Day One


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 126: Tuesday 25/4/2023 Anzac Day (Australia & New Zealand) Lest We Forget.
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done.
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 12 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Exercise of the Day (24/4/2023): 30 Seconds Squats - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Foundation program: Day 5 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (24/4/2023): Total Blast - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU and @NancyTree
Day 127: Wednesday 26/4/2023
1-Minute 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 13 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Exercise of the Day (25/4/2023): 30 Seconds Leg Raises - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Foundation program: Day 6 - Done at Level III
Back to Fit program: Day 55 Lower Body Circuit - Done. (5 sets x 10 reps x 5 exercises - Goblet Squats, Good Mornings, Barbell Squat, Calf Raises, Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift. 10kg kettlebell used for warm up and 12kg kettlebell used for remaining sets, 20kg bar only used for warm ups, 25kg barbell used for remaining Good Morning sets and 55kg barbell used for remaining squat sets).
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Tileenah , @JCU , @Mianevem , @NancyTree , @BetaCorvi , @Fremen , @TopNotch . Yes another challenge in the bag. I seem to be flying through them at the moment.

Day 128 Thursday 27/4/2023
PM gym session. The morning was just too busy.
Quick Warmup
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 14 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Foundation program: Day 7 - Done at Level III
Back to Fit program: Day 57 Upper Body Circuit (saving Day 56 Rest Day for the weekend) - Done (5 Sets x 10 Reps x 5 Exercises - Cable Cross-Over, Barbell Rear Delt Bent-Over Row, Band-Assisted Pull-Up, Standing Biceps Cable Curl, and Feet-Elevated Bench Dips). 10kg cable for warmup for both exercises then 15kg for remainder of Cross-Overs but Bicep Curls increased 5kg each set to 30kg on set 5. Barbell Row was 20kg bar only for warm up and 30kg thereafter. Pull-Ups was 0 each time as expected. I have no upper body strength after my shoulder repairs but it gives me a goal to work for. Bench Dips managed 10 each time despite a funny clicking sound in my shoulder. No pain so no stopping.
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Montserrat !
Day 129: Friday 28/4/2023

Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Exercise of the Day (27/4/2023): 30 High Crunches - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Foundation program: Day 8 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (27/4/2023): Story Mode - Done at Level III + Extra Credit
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 15 - Done
1.69km walk in 20:12 minutes taking my daughter to school and on to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 58 Cardio Circuit - Done as 3.16 km in 25:02 minutes. (5 sets x 2 minutes walk + 2 minutes jog + 1 minute run)
1.18 km walk back home

Day 130: Saturday 29/4/2023
Back to Fit program: Day 56 Rest Day
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 16 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Foundation program: Day 9 - Done at Level III
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done
Les Mills BodyPump class - Done. I haven't done it in a while and my upper body desperately needs some attention.

Day 131: Sunday 30/4/2023
out to the Gym
Quick Warmup
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed.
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thanks you @TopNotch , @JCU , @Mianevem , @Tileenah , @Fremen , and @Montserrat .

After a slack day yesterday, and whole month actually when I come to think of it; I need to step up this month.

Day 132: Monday 1/5/2023
AM Gym Session
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Quick Warmup
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 17 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Foundation program: Day 10 Strength - Done at Level III
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Exercise of the Day (30/4/2023): 2 Minutes Tree Pose Hold - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Foundation program: Day 11 Fast Pace Cardio - Done at Level III
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 18 - Done
Exercise of the Day (29/4/2023): 30 Seconds Squat Hops on the Spot - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Workout of the Day (30/4/2023): Origami - Done with Extra Credit
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done

Day 133: Tuesday 2/5/2023
AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (1/5/2023): 40 Climber Taps - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 19 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Foundation program: Day 12 Tendon Strength - Done at Level III
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 59 Upper Body Circuit - Done (5 sets x 10 reps x 5 exercises). Dumbbell Sumo Squat, Single-Leg Cable Hip Extension, Exercise Ball Knee Roll-in, Single-Leg Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise, and Barbell Back Squat to Box. These are all new exercises to me so I took it relatively easy to begin with. Dumbbell squat warmup was 10kg dumbbell then upped it to 12.5kg for the remainder. 10kg on the machine for the Hip Extensions then up to 15kg. 7kg dumbbells for the Calf Raises might have been ambitious given the state of play but it was done so I upped the remainder to 9kg dumbbells. Lastly started with the 20kg bar only for the Squat to Box, then upped it to 35kg for remaining sets.
Workout of the Day (1/5/2023): Top of the World - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 12 - FAIL. I was too gassed after doing the previous workout to control my breathing enough. I'll try again later.

PM Activity
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @Mianevem , @Tileenah , @TopNotch , and @Montserrat .

Day 134: Wednesday 3/5/2023
AM gym session
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Foundation program: Day 13 Abs & Core - Done at Level III
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 20 - Done
Exercise of the Day (2/5/2023): 30 Hop Heel Clicks - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 60 Upper Body Circuit - Done (5 sets x 10 reps x 5 exercises). Dumbbell Fly, Cuban Press, Back Extension, Reverse-Grip Barbell Curl, and Close-Grip Bench Press. Some more new exercises in this last 4 week block. 5kg dumbbells for the Fly warmup then upped to 9kg for remaining sets. 5kg dumbbells for the Cuban Press warmup but 1) they were too heavy and 2) my left bicep refused to cooperate. I think I know why the nerves are damaged in that arm and have been working to get it functioning again but it it not there yet. Anyway I switched to standard Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press with 5kg dumbbells for warmup and 9kg dumbbells thereafter. Back Extension was bodyweight only to begin and then a 2.5kg plate for the remaining sets. This was not easy using an incline bench rather than a proper back extension bench but we have limited equipment here in the work gym. Reverse-Grip Curls started with a 7.5kg EZ-Bar then upped it to a 20kg barbell for remaining sets. 20kg bar only to start the bench press and then 32.5kg for remaining sets.
Workout of the Day (2/5/2023): I Aim to Misbehave - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Workout of the Day (26/4/2023): Stand Tall - Done at Level III with Extra Credit

PM activity:
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 135: Thursday 4/5/2023
A busy day ahead of us so I'll get in what I can, when I can.
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Exercise of the Day (3/5/2023): 2 Minutes Arm Scissors - Done
am gym session
Quick Warmup
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 26 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Foundation program: Day 14 Fast Pace Cardio - Done at Level III
Back to Fit program: Day 62 Lower Body Circuit (Day 61 Cardio will be done tomorrow) - Done (5 sets x 10 reps x 5 exercises). Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift, Single-leg Glute Bridge, Barbell Squat in lieu of Hack Squat, Standing Calf Raises, Dumbbell Reverse Lunges. 20 bar only for Deadlift warmup then 35kg for remaining sets. 25kg barbell for Squat warmup then 60kg for remaining sets, 5kg dumbbell for Reverse-Lunge warm up and then 7kg dumbbell for subsequent sets.
Workout of the Day (3/5/2023): Nightingale - Done at Level III with Extra Credit


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @NancyTree .

Day 136: Friday 5/5/2023
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Foundation program: Day 15 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (4/5/2023): 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold - Done
Workout of the Day (4/5/2023): Captain on Deck - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 22 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
1.61km walk to the gym in 17:53 minutes
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done
1.16 km walk home from the shops

Day 137: Saturday 6/5/2023
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
out ot the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done
Les Mills BodyPump class - Done and so was I. I wasn't going to do this class I already got the gear out before Combat for a couple of reasons. Firstly I thought my gym buddy was going to stay back and do this class as well like we did last week and secondly; to piss off the arrogant Pump class attendees. They come in before we have finished Combat and start laying their stuff down regardless of where we were working. In the end almost none of the usual arrogant mob turned up and also my gym buddy thanked me for getting her stuff before she arrived because she wasn't going to do the class. We ended up pushing each other that little bit more. Mind you I need more pushing than she does.

Day 138: Sunday 7/5/2023
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Foundation program: Day 16 Tendon Strength - Done at Level III
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 23 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Exercise of the Day (6/5/2023): 30 Single Leg Bridges - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Foundation program: Day 17 Fast Pace Cardio - Done at Level III
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 24 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done

PM activity
1.84km walk to the shops and back in 24:20 minutes
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Knee Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 138: Monday 8/5/2023
1-Minute Meditation: Day 18 - Done
Neck workout - Done with Extra Credit
Knee Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
AM gym session
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 25 - Done
Punch out 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (7/5/2023): 2 Minutes Side Leg Swings - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Foundation program: Day 18 Strength - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (6/5/2023): 2 Minute Abs - Done with Extra Credit
Workout of the Day (7/5/2023): Chrysalis - Done with Extra Credit
Exercise of the Day (5/5/2023): 50 Side Kicks - Done
PM activity
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed.
Get Fit with Rick 80's 1700 step video workout just to get my step count above 15K for my Stridekick weekly challenge. Usually it isn't an issue but today's gym session wasn't too physical and I had an evening of sitting through a school presentation so I was lacking a few steps today.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 139: Tuesday 9/5/2023
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Exercise of the Day (8/5/2023): 40 Side Bends - Done
AM gym session
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Knee Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 26 - Done
Quick Warmup
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Foundation program: Day 19 Fast Pace Cardio - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (8/5/2023): The Floor is Lava - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Back & Biceps Express workout - Done with Extra Credit as using 9kg dumbbells
Hybrid Calisthenics Hybrid Routine 2.0 Tuesday Workout Pull-Ups & Squats. Squats only as plantar is still giving me grief if I put pressure on the heel
- Stage 2 Assisted Squats: Level 3 - Done (3 x 30 reps)


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Nihopaloa , @Mianevem , @NancyTree , @Tileenah , @JCU , @Montserrat , @TopNotch , and @Fremen . I do feel like I am powering through all these challenges at the moment.

Day 140: Wednesday 10/5/2023
1-Minute Meditation: Day 20 - Done
Knee Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Exercise of the Day (9/5/2023): 50 Side Leg Extensions - Done
Energy Boost workout - Done
Yoga Flow workout - Done
I suspected that I would not get a gym session today but held off lunch in the hope that all chaos here dissipates and life could return to normal. By 4pm it hadn't so heading home with no lunch and no workout. Not happy.

PM activity
Foundation program: Day 20 - Done at Level III
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 27 - Done
Still a fair few steps short of my 15k quota.

Post Dinner
Workout of the Day (6/4/2023): Easy Does It - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Get Fit with Rick: 80's Classic Rock workout - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Silent Wolf .

Day 141: Thursday 11/5/2023
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Exercise of the Day (10/5/2023): 30 Side-to-Side Lunges with Toe Point - Done
Knee Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Time Out workout - Done
Seated Boxer workout - Done
AM Gym Sessions
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 28 - Done
Quick Warmup
Foundation program: Day 21 - Done at Level III
Numbers workout - Done with Extra Credit
Hybrid Routine 2.0 Thursday Push-Ups & Leg Raises
- Stage 3 Advanced Incline Push-Ups: Level 1 - Done (2 x 20 reps)
- Stage 2 Advance Knee Raises: Level 3 - Done (2 x 30 reps)
Lower Back workout - Done
Exercise of the Day (27/3/20230: 40 Plank Step-Outs - Done

PM activity
Eye Workout


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 142: Friday 12/5/2023
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Foundation program: Day 22 - Done at Level III
Knee Push-Up 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 29 - Done
Workout of the Day (11/5/2023): Made with Love - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Exercise of the Day (11/5/2023): 100 Side-to-Side Backfists - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
1.60km walk in 21:20 minutes to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - done
1.03 km walk home with shopping

Day 143: Saturday 13/5/2023
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Exercise of the Day (12/5/2023): 60 Seconds Wall-Sit - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Foundation program: Day 23 - Done at Level III
Knee Push-Up 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed. Ironically my hamstrings and glutes are tighter now than when I started the challenge. Normally I do this challenge and my flexibility increases. Unfortunately this time my plantar fasciitis is really giving me grief and causing me to limp more which has a flow effect to my upper legs. Anyway job done but I want to redo this one yet again once I get rid of the foot issue.
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done. I know I probably shouldn't be doing this with the foot issue but it is an outlet for me and as long as I stay on the balls of my feet, then I don't feel a lot of discomfort.
Daily Gratitude 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done. Thinking about it, there is a lot for me to be grateful about.

Day 144: Sunday 14/5/2023 Mothers Day
Foundation program: Day 24 - Done at Level III
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Knee Push-Up 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Exercise of the Day (13/5/2023): 30 Side Elbow Plank Rotations - Done
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done and probably the 3rd last one on Sundays as my instructor informed me that due to low numbers in the class, the gym will be discontinuing this and a few other classes.
2.44 km walk in 38:50 minutes shopping for last minute dinner items so my son could cook my wife a few of her favourite dishes as his Mother's Day gift to her.
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Daily Gratitude 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU . So do I. I know a number of people that have had it. The length of time they have it varies but the discomfort and frustration doesn't. Anyway I've ordered myself a pair of compression socks that a workmate swore by so I'll give them a go too.

Day 145: Monday 15/5/2023
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
PM gym session because my five minute radio repair job turned into two hours and missed my morning window of opportunity. "Just take the truck out to the techs and they'll fix the issue and you'll be back in no time!" Really! Well I guess I did get to travel on some new road systems here in Sydney due to random route variation (I got lost).
Lower Abs 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Core Control 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Quick Warmup
Foundation program: Day 25 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (14/5/2023): 30 Seconds Side-to-Side Jumps - Done
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Knee Push-Up 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Punch Out 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Workout of the Day (14/5/2023): Backup & Restore - Done with Extra Credit
Exercise of the Day (2/4/2023): 40 Plank Crunches - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Daily Gratitude 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done