Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,251
  • Until these skittish little beasts are more comfortable, we'll be telling them apart by the collar we managed to slip on Nobu, @OJJJEM
  • You may be correct about the face shapes, we just haven't seen much of them yet; too much to explore!
  • Thank you, @LizardFriend95; he's calming down slowly, but at least it's happening
  • Basics
  • Very busy day
  • Everything on my list was completed
  • Saw Tyler
  • Because it was Krysta's birthday and I was on the schedule, Tyler brought Theo in
  • Went better than I thought!
  • It was only after my appointment that I had to take a step back
  • Very good, very important visit
  • Mom agreed to pizza! I got my pizza!
  • And then we binged 5 episodes of Wednesday
  • Go. Watch it.
  • It's spectacular
  • It's everything from the trailers, but more
  • Kooky, silly, funny, a bit dark, Wednesday
  • I could go on
  • It's everything I had hoped and so much more besides
  • Good: finished my list!
  • Pleased (working toward Happy): Wednesday and aggressive affection from Nobu


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,251
  • I hope you get to it soon, @LizardFriend95. It was excellent
  • Basics
  • Successfully pulled a surprise on my sister
  • We didn't tell her about the kittens
  • As soon as she walked in the door I told her we had a surprise and took her upstairs
  • Found the kittens under Mom and Dad's bed and she asks:
  • "What did you do to Casper?"
  • We made him unhappy, of course!
  • Got her to look under the bed and she was immediately smitten
  • Got to cuddle with Nobu, too!
  • It's interesting to see their personalities emerge
  • Nox is still the one to explore first
  • He will also come out after everyone else is asleep and demand play time
  • His little teeth gnawing on my fingers?
  • I squealed
  • More than once
  • Nobu wants attention, but you have to wait for him
  • He skitters away if you take a step forward
  • Casper is taking closer steps and hissing less
  • So things are going well!
  • Bills pulled off another wonderful win
  • I missed almost all of it because I was finishing Wednesday
  • I cannot recommend this show enough
  • The ending had me laughing, talking to the screen like the characters could hear me, and almost made me cry
  • So,  so good!
  • I will be very happy to watch them again with my parents
  • And now I want to watch the entire season again knowing the ending
  • Checked the calendar and was very happily surprised to see The Nutcracker!
  • Next Saturday!
  • Good: seeing my sister and her fiance
  • Happier (working toward Happy): all 4 of us "kids" were lavishing attention on one tiny kitten. A good time was had by all!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Kitten therapy is a very real thing
  • 10 minutes with playful kittens can clear my mind entirely
  • Nobu managed to get his collar off again
  • Hopefully I tightened it enough this time!
  • Nox is actually very shy
  • It seems he'll search everything to find good hiding places
  • But sit quietly at the top of the stairs and he'll come investigate
  • Nobu has started shadowing Casper
  • (Living up to his name, that one!)
  • Casper doesn't love this
  • But the hissing is almost gone!
  • He is curling under blankets again, though...
  • Two steps forward, one step back?
  • I'm getting more videos than pictures of them
  • Maybe a new insta account?
  • Still have to post that last video of Liam
  • Good: tried a new Chinese restaurant; it was good enough to want to order from
  • Happier (working toward Happy): these kittens make me smile


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Contact!
  • I woke today to Casper vocalizing
  • Turns out he and Nobu were rolling around
  • All three were batting at each other last night, so I was hopeful
  • But it's been great today!
  • No hissing!
  • Casper is ignoring the kitten food and the twins are ignoring his adult food!
  • Nox is venturing out more!
  • And Nobu broke out of his collar for the third time...
  • We wanted to get matching collars for all three, though, and they only had two at the store
  • So we can get another one, give this collar to Casper, and hope the new one has a firmer breakaway clasp!
  • And one of the kittens was exploring my room while I slept
  • I noticed dusty paw prints on my comforter as I made my bed
  • (Did I take a picture and share it with the family?
  • Yes. Yes, I did.)
  • I watched the last video of Liam with sound
  • Only started to get emotional the second watch through
  • So I'll post that tomorrow
  • Good: seeing Liam again brought more fondness than sadness
  • Happier (working toward Happy): these kittens are such kittens!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Slow day
  • Boys were tussling
  • No hissing!
  • Took a nap with Casper
  • Nox is coming out more
  • Especially when Nobu is getting attention
  • He was even downstairs this morning, getting attention from Mom!
  • A closed bathroom door is evil
  • It's adorable
  • Good: favorite restaurant returned my favorite dish to the menu
  • Happier (working toward Happy): disturbed bathroom routines because of kittens


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Joining in on cats/kittens and bathrooms, cats love being there at least as much as they love jumping on the keyboard when you sit at the computer. more than that, if there's a closed door or window they could be open, they will demand to open it. I'm guessing so that they could roam the house at will.


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Ran some errands
  • Bought the kittens some new toys
  • They had so much fun Casper joined in!
  • We moved the second litterbox into the basement
  • Don't know if it was that, or just getting more comfortable
  • But they've both spent time in the family room!
  • Benefit of a Japanese futon:
  • When tempting the kittens works, they come right up for attention!
  • I had super affectionate kittens purring while at my most relaxed
  • Truly, the best way to start a morning
  • Good: bought Dad's birthday present more than a week early (😱)
  • Happier (working toward Happy): all 3 cats having a blast with their toys
  • Picture! Nobu does not yet have a new collar. So you can tell them apart!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • I'm glad, @CODawn! They replace the Liam stories I always had (🥲)
  • Basics
  • Definitely getting ready for this month to end
  • I was  not thinking when I chose this ab challenge
  • 2 more days!
  • The kittens were very active this afternoon
  • Nobu especially is testing his boundaries
  • We've brought out the spray bottle to keep him away from food
  • (It was hysterical until it wasn't. Still, a soft kitten walking all over you? Not the worst thing!)
  • They were entirely silent for hours after that, though
  • Nox was coming up to me on the couch for attention!
  • Still running away when anyone comes near, but he comes back quickly
  • Progress!
  • Flavor of the month: exhaustion
  • I have had some caffeine today
  • At least it'll only last a few days
  • Good: kitten attention
  • Happier (working toward Happy): had a dream where I remembered Liam was gone and sobbed my heart out; woke up barely remembering or feeling it. So my subconscious is working!
  • (Mom had toast.)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Young and learning boundaries, @LizardFriend95
  • We do expect them to calm down as they get older
  • Basics
  • Power Punch Challenge
  • :completed:
  • abs level II Challenge
  • :completed:
  • walk & run Challenge
  • :completed:
  • More progress!
  • I came down from my shower to find both kittens sleeping in the family room!
  • Nobu spent several hours on the couch behind me!
  • My watch also recorded about 15 minutes of inaction
  • Nobu  wanted attention while I was exercising
  • Who was I to deny him?
  • Got a new water fountain for the cats
  • They are confused right now
  • Hopefully they'll get used to it!
  • Good: Liam's paw print is ready to pick up
  • Happier (working toward Happy): I dare anyone to not find joy in these kittens


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251

  • :thanku: @Mianevem, @Louve Rose, @TheLibrarian, @mavie, @Fremen, @Nanna Io, @Anek, @NancyTree, @LizardFriend95, @BetaCorvi, @Whirly
  • Basics
  • This month's routine:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Fit December Program
  • step up Challenge
  • Splits Exercises
  • Keeping it lighter this month
  • I have every intention of completing the ornament and snowball events
  • Fingers crossed I don't get sick this year!
  • I'm thinking of switching the kittens to wet food
  • They eat the adult food anyway and keeping Casper from their food is becoming a challenge
  • They didn't get kitten food at the shelter, so it shouldn't be a problem for them to have half adult food
  • Had to put the bowls on the table because the tortoise was wandering
  • They've been pretty good?
  • So I won't buy wet food just yet, but it's an idea
  • If I lie on the ground while exercising I get attention
  • I like this
  • Good: Bills are winning so far!
  • Happier (working toward Happy): lunch with my sister tomorrow and Nutcracker on Saturday!


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Congratulations on all three challenges 👏 :happy:

Was Casper under the covers?

Have fun with your sister and at The Nutcracker :ballerina:


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Good day!
  • Lunch with my sister was lovely
  • Stopped by both bakeries and found something for both of us
  • (Always lovely to see a gluten free options in a traditional bakery!)
  • Reminder from the theatre offered an online parking option
  • So that's one less stress for tomorrow!
  • Sister walked in on Nox drinking from the fountain
  • Nobu then drank from it, too!
  • Now it's just catching Casper at it to make sure he's drinking enough
  • (Though the litter boxes certainly have plenty of large lumps!)
  • The fireplace will be replaced on the 21
  • In time for Christmas and, more importantly, the coldest months
  • How to get Nobu (mostly) onto my lap?
  • Shoelaces
  • Good: good day!
  • Happier (working toward Happy): sister time!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Thanks, @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • Bees, The Nutcracker was spectacular
  • Turns out a local conservatory puts on the play every year
  • And they have galas and showcases  and other plays!
  • So I have several things to look forward to next year!
  • Sadly, Come From Away is running in just a few weeks
  • I had not been aware it was so soon
  • So my sister and I will be seeing it another time
  • SIX is still on the away, though!
  • My dad will join us for that, and we may even drag Mom along!
  • I was woken several times by a kitten zooming onto (and then immediately off of) my bed this morning
  • That may have been why Mom couldn't find Casper after work
  • (He was sleeping in the basement, where the kittens haven't explored much)
  • Good: excellent event with sister and her fiance
  • Happier (working toward Happy): EXCELLENT event with loved ones!
  • (Those little angels and cupcakes? All of 6 years old, if that? Adorable.)
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