To Forge an Ironmaiden...


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Viking from The Depths
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Getting to the update a bit late. I've written a new piece to my novel! Seems like the more I reread it the more I want to add.

Feeling the sniffles, hope I don't come down with a cold...

Did lots of walking today - about 1.5hrs worth, and a 36min core yoga practice.

Time spent fasting (for reals, with no milk) 16hrs 1min.

Breakfast - Nope. Just water. And black coffee. Hello darkness my old friend!

Lunch - Futurelife shake, leftovers, some chips, an energy drink. (Sigh, luckily I don't go to town often.) Half a microwaved brownie.

Dinner - Baked sweet potato. Left over savoury ground beef. I'll skip the rice.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
***Peeks into room and snickers***

So yes, I have officially come down with the sniffles. My sinuses kept me awake last night, reaching amongst the stars for breath. He was contagious. He really was, contagious. (I'm talking about my hubby of course)

Melodramatic intro aside, a part of Chapter 2 has been uploaded.

Plans for today include doing a detoxing yoga class later.

Here's the food:

Breakfast - Coffee, Futurelife Cereal

Lunch - I'm considering a smoothie but might go with a couple of hard boiled eggs and some peas.

Dinner - Baked chicken, which I have to finish before the power goes out, and more peas. I'm skipping the potatoes and rice.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Mornin' !

Hubby brought home Flu mix yesterday, which is just a mixture of 4 tablets which you take 2-3 times a day.

He made me take some last night, which knocked me out. I felt a bit like Rain...

I ended up with a grand total of ten tablets, almost a meal on it's own - Rain, The Leap

I'm not one for pills, blah. But I have to admit they did help my sinuses a little. Actually, I'm not sure if it was the drugs that helped, or just the deep sleep they put me in - I'm keen to think it was the latter.

Anyhoo. I need to get some habits in order, we'll see if I actually complete them. I really need a lot more mindfulness in my life! My head is always in the clouds.

Habits -

  • 45min daily meditation - ✓
  • Daily yoga - ✓
  • 4 Glasses Water Before Coffee - ✓
Of course I would tick them all - it's day 1 :bigsmile:

Exercise -
Hip opening yoga sounds nice... I'll take 30 minutes of that.

Food -

Breakfast - Coffee x2 (back to old habits I see.)

Lunch - leftovers, 1/2 baked chicken breast, 1/2 baked potato, 3 tablespoons peas. I left half of my food last night.

Dinner - Pan fried baked beans and corned beef with onions and spicy vegetable sauce. 1 cup's worth. Maybe another coffee.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
As I was exiting the shopping center earlier, I brushed past a random stranger who commented "Wow, walking so fast?"

I've had people comment on my walking speed too, which I find bizarre.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Were we meant to be on a leisurely romantic stroll together? I don't remember agreeing to that."

I don't call the slowpokes out for dragging their heels like tortoises. And I don't smash into them when I walk past them. (I give people as wide a berth as possible, in fact. A lot of people these days walk around with ear buds in and are unaware of what's coming up behind them.) So what business of theirs is my walking speed?


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 879
***Waves while eating virtual chocolate iced cookies with a latte*** :gotcookie:


Yesterday was a great big failure as I had a great big binge last night!

I doubt I went over maintenance though.

Because there's only so much stuff I can actually binge on in the house...

And I know variety is the spice of life but I find that eating the same stuff over and over actually keeps me in line much better. If there's one thing I can count on it's my lack of ability to change a habit...

Anyhoo, back to it today. I'll type everything out and update the habits by the end of the day.

Fasting until 10AM this morning. That would bring my total fasting time up to 15hrs.

Breakfast (10:00AM - I don't want to set anything in stone because I usually fail when I do that but I'm going to see if I can drag it out longer than that...)
-- Futurelife smoothie with Lentils, quinoa and beans. 2 boiled eggs.

4:00PM - 1 sliced apple, block of dark chocolate. Rooibos tea, telling myself it's for the antioxidants.

Dinner (7:00PM) - 1 fried egg, 1 cup macaroni with spicy vegetable sauce. 1 Coffee.

Planning on doing a 45min Ashtanga Inspired Yoga practice this afternoon, and lots of walking. (I always do the walking.)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 879
The Ashtanga Inspired Yoga will NOT be happening.

Instead I will do 30min Yin yoga for digestive health.

Because apparently for the past two days, if I eat more than a cup of food in a sitting, I not only feel like taking a nap for an hour afterwards, but my digestive system is heavily protesting now.

That Ibuprofen better start working now because I'm not skipping my afternoon walk too...

Habits completed so far:

Water before coffee ✓
Meditation for 45min, completed 30min, will complete the other 15 right after yoga ✓
Daily yoga ✓


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879


So, did really well on the workout front today, spent as much time working out as I used to spend in the gym. I wasn't fueled by 160mg of caffeine or anything...

I've decided I'm also bringing back the token system I had long ago, since that's what I'm doing to earn my way to a cup of coffee. Yay! More habits! I'm nothing if not tenacious...


3 sets of the workout of the day, Sparticus.
Epic Gains workout
15 minute Hip opening Yoga cooldown.


  • Water before coffee :v: (I guess I'm not having any coffee again today, seeing as I've already passed my caffeine quota)
  • Meditation 40min (Completed 5min, will do another 20 later today, don't think I'll complete it all since hubby is home) :x:
  • Daily yoga :v:

Token System:

  • 5 glasses of water earns 1 cup of coffee.
  • Having oatmeal for lunch 5 times, and doing 3 dumbbell workouts earns one PBJ.
  • 6 Calisthenics workouts earns 1 treat.

Food for today:

Breakfast - Coffee, Energy drink

Lunch - Overnight oatmeal, with apples, cinnamon, maca, lentils, quinoa, Futurelife and also plan on adding seed mix. Ginger Kombucha!

Snack - Cake pop. Small bowl of doritos.

Dinner - Uhm. Yeah. I guess sausage, baked sweet potato, and peas?


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Okay so dinner is changing.

We are having Macaroni with bacon, peas and cheese sauce.

And since I'm updating -

I'm currently at -6.5/5 glasses of water before the next cup of coffee. Yes I'm in a minus.

Completed 30/40min meditation so far. So I will actually be able to complete this one...

Added 20min walking to exercise
Might also do more yoga later.

I love these! There is only one shop in this entire measly town that sells it...

I changed my mind I think I'm having the Moringa Kombucha first. I'll save the ginger one for... Who knows when.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone!

So I won't be updating so frequently anymore, I have to kind of mind my data usage this month (sadly). I'll update once a week every Thursday when I upload a part of my novel. And then I'll go over everyone's messages and so on.

For the rest of this weekend it's just going to be walking and yoga!

And probably going to have roast chicken for dinner tonight. Overnight Oatmeal for lunch.

See you all Thursday, have a fantastic week! :vibes: :gotcookie:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone,

Been a rough week. Won't get into the details...but I haven't been getting good sleep for the past 3 days. So eating hasn't been stellar either...sugar and spice and....sugar.

And my brother is coming to visit this weekend! Please hide me.

Water drinking has okay.

Still doing daily yoga even if it's just a couple of stretches.

Still doing daily meditation, but not always the full 40min.

Here's the food for today!

Oh, and there are new chapters up at The Leap.


Breakfast - Coffee. Green smoothie > Spinach, kefir, pear, banana, spirulina, green tea, peppermint tea. Lemon juice.

Lunch - Smoothie - Futurelife vanilla, banana, maca powder, lentils and quinoa, pecan nuts.

Dinner - Baked Sausage, peas, rice, baked potato.

Physical activity:

Walking for 50 minutes. 40 minute grounding yoga class later.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone!

So last week was a disaster eating wise. Just binges all over. I probably haven't lost an ounce of weight.

At least I've been keeping up the walking and the daily yoga, and trying my best to keep up with the daily meditation too.

I've been slipping up a bit with the water drinking but not too much.

I have no idea how I'm going to get these binges under control tbh. I can't even have a 150-calorie deficit, the next day is just instant binge.

How am I supposed to lose weight like this?

Sigh. New Chapters are up at The Leap for this week. Hope you all have a wonderful time! :)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
***Yawns and waves***



I didn't sleep last night. I had disturbed sleep the night before. And half a night of good sleep the night before that.

I'm tired.

Oh, and I'm trying something a little... different...for the weight loss. Hypnosis. I kind of like it it's very relaxing, like meditation in a way.

I fully believe it's helping me because I haven't binged on a bunch of sugar yet today, despite my tiredness. But I've had eggs for breakfast as a way of controlling my blood sugar.

The focus of the hypnosis session isn't as much on weight loss as it is on self care and self love. That I really like! Because my goals are steeped in self-loathing most of the time.

It's a thirty day challenge so I'll listen to it for 30 days and we'll see where I end up :)

The plan for today is to get lots of sunshine so I can be happy and awake. It's very hot here at 37°C but oh well. I like to sweat a little bit (it's a rare occurrence for me).

And walking. And yoga somewhere in there too.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone!:hi:

I thought about starting Fireheart this week, but I always end up quitting on a strength training program, because, meh.

So this time I’ll try to use lighter weights. The aim is not so much right now to build muscle (or hell, to even challenge my muscles) but to just get myself to actually finish the program and get into the habit of doing strength training every day.

  • I did 45 minutes of walking this morning, will do a few sun salutations later in the day.

And since I’m updating, here’s today’s food.

Morning – Coffee x2

11:00 – 1 hardboiled egg, smoothie with futurelife, seedmix, and red lentils. Jellybeans.

17:00 – Palm-sized pork chop, coleslaw, and a baked potato.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! :perfect:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi :)

How you all doin?

I've just been reading today. And posting a bazillion stuff on The Hive. So I'll keep this short.

Exercise - 45min walking this morning.
Day 2 of Ironheart (Lol think I called it fireheart last time)
Day 2 of abs challenge
Yoga cooldown.

Food - I've been experimenting with low-cost lunches, seeing as my husband might be unemployed in a couple of weeks... Might. I'm hoping not.

We have a porridge here that's made of sorghum as opposed to maize, with an added-vitamin profile that seems better and more well-rounded than the rest of the maize porridges. Also, it's sorghum. Not barley, not wheat, not maize. So I won't be pot-bellied.

So I've made a smoothie with it, containing said Porridge, an apple and some red lentils. Very good! I also added cabbage and carrots, so if I had leftover veg to use those could totally go in too.

Just really high-energy! Just that smoothie is probably enough for two lunches or a very hungry day at ~600 calories.

Will have half of it later. (It's 2:33 now)

Dinner - sausage, steamed mixed vegetables, rice, and baked potato.

But I will only be eating a palm sized sausage and veg. Maybe half a baked potato.



Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
So something ironic. I don't remember if I mentioned it here, but somewhere on the Hive I said that I lost my tolerance for beans again almost overnight.

Well, I've decided to go back to eating lacto-ovo vegetarian! Totally makes sense. Do we all remember that phase? From, about 1.5 years ago? Do we all also remember that my weight was pretty stable back then? Even though I still wanted to lose more?

Honestly I'm just tired of meat really. And, last night my husband put on Animal Planet and I just saw one Deforestation documentation too many. Honestly, they provide so much information on climate change these days that I've been thinking about it for a while anyway. The thing is that completely going meat-free isn't the answer either.

Unless we can all afford organically grown soy etc. (Assuming organically grown can sustain all how-many-billion of us), the conventional agricultural methods used to cultivate vegetarian protein sources are just as destructive to top soil, in the long run.

What's really needed is that regenerative farming techniques need to be widely adopted. And people should eat what indeginously grows in their environment. Most land is in fact, not suited to farming. There are too many hills, it's too wet, too dry etc. People should be eating what grows with the least resistance and least amount of human modification to their environment (that may or may not be meat). It's the reason I'm choosing Sorghum over Maize over here. Even though Maize is a staple food in Africa, Sorghum is less destructive to the soil because it is indigenous and more suited to the dry climate - less human intervention is needed to make it grow. It is, for instance, more suited to have meat from small livestock that grew up with the dry climate, rather than from big ones like cows. Because they require less water.

Anyhoo, my opinions on environmental matters aside - For my personal situation, since I can't afford organic free-range etc etc food, eating less meat is the better option.

My husband won't be doing it with me this time around, since the legumes apparently give him gout.

I'll be focusing mostly on legumes I believe. I still have some beans I'll add them into my food, 3 at a time, until they're gone. Maybe by that time they'll be okay again.

My food will be VERY simple. Since I now have to cook 3 different meals, and also because it needs to be SUPER cheap. I think I'll probably mealprep a whole bunch of legume patties. Since I'm not so much into stews in summer. I can just cook them and take them out from the freezer. I will also be having one or two chicken livers when my husband eats them, literally one or two. Since they are nutritional powerhouses. And they have B12 and iron.

Guess I'm into talking a lot today. If you made it to the end of this post, you deserve a virtual cookie! :gotcookie:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
So update.

I've found a place that sells cheaper vegetarian protein sources... indian place. Chickpeas, lentils, split peas etc.

And cheap is necessary.

My hubby's place of employment is starting to retrench some people but he can't even claim Unemployment fund because he was a temporary staff member. So it is, very likely, that he will be retrenched too. And then we will have to live on a meagre social security fund.

So I used to make this mix the last time we were vegetarian. I called it my Plant-Protein mix. We have a Soup Mix here that consists of barley, green split peas, red and brown lentils.

I took a cup of that, and added a cup of black lentils, and a cup of yellow split peas. And that was my protein mix I added to everything.

So I'm cooking up 2 cups now. Which will be 4 cups cooked. Then I'll use it to make patties with some oat flour and eggs.


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Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
I am sorry for your husband! I really hope he will find a job pretty soon. I crossed all my fingers!

I share your thoughts on meat consumption. We tend to eat less meat and durable one, and any other day we eat fish (durable as well) or vegetarian meal. We try to as most mindful of our impact as possible.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Morning! :coffee:

Not in the greatest of moods this morning, crappy past issues coming up. **sigh**.

My protein meatloaf-patty things turned out to be about 14-16 servings! I think it has ~10g of protein for a slice. It has > Plant-based protein mix, oat flour (diy, just blended dry oatmeal), some normal flour, 3 eggs, mixed herbs, oregano, paprika, cayenne pepper, salt, spirulina, cabbage and carrots and spinach. (This is great for hiding vegetables!)

I haven't worked out (officially - I have walked) for 2 days because, after leg-day on Ironheart, I'm still struggling to get my hamstrings to recover from DOMS! And the weights I used weren't even that heavy. :expecting:

I might do some yoga later, will definitely be walking. To clear my head mostly. I also adopted a new meditation technique. Usually I choose a point of focus during my meditations, and try to bring my thoughts back to that point whenever they wander. But now I'm trying to clear my head of all thoughts/pictures, by sitting super, super still. And I'm not officially setting a time anymore. So I just meditate until I finally feel that everything is quiet. Really quiet. Then wake up.

So here's the food for today, this will mostly be my standard starting from today.

Morning - Coffee. Maybe half of lunch's smoothie, if I'm feeling like it.

Lunch - Sorghum porridge smoothie, with 1/2 cup added red lentils. This one also has half a banana but if we come to money constraints, if I add fruit it will probably be apples or pears. 1 tsp seedmix also in there. (This is a lot of calories!) Also half a hardboiled egg that my parrot doesn't want to finish... spoiled little brat.

Dinner - 1 vegetarian patty, 1 baked potato, some mixed vegetables. Coffee


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Alchemist from Israel
Posts: 99
I hope things get better soon for you two in the job market, it's tough right now.

And as for the meat-less diet: I share the same thoughts that local-grown food is better, and food that adheres to the climate you're in is better.
I just can't stand the monotonic meals it means :-(
We're trying to get only organic vegetables that grow here, but it's not cheap.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Feeling better today,

I contemplated doing a calisthenics strength program this morning instead of dumbbells, but I figured I’ll probably be just as sore in the end. Then I contemplated restarting Ironheart from day 1, since I skipped two days. But ah well, might as well continue the program and just work it two days later in the end.

So today I did 1 hour of walking,

Day 4 of Ironheart, Day 4 of the 30-day Ab Challenge.

Food –

Breakfast –
Coffee, bowl of maize porridge with milk and sugar. Lol super healthy.

Lunch – Maybe half a sorghum smoothie, maybe nothing. Definitely a chocolate brownie…

Dinner – 1 plant-based patty, 1 baked potato, some mixed vegetables. Coffee


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
I hope things get better soon for you two in the job market, it's tough right now.

And as for the meat-less diet: I share the same thoughts that local-grown food is better, and food that adheres to the climate you're in is better.
I just can't stand the monotonic meals it means :-(
We're trying to get only organic vegetables that grow here, but it's not cheap.
I guess I don't really mind mono-meals - that's why I like sweets so much. Welp.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Do you guys know that, when I finally decide to build muscle, (you know, after I've finally lost all the stress-weight I put on) I'll have to eat 90g of protein a day?

That's like... 6 cups of legumes a day. Which is like 84g of fibre. I might die.

I don't get why but the nutritional lables we have here state that a 1/2 cup of black lentils only have like 14g of protein. Is that accurate?


Well-known member
Alchemist from Israel
Posts: 99
I don't know if that's totally accurate, but in general lentils and legumes have 1:3 to 1:6 ratio between protein and carbs afaik.
I'm trying to get more soy products if possible (tofu, soy flakes) and seiten.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
2lbs down in a week. Good start! I know it's probably water weight.

I'm already seeing a big difference in appetite since eating more plant-based. I know it's only been two days, but I've seen a huge difference! I'm just not hungry. Hello fibre! Might be a bit constipated though, but I guess I just need more water. My gut needs to get used to the higher amount of fibre again.

Also, when was the last time you ate your eggshells? Yes, they are edible, and a great source of calcium. I'm saving mine, boiling and baking them, then grinding them and adding to my smoothies now. (And to my parrot's food) Just don't chew the smoothie! Bit like eating sand. But I've eaten some horrible tasting things for the sake of health. This is one of the better ones, except for the texture.

Today I finished Day 5 of Ironheart, day 5 of the Ab challenge. And 45min of walking.

Food -

Breakfast - Coffee. Smoothie with Futurelife, lentils, cocoa, and seedmix. And yes, eggshell powder.

Lunch - Other half of breakfast smoothie. Thinking of a baked potato too...

Dinner - PB patty, baked potato, coleslaw.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi! Hope you all have a wonderful week J

Workouts : Day 6 of Ab Challenge, and Day 6 of Ironheart. Walking later in the day. ~30min.


– Coffee x3 (!), Roasted BBQ Chickpeas (Homemade – so crunchy…so yummy…they are sinful…:lovable:)

Lunch – Sorghum smoothie, with lentlils, seeds and half a banana.

Dinner – PB patty, Baked potato, mixed vegetables


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone :)

So still not doing too well in the erm... bathroom department. Still constipated. Blah. It's been 3 days! Yay!

I've made some oat milk this morning for coffee..and I'm also grinding up more eggshells later.

This afternoon I plan on doing an Ashtanga Yoga class. (Online of course)

Probably some walking later in the day but I kind of hate the weather since it's cloudy.

Food -

Breakfast - Coffee, maybe half of lunch's smoothie

Lunch - sorghum smoothie with seeds, lentils, cabbage and a beet.

Dinner - Pan-fried PB patty probably with some baked potato and mixed vegetables.

Snack - Unsweetened Cocoa powder with some sugar, and oatmilk. Made into a paste.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Good morning :)

I plan on doing a little digital detox and getting myself to read more than being on my phone. I've started reading the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The educational text. I also have on my Kindle a book on Kriya Yoga, one on Regenerative Farming, and The Power of Now (which I can't read or open on my kindle. Welp.)

I want to plant something in my garden, maybe some weed. Lol (yes I'm one of those - though I just make tea with it). And I don't know what else yet. I'm wanting something to nurture, you know? I'll see what the weather looks like later today.

Exercise - lots of walking. If I don't use my phone as entertainment, I tend to walk a lot. Since I'm not always in the mood for reading or colouring.

Also, 90 minute Ashtanga class later.

Food -

Breakfast - Lemon water. Soaked raisins. Half a smoothie

Lunch - Other half of smoothie > Sorghum, eggshell powder, 1 beet, cabbage, sunflower seeds, molasses, lentils

Dinner - Roasted chickpeas, maize porridge with sauce.

Oh! I forgot to mention. My husband found a small shop in town that sells TVP. He's buying me a 5kg bag of the stuff today. Works out cheap at about the same price as the lentils.

Very happy.

Random quote for someone who needs it ---

"The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough." - Rabindranath Tagore


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hello fellow Earthlings,

I don't think I mentioned it here but I started reading the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And didn't finish it. Because I discovered, sadly, that the images don't show on my Kindle. Welp. And the images are a big part of the book.

And I don't fancy sitting in front of a computer to read.

So now I'm reading One Size Fits None, a book on Regenerative Agriculture. A very satisfying, easy-to-read and informative book.

Don't you just love books where the author talks to you like you two are having a coffee and you get to learn something in the process?

And then your family gets to laugh at you afterwards because your pursuit of knowledge and stimulation is clearly outlandish and unnecessary and just does not matter in life? (Hi, grandpa.)

Anyways, food and activities.

How I moved my body - 1h 30min of walking. Throughout the day.

30-40min of Yoga. Not sure which kind yet. Maybe I'm feeling like vinyasa today. Though not with as much intensity as yesterday...

Food -

Breakfast - Coffee x2
Sorghum cereal, half an apple, seed mix. 1 tbsp peanutbutter.

Lunch - ?? Yeah. Dunno. Maybe a PB patty.

Dinner - Stir-fried sprouted (home-sprouted!) chickpeas, tvp and some baked potatoes.

Quote of the day : Be Soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness - Buddha


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi Bees,

Just a quick update today.

Activity - ~30min of walking, maybe some Yin yoga later.

Food -

Breakfast - Coffee, Energy drink.

Smoothie with Futurelife, Moringa (! I got moringa and chia seeds today, yay!!!), carrots and peas. I will eat good and bad. Sigh.

Lunch - I'll probably have a PB patty since my breakfast didn't have much protein.

Dinner - Tomato, lettuce and cucumber salad, TVP and baked potatoes.

Might have chocolate.

Quote of the day - Why the race to fame? The Universe will already remember you for all eternity.


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Do you guys know that, when I finally decide to build muscle, (you know, after I've finally lost all the stress-weight I put on) I'll have to eat 90g of protein a day?

That's like... 6 cups of legumes a day. Which is like 84g of fibre. I might die.
For what it's worth, I'm vegan, I don't watch anything about my diet, def don't eat that much protein, and I'm putting on muscle quite well :)

Quote of the day : Be Soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness - Buddha
This is lovely :heart:

Oh and I love your new profile pic btw, Judy is great!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Activity - ~30min of walking, definitely yoga for my back later because it is killing me.

Food -

Breakfast - Lemon water. Smoothie bowl. The black things are homemade roasted cocoa chickpeas. (Healthy coco pops!)

And the smoothie is a pukey color because of the mix of carrot-orange and moringa-green. Would not recommend adding the carrot but I had to use the carrot before it wasted.

Otherwise this smoothie just had banana, apple lentils, little oats and moringa powder.

Toppings are half the banana, the chickpeas, seed mix, oats and some chia seeds.

Lunch - Other half of smoothie. Coffee

Dinner - TVP, half a PB patty, salad. Mayo


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Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone,

I think I'll probably be updating a little less frequently again since, once again, I have to mind the internet data consumption this month.

We might have to fix our car so we need to save money. And well, I just mostly post the same stuff everyday anyway. I'll try to update weekly.

Activity for today - 50min walking, slow yin yoga. Back still hurts. Blah.

Food -

Morning - Coffee, lemon water. I've been adding molasses to my coffee for the minerals.

Smoothie bowl - Spinach, banana, pear, moringa. And for toppings oatmeal, roasted cocoa chickpeas, seed mix, chia, and the other half of the banana.

Snack - Protein bar

Lunch - Pictured below. Oatmeal with peanutbutter, maca powder, cinnamon, half an apple and cocoa roasted chickpeas.

Dinner - 2 Baked potatoes probably.

Extra note - I only make my food this pretty for you guys... Mostly I just dump everything together 😂Screenshot_20221024-121356~3.png


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi Bees!

Nothing much has been happening that's out of the ordinary. I've just been enjoying making smoothie bowls. I do have to say they do make me feel good.

I may actually have lost more weight but it's difficult to tell right now since I'm nearing shark week. So I'm about 1-2lbs out on the scale. I'm just assuming I lost more because the scale says the same that it did last time I reported my weight, but that CAN'T be accurate, especially around this time. I should be weighing more.

I've been keeping myself busy with jigsaw puzzles and crosswords. It's kind of nice not being plugged in all the time.

I went walking for 45min today.

I'll do some slow yoga later.

Food for today -

Breakfast (at 11am) - Smoothie bowl. Smoothie contains - Spinach, pear, half a banana, moringa, spirulina and lemon.

Toppings are roasted split peas, dessicated coconut, oats, seed mix, and half a banana.

Lunch - If I happen to get hungry again it's going to be oatmeal with peanutbutter, cinnamon, maca and raisins.

Dinner - PB Patty, baked potatoes.

Oh, and I have developed a new dessert! When I have chocolate cravings and no chocolate in the house.

Just take 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa, add a little milk and mix into a paste. Add in a little sweetener of choice, possibly peanutbutter. And eat with a spoon. (This is a very dangerous recipe for a chocoholic. Just saying.)

I hope you all have a wonderful day until next time :)

Nugget of wisdom - Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness - Buddha



Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi :)

Haven't posted in a while both because I wanted a digital detox and I also have a new rescue I'm taking care of. A baby swallow that just strolled into a shop with no sign of a nest anywhere. So he needs attention every hour or so. I'm also getting my garden going, to plant some cannabis. (I plan on making salve with it)

Diet wise, things are still mostly the same. I could do with a bit more yoga and meditation, I've been neglecting that.
I feel super tired for the past few days, like I wake up tired in the morning. I'm thinking it has something to do with the fact that I'm not eating the amount of protein I should, but I'm just not craving protein-y foods. At all. So it's mostly fruit and veggies and oats. Started taking a B-complex vitamin, and one of these days I'm going to get a proper multivitamin in the mail. So hopefully that will also help. But yes, protein. Though the more tired I am, the less I seem to want it.

Anyhoo, hope you all have a wonderful week, Bees. :)



Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi everyone,

Thought I'd post while I have time. Because I haven't been having much time!

I have a rescue I'm fostering... A baby swallow. And he needs to eat every hour or so during the day. So each time it's getting food in a syringe (without the needle obviously), warming it up, feeding. Going out to catch insects etc.

I've also been working on designing a catalogue for our vitamins and that took forever but whatever. It's done now.

Seems I need a few of them myself. Maybe. I dunno.

I haven't been working out like I used to. Not even doing yoga and doing little walking. I just don't have the energy. Maybe it's BECAUSE I don't do it that I don't have energy, or maybe it's still the protein issue from before?

I'm taking a good multivitamin now, and it does allow me to feel better for a couple of hours in the morning (it would because it's super high in all the B-vitamins) But then my energy tapers off again around 11AM.

I also don't have much appetite. At least not for the foods I should be eating, but for sugar. (Obviously because I'm tired all the time)

Also haven't been doing meditation and I feel that too (feeling ungrounded), because I hit the ground running in the morning getting food ready for the baby bird.

So that's not helpful.

But today at least I plan to go for at least an hour walk, maybe not in one go.

Oh, I've also planted a garden. Lots of cannabis, spinach and some tomato plants. They're taking a long time to grow though, I just planted them yesterday and I thought I was going to be able to harvest today... 😁