A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
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Gosh, time fled so fast: Continued
Zen D 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, and meditations when not meditation day
60 D0W D14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Plenty of walking to be with Montreal uncle and his wife. So that's nice.
Much less nice, mom has been feeling off since Monday, and had a bad spell this afternoon during our walk. As she has some arrythmia issues, I am really worried about her, would have liked her to go to the ER get a ECG, or see a cardiologist (may be hard to get one, but at least I'd have wanted to try) but she said no. Dad's good at hiding his worry, but I know him. She says she is better, but not taking much dinner. We'll see, I guess.

D31 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Zen D20, meditation, 60 DOW D19. Mom is much better today, thank you @Tileenah and all. Guess I am starting to worry much faster about her, which at her age is not surprising, but I am not helping her by worrying. Now it's me, with diarrhea - something tells me I have a bit too much gluten in my diet those past days... It'll calm soon.

D32 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @CODawn ( "glad" I am not the only one doing that!), @NancyTree , @Tileenah and @Sundance (thanks for the tip ; but lots of my pics are from my camera, not phone).

Today Zen D21, meditation, 60 DOW D20. Mom seems good, and my own digestive system is much better - yesterday was ... not fun. We have the family wedding tomorrow, so digestive system better behave!
The wedding is on my dad's side, and the family's history is a tad complicated, what with siblings being treated very differently, and lots of unstability. As a result, that family doesn't meet really often, despite their size (with dad, they are 7 brothers and one sister, and each one had between 3 and 6 kids), so it is a bit bittersweet but dad's also quite happy to see a good portion of his siblings again. I see my two favorite cousins, and the uncle I want absolutely no contact with will be absent (uninvited, surprise surprise...), so I am looking forward to it.

D33 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Yesterday Zen D22, meditation, 60 DOW D21.
Today Zen D23, meditation, 60 DOW D22.

Thank you @Mamatigerj . Wedding was really very well organised, lots of work and personalisation, we really had a blast. I discovered more two other cousins, there's maybe hope for this family to get a bit tighter. My aunt looked the best I have seen her in ages, and that was good :)

D35 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @Gandhalfit , for mom it was more probably a vagal spell, but guess we worry easily... She is fine these days. For me, once gluten is removed and eating is back to more normal (guests, restaurants and wedding do not help, LOL), it is back in place.

Monday Zen D24, meditation, 60 DOW D23.
Yesterday / Tuesday Zen D25, meditation, 60 DOW D24.
Today Zen D26, meditation, 60 DOW D25.

Though wondering if I will continue walking - those past days, the knee's seriously misbehaving, and not sure why. We'll see!

D38 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you both @Mamatigerj and @Tileenah . Yesterday's rest helped but it was still tender this morning. Decided to give my knee a serious rest - so dropping 60 DOW, and adapting Zen ; next week we will see what I'll do.

I was already planning to see the osteopath as soon as I come back to Paris end August, but if it hurts again like that for "just" walking, may need to see the sport doc. We will see how it behaves next week, I guess.

Today Zen D27, meditation.

D39 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Danke, @mavie ... My short walk this afternoon on flat ground hurt, so that's no good sign. we will see.
So, Zen D28 (20 min meditation, did some metta meditation), and some yoga.
I went through some papers left by my paternal grandmother for my genealogy ; interesting to see older family picture spanning several generations ago; also there was lots of unusable stuff (copied by hand so no reliable records, bits of family trees without dates or places ). Luckily I found a few papers for confirmation of dates I had without certainty, and a marriage contract - but a very short one, without details on what the spouses bring, or without witnesses or family members mentionned. That was strange, as it is from a family with several notaries! I was really expecting a fuller document! The strangest thing is her notebook, disgressions on her life ... She was a very complicated woman, not bad, but there is enough family "stuff" I don't feel comfortable reading or transcribing it (and dad and his sister decided to put it aside unread); but on the other hand she has of course her right to tell her version, and there it is. It may have some historical value too, with all the events they went through. Maybe after dad's death I will read it and see

D40 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @CODawn and those who gave thumbs up. Knee was still sore even during Friday's night, so I went to a doc Saturday. There's no big fluid leak so that's reassuring. He can't prescribe anti-inflammatories (bc of my anticoagulants), but told me to take paracetamol a few days to get the pain down, and rest. So, very gentle yoga. Still heavy knee today.

Saturday Zen D29, meditation.
Today Zen D30 - 20 mins chakra meditation, and gentle yoga.

D42 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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"True Failure is Never Attempting"
Happy Fresh Prince GIF by Nick At Nite


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @TopNotch , @Fremen , @Mamatigerj , @mavie !

Did meditation yesterday - 5 minutes equal breathing.
This morning did Foundation D1 level II, 3*wall squat to count of 15, and Super abs challenge D1.
My logic is that my knee still needs rest, so keeping on a level 2 program ; added some exercise for knee strengthening that the kinesitherapist had me do back in the days (I will alternate wall squat and one-legged bridges); and I noticed my abs could do with some work - so trying the challenge. Foundation should be non-negotiable (may use the knee sleeve), knee "rehab" and super abs I really want to do but will depend on time. We will see!

D44 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you @NancyTree :)
Meditation done yesterday - 5 minutes calming breath (4 secs inhale, 7secs keep, 8 secs exhale) and a good 15 mins IBS-centered guided meditation session.
This morning did Foundation D2 (with knee sleeve), 3* 30 one-legged bridges (15 each side), and Super Abs challenge D2.

D45 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Finally looks like the knee didn't mind so much being sleeveless for yesterday's exercise. With this week's rest and protected exercise, it seems much better - test will be when we'll go on a walk Sunday.

This morning Foundation D4 (Ah the pleasure of tendon strength days :chuckle:... Nah, that one wasn't bad); 3*30 one legged bridges (15 each side), Super Abs D4. Meditation not yet done.

D47 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thank you; @CODawn !
Hugs for @Gandhalfit . Luna is doing great, right now sleeping on the windowsill watching me. We take walks together in the garden so that she gets her hunter brain worked out, but without eating too much grass (she tends to do that, and no need to detail the results once we go home... Ah, cats!). I am giving her a good cuddle from you, and she sends you purrs.

Saturday meditation (IBS-centered relaxation)
Sunday Foundation D6, 3*30 one legged bridges / 15 each side, and Super Abs D6 ; plus 10 minutes meditation.
This morning Foundation D7 - with knee sleeve, 3*25 secs wall squat hold, and Super Abs D7. Meditation not yet done.

We did a long walk yesterday - mostly flat (the "herbus" / bay between Cancale and Mont St Michel) , and with knee sleeve but ... clearly the knee didn't approve, it is at the very limit of painful today. That's not normal after a week of rest, so I am taking a bit more paracetamol (had done a 3 days cure, will do that again), and taking the appointment with the sports doc for my return to Paris. In the meantime I will continue a careful routine with the knee sleeve.

D50 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thanks, @Gandhalfit !
Thank you @fibretomz , this was a while ago now but the surgeon did good, and mom recovered amazingly well, even he was surprised.
Now it is not every day easy for mom, with losing her eyesight, and she definitly inherited her mom's darker state of mind, so there are days she is really down and dad and I don't know how to cheer her back up... Support and wait, I guess. I definitly see again my grandma's behavior (and suspect I too inherited this, something to watch out). For her heart, she had a blood analysis done, and the markers of cardiac muscle state were good, even better than previous measure, so it is reassuring her spell 2 weeks ago was "just" that, a dizzy spell.
Hugs for @Froud , I have known much worse (even regarding the knee - and that's not even remotely life-threatening, LOL). And this route is very pretty indeed, there are nice walks to be made, including walks where you really can let dogs run around very nicely, which is something we need when my older brother comes with Good Boy Naxos.

Yesterday 15 mins meditation
This morning Foundation Day 8 (tendon strength, didn't need the knee sleeve), 3*20 (20 each side) one legged bridges, and Abs challenge D8. Meditation not yet done.

D51 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Thanks @Lupus Sheol , hugs. One of my strength is my community - family, friends, and the bees around here (I remember how you all encouraged me through the surgery). Thanks to them :LOL:

Yesterday evening 5 minutes equal breathing. Walked a good while on the wharf with an old friend, it's clear it is the upper limit for my knee.
This morning Foundation D9 (with knee sleeves, apparently the jacks by sets of two are ...acceptable), 3*25 seconds wall squat, and Super Abs Challenge D9.

I noticed I have been complaining about that dratted knee nearly non-stop since last November, with a little respite from the osteopath ; but overall it is clear I need to get it checked professionally. Now 'till September 5th. Well, my bet is that he will order an IRM and will only conclude after, so let's say mid / end September, LOL.

D52 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
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Grins to @Tileenah ; I have done an intensive serie of IBS-centered relaxation / self-hypnosis recordings this spring, and it helped ; I can say that twice it prevented a start of bad moment to develop into a sleepless night. So now trying to do them once or twice a week for upkeep.

No meditation yesterday - bad wolvie!
This morning Foundation D11, 3*25 seconds wall squat, and Super Abs challenge D11. No meditation yet.

D54 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,894
Sunday / Yesterday Foundation D13, 3*25 one legged bridges one side and 25 other side, , Super Abs challenge D14 (already had enough leg lifts, LOL), IBS-centered meditation.
This morning Foundation D14 (with jacks replaced with step jacks), 3*30 secs wall squat, Super Abs challenge D13. Meditation not yet done.
We met with my godmother at a beach in Dinard, too much sun exposure for me (I had my Tilley hat and SPF 50 sunscreen, but should have brought a long-sleeved shirt) - no sunburn, but on my neck and left arms some areas still feel sandy / irritated. Yep, not a sun-loving skin! Advantage is, it will age better than the skins overexposed to sun, LOL. And it was real nice chatting with my godmother and seeing her grandson, really nice and bright little boy.

D57 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)