A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you so much @colin , @TopNotch , @Fremen , @Nevetharine , @Mamatigerj , @Anek , @Mianevem , @Matan ! We got a pretty tree!
Sci Fi Lol GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown

Fit December D16 done, Abs challenge D14 done, no meditation yet.
Fit December : 4 passes charged, 3 used.

D179 of consecutive exercise. D150 was November 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Meditation done Thursday evening, as well as yoga class.
Friday Fit December D17 done, Abs challenge D15 done, meditation done. Took the day off to do some presents shopping and rest in preparation of Saturday's concerts. And
Saturday Fit December D18 done, Abs challenge D16 done, mantra meditation. And it was time for our annual Christmas concert - two concerts, afternoon and evening. It was so much fun, but also so tiring! Love this choir!
Today took a pass for Fit December (and did the high knees to charge a new one), Abs challenge D15 done, meditation done. And of course we still had to sing for today's church service, LOL. No Wolvie left!

Fit December : 5 passes charged, 4 used.

D182 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.

ETA: I subscribed to Adrienne's January yoga challenge. Shouldn't be longer than just below 30 minutes if her schedule is to be trusted, si should be doable (except days where I go to the office), so ... let's throw ourselves in that!

ETAA : not doing the snowballfight, but have fun, ya'll!
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day. Done with a grats.
I went only once to the gym, goal again not reached. Life should be a tad easier starting in January, we wll see.... In the meantine, another fail in that category.
Fruits every day but one, fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 so-so. Back to it!
Meditation good.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Tuesday evening add yoga class.

Yesterday morning Fit December 22, Abs challenge D20, balance asanas, 5 minutes meditation.

Today nothing done yet (office presence day), we'll see when I come home.

Fit December : 5 passes charged, 4 used.

D185 of consecutive exercise (not counting today yet). D180 was December 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
So, used the pass, did one minute of high knees to get a new one, did Abs Challenge D21, balance asanas, and a 10 minutes yule meditation. Merry Yule, and enjoy the longest night of the year, of all of us in the northern hemisphere - and in the southern one, enjoy the longest day!

Fit December : 6 passes charged, 5 used.

D186 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Fit December D24, Daily Abs challenge D22, balance asanas, no meditation yet. I woke up to a stuffed, runny nose and a hedhog nestled in my throat, so going full mode honey for throat + sulfur water for nose + chest ointment (Vicks vaporub, if ever it gets known outside of France - it is an eucalyptus, camphor, thyme, menthol + other stuff ointment you rub on your chest or use for fumigations to fight off colds). I am not letting whatever slow me down for Christmas if I can help it!

Fit December : 6 passes charged, 5 used.

D187 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


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Viking from The Depths
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Fit December D24, Daily Abs challenge D22, balance asanas, no meditation yet. I woke up to a stuffed, runny nose and a hedhog nestled in my throat, so going full mode honey for throat + sulfur water for nose + chest ointment (Vicks vaporub, if ever it gets known outside of France - it is an eucalyptus, camphor, thyme, menthol + other stuff ointment you rub on your chest or use for fumigations to fight off colds). I am not letting whatever slow me down for Christmas if I can help it!

Fit December : 6 passes charged, 5 used.

D187 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.

I grew up with Vicks for colds. From South Africa here. 😁 it's great for sore muscles too, you know .. I've been rubbing my knees the past few days. 😂

If (we hope you won't) start coughing, a great tip is to rub it under the soles of your feet at night, to sleep better.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
I hope you are feeling better soon, Wolfie!

We have all the Vicks products in Canada too.
I haven't used any in a long time. (Haven't had any sort of infection since before Covid.)
But I remember the cough drops and the inhalers from childhood. The rub my mother would have used on my brother, but not so much on me. (He was much more prone to chest infections than I ever was.)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you all - glad to see that Vicks's international (at least Canada and South Africa, @Laura Rainbow Dragon and @Nevetharine , LOL). Tea with lemon and honey is a classical one too, @Lady Celerity - I can see how pepper, with the "sweat" induced , could feel good too (not necessarily pharmacologically, but at least help with symptoms). If I am short on honey / royal jelly throat lozenges, I gargle with honey diluted in a little bit of tea, for the throat. Thyme tea is good for upper respiratory tract too.

@Nevetharine , the camphor is surely what helped for your knees (like in the traditional tiger balm), just make sure you do not develop a dermatological reaction. (sorry, can't get the pharmacist out of the pharmacy!)

Anyhow, my nose's still a faucet, but the throat is nearly back to normal, and no coughing, and no fever developping, so it looks like it is a very mild one, I definitly panicked a bit yesterday thinking of Christmas coming! Panick over.

Yesterday lunchtime did a body balance class - I prefer yoga, but at least it got me breathing, working on my balance, stretching, and working on my core in a good session . 5 minutes meditation.
This morning did Daily Yoga challenge D23, Fit Deember D25, moving balance asanas, and no meditation yet.

Fit December : 6 passes charged, 5 used.

D188 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Still stuffy nose, but I can sing, so all is good ;)
Yesterday 5 minutes meditation
Today Daily Yoga challenge D24, Fit Deember D26, moving balance asanas, and 5 minutes meditation.
even managed to polish a bit some of the silverware I have displayed, for the parents and older bro (and Good Dog) are coming tonight ;)

Fit December : 6 passes charged, 5 used.

D189 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.

Merry Christmas to you all!


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you so uch @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @Mianevem , @Nevetharine , @TopNotch , @Mamatigerj and @Anek ! Hope the day was gentle and hopeful and comforting for all of you.
Singing for Christmas eve service was really nice and significant, and we had great time, both 24th evening at my place, and 25th at my parents's. Mademoiselle Luna was a proper hostess to Good Doggo (I was wondering how she was going to react to him in her own territory, but it went smoothly. Cats and dogs together in peace! Christmas miracle! :muahaha:)

So, yesterday Daily Yoga challenge D25, Fit Deember D26, moving balance asanas, and 5 minutes meditation, before the feast at my parents's

And this morning Daily Yoga challenge D26, Fit Deember D27, moving balance asanas, meditation not yet done.

D191 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
5 mins meditation done yesterday
This morning Daily Yoga challenge D27, Fit December D29, (yep, felt those abs!) moving balance asanas, meditation not yet done.

Fit December : 6 passes charged, 5 used.

D192 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.

For the week (Sunday to Saturday):
I walked at least 5,000 steps or went to the gym every day but one. Done .
I went twice to the gym, thanks to the body balance class Friday. May be a good solution! So yay.
Fruits every day , fresh food good.
Habit 1 good, Habit 2 so-so. Back to it again!
Meditation good, this is shaping back up.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
5 mins meditation done yesterday
This morning 1 min high knees for Fit December pass, Daily Yoga challenge D28 meditation not yet done. In the office and completely alone in my floor.

Fit December : 7 passes charged, 6 used.

D193 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
5 minutes breathing exercise done yesterday
This morning Daily abs challenge (why did it change into yoga challenge days ago ? No idea!!!) D29, and Fit December D31 done - over and done for Fit December! Meditation not yet done.

D194 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.

Eta : for lunch, potates with a blue-cheese-and-cream-topping! Yum! I had some blue cheese to finish from the Christmas cheese platter, so treated myself with that.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Mamatigerj @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Fremen @Anek @BetaCorvi @Nevetharine !

Saw the new program, 60 days of HIIT, seems like a good one for 2024! January should be Adriene's yoga program, so that would make 60 days of HIIT February and March, and then we shall see (thinking of re-doing Athena, or/and Pandora).
ETA : I like the new challenge for January, and doing squats every other day should be good for my knee, so that'll be my January Challenge.

Yesterday 5 mins meditation.
This morning I did D30 of Daily Abs Challenge - so another one down ;), balance asanas, no meditation yet, and for exercice, the WOD at level II:

Nice one.

D195 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Mamatigerj , @Laura Rainbow Dragon , @TopNotch , @Mianevem , @Nevetharine , @Anek ! (again for those who congratulated me for Fit December ;) )

Tonight did a good long IBS-centric meditation, felt very good. So far the Holiday meals are well tolerated, so keeping on the good track.
Started my vacations with some paper sorting and reorganisation, so rest day but also did some useful stuff. Good day! See ya'll (that's my southern side, LOL) tomorrow.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Thank you @Fremen ! :)

So, today did the balance asanas, 10 mins meditation, and level two for the WOD:

I did some heavy checking, filing and destroying on all my papers, that's a very good one to have done. Now I have a pile of shredded paper that's quite impressive, LOL! Lots of it is medical files I was hanging on, but that are no longer relevant, specially with the new cardiology follow up. It felt weird though seeing again my open heart surgery report... I am so grateful to be still with ya'll, and still exercising - back to difficulty 3 workouts no less! So we will end this year on this note of praise.

Have a good transition to the new year, and year 2024 that will make you feel grateful! Hugs to all the bees!

Happy New Year Celebration GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

D196 of consecutive exercise. D180 was December 15th.
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