Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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:tu: @Lady Celerity

Wasn't too interested in exercising today, the Workout of the Day looked very daunting, but did a little bit to protect my precious streak:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Knees-to-Elbows (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 23 of Power Squats done,
Day 9 of Hard Reset Cardio done.

Very rainy, going to be a mostly indoors day today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Deadoks @Baryl @Mamatigerj @Nevetharine

Today was rather leg heavy, they're all noodlely now! :standby:

Universal Warmup done,
60 Knee Strikes (EotD) done (In one go),
Monarch (WotD) done (2 sets),
Day 24 of Power Squats done,
Day 10 of Hard Reset Strength done (2 sets).

The sky is not so dark and gloomy today, so I'm feeling a bit more with it, see y'all tomorrow!


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Didn't get much done today, was just too hungry and in need of breakfast this morning!

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold (EotD) done (In one go, 30 seconds an arm),
Code Of Abs attempted (1 set, still can't Sit-Up),
Day 25 of Power Squats attempted (2 sets),
Day 10 of Hard Reset Cardio attempted (2 sets).

And now breakfast, see y'all tomorrow!


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You should do crunch anyway, sit-up is not the best exercise for back and psoas

I do try and do the Sit-Ups whenever they pop up, but Crunches is as upright as I can get!

Another day done:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Side-to-Side Jumps (EotD) done (In one go),
Glutes Over Quads (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 26 of Power Squats done,
Day 11 of Hard Reset Strength done (Tough day this one, couldn't hold any pose for the full 60 seconds in one go, and didn't have the space for a couple).

Made a Burrito Bowl for dinner last night, it was nice but it was really just Chilli and Rice with extra steps, so I don't think I'll make it again.


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Howdy y'all!

Missed a few days, didn't have any Internet, and while I did try to do some exercising, I'm terrible at putting together workouts, so I don't think I did enough for it to really count.
I did keep up with my Power Squats though, so that challenge is now complete! :yas:

And on to today:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Squat Hold Calf Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Hightail (WotD) done (3 sets, confused as to why this is a level 5. Admittedly I couldn't do the Jump Tucks, I always worry I won't get my legs down in time, but the rest was pretty easy),
Day 1 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 11 of Hard Reset Cardio done,
Stretched done.

See y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,163
"Striving to be the change."
Congratulations on completing the Power Squats Challenge @aku-chan !

Hightail (WotD) done (3 sets, confused as to why this is a level 5. Admittedly I couldn't do the Jump Tucks, I always worry I won't get my legs down in time, but the rest was pretty easy),
The inclusion of jump knee tucks is the reason this workout is now classified as difficulty level 5.

DAREBEE changed their system for classifying workout difficulty level last year. You can find Neila's original post about the change here. This information is now also explained in the Filter by Difficulty section of the Workout Manual. If you read the text at the bottom of the Hightail workout, you'll see that it still references it as being a Level 3 workout. It's clearly one of the workouts that got reclassified as a higher difficulty level as a result of the system change.


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Fremen @Ereshkigal @CODawn @Lady Celerity @Deadoks @Mamatigerj @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Nevetharine

@Laura Rainbow Dragon - Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense now! And I don't feel so bad about leaving out the Jump Tucks knowing that was the extra hard bit.

Couldn't quite finish everything today, the Hard Reset Strength bits wore out my legs:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Split Jacks (EotD) done (In one go),
No More Bad Days (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 2 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 12 of Hard Reset Strength done.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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:tu: @MadamMeow

Very tired, Housemate woke me up ridiculously early and it took several hours (And a couple sleeping pills) before I could drop off again.
Managed to do the important bits though:-

Universal Warmup done,
Day 12 of Hard Reset Cardio done (3 sets),
Day 3 of Daily Cardio done.

Going to take it very easy today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Not so tired today:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Climber Taps (EotD) done (3 sets of 10),
Equalizer (WotD) attempted (1 set, Reverse Flutter Kicks are hard!),
Day 4 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 13 of Hard Reset Strength done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

Really worried about the Housemate this morning, she's not making a lot of sense when she talks to me at the moment, hopefully she gets better as the day goes on, see y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,163
"Striving to be the change."
Really worried about the Housemate this morning, she's not making a lot of sense when she talks to me at the moment, hopefully she gets better as the day goes on,
Is mental confusion normal for her? I don't know what her situation is at all. Confusion can be caused by a long list of things, most of which fall into the "go get help now" category.


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Is mental confusion normal for her? I don't know what her situation is at all. Confusion can be caused by a long list of things, most of which fall into the "go get help now" category.

She is always a bit confused these days, but she has these very rare episodes where it gets really bad, and unfortunately it did turn out to be one of those times, she is doing better now though. Gonna talk to her doctor about it when she has her check up later in the month.

Another week finished:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Leg Raises (EotD) done (Over 3 sets 15/15/10),
Superhero In Training (WotD) done (3 sets with Knee Push-Ups 15/13/13),
Day 5 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 13 of Hard Reset Cardio done (I hate these "running" days, I did push and got all 5 sets done though! When a workout tells you to take a 2 minute break, it actually helps to take a 2 minute break, who'd have thunk it? :whaa:),
Stretched done.

Not sure when the Housemate will get up today, so I think it'll be a quiet day of chores and hobbies indoors, see y'all tomorrow!


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@Nevetharine - Normally I'm good and just take a minute, but I really needed that extra 1 to get over those High Knees and things!

Didn't do much exercising today, just wasn't in the mood, I was on the phone for an hour this morning trying to get some house repairs sorted, and it's got me all grumpy:-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Side Bends (EotD) done (In one go),
I Showed Up attempted (1 set),
Day 6 of Daily Cardio attempted (1 set),
Day 14 of Hard Reset Strength attempted (1 set).

Going to go for a long walk and improve my mood, see if the park geese are still extracting their Goose Toll:-

GEDC5781 (1).JPG

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,306
Thanks! @NancyTree @JCU @Mamatigerj @Deadoks @GentleOx

Feeling better today, the walk cheered me up, as did the Hazelnut Hot Chocolate I had while I was out.

Universal Warmup done,
2 Minutes Side Leg Swings (EotD) done (In one go),
Touch Down (WotD) done (3 sets, I'm getting better at bopping up and down, didn't get anywhere near as dizzy as I usually do),
Day 7 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 14 of Hard Reset Cardio done (Only 3 sets, I've got the "running" days sorted but still struggling with the "walking" ones, my arms can only take so much overhead waving :ragdoll:).

Since I did so much walking yesterday, going to take it easier today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Tired... :exhausted:
Housemate woke me up twice last night, once at 2:30 to get up (She wouldn't listen to me when I said it was far too early) and then at 4:15 to go back to bed when she realised she got up far too early, plus I had to get up early today too :sadness:.
At least I managed a little exercise:-

Universal Warmup done,
10 Tricep Extensions (EotD) done (In one go, on my knees),
Here Be Dragons (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 8 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 15 of Hard Reset Strength done (The dreaded leg day! Still counting rather than timing because I take too many breaks).

Now I just have to sit here and twiddle my thumbs while I wait for workmen to show up, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed a couple days, was just so tired I couldn't get up early enough to do anything.
Was determined to do lots today, but then I hurt myself doing Knee-In and Twists :giveup::-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Squats (EotD) attempted (Managed 20),
Grit And Grace (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 9 of Daily Cardio attempted (1 set),
Day 15 of Hard Reset Cardio done.

My hips clicked when I sat down, so I've got more of a dull ache now rather than the sharp pain before, but I'm still not doing much today until it's time to make dinner, it's Chicken and Mushroom Pasta, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Ereshkigal @CODawn @Deadoks @Fremen @JCU @Mamatigerj @Laura Rainbow Dragon - Not sure what I did to myself but I'm feeling better now.

Start of a new week :jacks::-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Get-Ups (EotD) done (In one go),
I Am Enough (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 10 of Daily Cardio attempted (2 sets),
Day 16 of Hard Reset Strength done,
Stretched done.

Finished watching Moon Knight last night, it was really good, Konshu is a jerk though. Gotta decide what to start next, my 'To watch' list never seems to stop growing.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day done:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Reverse Plank Kicks (EotD) done (3 sets of 10),
Steamroller (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 11 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 16 of Hard Reset Cardio done (3 sets, had to switch the Turning Kicks for Side Kicks on the final set, I think I was doing them wrong because they were starting to hurt my ankles),
Stretched done.

Making Sweet Potato Katsu for dinner, gotta have something healthy to make up for yesterdays takeaway Kebab and Cheesy Chips, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,306
And another:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Butterfly Sit-Ups Crunches (EotD) done (In one go),
Made With Love (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 12 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 17 of Hard Reset Strength done (3 sets),
Morning Mobility done.

Hopefully I'll get to make my Sweet Potato Katsu tonight, Housemate wasn't doing too great yesterday so I didn't do any cooking, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,306
@colin - Nope, I threw the recipe out, the dish ended up pretty awful!

Missed a few days, just so tried at the moment.
Did a bit today, until I hurt myself doing Jumping Jacks:-

Universal Warmup done,
5 Cross Triceps Extensions (EotD) done (In one go, on my knees),
The Cake Is A Lie (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 13 of Daily Cardio attempted (2 sets),
Day 17 of Hard Reset Cardio attempted (2 sets).

Hopefully I'll be able to do more tomorrow, see y'all then!