Day One


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Hello again everyone. Like a lot of you I'm back with the best intentions. And like a lot of you, I had to re-register and I'm resetting the counter. No badges, No achievements. Start again. I think I needed to hit the Reset Switch. I was taking on more and more to the point where I needed a two hour gym session just to fit in all the challenges and programs I'd taken on. I was stressing myself out by not achieving everything and it was even worse on busy days where next to no free time was available to train. Time to take a step back and start again. Slowly. My exercise regime needs to be achievable. Yes, achievable. Not fourteen challenges that end up taking ten minutes each to complete, and then adding programs. Diet also needs to change. I was stress drinking and ended up consuming more Bacardi a day than water. I also need to stop stress eating. These two have led to weight gain and more injuries. I've never been one to focus on long term goals but need to. I also need to listen to my body more. Those twinges of discomfort that often end up in injuries can no longer be ignored.

So this is Day One. I know I've done a number of times but I no longer have any badges so I am starting at the first Tier 1 Program (Foundation Light) and first Tier 1 Challenge (30 Day Meditation challenge) as do these along with the Daily Dares and Workouts of the Day. I will build up to increase the workload but only when I can and feel comfortable doing so and not because I've become bored of the current offering as often happened.

Day One: Thursday 22/9/2022
Working a public holiday in Australia so struggled to justify an hour of work time in the gym.
Foundation Light program: Day 1 - Done at Level III


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Okay Day One started a little slower than I would have liked but it is a start non-the-less.

Day Two: Friday 23/9/2022
Foundation Light program: Day 2 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (22/9/2022): 60 Seconds Calf Raise Hold - Done

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Workout of the Day (22/9/2022): Second Chance - Done with Extra Credit
Treadmill Walk: 1.00 km in 10:03 minutes @ 5.9 km/h
One Rep Max trial: Dumbbell Bicep Curls - Left arm 15 kg, Right arm 17.5 kg. The first week or so is going to be a bit of seeing how much muscle strength I've lost so each day I will do a One Rep Max trial for each weight training exercise to give me a baseline to work with. I will be re-introducing weight training as well. Just as soon as I can get my Bodyspace account sorted out. I've had dramas with it accepting my money. Some times it likes my credit card and my account is active so I can use the programs but other times it spits the dummy and I'm left with nothing. Frustrating when you're halfway through a program and the all of a sudden lose access to it.

Gamer workout (first tier one workout) - Done (two sets) with Extra Credit
"Feel Good Gratitude" meditation session (10:39 minutes) via FitOn app.
One Minute Equal Breathing + "Rise & Shine Happy" meditation session (5:01 minutes) via FitOn app.

A little more satisfied with the productivity.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Thank you @mavie , @GentleOx , @Numbat , @TopNotch , and @NancyTree . Thank you all for your support. A new start and I've already been a bit slack in keeping myself accountable but rest assured I have been keeping up with the exercise but also fulltime parenting with Covid in the house. I've managed to avoid it this time around but it could just be residual immunity from my recent dose of it. Anyway on with it.

Day Three, Saturday 24/9/2022
Exercise of the Day (23/9/2022): 60 Seconds Balance Hold - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 3 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (23/9/2022): Serenity - Done

Backup & Restore workout - Done with Extra Credit
"Complete Relaxation" meditation session (8:52 minutes) via FitOn app, completing Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 3
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Five: Monday 26/9/2022
"Morning Mindfulness" meditation session (10:14 minutes) via FitOn app and Ohm Mantra for Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done (because somehow I managed not to have time yesterday. Mind You I did spend four-five hours in the kitchen cooking dinner for the family which took up a chunk of my free time yesterday.

Foundation Light program: Day 5 - Done at Level III

Platelet donation at the Lifeblood The Shire Donation Centre. A couple of hours to myself (while being syphoned).

Exercise of the Day (25/9/2022): 20 Single Leg Squats - Done
Workout of the Day (25/9/2022): Speed +1 - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
"Vizualising Calmness" meditation session (10:45 minutes) via Fiton app, as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 5. Just before going to Kung Fu to teach a horde of not so calm youngsters!

Kung Fu - 2 x Juniors classes (as assistant instructor), Instructor Class, Adults Class
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Six: Tuesday 27/9/2022

AM Gym Session
Classic Warmup
Exercise of the Day (26/9/2022): 30 Push-Up Shoulder Taps - Done
Workout of the Day (26/9/2022): Square One - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Today's 1 Rep Max test - Barbell Bench Press (Medium Grip) - 82.5 kg. Not as good as I hoped but not as bad as I feared. It has been quite a while since doing any decent weight training. But it has given me a baseline to work from, like the dumbbell curls last week.
Foundation Light program: Day 6 - Done at Level III

Equal breathing + "I am Worthy" meditation session (7:00 minutes) from Fit On App as Meditation 30-Day challenge: Day 6.
Knee (recovery) Workout - Done at Level III.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Seven: Wednesday 28/9/2022

Foundation Light program: Day 7 - Done at Level III

AM Gym Session
Fighter's Warmup
Workout of the Day (27/9/2022): Super Squat - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Backup & Restore workout as part of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 7
Exercise of the Day (27/9/2022): 50 Reverse Angels - Done
Stay Awake workout - Done (2 sets) with Extra Credit
0.52 km Treadmill walk in 5:02 minutes @ 6.3 km/h as a finisher.

Post workout
"Mindfulness at Work" meditation session (11:16 minutes) via Fitbit app, completing Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 7
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Eight: Thursday 29/9/2022
Well, I've managed to stick with this a whole week now and haven't overwhelmed myself. If I make it through next week then I'll consider adding one (and only one) more challenge.

"Visualize Joy" meditation session (4:31 minutes) via Fit On app, and "Inviting Ease" meditation session (8:08 minutes) via Fit On app - done as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 8
Foundation Light program: Day 8 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (28/9/2022): 60 Seconds Superwoman Hold - Done

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Unplugged workout - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Workout of the Day (28/9/2022): Stopgap - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Today's One Rep Max trial: Barbell Deadlift - 130 kg. Not brilliant but I am happy with this effort. It doesn't appear I've lost a lot of strength since stopping the weights program. But this is only one of the many strength tests I aim to do over the course of the next week or so. Oddly enough I think my handgrip strength needs more work than deadlifts.
Lower Back rehab workout done as a warm down.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Nine: Friday 30/9/2022
"Building Resilience" meditation session (4:51 minutes) via Fit On app, + Ohm Mantra as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Posture workout - Done (twice just to including the supposed Extra Credit)
The end of another month. I started this month strong and somewhere along the line I fell in a screaming heap. Anyway we are starting afresh and slowly. Despite a lack of staff here I've still managed to hit the gym today.

AM Gym Session
Five Rites workout
Quick warmup
Exercise of the Day (29/9/2022): 30 Scorpion Twists - Done
Silver Workout - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Workout of the Day (30/9/2022): Tempered Steel - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Foundation Light program: Day 9 - Done at Level III
One Rep Max test today: Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension - 25 kg.
Man Down workout Done with Extra Credit as warm down

PM activity to break the monotony.
3-Minute Seated Yoga - Done With Extra Credit
Talk to the Hand - Done with Extra Credit
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Ten: Saturday 1/10/2022
Not a day packed with exercise as I planned but still clocked up my 10+K steps - most round in circles in the kitchen.

Foundation Light program: Day 10 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (30/9/2022): 100 Side Leg Raises - Done
Workout of the Day (30/9/2022): Touch Down - Done at Level III with Extra Credit

and then I hit the kitchen and learned out to make Chicken & Prawn Laksa from scratch20221001_Laksa[1].jpg
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Eleven: Sunday 2/10/2022
"Self Compassion" meditation session (7:45 minutes) + Equal Breathing for Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 10
Exercise of the Day (1/10/2022): 2 Minutes Punches - Done
Workout of the Day (1/10/2022): Toughie - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Movie Night workout (3 sets) - Done and then I realised there was Extra Credit on offer so did it again with Extra Credit, totaling six sets.

and then spent the afternoon making a Chicken Drumstick with Porcini Mushrooms and Chardonnay dish. I'm not big on Chardonnay and this bottle was a gift so finally found a recipe to use it in. I usually go for a Sauv Blanc or Sem/Sauv Blanc blend for cooking.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Twelve: Monday 3/10/2022 Labour Day public holiday in NSW

Exercise of the Day (2/10/2022): 40 Scissors - Done
"Morning Motivation" meditation session (6:32 minutes) via Fit On app + Backup & Restore workout Done with Extra Credit, as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 11
Foundation Light program: Day 12 - Done at Level III
Quick Warmup
Workout of the Day (2/10/2022): Titan - Done at Level III with Extra Credit, but only just. This was probably one of the more intense workouts of done in a while which shows my lack of fitness at the moment.

I was going to do another workout or so but since everyone is finally out of mandatory self-isolation from COVID we hit the Putt Putt course for some fun. A nice lunch out too but then back home and for me, back to the kitchen. Tonight I was trying a Red Wine Terriyaki Domburri.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Thirteen: Tuesday 4/10/2022
I want to ramp up the training but know I have end of month reporting to do so I decided to alternate a bit then it got too much and I took a gym break.
"Loving Through Loneliness" meditation session (10:55 minutes) via Fit On app as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 12
"Morning Mindfulness" meditation session (10:14 minutes) via Fit On app + Ohm Mantra as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 13
Workout of the Day (3/10/2022): Walker - Done with Extra Credit
Exercise of the Day (3/10/2022): 60 seconds Elbow Plank Raised Arm Hold - Done

AM Gym Session
2-Minute Warmup
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done. I forgot that it was a new month so missed the first few days. Time to catch up
Stakeout workout - Done with Extra Credit.
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Cardio Light workout - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Cookie workout - Done with Extra Credit (only two cookies today)
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done and caught up.
Top to Bottom stretch/cooldown workout - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 13 - Done at Level III because I didn't slip it in earlier and nearly forgot it.

After dinner
Better Sleep yoga workout with my daughter.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Fourteen: Wednesday 5/10/2022
Today I might have more chance of increasing the workload, a little. I finally got my Bodyfit account sorted (for now) so can resume my previously started 12 week program "Back to Fit" which I was only into the second week when they decided my money wasn't good enough for them and froze my account. Anyway I'm back in business.

A quiet morning so far so I'll sneak in a few short workouts.
Chair Abs workout - Done
Catch & Release workout - Done
Cardio: Check! workout - Almost done (2 sets in) and then work happened. Oh well, I put a Post-it note on my exercise diary to remind me to do it later.

AM Gym Session, almost afternoon session by the time I waited for the boss and our 2IC to finish their workouts.
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (4/10/2022): 40 Bridges - Done
Workout of the day (4/10/2022): Watch me. - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 10 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 Rounds of 5 exercises with each doing 10 reps. First round light to ease into it. Dumbbell Squats, Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, more Dumbbell Squats, Single Leg Dumbbell Squats (each leg) then more Dumbbell Squats. I used 7kg dumbbells to start and moved up to 10kg dumbbells for the remaining sets.
Foundation Light program: Day 14 - Done at Level III
Cardio: Check! workout - Done (completely this time).
Part 2 stretching workout - Done

PM activity
Stapler workout - Done
Eye Workout - Done

Katana Warmup - Done. Had to look for my bokken for this one because its been a while but now that its out....
Mermaid workout - Done at Level III with Extra Credit. My daughter has been bugging me to do this one for a while. She is at that age when everything is mermaids and unicorns!
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Fifteen: Thursday 6/10/2022
A busy day ahead so it will be do what I can, when I can.
1 Minute Equal Breathing + "Appreciative Joy" meditation session (9:12 minutes) via Fit On app as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 14
Cardio Chair workout - Done but not the easiest in a wheeled office chair.
Docked workout - Done and same issues as above
Rainmaker workout - Done with a sense of irony. This week will put Sydney into the wettest year on record and we're still only in October.

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (5/10/2022): 2 Minutes Raised Leg Circles - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 11 Upper Body Circuit - Done. 5 rounds of 5 exercises with each doing 10 reps. As with yesterday, a light round to start off then into it. Inclined Barbell Bench Press (20kg barbell start then 32.5kg for following sets), Dumbbell Shoulder Press (7kg dumbbells to start then up to 10kg for the remainder), Lat Pulldown (25kg to start then 45kg), EZ-Bar Curls because we don't have a Preacher Bench here anymore (10kg then 17.5kg), and Tricep Extensions (on cable machine) (20kg and finishing with 35kg). A number of these weights can go up next session but taking it gently as I ease back into the weights routine.
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Workout of the Day (5/10/2022): Action Hero - Done at Level III with Extra Credit. Not sure if it is because I had just done the previous circuit or whether I am really out of shape but this workout nailed me.
Foundation Light program: Day 15 - Done at Level III
Backup & Restore workout as part of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 15.

"Human Being not Human Doing" meditation session (11:27 minutes) via Fit On app completing Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 14

And I jinxed myself about the rainmaker workout. I went out for my hourly wander around the premises as FitBit reminded me to do and I came across a large pool of water inside our truck bay. That shouldn't be there. I followed the trail to the back of the truck back and as I approached one of the store rooms I heard what sounded like a waterfall. I opened the door and sure enough I found a waterfall! A pipe in the ceiling had burst and water pouring into through newly created roof cavity. Anyway it turns out that a 400mm storm water pipe that was running through our ceiling space had blown. A bunch of us ratchet-strapped it back up into place and duct-taped the join and most importantly, crossed our fingers. The temporary fix held and building services were called. They sent a plumber who looked at it and said there was nothing he could do while it was still raining. Thank you for nothing. Anyway we didn't lose too much gear.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Sixteen: Friday 7/10/2022
The rain has eased.

"Effortlessness" meditation session (11:36 minutes) via FitOn app as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 16.
In yesterday's excitement I forgot to do the seconds part of the new challenge so done the final Side Bends this morning
Office Friendly Posture: Day 1 - Done. This was the second Tier 1 challenge so it should be the second one started.
Cardio & Tone workout - Done
Seated Boxer workout - Done
Ctrl + Alt + Shift workout - Done
Exercise of the Day (6/10/2022): 80 Back Leg Raises - Done
Cardio Grind workout - Done

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Workout of the Day (6/10/2022): Bad Wolf - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 16 - Done at Level III
Back to Fit program: Day 12 Cardio Circuit - Done (2 Minutes Treadmill Walk @ 5.4 km/h + 2 Minutes Treadmill Jog @ 7.4 km/h + 1 Minute Treadmill Run @ 9.4 km/h x 5 sets) = 25:01 minutes for 2.91 km
Cardio Inc. workout - Done as a warm down.

PM activity
Rotator Cuff workout - Done
Sore Neck workout - Done
Eye Rest workout - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Seventeen: Saturday 8/10/2022
A late quick workout as I'd spent all day on duty at the fire station waiting for storm activity that never eventuated. Good to be back though.

Exercise of the Day (7/10/2022): 40 Plank Rolls - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 17 - Done at Level III
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Workout of the Day (7/10/2022): Havoc - Done at Level III
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done

"Transition to Sleep" meditation session (15:00 minutes) + Ohm Mantra - Done as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 17
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Eighteen: Sunday 9/10/2022
A quick and early one as back up the fire station for more potential storm activity.

Workout of the Day (8/10/2022): Iron Tendons (Lowerbody) - Done with Extra Credit
Exercise of the Day (8/10/2022): 40 Hop Heel Clicks - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 18 - Done at Level III
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Nineteen: Monday 10/10/2022
A busy day ahead with a platelet donation taking up a chunk of free time.

Quick Warmup
Workout of the Day (9/10/2022): Jinn - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
2.20 km walk getting the little one to school for dance practice
Platelet Donation
Exercise of the Day (9/10/2022): 60 Seconds O-Pose Hold - Done

Housework took up most the rest of the day

After dinner
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
A few leftover activities will have to be done tomorrow


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Thank you @Montserrat , its a work very much in progress. I've caught myself up on your activities too and you're also doing well. I haven't been game to try running a 5k in a while so good on you. Don't worry about the time, speed comes with practice, just like anything else! Keep up the good work.

Day twenty: Tuesday 11/10/2022
And back to work and back to reality. Tuesdays are my busiest days and somehow I want to try and fit in those activities I missed due to my weekend. I'm proud that I am managing to keep on top of most things and still get a little R&R and me-time. I don't get a lot of down time for those that don't know me. I am always busy and keep trying to fit more and more into my days which is how I ended up trying to do fourteen Darebee challenges and three programs at once. Now I have my spreadsheet of minimum activity before adding more. It also includes making time for things like my Duolingo training and my Fitbit hourly "get up and move" reminders.

"Forgiveness" meditation session (12:33 minutes) via FitOn app + 1 Minute Equal Breathing as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 18 (yes one of those activities that I'm a day or so behind in)

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 19 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (10/10/2022): Limitless - Done with Extra Credit. A good lead in for what came next.
Back to Fit program: Day 13 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 sets x 5 exercises x 10 reps - Barbell Squats (warmup - 30kg then 4 sets at 50kg), Dumbbell Lunges in lieu of Leg Extensions (don't have the machine for that one) (warmup - 7kg dumbbells then 4 sets at 10 kg), Trap Bar Deadlifts in lieu of Seat Leg Curl (again we don't have the machine here at work) (Warmup - 60kg then 80kg for 3 sets but back down to 60kg for last), Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (in lieu of Leg Press, again no machine) (Warmup - 7kg then 4 sets of 10 kg dumbbells). A twinge of lower back discomfort makes me think I may have started too heavy on the trap bar deadlift. It will take a little while for my body to get used to doing these exercises again and I need to be patient and not go too heavy or hard too soon. I backed off on the trap bar but will think about the warm up a little more next time).
Cardio Party workout - Done
Exercise of the Day (10/10/2022): 100 Elbow Strikes
Foundation Light program: Day 20 Tendon Strength - Done at Level III
Backup & Restore workout - Done with Extra Credit as part of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 19.
Hand Tendons workout - Done (2 sets)

"Mindfulness at Work" meditation session (11:16 minutes) via FitBit app, completing Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 20
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Twenty-one: Wednesday 12/10/2022
Three weeks in and I think I'm doing alright. Some things I am finding difficult and wondering whether I should be but others I'm happy with the progress being made. A brief thought bubble appeared in my head this morning and suggested I consider adding another 30-day challenge to the list but as the next Challenge is First Thing Water, I will have to start tomorrow. It won't add any more required gym time but will have benefits so I will start it even though I was concerned about taking on too much. I wasn't feeling too flash this morning, possibly from overeating last night or lack of good sleep so today's workout was daunting to say the least.

Gravity Hold workout - Done as a morning distraction

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (11/10/2022): 20 Staggered Push-Ups - Done
Cardio Sculpt workout - Done as another warmup
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Workout of the Day (11/10/2022): Monkey! - Done at Level III with Extra Credit. This absolutely drained what energy I had.
Back to Fit program: Day 15 Upper Body Circuit - Done. 5 Sets of 5 Exercises with each for 10 reps. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (10kg dumbbells as warmup, 15kg dumbbells for remainder), Dumbbell Lateral Raise (7kg dumbbells as warmup and 9kg dumbbells for remainder), Single-Arm Dumbbell Row (12.5kg dumbbell as warmup and 20kg dumbbell for remainder), Barbell Curl (20kg as warmup and 25kg for remainder), and Cable Overhead triceps Extension (20kg warmup and 30kg for remainder). This circuit killed what little energy I had left.
Foundation Light program: Day 21 - Done at Level III as cool down. This was a solid 1 hour workout and I am so glad I finished it. There were times that I considered cutting Monkey! short to Level I or II, or dropping the weights down in the Back to Fit program but I persevered and will know tomorrow if it was a good idea or not.

PM activities
Cardio Balance workout - Done to break up the monotony of lunch time
"Mood Adjustment" Meditation session (11:16 minutes) via Fit On app as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 20. This is further than any other attempt at this challenge. I usually put it off while doing more physical activities partially because it could done anyway but also each day gets longer and more time consuming. Not being distracted by hundred of other challenges allows me to have the time and inclination to do each day of this challenge. I'm still one day behind but will hopefully make that up tonight.

Cardio Mill workout - Done to avoid doing physical damage to the stupid photocopier/printer that forgets who I am every second time I swipe my ID card onto it. I fell a little better for doing something constructive, not destructive. Breathe. Okay all is good in the world again.

Hand Mobility workout - Done (two sets)
Lower Back (Chair Edition) workout - Done

"Growing The Good" meditation session (15:04 minutes) + 1 (and then some) Om Mantra - Done as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 21, after Round 2 with the Photocopier/Printer/soon-to-be-boat-anchor. Time to forget the disappointment and realise that it is nearly home time and I can get on with more relaxing things like dealing with Sydney's traffic!

Oh and Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 7 before I forget.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Twenty-Two: Thursday 13/10/2022
First Thing Water 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done and I did remember. I was having bets with myself last night that I'd forget. Thursday mornings are often busy at work with a number of reports due but today I managed to get them done and some meditation and some exercise, before hitting the gym!

"Anytime Breath" meditation session (7:13 minutes) via Fit On app then straight into "Cotton Candy Clouds" meditation session (9:26 minutes) via Fit On app along with 1 Minute Equal Breathing for Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done.
Exercise of the Day (12/10/2022): 2 Minutes Balance Hold - Done
Workout of the Day (12/10/2022): One Angry Bird - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Cardio Pump workout - Done to get the heart rate up a little
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 16 Cardio Circuit - Done on the treadmill (5 rounds of 5 minutes. 2 minutes Walking @ 5.5km /h, 2 minutes Jogging @ 7.5 km/h, and 1 minute of Running at 9.5 km/h). Total 2.97 km in 25:03 minutes
Cardio Stroll workout - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 16 - Done at Level III
Hybrid Routine 2.0 Thursday (Push-Ups & Leg Raises) - Done both at the Level 1 Exercise for each (Wall Push-Ups and Knee Raises) and each at Level 1 (2 sets of 30 and 2 sets of 10)
Slow Burn workout as a cool down.

Thank you @Whirly and @Montserrat both for reminding me about Hampton and his Hybrid Calisthenics website. I like his unassuming style that breaks each exercise down with progressions to the next level. To be honest I did look at his instructions on how to build up to Pull-Ups and found it very simple to follow and unlike most other so-called how-to guides on pull-ups, he didn't assume you could do any to begin with. Some of the other sites I checked out were like "this is a beginner's introduction to doing pull-ups so let's knock out ten and move on". I felt disillusioned by these sites. If I could knock out 10 pull-ups like that, I wouldn't be coming to you in the first place! So back to Hampton and he has build his website more since I last saw and has a simple to follow routine to build up strength and stamina. The routine could be a stand-alone or a bolt-on to other workouts and routines. I will try and incorporate these daily routines into my workouts. I can do push-ups and leg raises but I like Darebee, I've decided to start at the bottom and work my way up. The one thing I wasn't used to was the count. I'm use to down, up , down, up for push-ups but he suggests a 2 second down, 1 second pause, 2 seconds up, 1 second pause count for push-ups which certainly put me in my place. I like the idea of building stamina as well as strength so I will try and fit this into my day somewhere.


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Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 975
Yes, I do like the Hybrid Calisthenics routine. I first heard about it through some comments on the Hive too! I haven't been prioritizing it enough lately though, so it is hard to tell what its effects can be. (I want to do too many different things!) But I do feel that it may really help to gradually build up strength of certain muscles.

This is a good motivation for me to be a little bit more consistent once again. Did the exercises for today!



Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Good on you @Montserrat , and I feel your pain about wanting to do too many things at once. There never seems to be enough hours in the day.

Day Twenty-Three: Friday 14/10/2022
First Thing Water 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done. It does help to get a cup of water on the bed side table the night before so its the first thing I see when I wake up.

Today being Friday means there will be minimal staff on and the phones will probably ring off the hook but you never know so I'll do what I can in the quieter moments.
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Exercise of the Day (13/10/2022): 50 Lunge Step-Ups - Done
Squat & Co workout - Done
Binary Workout - Done. This one does my head in because I have little coordination.
Foundation Light program: Day 23 Strength - Done at Level III
Time Out workout - Done

AM Gym session
Quick Warmup
Workout of the Day (13/10/2022): So far, So Good - Done at Level III with Extra Credit. Three weeks into the new log and training, I am thinking "so far, so good". Consistency is the key. Keeping on track and doing what I can when I can.
Back to Fit program: Day 18 Upper Body Circuit (I'm planning to do Day 17 at home tomorrow as it is easier to manage at home) - Done (5 sets of 5 exercises for 10 reps each, first being a warmup). (Barbell Incline Press 25kg for warmup + 35kg for the remainder; Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 7kg dumbbells for warmup + 12.5kg dumbbells for two sets but became too intense so dropped back to 10kg dumbbells for last two sets; Lat Pull-Down 25kg for warmup + 50kg for remainder, EZ-bar Curl 10kg warmup + 20kg for remainder, Triceps Extension 20kg for warmup + 40kg for remainder)
the WALK workout - Done
Posture Perfect workout - Done with Extra Credit
Upperbody Stretch workout - Done
Backup& Restore - Done with Extra Credit as part of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 23.

After lunch
"Body Scan" meditation session (16:22 minutes) via Fit On app - Done as completion of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 23.
Neck & Shoulders workout - Done

Stress Buster workout - Done
Pressure Points workout - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Twenty-Four: Saturday 15/10/2022

I can't believe nearly a week has gone by since I last updated this log. I have been ridiculously busy but active.

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done.
The Right Side workout - Done with Extra Credit
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Exercise of the Day (14/10/2022): 20 Scapula Shrugs - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 24 - Done at Level III.

I decided to expand my culinary skills and learn the art of making ramen. For those not familiar with ramen, it is a Japanese noodle soup. It can be made from 2-minute noodles thrown into some boiling water with a seasoning sachet. However the artisans spend days making it for a single meal. And this is the way I wanted to learn - Ramen from scratch. My daughter was very encouraging but I suspect she was only thinking of the end result and not the long and laborious process. Anyway the best part of Saturday was spent making some of the individual components which left little time to do structured exercise.

1.86km walk after dropping the car off for its annual registration inspection.

Day Twenty-Five: Sunday 16/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done. Straight into the exercise then straight into the kitchen.
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 25 - Done at Level III
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Exercise of the Day (15/10/2022): 2 Minutes Side Plank Hold - Done. Did you know it is very hard to hold a side plank when trying not to laugh! My son was playing a funny video he found on YouTube and I was struggling to maintain the hold. I did it but probably should have gone into another room.

Anyway back to the kitchen. Ramen completed and family satisfied. some aspects were appreciated more than others but overall a success. Worth spending two days in the kitchen for? Jury is still out on that one.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Twenty-Six: Monday 17/10/2022. Cleaning Day.
Yes cleaning day. We have an inspection by the real estate agents/landlords and the place needs to be spotless which has put the fear of God into my daughter who has not seen the floor of her bedroom in who-knows how long.

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done. This is starting to be a habit now.
1.97 km walk dropping my daughter off to school and back via coffee. A quick vacuum of the house and into the exercise.
4-Minute Warmup
Super Charge workout - Done as an additional warmup.
Exercise of the Day (16/10/2022): 100 knee-to-Elbows - Done
Workout of the Day (15/10/2022): Chase - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done

Clean mould off bathroom ceiling. An ongoing battle I'm not sure I'm winning. The amount of rain we've had this year isn't helping.

Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Foundation Light program: Day 26 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (16/10/2022): Boss Level - Done at Level III with Extra Credit

Wipe down of walls and windows. Pick kids up from school.
Kung Fu (2 x Juniors class + instructor class)



Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Twenty-Seven: Tuesday 18/10/2022
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
"Time Travelling" meditation session (12:52 minutes) via Fit On app + "Morning Kindness" meditation session (5:28 minutes) via Fit On app - Done as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 24.

AM Gym Session
Cardio Warmup
Foundation Light program: Day 27 - Done at Level III
Workout of the Day (17/10/2022): Hit the Ground - Done at Level III with Extra Credit.
Back to Fit program: Day 17 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 Rounds of 5 exercises with each doing 10 reps. First round light as warmup. Dumbbell Squats, Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, more Dumbbell Squats, Single Leg Dumbbell Squats (each leg) then more Dumbbell Squats. I used 7kg dumbbells to start and moved up to 10kg dumbbells for the remaining sets.
Exercise of the Day (17/10/2022): 50 Side-to-Side Lunges - Done

Post lunch
Wrist Pain workout - Done
Stiff Neck workout - Done

Post Dinner
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Twenty-Eight: Wednesday 19/10/2022
Well here we are. Four weeks after hitting the reset button. It hasn't been smooth sailing but progress has been made. I am a little behind in my meditation sessions and I have missed one Workout of Day at the moment. Other than those few things I've managed to stay on top of nearly everything and am happy with the amount of exercise being performed and restraint shown for not starting an absurd number of challenges. I've started working my way forward from the start in terms of programs, challenges and workouts. A couple of workouts haven't gone to plan. The Paws workout was a failure as I don't have a cat and they don't generally like to be borrowed. I tried with my kids' pet hermit crabs but they don't play so well so I have given that one a pass. Chair workouts don't work well with office chairs on wheels either so I need to remember to do the rest of those at home. I've got the next program and challenge lined up and will continue to work my way through the Tier 1 workouts. By the time I complete them I should be fit/strong enough to take on Tier 2 workouts. Until then I will keep moving forward.

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
"Kindness for All" meditation session (14:41 minutes) + OM Mantra as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Gravity Hold II workout - Done
Exercise of the Day (18/10/2022): 60 Seconds Raised Leg Hold - Done
Power Squat workout - Done

AM Gym Session
Universal Warmup
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Workout of the Day (18/10/2022): Magician - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Foundation Light program: Day 28 - Done at Level III
Back to Fit program: Day 19 Cardio Circuit - Done on the treadmill (5 rounds of 5 minutes. 2 minutes Walking @ 5.6km /h, 2 minutes Jogging @ 7.6 km/h, and 1 minute of Running at 9.6 km/h). Total 3.00 km in 25:01 minutes
Hybrid Routine 2.0 Wednesday (Bridges & Twists) - Done both at the Level 1 Exercise for each (Glute Bridges and Straight Leg Twists) and each at Level 1 (2 sets of 15 and 2 sets of 15 Seconds)
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Scout from WNY
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The Paws workout was a failure as I don't have a cat and they don't generally like to be borrowed. I tried with my kids' pet hermit crabs but they don't play so well so I have given that one a pass.


Casper has no interest in my exercising and Liam is supremely unhelpful. So no Paws for me, either!

Congrats on the Ramen! I've made the stock for it, but bought noodles to save myself time. Worth the effort, but not something I make often!


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Thank you @JCU . The ramen I made was a simple Shio Ramen but I've been pressed by the mob to make a Tonkotsu Ramen next time so I'm guessing there is going to be a next time. The ramen is one of many culinary projects of mine to learn how to make traditional dishes from around the world.

Nice to know your pets are as helpful as mine. I would like to see the Darebee YouTube video of that workout with cooperative pets!


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Twenty-Nine: Thursday 20/10/2022.
Water First Thing: Day 8 - Done
Arm & Chest Stretch workout - Done
Micro Break workout - Done
Exercise of the Day (19/10/2022): 40 Knee-to-Elbow Crunches - Done
De-Stress Stretching workout - Done

AM Gym Session
The Prep warmup
Workout of the Day (19/10/2022): Go Ahead Make My Day - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 20 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 sets x 5 exercises x 10 reps - Barbell Squats (warmup - 35kg then 4 sets at 60kg), Dumbbell Lunges in lieu of Leg Extensions (don't have the machine for that one) (warmup - 7kg dumbbells then 4 sets at 12.5 kg), Trap Bar Deadlifts in lieu of Seat Leg Curl (again we don't have the machine here at work) (Warmup - 60kg then 75kg for 2 sets but back down to 70kg for last two sets), Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (in lieu of Leg Press, again no machine) (Warmup - 7kg then 3 sets of 12.5kg dumbbells and the last at 10kg). Again this circuit is playing havoc with my lower back which is again why I backed off the weights. Next time I will scale everything right back and see if that helps.
Hybrid Routine 2.0 Thursday (Push-Ups & Leg Raises) - Done both at the Level 1 Exercise for each (Wall Push-Ups and Knee Raises) and Push-Ups at Level 2 (2 sets of 50) but Leg raises still at Level 1 (1 set of 20 and 1 sets of 10). The lower back was being temperamental by stage so I just did what was needed and hit the mat for the final activity.
Backup & Restore - Done with Extra Credit as part of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 27. Then I heard water gurgling and drops falling from the ceiling onto the treadmill. Definitely time to go. The sparky here at work reckons it was just the air conditioning unit's overflow which has copped a hiding due to the high humidity at the moment, much to my relief. I had visions of another stormwater pipe letting go and flooding the workplace.

PM activity
"Cotton Candy Clouds" meditation session (9:26 minutes) & "Free From Anxiety" meditation session (6:17 minutes), both from Fit on app and done as the second part of Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 27.
Refresh workout - Done
Breathing workout - Done.

Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Thirty: Friday 21/10/2022.
The end of Month One.

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done

AM Gym session
I wasn't too motivated this morning but got into it once I was started getting the heart rate up.
Precursor warmup - Done (2 sets - to claim the EC)
Foundation Light program: Day 30 - Done at Level III and program completed. I will now claim this badge (again).
Exercise of the Day (20/10/2022): 60 Seconds Squat Hold - Done
Workout of the Day (20/10/2022): Monster Core - Done at Level III with Extra Credit. Not an easy one, especially with a spare tyre around the middle.
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 22 Upper Body Circuit (Day 21 Rest Day will be taken tomorrow) - Done. 5 Sets of 5 Exercises with each for 10 reps. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (10kg dumbbells as warmup, 17.5kg dumbbells for 2 sets but 15kg dumbbells for remainder), Dumbbell Lateral Raise (7kg dumbbells as warmup and 9kg dumbbells for remainder), Single-Arm Dumbbell Row (12.5kg dumbbell as warmup and 20kg dumbbell for remainder), Barbell Curl (20kg as warmup and 27.5kg for 2 sets then 25kg for remainder), and Cable Overhead triceps Extension (20kg warmup, 35kg for two sets and 30kg for remainder). Maybe I was over-ambitious upping the weights, maybe it was the previous workouts taking their toll, whatever the reason, I found it less stressing on the body by dropping the weights a little. I will push to do all the sets at the starting weights next time round. This week was more than last week so regardless my dissatisfaction about not going all the way with the heavier weights, I have made progress. Each week is a little more so I will keep going like this. The DOMS I felt today was not from the leg work I did yesterday but the Hybrid Routine! The 2 x 50 Wall Push-Ups done on the count has tightened the tricep muscles nicely. I think it is the combination of the slow controlled manner they're done as well as sheer volume of repetitions that is why it feels like this routine is effective. That said, I have nothing left in the tank for today's Hybrid Routine.

"Self-Kindness for Stress" meditation session (15:05 minutes) via Fitbit app - Done as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 28. A little behind but not too bad. I will start the next round of challenges and programs tomorrow regardless.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Thank you @NancyTree , @TopNotch , @Silent Wolf , @Fremen , @JCU , and @Montserrat . Yes I am finally back in the badges. A little slow on one of the challenges but maintaining some semblance of exercise or physical activity each day.

Day Thirty-One: Saturday 22/10/2022.
A new day with a new program and a new challenge.

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Baseline program: Day 1 - Done at Level 3. This was the second of five tier 1 programs so it is the next one on the list.
Workout of the Day (21/10/2022): One Day at a Time - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Exercise of the Day (21/10/2022): 100 Back Leg Raises - Done

and then around to a friend's place for dinner.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Thirty-Two: Sunday 23/10/2022

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
AM: Fishing with the kids

Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Baseline program: Day 2 - Done at Level III
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Workout of the Day (22/10/2022): One Minute Plank - Done with Extra Credit (3 sets)
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Exercise of the Day (22/10/2022): 50 Folded Crunches - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
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Posts: 289
Day Thirty-Three: Monday 24/10/2022
A hectic day.
Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 12
07:45 dropped my car off for its first service and agreed to pick it up around 3pm. No public transport around so I start walking home in the pouring rain. 90 minutes later and 200m from home I get a phone call that the car will ready in 30 minutes and I be picking it up then! I had a few choice words to say.
9.06 km walk in 1:33:19 hours
back on the next bus I could find which got me close but still another walk in the rain coming up, which was even heavier by now.
1.75 km walk in 17:27 minutes

Back home with food and coffee. A quick change into dry clothes.
Blood bank for a Platelets donation.

back home in time to get change and off to Kung Fu to teach 2 x Juniors classes and do instructor class and adults class.
Step count: 28,852
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Thirty-Four: Tuesday 25/10/2022
Catch-up day.

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 13
"Simple Meditation" meditation session (4:47 minutes) via Fit On app + "Value in Vulnerability" (11:19 minutes) via Fit On app, + OM Mantra as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 29.
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (23/10/2022): 10 Cross Body Push-Ups - Done
Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 4
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 24
Baseline program: Day 3 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (24/10/2022): 20 Burpees - Done
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 25
Workout of the Day (24/10/2022): Overtime - Done at Level III with Extra Credit

PM activity
Baseline program: Day 4 - Done at Level III
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done

"Sleep Yoga Nidra" meditation session (19:47 minutes) via Fit On app - Done as Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 30 and challenge finally completed.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 289
Day Thirty-Five: Wednesday 26/10/2022

Water First Thing 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done

Power Grip 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Exercise of the Day (25/10/2022): 2 Minutes Squat Hold Punches - Done

And then I got the call that my son needed to see a doctor urgently so I race home and take him up to the hospital where he looks like he's done a few rounds of MMA. We're eventually seen to by a doctor and given a number of different anti-biotics and the order for rest. By evening the swelling was horrific for the poor kid and our fingers were crossed that the drugs take effect soon. Not much I could do now other than be there for him and give him support.

While he was resting I managed to knock a few of the daily's over.
Daily Kicks 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Baseline program: Day 5 - Done at Level III
Office Friendly Posture 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done