Recovery, says it all


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Posts: 132
Perfect, a program called Recovery. I’m not recovering from the flu, or Covid, but recovering just the same. I would like this to be a way back to daily workouts. Three days is not a habit, but a step forward. Let's see how day 4 goes.

Hi, to all you Bees. :perfect:


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Thank you @Mamatigerj! It's always great to see you active on Darebee. Your consistency is an inspiration to me. Thank you. I will catch up with you on your checkin thread for real. I've lurked around the community for the last couple years doing a few programs in the background (not sure if I finished any of them). Now I am working on a belief that coming back inside the Darebee community will help me get off my ass. These are my first posts on the new Darebee.

Thank you @Anek, @Fremen, @aku-chan you make me feel welcome.


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Day 4 and time to check in and post what I'm doing.

Wednesday, May 8
- Recovery: Day 1, hold the pose
- PT exercises: 1x (goal 3x)
- Walk: 1.1 km, 20 mins
Day 1 was easy. The poses were all within my range motion. In the future, I will have to substitute for poses that I just can not do. I intended to walk further, but chose to stop at 1 kilometer due to discomfort in my right hip.

Thursday, May 9
- Recovery: Day 2, box breathing
- PT exercises: 1x (goal 3x)
- Walk: 2 km, 33 mins
Day 2 was easy peasy. I’m pretty good at breathing. But, it reminds me that my meditation practice is gone. It’s been as hard to restart as daily exercise.

Friday, May 10
- Recovery: Day 3, calisthenics
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x)
- Walk: 2.3 km, 44 mins
Day 3 of Recovery was essentially my PT exercises in a slightly different form. I should push myself to do at least a second round of PT today. My goal is do them 3 times a day. I have not met that goal this week.

Three days walking, each day going 11 minutes longer than the day before. I’m moving pretty slowly at the end. I accept that.

Saturday, May 11
- Recovery:
Day 4, hold the pose
- PT exercises: 3x (goal 3x)
- More PT, Deadlifts: 16 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set (goal 3 sets)
- Walk: 1.2 km, 21 mins
Day 4 of Recovery was essentially chair yoga for me. I’m not sitting cross-legged on the floor these days. A small piece the unraveling of my meditation practice. I looked ahead at Day 5. I will have to do some planning for that. I cannot do stretches 4, 5 and 6. I need to think up alternatives.

For this, the fourth consecutive day walking, I cut back to 1 km instead of pushing for more distance and time. I also did some yard work. Took on the wisteria for it's spring pruning.
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Posts: 132
Thank you, @MadamMeow

Sunday, May 12
- Recovery: Day 5, hold the pose (with modifications)
- PT exercises: 3x (goal 3x) -
- More PT, deadlifts: 16 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set (goal 3 sets)
- Walk: rest day

Day 5 of Recovery is done. Day 5 is holding 6 stretches for 30 seconds each, then repeating on the other side. The first three in the set were no problem. Of the last three stretches two were in a crouch and one was a low lunge. Not within my range of motion today. I replaced those three no-go poses with chair pose, modified triangle pose, and modified tree pose. I did my PT and a few deadlifts. I worked around the house. I'm sore this evening and chose to take a break from intentional walking.


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Monday, May 13
- Recovery: Day 5, Box breathing
- PT exercises: 3x (goal 3x) -
- More PT, deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 1 sets (goal 3 sets)
- Walk: not today

Day 6 of Recovery is done. I met my goal of three sets of PT exercises, and one set of PT deadlifts with 20 pounds. I didn’t walk again today. My right leg is giving me pain.


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Tuesday, May 14
- Recovery: Day 7, calisthenics
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- More PT, deadlifts: no
- Walk: no
Day 7 of Recovery, I did it.

Wednesday, May 15
I had a morning doctor appointment and managed to get out of bed and through my workout before i had to leave. Habits are not formed in 8 days, but its a good sign.

- Recovery: Day 7, hold the pose yoga edition
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- More PT, deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set
- Walk: 0.8 km
Recovery, Day 8 was hold the pose, yoga edition. There were three poses I could not do so I modified the series. Routine went: cow - cat - frog - puppy - down dog -forward fold - mountain. It was almost like doing real yoga flow, and it felt great. I did two sets of PT, and 1 set of deadlifts with the 10 pound dumbbells (20 pounds). I even took a late evening walk to check all the boxes today.
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On Wednesday I was cleared by my doctor for more activity and fewer restrictions on range of motion. I'm exploring what to add into my recovery workouts. Yesterday I added the Fighter"s Warmup. I liked the bouncing on the balls of the feet and punches. The kicks are good for building strength in my repaired hip. Not feeling great for the other hip. I will look for exercises I can swap into this warmup and only do the kicks a couple times a week. I brought back the yoga flow I settled on for Recovery Day 8. I cut the hold down to 30 seconds intending to do the routine twice. Today I stopped after one set.

Friday, May 17
- Fighter’s Warmup
- Easy Yoga Flow #1:
cow - cat - frog - puppy - downward dog - forward fold - mountain
- Recovery: Day 10, box breathing
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x)
- More PT, deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set


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Saturday morning I was deep thinking about my recovery. What am I recovering from? My hip? Or, is there more to it?

There is the specific hip injury. There are side effects from treatment and medications. There was a steady reduction in exercise and general activity due to the injury that has lasted for over a year. There is the associated weight gain. I also feel physiological impacts caused by all of these things and the constant discomfort. I feel a loss of identity because of chronic health issues and the need for replacement parts.

That's a lot. Can a 15 day, .5 difficulty DAREBEE program fix me? No, but I'm not asking to do that.

My acute, or obvious injury to recover from is the hip replacement surgery six weeks ago. Some of the restrictions on range of motion is due to letting the hip heal. Fortunately and unfortunately when I complain of hip pain, it's the other hip going down the same path as the first. The femoral head of my femurs are collapsing and crumbling away. This is probably due to loss of blood flow during a severe case of anemia several years ago.

So. I'm recovering from surgery to replace my hip joint (I'm recovering very well I might add). I'm dealing with the discomfort of the other hip following the same route towards another surgery. I the side effects of medications and surgery -- they hit me with a heavy does of antibiotics that just devastated my gut biome. I have had stomach pain and gas since the surgery six weeks ago. It's improving slowly. That's just the acute stuff, but enough for now.

My short term goal is to rehabilitate my left hip, maintain mobility in my right hip, and improve my fitness level. Recovery has been a good start. I have watched many of the DAREBEE videos featured in the community chat thread, under Latest DAREBEE Videos. There is a lot to think about there, and some great workouts. These videos have me thinking about my intentions, motivations, and process of recovery. Hey! I see @Damer dropped a new video today. I'm going to check it out!

Saturday, May 18
- Fighter’s Warmup:
replaced turning kick with speed-bag punches
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - downward dog - forward fold - worrier 1 right then left - mountain
- Recovery: Day 11, calisthenics
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x)
- More PT, deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set
- Walk: 1.4K, 23 mins
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Sunday, May 19
- Fighter’s Warmup:
replaced turning kick with a wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain
- Recovery: Day 12, yoga
- PT exercises: 3x (goal 3x)
- Deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set
- Seated Mobility, workout

In Recovery, Day 12, I replaced the second pose, crossing one leg over the other knee, of the other leg, with just a straight leg stretch. I don't want too much lateral torque on my hips right now. Other then that the poses pushed my range of motion past what I have attempted for a long time. I kept the yoga flow I started a couple days ago in my morning warmup even with yoga being the Recovery workout of the day. I started my day off with Fighter's Warmup again today. This time I swapped out the the turning kicks for a wide-legged forward fold with slow, gentle twists, hand to opposite knee. While I don't want to over-torque my hips, I really need to improve my lateral hip mobility, thus the frog pose and the gentle wide-legged forward fold.
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Monday, May 20
Fighter’s Warmup: replaced turning kick with a wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 1, left then right - mountain
- Recovery: Day 13, hold the stretch
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x)
- Deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 1 set
- Recovery, the yoga workout
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Tuesday, May 21
Fighter’s Warmup: replaced turning kick with a wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 1, left then right - mountain
- Recovery: Day 14, box breathing
- Recovery Workout
- PT exercises:
- Deadlifts
: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
- Sore Muscles Stretch

Changing up a few workout details while marking seven weeks on my new titanium hip. Up to now PT exercises have been those prescribed post-surgery for gentle movement and to aid blood flow from the lower legs. Over the next week or more add PT exercises I did before surgery designed to increase hip mobility and strengthen hip flexors and glutes. I took the deadlifts up a notch adding a second set. I did these in PT before surgery. They are PT dumbbell deadlifts, starting from a standing position. I lower down in good form to just below my knees and pause there for a 4-count. Then, rise back up in good form. Recovery Workout continues my theme of recovery. And yes, I bookmarked the Recovery Workouts Collection. I do plan on doing them all, starting with Sore Muscles Stretch.
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Wednesday, May 22
Fighter’s Warmup: replaced turning kick with a wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 1, left then right - mountain
- Recovery: Day 15, calisthenics
- PT exercises:
- Deadlifts
: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets

Feels good to follow through to the end. It’s fifteen consecutive days of working out. I completed what became my regular set of three workouts first thing in the morning and just sort of stopped there. I guess I got busy with other things. I got over 6000 steps. I had been averaging just under 4000 steps this week. I must have done something.
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Thursday, May 23
Fighter’s Warmup: replaced turning kick with a wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 1, left then right - mountain
- Square One: Day 1

Started a new program today, Square One. It has many of the same exercises i was doing in physical therapy, things like sit to stand. I'm keeping the difficulty at a 1. I found the workouts in Recovery easy to do, but i also feel the accumulated effect in a few sore muscles.
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I have family in town for a long weekend. A family member is graduating from medical school here. Wednesday I cleaned the house. Thursday I made lasagne al forno to feed the family after they arrived in town. Friday was a lot of sitting at the 3-hour ceremony and the 4-hour dinner afterwards. Today I got a break. My subset of family were going to a very good asian art museum, but those plans fell apart. Everyone else went off to be tourists around the city. Tomorrow is a big party for ~50 people. It's at my house.
With everything going on I kept the workout to the minimum: warmup, program workout, yoga cool down. It's working for me.

Saturday, May 25
Fighter’s Warmup: today, I replaced the the bouncing with calf raises to favor my sore hips
- Square One: Day 3, level 2 one change to the workout. I only did the knee raises on the left side (I still did 10, just all on one side)
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 1, left then right - mountain
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Sunday, May 26
Fighter’s Warmup: modification speed bag punches for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 4, level 2 (5 sets), modification sit-to-stand replaced with one-leg (left) half squat
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cow - cat - frog - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 1, left then right - mountain

Today's modification to Square one was stopping the sit-to-stand after the first set, replacing them with one-leg (left) half squat. The sit-to-stand was only going to aggravate the right hip and I had a long day ahead of me. Sunday I hosted a big party day at my house. It was good to see so many friends and family together having fun. It did not rain.
Now, it's Monday morning and I'm cleaning up. I have not done my morning workout yet.
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Monday, May 27
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, heal raises for bounce on spot; wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 5, level 2 (5 sets), modification sit-to-stand replaced with one-leg (left) half squat
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - mountain

No modifications to Square One today. it was all upper body work. During Fighter’s Warmup I did heal raises in place of bounce on spot since I was starting off tired and a little sore. I'm changing around my Easy Yoga Flow #1. I'm ready to add an easy yoga flow #2. Mostly, today was a day of rest, and picking up the house.
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Thank you, @Syrius

Tuesday, May 28
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, heal raises for bounce on spot; wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 6, level 3 (5 sets), upper body stretch
- Easy Yoga Flow #1: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - triangle - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - triangle - mountain
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Thursday, May 30
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, heal raises for bounce on spot; speed-bag punches for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 8, level 2 (5 sets), upper body
- Easy Yoga #1, Flow: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - triangle - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - triangle - mountain, 10 deep breaths
- Exercise of the Day: 50 side bends
- Deadlifts: 20 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets

I did today's workout of the day! I used to try the EoD every day. Now I seldom look at the DAREBEE home page to see what it is. I noticed today's exercise was side bends by checking in on the /Daily Dare Chatroom thread in the Community/Chat. I decided to give it a try. I don't expect the EoD to become a regular part anytime soon, but it and the WoD are worth checking out. I might find a fun challenge. The PT Deadlifts returned today as well. I'm not sure if they will be an every day thing or have rest days in between.
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Friday, May 31
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, side bends for torso rotations; wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 9, level 3 (5 sets), modifications, knee lifts on left side only
- Easy Yoga #2, on hands and knees: froggy - bird dog, right - thread the needle - bird dog, left - thread the needle - plank - sphinx - quad stretch, right - lung stretch - quad stretch, left - lunge stretch - child’s pose, 10 deep breaths
- Exercise of the Day: 30 seconds, raised leg plank holds
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Saturday, June 1
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, side bends for torso rotations; wide-legged forward fold with hands-to-knees twists for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 10, level 2 (5 sets), modifications,
- Easy Yoga #1, Flow: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - triangle - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - triangle - mountain, 10 deep breaths


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Sunday, June 2
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, a lot
- Square One: Day 11, level 2 (5 sets),

Monday, June 3
Fighter’s Warmup: modifications, slow hop on spot; forward bends for torso rotations; balance hold for low front kicks; speed-bag punches for turning kicks
- Square One: Day 12, level 3 (5 sets), modifications, knee rotations on left side only
- Easy Yoga #2, on hands and knees: cat/cow - bird dog, right - thread the needle - bird dog, left - thread the needle - froggy - plank - sphinx - quad stretch, right - quad stretch, left - child’s pose, 10 deep breaths

I have a cold and feel pretty low energy. I'm also stiff in the both thighs, and the lower back. The right hip is not feeling great. On Sunday, I was not motivated to finish my workout with yoga, stopping after Day 11 of Square One -- I should add that I didn't do the morning workout on Sunday morning, but in mid-afternoon. Monday morning I easily worked through all three parts of my morning workout. I keep starting every morning with Fighter's Warmup even though I modify almost every exercise. I consider looking for another easy warmup to plug in there, but not sure it really matters. I'm using Fighter's Warmup as a framework making substitutions on the fly to avoid discomfort, doubling up a movement in Square One, or adding some movement I think would be beneficial on that day.


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Posts: 132
Thank you @MadamMeow. The cold will probably pass in a couple days.

Tuesday, June 4
Fighter’s Warmup: some modifications,
- Square One: Day 13, level 2 (5 sets),
- Easy Yoga #1, Flow: cat/cow - froggy - puppy - plank - downward dog - forward fold - mountain - warrior 2, left - peaceful warrior - triangle - warrior 2, right - peaceful warrior - triangle - mountain, 10 deep breaths


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Posts: 132
Wednesday, June 5
Fighter’s Warmup: some modifications,
- Square One: Day 14, level 2 (5 sets),
- Easy Yoga #2, on hands and knees: cat/cow - bird dog, right - thread the needle - bird dog, left - thread the needle - froggy - plank - sphinx - quad stretch, right - quad stretch, left - child’s pose, 10 deep breaths

I slept better last night, which made the whole day better. I was up at 8:00 and pretty quickly on the mat for a warmup and Square One. Then it was off to the clinic for a quick blood test (all normal). I finally completed the yoga an hour or so after dinner.
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Thursday, June 6
Fighter’s Warmup: some modifications,
- Square One: Day 15, level 2 (5 sets),

Square One, day 15 is done. Add the 15 days of Recovery and I have completed 30 consecutive days of morning exercise. I feel good about it. Day 30 turned out to be the only bad day of the set. It really wasn't that bad, just a little off. During warmup I substituted in exercises that were also in Day 15 of Square One. I usually pay better attention to the details before I start. Then the simplest stretch in the workout triggered the pain in my right hip and I had to stop. After a rest, I substituted a similar Day 9 for Day 15, but wothout the duplicate exercises and the pain inducing stretch.