A berserker's ability score improvement


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Thank you @JCU, @Fremen, @Mianevem, @CODawn, and @Laura Rainbow Dragon! :D

Tuesday; 31 Jan 2023
:v: Unbound Day 1
:v: Bootcamp Day 31 @ Level III
:v: Challenge: Warrior Abs day 1 + Path of the Bow. Hollow hold definitely seemed the least appealing and so hopefully path of the bow strengthens that up this month. Plus should be good for passive hand-stand prep.

Some people get black clouds and some people get white clouds, but I got stuck in a dumb cloud ever since that taco call. It felt like every single call was just... dumb. I know that no one calls 911 thinking they're calling for a dumb reason, but there are some things that are just ridiculous. Over the past couple days at work, not every call has been wild or maybe even pleasant... but it's been more legit. I haven't left work the past couple days wondering why I'm doing this as a vocation, or questioning if there's something in the water. The call volume has calmed down a little bit too. It's still busy and the hospitals are still full, but we've been able to make it to posts for a few minutes between calls, which is really nice. Gonna find some wood to knock on now.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Saturday; 04 Feb 2023
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 5 + Path of the Bow
:v: Bootcamp Day 35 @ Level III
:v: Unbound Day 5

Sunday; 05 Feb 2023
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 6
:v: Bootcamp Day 36
:v: Unbound Day 6
:v: "Benchmark" Run; 0.93 mi overall with an overall pace of 12:06/mi with 75 ft elevation gain
---2:00 min warm up walk
---5:00 min "run hard" and non-stop with a pace of 10:13/mi
---4:22 min walk/jog cool down

Overall a pretty good weekend. Had enough down time between calls to do Bootcamp workouts during work, which is nice. Let's keep that trend going, universe. My partner joined for the workouts Saturday and Sunday, and we had a student with us Sat who also joined in! She's a repeat student, the same one that joined me and a different partner on a different day for a different parking lot workout lol. She's on her last semester of medic school, so it was really nice to have her on the truck with us. She's got a good feel for the flow of calls, which isn't something that's really teach-able except through experience, so it was enjoyable to have her along.

Going to try to get back to having regular runs. Last time I actually quit smoking, that quit lasted for more than a year. I was running a lot just before the quit, and after the quit during the worst cravings I would go for very hard and very long runs so that, even if I was craving hard, maybe I was craving a little less because not being able to breathe does take the edge off. I dunno if that's the best way to go about it, but either way it'd be a good thing to get back into.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Monday; 06 Feb 2023
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 7 + Path of the Bow
:v: Walked around the neighborhood with the dog. She's got some old lady hips so we called it quits after a little less than a mile. Still a very nice walk. So beautiful outside today.
:v: Hand stand prep
---Pike holds (0:30 sec) x 3
---Feet elevated on wall plank (0:30) x3
---Single leg assisted L sit (0:40) x3
Wanted to try some dead hangs too, but have nothing to hang on. I guess I need to get a pull up bar for my door frame. Still need to get back into the daily habit of kick up attempts too, but just couldn't muster the will for it today.
:v: Bootcamp Day 37 @ level III
:v: Unbound Day 7
:v: Daily Dare (30 reverse crunches) + EC (one go)
:v: Weigh In: 152.4 lbs
:v: Good food choices today I think. Made feta and tomato scrambled eggs for dinner instead of ordering Uber Eats. Win for sure.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Tuesday; 07 Feb 2023
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 8
:v: Run: overall 1.77 mi with an avg pace of 12:31/mi. 146 ft elevation gain. Avg HR 154. Max HR 184.
---05:00 min walk/jog warmup. 0.34 mi w avg pace of 14:36/mi
---10:00 min run/jog. 0.85 mi w avg pace of 11:48/mi
---07:14 min jog/walk cooldown. 0.59 mi w avg pace of 12:16/mi
:v: Bootcamp Day 38 @ Level III with 7.5 kg weights
:v: DD (2 min balance hold)
:v: Unbound Day 8
:x: Food Choice: not great today. Haven't really had much to eat, and what I did eat was tasty but not healthy. A couple donuts with coffee for breakfast. Celery with honey mustard for dinner. Need to drink more water too.
:v: Weigh In: 152.9 lbs
Last edited:


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Wednesday; 08 Feb 2023

before work
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 9 + Path of the Bow

during work
:v: Unbound Day 9
:v: Stretched
:x: Food: Not great again today. A lot of snacking while on the truck. Given that it was a work day, not too flustered about it. We didn't have time to get anything except for gas station food. Did better with water, but definitely could use more.

after work
:v: Bootcamp Day 39 @ Level III
:v: DD (40 side plank rotations) + EC (one go, 20/20)
:v: Weigh In: 152.4 lbs


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Thursday; 09 Feb 2023

before work
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 10

during work
:v: Bootcamp Day 40
:v: Unbound Day 10
:v: Food: Generally good today. Chik-fil-a sandwich and a protein bar. No sugary snacks, although I did have a sugar free energy drink and a fancy coffee from a local coffee place. Didn't buy any sweets, so I'm counting it as a win. Could always use more water.

after work
:v: DD (40 plank arm raises) + EC (one go)
:x: Weigh In: incomplete

Caught a late call during work today. Tired.

Looking forward to the weekend off and my weekend plans. It's going to be a possibly social weekend, plans to hang out with someone or a group every night. It's going to be good and fun, and I have to keep reminding myself haha. My people-meter feels full, but I think that's just work dragging on me.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Friday; 10 Feb 2023

:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 11 + Path of the Bow

:v: Bootcamp Day 41 @ Level III
:v: Weigh In: 150.9 lbs
:x: Unbound
:x: DD
:x: Food: a donut, some oreos, liquor and beer. :donut: Not every day can be a winner. Probably should have had more to eat before drinking though. Whoops.

Saturday; 11 Feb 2023

:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 12
:v: Run - overall 1.17 mi with an avg pace of 12:51/mi. 88 ft elevation gain. Avg HR 132. Max HR 161.
---05:00 mins warmup. walk/jog. 0.36 mi with an avg pace of 13:36/mi.
---05:00 min run. 0.47 mi with an avg pace of 10:37/mi. + a bonus 0.01 mi and 6 seconds while trying to get my watch switched over haha.
---05:00 min cooldown. walk/jog. 0.32 mi with an avg pace of 15:33

:v: Bootcamp Day 42 @ Level III with 7.5 kg weights (except for lat raises which were 5 lb weights)
:v: DD (60 sec pacer steps) + EC (one go)
:v: Unbound Day 11
:v: Weigh In: 151.1 lbs

:v: Unbound Day 12
:v: Food: good today. Made a very tasty chicken korma and put it over cauliflower rice.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Sunday; 12 Feb 2023

:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Days 13 & 14 + Path of the Bow

:v: Run - overall 2.06 miles w an avg pace of 12:03/mi. 177 ft elevation gain. Avg HR 155. Max HR 182.
---05:00 warm up: walk/jog. 0.33 mi w avg pace of 14:57/mi
---10:00 run: easy pace. 0.84 mi w avg pace of 11:46/mi
---05:00 bonus run: easy pace. 0.47 mi w avg pace of 10:36/mi.
---05:00 cooldown: jog/walk. 0.41 mi w avg pace of 12:11/mi.
:v: Bootcamp Day 43 at level III. Really enjoyed the flow of this one.
:v: Unbound Day 13
:v: Weigh In: 149.9 lbs

:v: DD (40 prone reverse flys) + EC (one go)
:v: Food: not too shabby today. Could have been better, could have been worse. Reasonable number of oreos. Leftover chicken korma and homemade lasagna with my neighbor.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Monday; 13 Feb 2023

before work
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 15 + Path of the Bow

during work
:v: Food Choices. Could have been better. Could have been worse. Lots of snacking, but nothing too wild.

after work
:v: Unbound Day 14
:x: Bootcamp
:x: DD
:v: Weigh In: 152 lbs

Tuesday; 14 Feb 2023

before work
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 16

during work
:v: Food Choices: fine again. Lots of snacks. Too busy to sit down for a meal. Had some fruit.
Pushed some adenosine today for the first time in a while. Jinxed myself talking about pacing on the way to a call haha.

after work
:v: Bootcamp Day 44
:v: Unbound Day 15
:x: DD
:x: Weigh In

Happy valentines day everyone!


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Wednesday; 15 Feb 2023

:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 17 + Path of the Bow

:v: Easy run. Overall 2.50 mi w/ overall time of 13:21/mi. 294 ft elevation gain. Avg HR 162. Max HR 184.
---05:00 min warmup: walk/jog. 0.37 mi w/ avg pace of 13:38/mi.
---20:23 min run. 1.66 mi w/ an avg pace of 12:15/mi.
---05:00 cooldown. walk. 0.26 mi w/ an avg pace of 19:07/mi.
---02:59 bonus just getting home. jog/walk. 0.21 mi w/ an avg pace of 14:26/mi.
:v: Bootcamp Day 45 at Level III

:v: Unbound Day 16
:x: DD
:x: Weigh In
:v: Food Choices: not too bad. Made a shepherd's pie dish. Veggie heavy.

Was pretty bummed that it was so drizzly and gray out today. While I was working Mon and Tues, the weather was so so so gorgeous.

Thursday; 16 Feb 2023

:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 18

:v: Bootcamp Day 46 @ Level III with 7.5 kg dumbbell

:v: Run (Steady State) - 2.82 mi total w/ avg pace of 12:23/mi. 317 ft elevation gain. Avg HR 166. Max HR 184.
---10:00 warmup. walk/jog. 0.72 mi w/ avg pace of 13:52/mi
---15:00 run. 1.32 mi w/ avg pace 11:20/mi
---10:00 cooldown. jog/walk. 0.78 mi w avg pace of 12:49/mi
:v: Unbound Day 17
:v: Unbound Day 18
:v: Food Choices: good. leftovers. Still have lasagna for tomorrow too.
:x: DD
:v: Weigh In: 150.5 lbs

The sun still didn't show its face, but at least it wasn't cold out!


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Friday; 17 Feb 2023

before work
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 19

during work
:v: food choices: okay today.

after work
:v: DD (60 balance swings) + EC (one go)
:v: Bootcamp Day 47 at level III
:v: Unbound Day 19
:x: Weigh In: incomplete

Saturday; 18 Feb 2023

before work
:v: Warrior Abs Challenge Day 20

during work
:x: Food choices: didn't get a chance to eat much before the late afternoon, and then had a burger and a milkshake. Delicious but a bad food choice none-the-less. Oh well.

after work
:v: Bootcamp Day 48
:v: Unbound Day 20
:x: DD
:x: Weigh In: incomplete