A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you very much @aku-chan , @colin , @HellYeah , @Anek @Matan , @Fremen , @NancyTree , @CODawn ! More or less 5 months of daily exercise :)

Thursday I did epic abs D16, moving balance asanas, no meditation (boo! But crazy day), and

Friday I did 5 minutes meditation, epic abs D17, moving balance asanas, and knee kinesitherapy exercises.
Thir morning I did knee kinesitherapy exercises, epic abs D16, moving balance asanas, and 5 minutes meditation.

As I feared, one of my coworkers used the time without management to come give me grief Wednesday (by mail) and Thursday (physically, since I was in the office that day) about my choices of reorientation, saying I was inconsistent in my choices, was leaving them alone, yada, yada... It was tough. But good news : I did not crack, did not cry in front of him, and did not lose my nerves and shout at him what I really think of him. Well, dude, you haven't listened to me all these months, never bothered once to come in my office until today - I was always the one coming to try keep contact, and you are surprised I do not feel there is any team spirit left (at least, any team I could be part of) ? You didn't realise the consequence when we went from 6 (well, let's say 5 because of our Littlefinger-worthy "senior", for the GOT fans here) to 4 ? And now you say I am the selfish one for trying to preserve my physical and mental health? Nope, dude. Have a bit of self-reflection there, and stop pressuring me to do what you, Littlefinger, and our last coworker (nice but spineless) want to do.

Sorry for the rant, but there it is. Out. And remembering my Win of not crying, not screaming. I can repeat that next weeks.

D153 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Hugs and thanks to @CODawn , @Mamatigerj and all those who reacted. I do not feel exactly "strong" - someone strong would see clearly, be sure of themselves and not be moved by behavior such as this coworker's.... But I guess at least I "fake it" until I can make it.

Today did the following worjout at level II

, Epic Abs D19, sequence of balance asanas, and 5 minutes meditation.

D154 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day. Goal reached!
I went only once to the gym, goal again not reached. Booo. It is too cold to take the aquagym exercise, but I should use the Bodybalance or the musculation class (now that knee is better) when I can't do two yoga classes... or should I decide 1 is acceptable because of my energy level. Thinking over it.
Fruits every day but one, fresh food not quite there - I could blame it on stress but that's a bad excuse.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 I may drop since nope, not working....
Meditation way better this week, by accepting to do shorter ones - so less "justifications" not to do it. That's good.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
This morning knee kinesitherapy exercises, Epic abs D20, balance asanas (I am even managing to find them fun, these days, LOL!), and 5 minutes mantra meditation.

For that second habit I am struggling with, I may need to take steps like I did for meditation - aim for a shorter/simpler form, even OK if it is a bit sloppy ; but DO it.

For work, I really need to think on taking back control on what /I/ want, short and long term, how I can build it, and communicate with direction, even human ressources , to build that, instead of going with the flow. Let's see what this wolvie can cook up, and how she can present it positively to her bosses!

D155 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.

ETA : and I see that Fit December will be back, yay!!! Thing is, my kinesitherapy for my knee ends only on December fifth, but I may be able to work around it, with the passes and some willpower.
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday did at level I (time!)

(I know it is low level, but that's the most I could muster) ; went to the kinesitherapist, did Epic Abs D21, balance asanas, and 5 minutes equal breathing.

This morning did knee kinesitherapy exercises, Epic Abs D22, balance asanas, and 6 minutes meditation.

D157 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday Sunday I did Epic Abs challenge D26, balance asanas, 5 mins meditation, and at level I (time)

This morning I went to kinesitherapy, did Epic Abs challenge D27, balance asanas, at at level II

Can you hear Tina Turner in the background? ;)
No meditation yet.

D162 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day. Goal reached!
I went only once to the gym, goal again not reached. That's someting to ponder for January.
Fruits every day but one, fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 still a big nope
Meditation good, looks like I am getting back in, that grove.

Well, not great (habit 2, gym once a week), but there is progress.


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Bard from Wales
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Posts: 211
"Starting again"
I hate the cold so much that I wonder if I can call my yoga bikram because I'm wrapped up with a heater pointing at me!

Maybe what I'm calling vinyasa is sort of ashtanga? It looks quite similar without being as long.

I think I will try hatha too!

Thank you both.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Grins to @colin , spoken like a true fire-breathing creature, LOL! Hmmm, I am not sure about all the nuances about the styles, astanga seems to be more like with a very set-in-stone serie of asanas (kind of relaxing for my brain), and has also those posture transitions (our teacher tries to teach that, but this wolf has a real hard time with that part!). And as it is a 1-h class we don't do the full serie, for sure.

yesterday 5 minutes meditation
This morning Epic Abs challenge D28, balance asanas, , and Fit December D1. No meditation yet.
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
5 minutes mantra meditation done yesterday evening, that one fits pretty nicely.
This morning kinesitherapy exercises, Epic abs challenge D29, balance asanas, no meditation yet. Fit december will continue tomorrow ;) (beginning will have skips / hail passes because of the kinesitherapy still to be done, but I aim to do it, LOL!)
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Merci @avianCatastrophe (like the name, makes me think of Angry Birds for some reason, LOL!)

Yesterday evening 5 minutes cardiac coherency

This morning Fit December Day 2, plus a pass to be put in reserve, Epic Abs challenge D30 - DONE! :bigyes:, serie of balance asanas, no meditation yet.
Fit December : one pass prepared, none used.

ETA : still thinking about a challenge for next month. May I consider that December is an already full month (plus the tree ornament, and the balance exercises I will have to continue most probably) ? Cardio challenge for the extra calories ? Continue the abs challenges because that's always useful ? Choices, choices, choices!

D165 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday evening 5 minutes relaxation

This morning knee kinesitherapy exercises - so used a pass for Fit December D3, plus a pass to be put in reserve, Daily Abs challenge D1 balance asanas replacing garudasana with warrior 3, no meditation yet.
Fit December : two passes charged, one used.

D166 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday 5 minutes meditation.
This morning knee kinesitherapy exercises, so used a pass for Fit December D4, plus a pass to be put in reserve, Daily Abs challenge D2, balance asanas replacing garudasana with warrior 3, and 5 minutes mantra meditation.

Fit December : 3 passes charged, 2 used.

D167 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Today Fit December D5, Daily Abs challenge D3, balance asanas (I kinda miss garudasana, it is a fun one, LOL), no meditation yet.
Fit December : 3 passes charged, 2 used.

Today was the first Sunday of Advent, with the kids doing the lessons-and-carols (if you are not familiar with it, basically a reading of the passage of the Bible relating Christmas, intersped with Christmas carols. Always a good moment) ; and we - adult choir - sang Bach's "O jesus , joy of man desiring" which was a real pleasure.
So, if you believe, I wish you a great advent season with reflection and peace, and if you do not, I wish you a peaceful winter that allows you to regroup, find again energy and meaning, and spend time with people that count for you.

D168 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,155
"Striving to be the change."
Only style I'd purposedly avoid is Bikram, I do not care one bit for heat, LOL.
Yup. I'm with you there!

Hot yoga is becoming more popular over here, it seems. (Or maybe I just think that because they have it at a club I used to teach at now. So I now have a friend who teaches it.)
So not for me!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,155
"Striving to be the change."
I am not sure about all the nuances about the styles, astanga seems to be more like with a very set-in-stone serie of asanas
Yes, Ashtanga is one style of vinyasa yoga, with a pre-ordained series of postures developed by K. Pattabhi Jois. (More formally it is called "Ashtanga vinyasa yoga" as simply "Ashtanga" refers the 8-fold path of yoga as described by Patanjali.)

"Vinyasa" also has multiple meanings and can refer to any flowing style of yoga, but usually refers to styles in which the postures are linked with the specific yoga sequence known as a vinyasa (four-limbed staff, up-dog, down-dog). It also is sometimes used simply to refer to the practice of linking yoga transitions with the breath.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thanks for the confirmation for Ashtanga, @Laura Rainbow Dragon , it is clearer. And grins about hot yoga, guess you are not the same kind of dragon as @colin , LOL!

Yesterday 5 minutes equal breathing - oops, still done.

This morning knee kinesitherapy exercises, so used a pass for Fit December D6, plus a pass to be put in reserve, Daily Abs challenge D4, balance asanas , no meditation yet.

D169 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day. Done.
I went only once to the gym, goal again not reached. That one is plaging me!
Fruits every day but one, fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 better, maybe 4 times this week. Progress!
Meditation good.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday evening 5 minutes equal breathing

This morning Fit December D7, Daily abs challenge D5, balance asanas, no meditation yet, and last kinesitherapy visit.
Fit December : 4 passes charged, 3 used.

This last visit to the kinesitherapist was good. I will sort of miss him- very nice guy, and very competent, but of course so glad I can go up and down the subway stairs and do my walking in Paris without pain!!!! I have some additional exercises to do from time to time to keep up the good hip / knee / ankle alignment, and for the workouts here, he really approved of doing


regularly. Good to know those workouts are professionaly-approved ;)

(NB the knee is quite a complex articulation, and my issue is this alignment that results in meniscus fissures , so your knee issues may very well have another source and need something else so in doubt, get checked by a good doc!)

D170 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
To add a little bit of chit-chat :chuckle: - and staying away from politics, as some of you may know, summer olympics will be in France (Paris plus a few other places for aquatic sports) next year. Which means ...Marathon. My kinesitherapist is a runner (more of a triathlon / trail kinda guy, but still), and he was super psyched to tell me this morning he managed to win an entry in this year's night marathon. I am very glad he got it :)
And since I can't exactly run anymore, but I can walk, I am pondering participating in the walking event of the run I already did twice before my ticker-tocker decided to ask me for an upgrade (La parisienne, a 7 km run in September). That made me all nostalgic.

On the other hand, we start having info on how traffic will be blocked / circulation limited / public transportation impacted and so on during the Olympics, and oh my. No politics. But for sure I am spending all the time I can in Bretagne during those! (let's say that both my appartment and my workplace are within walking distance of big events).


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thanks @Laura Rainbow Dragon , the kinesitherapy worked very well, I really thanked my kinesitherapist (and gave him a little selection of different teas, since he always has some brewing / sipping while I exercise with him, LOL).

Yesterday evening 5 minutes meditation, and yoga class. I am struggling with the transitions - our teacher says I am fine and progressing but I feel so awkward! Oh well.

This morning Fit December D8, Daily abs challenge D7, balance asanas, no meditation yet.
Fit December : 4 passes charged, 3 used.

D171 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
So... Wednesday evening 5 minutes equal breathing.

Yesterday Fit December D9, Daily Abs challenge D7, balance asanas, 5 minutes meditation

This morning Fit December D10, Daily abs challenge D8, balance asanas, no meditation yet.

Fit December : 4 passes charged, 3 used.

D173 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday evening 5 minutes equal breathing (yeah...)
Today Fit December D11 , and Daily Abs challenge D9 - Abs heavy... And looked at different knee exercises left over by my kinesitherapist, thinking still on how I may implement something long term to keep the benefits of these 2 months's work. And 5 minutes meditation.

Fit December : 4 passes charged, 3 used.

D174 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I'm really glad your knee is better and it helps to know darebee's exercises are professionally approved. I don't know why it surprises me since I used thrm before to feel better and it worked but still...


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @Gandhalfit , still thinking regularly of you...

So, Sunday 5 minutes mantra meditation, Fit December D12 , Daily Abs challenge D10, and balance asanas.

This morning nothing yet (rough and long day ahead ; and tomorrow should be something too...) ; but for the ornaments I intend to compete for the unicorn ;) So kicks, here we come!
Fit December : 4 passes charged, 3 used.

D175 of consecutive exercise (not counting today). D150 was November 15th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day but one. Done.
I went only once to the gym, goal again not reached. And I know this week won't be better. Agh!
Fruits every day but one, fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 good too!
Meditation good, a tad too much breathing exercises but heck, at least it's done.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
5 minutes breathing exercise, Fit December D13 , Daily Abs challenge D11, and 300 kicks to prepare for the unicorn tree ornament.
I am dead, and tomorrow's gonna be another heavy day. Very good thing today though : I passed by to see my next door neighbor - who's becoming a real good friend, and as she was about to light her hannukah candles she offered me to share that moment. That was very nice and meaningful :)

D176 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Fit December D14, Abs challenge D12, 400 kicks (total of 700 kicks). Meditation not yet done, should do it before this afternoon work-meeting-fest, ugh.

Delivery for one of my packages has been driving me nuts, I have to go again at lunch time. The review for this purchase is NOT gonna be great, trust me!

D177 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Oooh, big day done, I was so tired yesterday evening.
Meditation done - 5 minutes, yesterday evening. And I managed to get the difficult-to-get package, grrrrr! Non mais! And got my SIL on the phone to be sure on what to bring foodwise on the 25th, and to strongly suggest they send me their wishlist- with the provision that, getting a wishlist just one week before Christmas, well... I will do what I can, but can't promise to be a good santa-girl! That annoys me as I sent my wishes end November, and they send theirs to my parents and my older bro, but apparently ... little sister doesn't need to be told? Oh well.

D178 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.