To Forge an Ironmaiden...


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Hi all! I'm back.

Didn't really accomplish what I planned while away, but oh well. I'm still doing Powerbuilder ATM.

My grandfather is still in the hospital, because apparently getting an injection for his situation is a whole process with registration and what-not that takes a week.

They still haven't managed to stabilize his blood sugar and blood pressure with the new medication.

So we are still alone at home and worried (well I'm worried) about having to pay the bills on due date.

The trip to the grocery shop today with its sky-high price tag didn't help.

But it was all neccessary... except the dried fruit and nut mix.

That's a nice to have "muesli" substitute with yoghurt, which I've been craving, probably due to approaching shark week. I'm craving the cranberries and the cashews in it, specifically.

Originally, I wanted to buy unsweetened cocoa powder for making healthy brownies, but after seeing the pricetag I nearly fainted.

Craving chocolate at this time is a common thing for me. So the fruit and nut mix made up for that in a way. Maybe later, when he's home, I can grovel to my grandfather about buying me some cocoa.

The sugar-free energy drink also wasn't neccesary. I can't say that there's anything nutrition-wise in there that's worth craving. The good thing about only going to town once every two weeks now, is natural addiction control. :lol:

But I do regret spending twenty bucks on it, when I could have gone for an extra fruit and nut mix for the same price. Or heck, added sixteen bucks and bought a small can of cocoa powder. At least they contribute something to my body.

Fine, I went over budget with a hundred bucks **kicks pebble** :tap:

The good news is the next trip will probably be lighter on the pocket because we have pretty much enough of everything now for a good time. The next one will probably just be a fruit, veg and bread/pasta run.

So far I'm enjoying the format of Powerbuilder, hence me continuing it. Just my angst about losing muscle keeps rearing its head on the stretching days.

So I still sprinkle the day with random exercises. Haven't today, because the routine has been tumbled up by the grocery trip, but I did do some yoga, and maybe I do actually need to take it easy, today specifically, because my knees are feeling funny again.

I've decided that lighter 5kg Dumbells are good for the Hypertrophy days with the many reps, and the heavier 7kg dumbbells might be better for the strength days. Based on the likelihood of injury.

So I'm not going Hercules on the strength training days either, but I'm hoping it's enough to at least maintain my muscle mass.

Extra note: Why the heck am I worrying about this?! Can my brain not just be happy for once in its stinking life?! The food worries are gone now just to be replaced by scatterings of financial distress and exercise paranoia :smash:

Core Balance Yoga


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✔1204 words


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 21%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 81
💠OMAD Streak: 29 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
✔Fit Tap, Random exercises throughout the day.

▪︎1x 3/4 pull-up
▪︎1x 3/4 parallel bar pull-up
▪︎1x Chin-up

Then some random ab-work:

▪︎8x Hanging knee-ins (using pull-up bar)
▪︎8x regular knee-ins on the floor

I'll probably do another workout later past noon, when the power comes back and I have a fan, maybe a more cardio focused one or the WotD.


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🚫500 words


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 21%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 82
💠OMAD Streak: 30 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :staystrong:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Day 1 of Shark Week so feeling a little dizzy/hungry/lethargic.

But my ancestors have survived wars, famines, asteroids, and ice ages. So this ain't so bad.

I'm not exercising that much, though. I might do some gentle yoga later.

My grandfather still hasn't received treatment, because now apparently there's a problem with his oxygen levels.

Again, he had none of these issues while he was at home.

Then again, the doctor is away for the weekend and it seems nobody wants to make the call to inject the treatment on his behalf. :smash:

✔Some walking, and some random full burpees with push ups before I realized what my hormones were up to. The fasting is ... rearranging... my schedule a bit.


🚫50 words
✔366 words
🚫500 words


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 23%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 83
💠OMAD Streak: 31 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :staystrong:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
I didn't do Powerbuilder today, my body is still not feeling up to it.

I did go for a walk though, and continue to do Fit Tap in the form of holding exercises today, like plank for example.

I might cycle at a gentle speed later.


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✔255 words
🚫500 words


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 25%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 83
💠OMAD Streak: 32 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :zzz:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879

✔Fit Tap


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🚫300 words
✔2104 words

I'm sort of getting tired of this story. Which means its been dragging on for too long and I need to finish it.

It'll probably be a while before I find the inspiration to write another one after it.

So I suppose the next step would be editing chapter after chapter. Takes considerably less effort than writing it...

I really need to learn to not upload stuff until THE WHOLE THING IS FINISHED. Because then I don't **have** to finish it if I don't want to. Nobody would know but me.

Been a while since I wrote something and got stuck so much that it sort of sucked the joy out of it.

I need to hunker down with this thing.


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 25%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 85
💠OMAD Streak: 33 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :hop:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
I'll be spending less time online again for this week, save for daily updates. This is to allow myself to focus on the task at hand... which is finishing this novel!

I say less time online but I really mean time away from my smartphone. Unless it is for a dictionary, which I wouldn't neccesarily need since Word so conveniently has a Thesaurus.

Happy buzzings, Bees! :reaper: :saw: :muahaha:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Sounds like my grandfather is now going to be on oxygen permanently. They are saying it's Covid damage, but he never had Covid here. We're starting to wonder if something didn't happen in the hospital.

And getting oxygen in this small town is such a problem, too. I don't think he's bad enough to *have* to have it all the time. Seems like right now he'll just be sleeping with it.

PB D10


🚫50 words
🚫300 words
✔1364 words so far


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 25%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 86
💠OMAD Streak: 34 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :hop:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
:hug: for you. And best wishes for your grandfather for everything to go well with his return home. I know all too well the stress of trying to secure necessary healthcare in a small town. Here's hoping for a smooth transition home for your grandfather, and for everything he needs to be in place before he gets there!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮14 February 2024💮💮

Today was our engagement anniversary, which made me cry, because there aren't any people nearby to celebrate it with, or even anything special to do for it.

Okay besides pizza. We got pizza. And dessert that was not made by me.

But a family party would have been nice. Sadly our family (that actually care about these things) live 800km away.

Anyway, didn't wake up feeling happy. But the pizza was nice. We don't get takeout pizza often, maybe once or (rarely) twice a year. And I don't make homemade pizza that often either.

And for some reason, whenever I cry, I'm just exhausted for the whole day. Doesn't matter how many thousands of naps or litres of caffeine/water I pour down my throat, I'm just drained.

Hence why I prefer not crying, but that's not healthy either.

✔Walking and light stretching just to keep the streak.


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🚫300 words
✔5824 words

The end is nigh... but I don't think I'll be writing today, might change my mind later. These numbers are for yesterday.


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 26%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 86
💠OMAD Streak: 35 Days


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮15 February 2024💮💮

5-Minute Strength

Trying this again. It kept me going when I restarted my fitness journey and didn't want to commit to a program.


🚫50 words
🚫300 words

I finished it! Now the job of editing lies ahead, how far ahead I'm not sure. :lol:

You'd think I'd have learned this lesson when I panic-deleted the app months ago, to not post chapter by chapter because its too much pressure. But nooooo.

Not doing that again. Next time I'm writing something, I'm finishing it before it gets uploaded!

Actually it feels finished without feeling finished (?) I was almost sad that it ended. But who knows, when editing, I might expand on it.

Maybe the end isn't truly the end... :smirk: I was planning on turning this into a series at the beginning. We'll see.


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 25%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 87
💠OMAD Streak: 36 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :hop:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Yeah for your book!
You write a lot lile ypu, Laura etc... Do you use a special platform, app? What do you do when it's done? You sell them online? Amazon or others?

I don't really do Amazon, because once they get their claws on your book they're reluctant to give it back. And they want you to make it exclusive to them, so you can't sell it anywhere else.

I usually do DraftToDigital which publishes the book to many other platforms like Smashwords and such.

And I make them affordable because they are actually available for free. I see it as a "donation" if someone chooses to buy them.

But I haven't uploaded this one yet because while the story is done, I haven't finished editing it.

Right now, the one I just completed can only be found on Inkitt. They have a website or an app for mobile readers. It's free, and here's the link to it.

Some of my other books are on there as well, they are available for sale online.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
I don't really do Amazon, because once they get their claws on your book they're reluctant to give it back. And they want you to make it exclusive to them, so you can't sell it anywhere else.
You can publish on Amazon without being exclusive to Amazon. Just decline the exclusivity contract, and you're fine to also publish elsewhere.
You can also publish on Amazon and then later remove your book it you want.
The only thing you cannot do is sell on Amazon for more money than you charge elsewhere. If they catch you doing that, they will lower your sale price on Amazon to price match.
(Which in your case may mean your books would be free on Amazon, if they're still available for free on Inkitt.)

Congratulations on getting your story finished! That's a nice bit of writing you got done over the past couple of days!

Happy anniversary!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮16 February 2024💮💮

WotD 7 sets, 30s rest.
5-Minute Strength

Edited the prologue, changed some things and spellchecked Chapter 1 and 2. Then also put all the chapters in .md format on my phone so I can edit on the go, if need be.

I'm finishing all the chapters before uploading them to Inkitt. At this point I'm not even focused on Inkitt, but just getting the novel ready for Draft2Digital.

Also... this is actually the longest novel I've ever written! 88 000-something words. (?! No wonder it felt as if it would never end)


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 26%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 87
💠OMAD Streak: 37 Days


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮17 February 2024💮💮

My grandfather has been released from hospital yesterday, he's coming home today but he has to be on oxygen permanently. Some sort of oxy-condenser machine, which basically converts plain air into oxygen.

This machine cannot be bought and is rented for three months at a time. Which means we basically have to perpetually renew the contract every three months... forever. Stupid to me, but Le sigh.

Anyway, I feel pretty fatigued today. I'm at the point now where OMAD doesn't feel like a big deal to me. And I don't go psycho over my window length, anymore.

It's more of a ballpark figure now, the only rule is that it shouldn't go over 15:00. Yesterday, though, I decided to close the window after 45min of eating. I was satisfied and wasn't interested in more food.

Today I'm feeling pretty lethargic in my workouts. Yesterday was also unintentionally lower carb because I was craving chicken and broccoli salad. With mounds of mayo...

It kind of astonishes me how my body can now very clearly tell me, "I am wanting exactly XYZ in these amounts in the eating window. And no, I don't want the cheese. I want specifically mayonnaise. And there should be lots of cayenne pepper..." (?! I don't normally even like cayenne pepper. I use it as a supplement)

So today, I'm going to increase the carbs in my window and see how I do tomorrow morning.

WotD 5 sets, 30s rest
5-Minute Strength

☆One lousy attempt at a pull-up
☆1 chin up


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 25%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 88
💠OMAD Streak: 38 Days

Have an amazing day, Bees! :hop:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
✔Day 12 of Powerbuilder

Update on OMAD: Well, it seems like I'll be keeping a 3-hour window. At least on strength training days. I opened my window yesterday, ate, waited 40 minutes, and did Powerbuilder and my lifts were much better.

I've never needed a pre-workout, but I can understand why I would need it now. Wouldn't do cardio with food in my stomach, though. Nevaaaah. So maybe my workout schedule would now look like the WotD in the morning and strength training in the afternoon.

My grandfather is back home, and it astonishes me to see how staying in a hospital for three weeks can weaken someone. He's lost weight, and gets tired super quickly because he laid in bed for most of the three weeks.

Like can the people not at least take him for a walk in the halls or something?? How can medical professionals believe this to be a good thing. He could walk on his own before he went in there, did they just kind of "give up" because he was old?



⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 31%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 89
💠OMAD Streak: 39 Days

Have a wonderful day, Bees! :bounce:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Strength to your grandfather.:vibes:

Thanks, hopefully this hospital experience has made him less picky about food, or at least he has medicine to counter the digestive issues he claims to have. (He has them sporadically, only when I cook certain foods. When my brother cooks them, they miraculously do not upset his stomach.)

And he ate a great variety of stuff in hospital, some of which he "doesn't like" at home, like pasta, burgers, and pizza. It wasn't shoved down his throat either, he had a menu to choose from.

I'm planning a splurging trip for when we go to the store tomorrow... Buy all the foooodz! :aww:

The biggest challenge is getting him moving again. He wasn't moving much before but he sleeps the day away now. And has been in bed for 98% of the time of the three weeks he spent in hospital. He lost weight (and what little muscle he had), so I'm concerned with getting some weight on him and getting him moving.

I can't, however, show him some of the mobility exercises on Darebee, or even simply the holding exercises like holding his arms out. He would think I'm coo-coo. And he won't "push" himself to move more because he feels weak and it's counterintuitive.

So the only way he might get moving again is if my brother prodded him about it, which he has agreed on. But he's far away and can't come visit every weekend. But at least he calls once a week.

Le sigh. But at least I'm looking forward to the grocery trip tomorrow. It won't be the boring, same old weekly routine. I almost have to concentrate on this grocery list, and I've spent most of the night laying awake dreaming up meal ideas.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Loved the slightly more freedom with the grocery trip.

But we had to cut it short a little, since we'd switched off the box freezer at home. We had to be back to scoop out the ice, clean it, and then pack everything back in before the food defrosted, including the newly bought groceries.

I also didn't find everything I was looking for, exactly. We went to the chinese mall to look for silicone moulds in the shape of a bread tin, and bars. Didn't find those. So currently all the Darebee oatmeal bars I'm making is actually cupcake shaped... LOL.

I did find a new non-stick bread pan... which I'm hoping is ACTUALLY non-stick. I make bread with lentils and chickpeas instead of flour and usually have to use baking paper, because it sticks even if I generously grease the pan. It is an old pan, though. Ancient.

Will test it out soon!

My grandfather seems to be sleeping the days away now, and gets tired very quickly, even just taking a few steps around his bedroom.

WotD 7 sets, 30s rest
✔Day 13 of Powerbuilder

☆1 pull-up
☆1 chin-up
☆1 parallel bar chin-up


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 31% (I'm reading this now, it seems like it moves slowly but the chapters are very long. I'll spend some time reading this afternoon, got home a bit late today.)

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 90
💠OMAD Streak: 40 Days

Have a wonderful day, Bees! :bounce:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
I don't know what resources were available in the hospital your grandfather was in. But it is next to impossible to not lose muscular conditioning when in hospital. My mother is very much weaker now than she was when she went into hospital two months ago, in spite of physiotherapists working with her and doing the best they can.

I did a lot of DAREBEE workouts with my mother when she was not able to attend public fitness classes due to the pandemic. She fell away from working out over the past year, when things with my father became too stressful. But she had started to get back into working out out with me again this past fall. Getting my mother to do the work was often extremely trying. But she did benefit from it. It's not easy though, for you or for him.


Cheers for a reprieve from the financial stressors, and some more freedom on the food front.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮20 February 2024💮💮

I've considered whether I want to tell you guys about this horrible dream I had last night... this would need some reading between the lines on your end.

I dreamt I had an energy drink yesterday in my eating window, trained hard, and last night in the middle of the night I woke up feeling shaky and about to crumble.

So I broke my fast, and my 40-day OMAD streak, with a triple decker peanut butter sandwich and milk. In the middle of the night.

Horrible nightmare, right? :tap:

Luckily it was all just a dream, and it had no real effect on my fasting habit today... :sneaky: I do feel that today is pretty difficult, though. Who knew dreams could make one feel so crave-y and hungry the next morning? It is only day 41, though, of a goal of 365 days. Imagine how much easier it would've been to just keep going on day 365...

Say it were real... I would count that as a 'sick' day, because I "would have" felt very sick if I didn't eat, and sick days don't count on streaks. Because it was just a nightmare and totally not worth wrecking the whole day for as my brain would undoubtably claim :sneaky: ... And once again it has totally scared me off energy drinks. Nothing but real coffee for me.

✔Day 14 of Powerbuilder


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 35%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 91
💠OMAD Streak: 41 Days


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
So I broke my fast, and my 40-day OMAD streak, with a triple decker peanut butter sandwich and milk. In the middle of the night.
Scared Classic Film GIF by Shudder


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮21 February 2024💮💮

Back on track with the fasting today.

So now that yesterday has passed, and I can't muck it up, I can outwardly admit that it was NOT a dream, but a reality.

The lies I have to tell myself to stay on track...

I don't know if I should still count the fasting as a streak, though. Maybe I should just count it like below... days of OMAD out of 365.

The reason it's an entire year, is because I read it takes 90 days to truly make a habit out of something where it's so automatic you don't have to think about it anymore. And you can easily fall back in line, maybe not even consciously, if something screwed up the plan.

I'm tripling that... and then some.

I'm still low on energy and my body is still adjusting. It will get there in time, just because that's the nature of the human body. Adapt and thrive.

But you know what? I'll take the lower energy over the constant mental panic about food. Really.

That's how bad it was. Now I hardly think about it outside of meal times, and it's almost as if I don't know what to do with myself, which just shows you how obsessive I was.

I'm editing Shadowborn. Adding, removing, changing stuff around. It's like writing it again.

But now since it's "completed" on Inkitt (I have noted that I'm editing, so its not truly done), the pressure is a lot less to finish it in a certain time, and it's actually enjoyable to work on it again.

✔Day 15 of Powerbuilder


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 37%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 92
💠Days of OMAD: 42/365

Have a great day, Bees! :vibes:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮22 February 2024💮💮

There's a heat wave going through my valley. And the power cuts are increasing in tandem with the soaring temperatures.

My brother arrives tomorrow for the weekend. He has to travel an hour and a half from here to fill the spare oxygen tank for my grandfather, since there is no one local who does that.

And we can't simply send the tank with the private hospital here, so they can have it filled with theirs, because we don't actually own the tank.

Anyhoo, I'm planning on making homemade pizza tomorrow. Excited! It's going to be yummy :gotcookie:

Today's OMAD was pasta and chicken with a curry vegetable relish. All homemade, except the pasta and the chicken. Wouldn't it have been nice to have homegrown chickens?

Then I had Amasi with mixed seeds (and 3 pistachios in the bottom of the bag, it's actually a dried fruit and nut mix, but the seeds always get left behind in the end) and dried cranberries.

Dessert was a sugar-free oat flour chocolate brownie. Homemade.

40 minutes of eating and I was done for the day. I might regret the extra fasting tomorrow. Might.

I listened to my subliminal after lunch. And I usually do that in a dark room with my eyes closed. I tend to doze, but don't usually fall asleep. Today I did... for an hour and a half in 41°C... now, having woken, I feel lightheaded and zombie-ish. :dizzy:

✔Day 16 of Powerbuilder
✔Fit Tap throughout the day, single leg calf raises, push-up holds, burpees.


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 39%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 93
💠Days of OMAD: 43/365

Have a wonderful day, Bees! :fantastic:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
I thought the fasting had a lot to do with me being tired, but upon reflection a lot of it may be the heat wave. We've had these high temps for a week, and will have them for another week at least.

I've read somewhere they said that fasting can lower your body temp. by 1-2 degrees because you're not digesting all the time. So now I have an advantage in 41-42°C ... hah! :lol:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 688
"I sing and I know things"
I thought the fasting had a lot to do with me being tired, but upon reflection a lot of it may be the heat wave. We've had these high temps for a week, and will have them for another week at least.

I've read somewhere they said that fasting can lower your body temp. by 1-2 degrees because you're not digesting all the time. So now I have an advantage in 41-42°C ... hah! :LOL:
I usually stick to a light breakfast and late dinner when we have heatwaves here, with maybe an exception for fruits since they are largely water.
Eating in the warm time would just make me uncomfortably hot when without eating I would have been fine xD
I feel like some days this winter I ate so much more than usual, but with energy prices as they were I keep my house at 17°C max so it makes sense


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
I usually stick to a light breakfast and late dinner when we have heatwaves here, with maybe an exception for fruits since they are largely water.
Eating in the warm time would just make me uncomfortably hot when without eating I would have been fine xD
I feel like some days this winter I ate so much more than usual, but with energy prices as they were I keep my house at 17°C max so it makes sense

We don't have airconditioning in "our part of the house", only electric fans. And they hardly make much difference. We just close all the doors and curtains before the heat of the day sets in.

Yesterday when I came to this conclusion, I just started putting a salt crystal on my tongue every now and then. Still chugging lots of water. Not that I sweat, because the humidity prevents that.

As smug as I was about being more comfortable in hot weather, the reality is I'll be crying in winter about not having those extra 2 degrees of heat. Lol. I'm such a cold person in the winter, I don't even wear shirts. Just layers of sweaters on my skin.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
💮💮23 February 2024💮💮

I might do the WotD later. Pizza is not happening today because my brother failed to let me know what the hell was going on... and so I lost my temper because my whole damn schedule has now been turned upside down.

Punching something might be a good thing. Why does a middle-aged, grown man need to be nagged to just LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARE ARRIVING BECAUSE I HAVE A DIABETIC IN THE HOUSE WITH SET EATING TIMES. I actually need to plan these things, people!


✔25min of cycling @22km p/h
✔Day 17 of Powerbuilder


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 40%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 94
💠Days of OMAD: 44/365


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
I didn't update yesterday because I just needed to be offline for a day, I suppose haha. But I just did a bunch of random exercises throughout the day. Some cycling, some planking etc.

I still have DOMS and feeling "Eh, not into doing XYZ exercise" so I'm not going to hold myself accountable to do Powerbuilder specifically, today. But I might.

I had a longer eating window yesterday, because I wanted a PBJ. Meh.

One PBJ too many. Felt uncomfortably full all night.

I got a prezzie, though! My brother brought me some digestive enzymes (on request, because our puny pharmacy had no idea what I was even talking about) This is the time to pump myself full of lentils and chickpeas! :haha:


⏺The Sign of Seven - 47%
⏺New York to Dallas - 6%
⏺Son of the Morning - 42%

⛎Days of Consecutive Exercise: 95
I'm losing track here a little, but to be on the safe side I'm keeping it at 95 for now.

💠Days of OMAD: 46/365


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 879
Ooh, I hope those enzymes work for you!
Are you usually very sensitive to lentils and chickpeas?
I feel absolutely dreadful after so I didn't even consider that there might be enzymes available for those too xD
Would love to hear about your experience with them ^^

This is a very broad spectrum one. I believe you can find one specifically for legumes or beans, too.

Yeah when I don't eat them regularly, or even when I do, I have to keep the portions small or they cause tons of bloat, and make the inside of my colon feel like someone scraped it with a fork.

The fasting has improved that a lot, though, probably because of the long gap for digestion.