Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Continuing on from my old thread :- https://hive.darebee.com/logs/823152-exercising-towards-a-better-tomorrow#post868103

Still got the same goal, just a general improvement in my level of fitness and (In the fullness of time) hopefully a bit of weight-loss.

Still not feeling too nifty at the moment, still not entirely free of flu yet and now I've hurt my ribs again (I told you this month was cursed!), trying to find a bit I can do, so I've put everything else on hold and I'm working through Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) until I've healed up.

Day 1 of Arms of Steel (3 sets done with Housemate).

And that's it for today, hopefully it won't be too far into the week before I can start doing more, see y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @Sif_Shepard

Still taking things easy:-

Day 2 of Arms of Steel done (3 sets done slowly, kept getting out of puff, with Housemate).

And that's it for today, now I'm going to very slowly do some chores, take the Housemate for a walk and make some Prawn Curry for dinner.
See y'all tomorrow! (Since I'm barely doing any exercising I'm going to try and not take any breaks.)


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Feeling so much better today! :chicken: (I had no idea this little guy was supposed to be a radish.)
Still just did a little bit though:-

Day 3 of Arms of Steel (3 sets with Housemate).

I would've done more, but I had workmen working this morning (Finally have a working shower again, no more worrying about being stinky! :yas:), tomorrow I should be back to doing a full workout routine, see y'all then.


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Thanks! @val.lavigne86 @Lady Celerity @Sif_Shepard

Managed to get up early enough today to exercise (Unlike yesterday when I forgot to set my alarm :sit:), made a couple of changes, not going to continue with Iron Born (I thought it was all upper body stuff) or Arms of Steel Chair Edition, I think I was doing okay just working through the upper body exercises on the site.

60 Seconds Balance Hold (EotD) done (30 seconds each leg, only lost my balance once!),
Cultivator done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 10 of 100 done (3 sets of Jumping Jacks),
Day 35 of Hero's Journey done (3 sets).

Feels good to get a full workout done :yas:
See y'all on Sunday!


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Another week finished!

20 Single Leg Squats (EotD) done (In one go, although I couldn't manage full squats, more like little bobs),
No Wrong Answers done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 11 of 100 done (3 sets of Squat Hops),
Day 36 of Hero's Journey done (Split into 3 sets, I always forget how hard yoga stuff can be! Skipped the meditation part, sitting quiet and still just isn't my thing).

Finally finished reading Day of the Triffids, it was a bit of a slog, the main character spends way too much time wrestling with his conscience (It may be realistic but it's so boring!). There's a couple more stories in the book, but I'm going to leave them for now.
Reading Slayers now. Been wanting to read it for ages since the anime version never got that far into the story, so I'm glad it's been re-released, makes for a bit of a strange read though, don't think I've ever read another book that's been written from just one POV.

See y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
Skipped the meditation part, sitting quiet and still just isn't my thing).

You don't need to sit still to meditate! Meditation can be practised in any reasonably-comfortable body position. It can also be practised while moving.

If you are interested in reaping the benefits of a meditation practice without the need to sit still, you might like to explore walking meditation.
(There are other forms of moving meditation too. But walking is popular and a topic you'll find quite a bit written about.)


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You don't need to sit still to meditate! Meditation can be practised in any reasonably-comfortable body position. It can also be practised while moving.

If you are interested in reaping the benefits of a meditation practice without the need to sit still, you might like to explore walking meditation.
(There are other forms of moving meditation too. But walking is popular and a topic you'll find quite a bit written about.)

I did not know that, I guess I had a very stereotypical view of meditation!
Reading through the link, that sounds a lot like what I already do when I take the Housemate for our park walks, I'll give it a try this afternoon.

Another day done:-
30 Push-up Shoulder Taps (EotD) done (In 3 sets, did regular Push-ups but I still can't get very low),
Captain On Deck done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 12 of 100 done (3 sets of Side Leg Raises),
Day 37 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets plus Hammer Training, doing exercises extra slowly is harder than it sounds!).

This week I want to try and cut my computer use down to a minimum. I lost almost my entire weekend to mindlessly browsing the Internet (I had hoped to get Zeus finished, but I didn't do any painting at all), so I want to try and get it down to just the basics each day:- Darebee stuff, e-mails and a little go on my game (Merge City won't merge itself!) and that's it except for emergencies.
Let's see how well I do! See y'all tomorrow!


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@lofivelcro - Thanks! Hasn't gone too well (Especially on Monday, I made the mistake of checking up on something last thing at night and ended up staying up way too late looking at stuff :sad:), but it's made me more determined to cut back.

@huma - :LOL:

Too tired to exercise Tuesday, but I'm back at it today:-

30 Scorpion Twists (EotD) done (In one go),
Tempered Steel (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 13 of 100 attempted (I managed 60 Side Bridges but I couldn't get my butt off the floor after that!),
Day 38 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets. Not sure I reached the target goal on any set, I just concentrated on going as fast as I could).

And that's it for today, see y'all tomorrow!


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It's a noodlely arm day today :ragdoll:

100 Side Leg Raises (EotD) done (In 3 sets),
Touch Down (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 14 of 100 done (3 sets of Arm Circles),
Day 39 of Hero's Journey attempted (Only managed 3 sets, just too much arm wriggling. Also did another workout instead of part 2, was just easier than trying to work out 20 minutes of random movement),
Side Quest done (3 sets).

Taking the Housemate to get her peepers checked out so that'll take up a big chunk of today, then I'm making a new recipe for dinner, Chinese Meatloaf with 5 Spice Potatoes and Stir-fried Veg.
See ya'll Sunday!


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Wasn't feeling too nifty today, so I only managed a little bit, but that's another week wrapped up :yas:

40 Scissors (EotD) done (In one go),
Titan (WotD) attempted (Managed 1 set, the Power Push-ups were fun but I had to do them on my knees),
Day 15 of 100 attempted (Managed 40 Long Arm Crunches. This was the one that got me, really aggravated my achey chest),
Day 40 of Hero's Journey attempted (Managed 1 set of Part 1, did all of Part 2).

Hopefully I'll be able to manage a bit more tomorrow, see y'all then!


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No exercising yesterday, overslept.
Gotta get in the habit of setting my alarm, even on days when I don't have to get up early, otherwise I'm going to start sleeping my life away :zzz:

40 Bridges (EotD) done (In one go),
Pixie done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 16 of 100 done (2 sets of Seal Jacks, 1 set of Step Jacks, I landed weird and hurt my ankles :sadness:),
Day 41 of Hero's Journey done (Only 3 sets, too much arm wriggling again, plus Hammer training).

Finished reading the first Slayers omnibus, was a fun light read.
Not sure what to read next, although now it's getting wintery there's less reading a more TV watching anyways.

See y'all Thursday!


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Thanks! @Whirly @Sif_Shepard @NancyTree @JCU @TopNotch - It was nothing serious, I just tweaked them a bit.

It's been a few days, forgot I was having my Covid booster on Wednesday, didn't get me quite as bad as usual but it was still a rather rough couple of days :exhausted:
Unfortunately, I think 4 days was too much of a break, really struggled with my exercises today:-

60 Seconds O-pose Hold (EotD) done (In one go),
Goliath attempted (2 sets with Housemate),
Day 42 of Hero's Journey attempted (2 sets done),
Day 17 of 100 attempted (I managed 47 Get Ups, then I couldn't get off the floor anymore).

Hopefully I'll be able to do a bit better tomorrow, see y'all then!


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Managed a whole workout today! :yas:

I got hit by a really bad case of the melancholies yesterday, so I think that had more to do with my exercise struggles than taking a break.
One thing I definitely can't take a break from is checking peoples threads, now that the Hive shows all the things it took me forever to get all caught up!

100 Elbow Strikes (EotD) done (In 3 sets with Housemate),
The Mammoth done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 18 of 100 done (3 sets of Reverse Lunges),
Day 43 of Hero's Journey done (I split this one into smaller workouts so I could get them all done, did 30 reps of the first row, 20 of the second and 10 of the last, repeated three times).

And that's it for today, :taco: for dinner (Couldn't wait for Tuesday!), see y'all tomorrow!


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Another day done!

20 Staggered Push-Ups (EotD) done (In one go with proper Push-ups!),
Monkey (WotD) done (3 sets. Had to halve the Burpees, started getting dizzy after 5),
Day 19 of 100 done (3 sets of Alt Arm/Leg Raises, had to do most of these on my knees, balance is just awful today),
Day 44 of Hero's Journey done (3 sets).

Now the weather is getting colder, I'm reviving soup day, today is Broccoli and Blue Cheese Soup.
See y'all Thursday!


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@JCU - Thanks! Still can't get all the way down to the floor, but I'm getting there!

Another day complete:-

Archer done (3 sets with Housemate, after the first set we had to cut the Archers down to 10 at a time to get them done, surprisingly hard for a level 1 workout!),
50 Lunge Step-Ups (EotD) done (In 3 sets),
Day 20 of 100 done (3 sets of Leg Extensions),
Day 45 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets with Hammer training, couldn't do as many inclined Push-Ups as I'd like to, all those Archers wore out my poor arms).

Very gloomy weather today, not looking forward to my daily walk! See y'all tomorrow!


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Another week wrapped up! :makeway:

100 Knees to Elbows (EotD) done (In 3 sets),
Seated Strength done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 21 of 100 done (3 sets of Squats),
Day 46 of Hero's Journey (3 sets. Went all out on the last set so I'm pretty sure I hit the optional goal of 120 High Knees in a minute at least once).

Main goals for the rest of the day:- Order some padded envelopes (Going to sell some stuff on Ebay), bake a Lumberjill cake and watch The Lion King.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Start of a new week! :plot:

50 Side-to-Side Lunges (EotD) done (In one go!),
Strong and Beautiful done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 22 of 100 done (Just did these to failure, managed 40 Plank Rotations),
Day 47 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets, couldn't keep my arms up for the whole set though).

Baked my Lumberjill cake:-

As is usual with my cooking, it's tasty but ugly!
I also watched Werewolf By Night. Marvel really needs to do more of these one-off specials, not only was it rather snazzy, it makes it much easier to get caught up (I'm still woefully behind on my Marvel series).
See y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon @TopNotch

Struggled a bit today, but still got everything mostly done!

60 Seconds Raised Leg Hold (EotD) done (In one go, 30 seconds a leg),
Magician (WotD) done (Just 1 set with Housemate, we found it boring),
Seated Cardio done (2 sets with Housemate, our replacement workout),
Day 23 of 100 done (Calf Raises done in one go!),
Day 48 of Hero's Journey attempted (Struggled through 2 sets, couldn't get my legs off the ground after that).

Gotta rest my legs a bit before our daily walk, taking the Housemate Christmas(!?!) shopping.
And then, as it's Soup Tuesday, it's Sweetcorn Soup for dinner.


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No exercising yesterday, it was the Housemates birthday so it seemed like a good excuse to be lazy!

Back at it today :curlz:

Seated Hero done (3 sets with Housemate),
100 Back Leg Raises (EotD) done (In 3 sets),
Day 24 of 100 done (Jumping T's in 3 sets. Had to do some of the first set as Step T's, landed a bit wrong early on, but was fine for the other two sets),
Day 49 of Hero's Journey done (5 sets plus Hammer training).

Gotta get my Flu jab tomorrow, it usually makes me feel a bit blergh, but hopefully I'll see y'all Sunday!


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Thanks! @Sif_Shepard @JCU - My jab has left me feeling a bit tired and achey, but nothing too bad.

Overslept this morning, but I did some exercises instead of skipping them altogether, progress! :yas:

10 Cross Body Push-Ups (EotD) attempted (My brain just couldn't figure this one out, did 10 regular ones instead),
Day 25 of 100 done (Just did as many as I could, managed 37 Leg Raises),
Power Pump done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 50 of Hero's Journey done (3 sets plus 410 of 3000 optional Punches).

Was going to a craft fair today, but it's raining hard :sadness:, going to have a lazy indoor Sunday instead. See y'all tomorrow!


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Tired... So tired... :exhausted:

Housemate has been a bit off these last couple of mornings, so I've been sitting with her instead of going back to bed after I've helped her get up, but 4AM is just too early for me.
Had to skip exercising yesterday, but I was determined to do a bit today:-

Merlin done (2 sets with Housemate),
2 Minutes Squat Hold Punches done (Over 2 sets),
Day 26 of 100 done (Managed about a dozen Jump Squats, did the rest as regular Squats),
Day 51 of Hero's Journey done (Managed 2 sets of reduced reps. This was a biggie and I feel bad I only managed a fraction of what I was supposed to do, but even on a good day it would've been a real struggle to get it all done),
Kiriko done (2 sets as the extra movement part of today's Hero's Journey).

Hopefully I'll be able to have a nap later, see y'all Thursday!


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Light exercise today, managed to pull something in the back of my ankle while walking yesterday, so arm stuff only:-

Digger done (3 sets with Housemate, modified to avoid all the kneeling),
Super X done (3 sets with Housemate).

Hopefully, a restful day today means I'll be able to do more tomorrow. All I've got planned is go to the doctors and give some blood (They couldn't find my veins on Tuesday).
See y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @JCU @Sif_Shepard @TopNotch - Ankle feels better but has gone very stiff, so I'm still being careful on it.

Survived having my blood taken, the Nurse took one look at the previous attempts on my arms and said "We might as well go straight for your hands." :cry:
Hopefully I won't have to do that again for a while.

On to exercising! Still keeping it to just upperbody stuff:-

40 W Extensions (EotD) done (Standing up in two sets),
Dynamic Dumbbell done (3 sets with Housemate),
Space Cowboy done (3 sets with Housemate).

Plenty of Punching to take care of a few of those Halloween Bats!
See y'all on Sunday!


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@PetiteSheWolf - Fortunately I've never had to have an IV, just having a needle in there for a minute or so is bad enough! I always have trouble getting blood drawn, I have wriggly veins apparently.

Another week of exercising done, ankle is still a bit twingy, I think I did too much walking yesterday, but thought I'd try a full workout today:-

50 Heel Taps (EotD) done (In one go),
Orientation Day done (3 sets with Housemate),
Freedom done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 27 of 100 done (Meant to be Sit-ups but I can still only do Crunches),
Day 52 of Hero's Journey done (3 sets),

105 Spiders kicked (I missed the deadline but I'm still counting it dang it!),
100 Ghosts spooked.

Raining hard today, so it's going to be a lazy day of chores and DVD watching, got some old Dr. Who to watch plus getting a little bit further through my Hobbit/LotR rewatch.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Rain didn't last very long yesterday, so very little in the way of chores or DVD watching got done, spent all day taking the Housemate for walks instead.
Unsurprisingly, this messed my ankle up again :giveup:

Did what I could exercise-wise today:-

2 Minutes Bicep Extensions (EotD) done (Over 3 sets with Housemate),
Game On done (3 sets with Housemate),
Day 53 of Hero's Journey attempted (Managed 1 full set, couldn't manage to Plank after that, did lot's of Knee Push-Ups and the full Hammer training though),
100 Step Jacks for the Halloween Challenge (Since they're not full Jacks I didn't log them).

Now to see what today brings, probably more walking :trail:
See y'all tomorrow!