Warmup
Hard Reset Strength Day 5 (L3)
Ironheart Day 5
♦ Power Punch Day 1

Sleep log: 9 hours of sleep. Went to sleep at designated time, but couldn't fall asleep until 2 hours later.
Sugar consumption log: Currently munching a cookie as I write this post.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 5/365

Notes: Everything went smooth, and I even dare to say too easy, I didn't even sweat or get nearly tired, and I'm a bit afraid that my body starts getting bored of this routine too soon. However, adding the month challenge helps a bit. I'll wait for the end of this week to see how this progress.

On the other hand, I'm starting to gain size on my biceps :flex:, which makes me happy. Though my grandma is saying I'm getting bigger, overall.

Hope you guys are doing awesome!
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Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 2nd, 2022
♦ Power Punch Day 2

Sleep log: No sleep.
Sugar consumption log: Currently having a bowl of nuts (walnuts and peanuts), almonds, a small coconut sweet, and some gummies, as I write this post.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 6/365

Notes: I was incredibly worried about my grandma's surgery (which turned out it was cancelled on the last minute and moved to another date) and on top of that, I had a PTSD relapse (big panic attack and severe anxiety, among other things) last night, which made it just impossible to fall asleep. I'm glad my mom made me company, it made my day so much better. We walked 2k+ roughly, saw some nice things around, bought some stuff, then came back home. I napped like 3 hours or something, I was simply exhausted. I'm feeling much better now, I'm pretty sure my sleep will better as well.

A big hug to all of you. :love:


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 3rd, 2022
♦ Power Punch Day 3

Sleep log: 7 hours. Went to bed way past designated time.
Sugar consumption log: Coconut sweets.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 7/365

Notes: I was quite busy with a project today and still a bit tired from yesterday, so I decided to just label this a rest day. I'm looking forward tomorrow's workout time. :kungfu:


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 4th, 2022
Hard Reset Strength Day 6 (L3)
♦ HIIT Training: Week 5. Day 2
Ironheart Day 6
♦ Power Punch Day 4

Sleep log: 8 hours. Went to bed way past designated time.
Sugar consumption log: Coconut sweets, some raisins, and gummies.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 8/365

Notes: While I was a bit low of energy today, I think I did pretty good. HRS was a tad tough today despite having less exercises, still managed to hit all the 5 sets. The HIIT Training was a tad hard as well, but went through it. Ironheart was quite relaxing, and I did those 2 minutes non-stop of punches. Looking forward tomorrow!

May you all have a great weekend!


Well-known member
Posts: 283
"Keep fighting. Fortune will favor the patient and persistent."
Looking good so far Stella! :) Although I am sorry about the sleepless night earlier in the week. :(

If it helps you feel better, I'm very inconsistent with when I fall asleep. A coach that I worked with before my current life coach believes that a PTSD diagnosis was missed with me (I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder), and I have a feeling this likely true because...of...high school.

I hope your weekend is treating you well. :)


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 5th, 2022
Classic Warmup
Ironheart Day 7
♦ Power Punch Day 5
Hard Reset Strength Day 7

Sleep log: 7 hours of sleep. Went to sleep past designated time.
Sugar consumption log: Had a traditional sweet today, small, but delicious.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 9/365

Notes: A smooth session, even if I have to acknowledge that working out the tendons can be hard for me. Being someone who has troubles with her tendons any other day, I'm glad whenever I can get some exercise for them.

Ironheart Day 7 made me understand that after this program I most definitely need to get those 3kg dumbbells, if not before. The 2kg ones keep getting lighter for me, and it stood out when I did those lateral raises (I even left my arms up for a bit before going down slowly) like it was nothing. On the other hand, I really need to rethink my sleep routine, I'm going to try modifying the time this upcoming week and see how I do.

I hope you guys are doing awesome!


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
Looking good so far Stella! :) Although I am sorry about the sleepless night earlier in the week. :(

If it helps you feel better, I'm very inconsistent with when I fall asleep. A coach that I worked with before my current life coach believes that a PTSD diagnosis was missed with me (I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder), and I have a feeling this likely true because...of...high school.

I hope your weekend is treating you well. :)
Thank you! :love:

It does feel better knowing I'm not the only one. I was diagnosed with depression on my first years in college (also, because...of...high school. Things I've been dragging for years), though my PTSD is due to a terrible experience I went through: I was kidnapped back in 2016 along with my mom, and the whole group of people that were riding the bus home. So something as common as taking a bus, gives me severe anxiety, at least on long routes. I think —besides the worry about the surgery— the trigger was acknowledging I had to take a new bus line & route to go to a place I had years without going. Still, I'm feeling much better now.

I hope your weekend is also treating you well. :up:


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 6th, 2022
♦ Power Punch Day 6

November 7th, 2022
♦ Power Punch Day 7

November 8th, 2022
♦ Power Punch Day 8
Xpress Tone Day 1
Hard Reset Strength Day 8
♦ HIIT Training Week 5. Day 3. Yoga Day

Sleep log: 8 hours of sleep. Went to sleep before designated time, but took long to fall asleep, then woke up to watch the Lunar Eclipse before going back to bed.
Sugar consumption log: None, unless we count the sports drink.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 12/365

Notes: Yeah, I know, I'm back on my old training fever :worry:. Couldn't help to add that Xpress Tone program since it's an addon, and my arms are thankful for it, it really made everything better with my current dumbbells, training to fatigue might have been what I needed to challenge myself a bit, especially with IRONHEART being kinda too easy today for me. I was surprised I didn't go dizzy with all those upward downward dogs when doing HRS, they can get me quite dizzy when going up to 20 or more. The Yoga Day from the HIIT Training was really good for my body, and went smooth.

Hope you guys are doing amazing!


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 23rd, 2022
♦ Power Punch Day 23
Xpress Tone Day 7
♦ HIIT Training Week 6. Day 2
Hard Reset Strength Day 11

Sleep log: 7 hours of sleep. Went to sleep way after designated time, and apparently that's going to be the case on the next log.
Sugar consumption log: None. Did sip on my sports drink while training, though.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 27/365

Notes: I'm afraid I lost most of my training data except for the monthly challenge, especially with all the deal of my grandma's surgery, so I'm just continuing this log from this date. Again, my arms are just too happy with the Xpress Tone add-on program, they're building up nicely, I feel like start measuring my biceps, too bad I didn't think of it before starting to train with the dumbbells, to see the difference and progress. IRONHEART was good, same for the HIIT training, but I'm afraid that HRS put my tendons under a considerable pressure, had to take short breaks during some of the exercises because I was sooo on my way to get cramps on my legs.

I hope you guys have been doing great!


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
November 24th, 2022
Classic Warm-up
♦ Power Punch Day 24
Hard Reset Strength Day 12
Xpress Tone Day 8

Sleep log: 7:45 hours of sleep. Went to sleep way after designated time.
Sugar consumption log: Got some nice granola with raisins.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 28/365

Notes: Nothing big to report today. Everything went smooth and nice, my spine and hips took IRONBORN quite nicely.

I hope your day has gone great!



Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
December 7th, 2022
Classic Warm-up
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 6
Hard Reset Strength Day 14 (L3)
Xpress Tone Day 10
Fit Christmas Day 1
♦ HIIT Training. Week 7. Day 1

Sleep log: 7 hours of sleep. Went to sleep on designated time.
Sugar consumption log: Nothing, unless the sweet sports drink counts.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 41/365

Notes: How did I survive this whole session? No idea. But I did. My legs are hella strong, my arms may need a bit more of work, especially for burpees. My grandma had her first part of surgery and it was a great success, next year, she'll have part 2 of it, I've been working out these days, but limited to challenges since I've been busy taking care of my grandma, house chores, working and studying, hence why I haven't advanced much on the HRS, IRONHEART and Xpress Tone programs. Still, I did finish Power Punch!

I'm feeling great, my endurance has certainly improved, it's something I seriously noticed when doing this whole session, I remember how not too long ago, if I went with this crazy setup, I would end up breathless or quitting at some point. I can't wait for the results after I'm done with these programs.

I hope you guys are doing awesome!



Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
December 8th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 7-8

December 9th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 9

December 10th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 10

December 11th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 11

December 12th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 12
Xpress Tone Day 11
Fit Christmas Day 2
100 Push-Ups Workout

ORNAMENT log: 125/300 push-ups
Sleep log: 8 hours of sleep. Went to sleep past designated time.
Sugar consumption log: Got some cake today.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 46/365

Notes: This was a tough day for my arms, I'm definitely feeling it and so is my chest in the good sense, it feels more solid, I can say the same about my back, my good posture comes almost naturally after this whole session. That 100 Push-Ups workout was quite a thing, after mistaking the order I planned. I meant to do the latter first and instead of Fit Christmas, but well, things happen.

I hope you guys have had an amazing start of week!


P.S.: Thank you for your birthday messages!!! @Matan (so happy to see you around!) @Nanna Io @Fremen @TheLibrarian @NancyTree @BetaCorvi @Froud . They mean a lot, especially after my birthday not going as good as I hoped. :love:


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
December 13th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 13

December 14th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 14
100 Push-Ups Workout

December 15th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 15
100 Push-Ups Workout

ORNAMENT log: 325/300 push-ups
Sleep log: 7 hours of sleep. Went to sleep past designated time.
Sugar consumption log: None.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 49/365

Notes: These has been busy and tiring days, I barely managed to go with the workouts I did. Since Tuesday, I had to take it easy because with all the weight I had to carry from the supermarket, so these other push-ups had to go quite slow-mo to avoid injuries, since my body barely performed well to it (all for that mango, lol).

Other than that, no big deal to report. Hope you guys are doing great!



Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
Okay, here goes the long but simple log.

December 16th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 16

December 17th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 17

December 18th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 18

December 19th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 19

December 20th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 20

December 21st, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 21

December 22nd, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 22

December 23rd, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 23

December 24th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 24

December 25th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 25

December 26th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 26

December 27th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 27
♦ Hard Reset Strength Day 15-16
Xpress Tone Day 12

Sleep log: What's a sleep schedule again? I really really need more work on it. 7 hours of sleep today.
Sugar consumption log: Had some cake, and my sugared sports drink.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 61/365

Notes: As you can see, I decided to drop Fit December, I was just too busy with everything to dedicate proper time to it. Also, because I already have 3 programs on-going. :expecting:

Today, I did a big effort because out of nowhere I was just feeling too down, this might be the first time when, after working out this whole session up here, I felt absolutely nothing. Then again, maybe that has to do with the lack of recognition about my efforts on taking care of my grandma.., by grandma herself. I just feel numb and empty, and I know it's probably not the best place to talk about it, let's hope it's just a thing of today, but I have to at least let out a thing.

Now, back to the workout session: you have no idea how much I dislike doing so many downward upward dogs, not because of the exercise itself, but because I get incredibly dizzy by doing them, had to split them in downward dogs and upward dogs to be able to do all the 24 reps, without abandoning or skipping the exercise.

Nothing big to report about the other programs, they all went well, I did the extra day on HRS because I felt as if I didn't work out at all after doing the 3 programs, and yeah, maybe I felt a bit bored with the program days previously done. Anyway, my tendons have improved, no twitching or any sort of pain.

Hope you guys are doing amazing!


P.S.: The way I'm eye-ing that Ava workout. I might design a Warrior Nun-based program/training for myself to see how it goes.


P.S.2: ...or hit that Fighter's Codex program in January along my old friend: the Fighter Training Plan. :imp:
P.S.3: Thank youuuu! @NancyTree . And my apologies to @brandteixeira & @Silent Wolf for missing those snowballs :sadness:
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Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
December 28th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 28

December 29th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 29
Hard Reset Strength Day 17 (L3)
Xpress Tone Day 13
Upperbody Stretch

Sleep log: Finally! I went to bed way before the designated time. Slept 8 hours.
Sugar consumption log: Had cake!
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 63/365

Notes: It was a good day for arms, Xpress Tone is such a good program, I would recommend it to anyone who wants their arms to be challenged. Anyway, I decided to add the Upperbody Stretch because my tendons were going crazy after I was done with all the session, so to be sure I wouldn't have troubles with them, I behaved like the old times, back then when I stretched properly after working out. :sus:

Hope you guys had a great day! :heartsit:


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
Okay, let's log first what's left of the previous year:

December 30th, 2022
♦ Step Up Challenge Day 30
Insomnia Yoga

December 31st, 2022
Insomnia Yoga

January 1st, 2023
♦ The Guardian Challenge Day 1
- Optional Quest: All is clear!

January 2nd, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 1

Quick Warmup
• The Guardian Challenge Day 2​
- Optional Quest: All is clear!
• Flexibility Challenge Day 1​
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 1​
Sleep log: Won't log today because I'll be starting that Go To Bed challenge tomorrow, to feel actually challenged to sleep on time.
Sugar consumption log: Had some lemon candies today.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 67/365

Notes: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! :fireworks:Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves during the holidays, I enjoyed eating and drinking all the menu for that Dec 31st, but kept my limits.

As you can see, I'm testing a new format and retaking my old friend the Fighter Training Plan. It was a very good start with Fighter's Codex! I think I feel my body in a much better shape than the past years when I tried this program. I added a Flexibility challenge because is something I've been really meaning to improve, plus the Yoga challenge as a bonus.

I'm not drawing a list of goals for this year because not only I lost the list last year, but many unexpected things happened that just didn't let me do or finish any program I planned to do. What is for sure, is that I'll keep working on my arms, to take them to the same level as my legs. For the next 12 weeks, I'm planning to finish the programs I've started the previous year with the help of the training plan to keep a better order of things. Besides Fighter's Codex, I'm also taking that Power HIIT program for the HIIT days.

I hope you guys have had a good start of the year!



Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
January 3rd, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 2

Quick Warmup
• The Guardian Challenge Day 3
- Optional Quest: All is clear!
• Flexibility Challenge Day 2
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 2
• YWA: Center - Day 1 & 2
• Get To Bed on Time Challenge Day 1

Sleep log: I started the challenge with firm step, went to bed before the time set with the help of a new sleeping routine I've built.
Sugar consumption log: Lemon candies again!
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 68/365

Notes: So, yes, I might have got into something extra.:eager:

A friend told me she was starting the Center program by Adriene, and I told her about my interest in it, then told me that she would love to have me as an accountability buddy and yup, I did both days to catch up with her, one in the afternoon, the other before going to bed. As for the rest, it was a good day, I'm so far good with this training plan, not only because of the variation in exercises, but because it doesn't take too much of my time.

These logs might come up earlier from now on, hope you guys are doing awesome!

P.S.: Thank you, @NancyTree !!!


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
January 4th, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 3

Quick Warmup
• The Guardian Challenge Day 4
- Optional Quest: 50 goblins = 50 punches.
Power HIIT Day 1 (L3)
• Flexibility Challenge Day 3
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 3
• YWA: Center - Day 3
• Get To Bed on Time Challenge Day 2

Sleep log: Went to bed on time, but found difficult to fall asleep.
Sugar consumption log: Sugared sports drink.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 69/365

Notes: This was done quicker than I thought, I have to say that even though I'm using a pair of 2kgs dumbbells for Power HIIT and made it all the way up to 7 sets/L3, it turned out incredibly easy to do for me, still, I enjoyed the exercises. Nothing big to report for the challenges, maybe that I'm looking forward to more side split time, because I'm making good advance. YWA: Center is going great. I'm also looking forward to today's training.

Hope you're doing good!

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Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
January 5th, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 4

Fighter's Warmup
• The Guardian Challenge Day 5
- Optional Quest: All is clear!
Hard Reset Strength Day 18 (L3)
Xpress Tone Day 14
• Flexibility Challenge Day 4
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 4
• YWA: Center - Day 4
• Get To Bed on Time Challenge Day 3

Sleep log: Same as yesterday, went to bed on time, but despite all I did, it took me a few hours to fall asleep, but the times are slowly reducing.
Sugar consumption log: Half a kit kat chocolate bar, sugared sports drink.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 70/365

Notes: How did my legs survive that whole session? Honestly, I have no idea, but it was an amazing session! Those three programs really put my leg strength to the test, and I was really happy when I finished without giving up at any point. The challenges went great, especially that Flexibility and 1 Minute Yoga that helped with the needed stretching after that long session, with the extra help of the YWA Center program. It was a long but very satisfying session.

I hope you guys have had amazing sessions, too!


Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
My God, can't believe how long has it been since I last logged. Anyway, here goes January summary:

January summary:

The current Training plan is indeed giving out its benefits though I had trouble adapting to it, also looking for suitable times to perform it. While I never skipped training, I couldn't always meet the training plan requirement of the day. So, I'm just restarting the whole plan this week.

What worked?
- All programs and challenges chosen, the training plan structure itself, they're indeed still working and making its changes to my body slow but sure. Also, free of injuries.

What did not work?
- In January, finding the time was a trouble, which I eventually solved. The Get To Bed on Time Challenge was difficult to do, probably because of the times I chose, therefore I think the wisest thing to do us to pick up a different time and restart it. YWA Yoga routines were also difficult to do so, not because of the exercises, but because of how long they were, my friend and I would either skip days or not do them at all, sometimes I would even skip other challenges to do it. Usually, when I had to do the yoga program, I was already exhausted with the previous training, so adding 30 mins of yoga was too heavy, even if I felt relaxed after doing them.

Now, these two weeks report.

February 6th, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 1

Fighter's Warmup
• 50 Push-Ups In One Go Challenge Day 6
• Warrior Abs Challenge Day 6
- Warrior Paths: Axe, Bow, Hammer​
Fighter's Codex Day 6
• Flexibility Challenge Day 13
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 13

February 7th, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 2

• 50 Push-Ups In One Go Challenge Day 7
• Warrior Abs Challenge Day 7
- Warrior Paths: Axe, Bow, Hammer​
• Flexibility Challenge Day 14
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 14

Sleep log: N/A
Sugar consumption log: Some gummies, hot chocolate.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 103

Notes: Feb 6th was definitely my favorite training day out of these two, I did that Speed day all the way without stops, unlike the previous Speed day where I had to take rests, I was really happy about it. I still have to work a bit on my turning kicks for my left leg, it gets heavier to do it with it than my right one. As you see, I started with a push-ups challenge, because something I realized the past month was that it needed work. It's improving right now thanks to this challenge.

I hope you guys have been doing awesome!



Active member
Sorceress Posts: 30
February 8th, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 3

• 50 Push-Ups In One Go Challenge Day 8
• Warrior Abs Challenge Day 8
- Warrior Paths: Axe, Bow, Hammer
Power HIIT Day 4 (L3)
• Flexibility Challenge Day 15
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 15

February 9th, 2023

Training Plan: Fighter; Week 1, Day 4

2 Minute Warmup
Grip Training Workout

• 50 Push-Ups In One Go Challenge Day 9
Xpress Tone Day 15
• Warrior Abs Challenge Day 9
- Warrior Paths: Axe, Bow, Hammer
Hard Reset Strength Day 22 (L3)
Ironheart Day 21
• Flexibility Challenge Day 16
• 1 Minute Yoga Challenge Day 16

Sleep log: Went to bed on time but fell asleep pretty late. Slept 6 hours.
Sugar consumption log: A bit of chocolate & sweet sports drink.
Consecutive Days of Exercise: 105

Notes: Is it bad I feel kinda sad that the HRS and Ironheart programs are almost over? :cry: I've had fun and the results have been amazing. Still, I can't wait to do (or more like redo) other programs like Ironborn, also, I'd very much like to finally tackle Age of Pandora or Hero's Journey soon, as well as coming face-to-face with Military Fit once more to check if this sugar control is working 100%.

One thing is for sure, so far, I think this training plan is the one that suits me the best out of all the DAREBEE training plans, though those new Training Plans are calling me to try them out... :float:

Anyway, everything went good. Hope you guys are doing awesome!

P.S.: Thank youuuuu! @NancyTree :happy: