Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Nevetharine @Lady Celerity @JCU @Mamatigerj @Deadoks @Maegaranthelas - Just struggling to get a decent nights sleep at the moment, it'll sort itself it eventually. Plus, getting up earlier seems to be helping for some weird reason.

Another day done:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Single Leg Bridges (EotD) done (In one go),
Storm Raider (WotD) done (3 sets, really struggled with that last set though),
Day 14 of Daily Cardio done (Ankle didn't like the Jumping Jacks, so these were Step Jacks),
Day 18 of Hard Reset Strength done (3 sets, had to do the Lunges very gently),
Stretched done.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @NancyTree
@colin - I'll have to check it out.

Missed a couple days again, I've come down with a cold now :sadness:
Tried doing a bit this morning, but I'm still pretty congested and bleh:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Knees-to-Elbows (EotD) done (In one go, standing up),
Grown Up (WotD) attempted (1 set, swapped all the Planky things with stuff I could do standing up),
Day 15 of Daily Cardio attempted (2 sets, mostly March Steps instead of High Knees),
Day 18 of Hard Reset Cardio attempted (2 sets),
Stretched done.

At least it's not raining today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @NancyTree @Baryl @Lady Celerity @colin @JCU @GentleOx @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Nevetharine

Missed another day :sad:
Not sure what was wrong with me yesterday, but I woke up feeling really lousy, spent the day wrapped up in a blanket hoping I wouldn't have to track down an out-of-hours doctor. Cleared up by the evening though, and all I've got today is a bit of the sniffles.
Would've done more exercising today, but the Hard Reset bit took up too much time:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done (Managed about 45 seconds before my knees dipped),
Dragonheart attempted (1 set),
Day 16 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 19 of Hard Reset Strength done,
Stretched done.

Trying a new recipe for dinner, Longevity Noodles with Velvet Prawns, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @NancyTree @JCU - I'm still not 100% but I'm getting there.

Another day done:-

Universal Warmup done,
3 Minutes Shoulder Taps (EotD) done (In 3 x 1 minute sets),
Assassin's Workout (WotD) attempted (1 set, this was a hard one!),
Day 17 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 19 of Hard Reset Cardio done (Struggled with the Side Plank Holds, but managed the rest okay).

Dinner was really tasty last night, that recipe is going in the file, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Did well today:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Pacer Steps (EotD) done (In one go),
Body Patch (WotD) done (3 sets, struggled with some of the Planking but I tried),
Day 18 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 20 of Hard Reset Strength done (Really wore out my legs),
Stretched done.

Well there's an exercising injury I wasn't expecting, my little toenail came off at some point (I'm guessing when I was Planking) and I didn't even notice :shoked:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@MadamMeow - Yeah I think it'll be okay, it's not even sore to the touch and there was barely any blood. Don't know if these things grow back or not though!

Have to go out early this morning so just did a bit of exercising today (Not that I think my legs were up to a full load of kicking):-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Toe Taps (EotD) done (In one go),
Journey Before Destination (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 19 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 20 of Hard Reset Cardio attempted (2 sets),
Stretched done.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Didn't feel too snazzy this morning, but since I missed yesterday and I'm going to miss tomorrow (Got an extremely early appointment to take the Housemate to), I was determined to do a bit:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Toe Tap Hops (EotD) done (In one go),
Queen's Gambit (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 22 of Daily Cardio attempted (1 set, had to do Step Jacks, too headachey for jumping),
Day 22 of Hard Reset Strength attempted (1 set).

See y'all Tuesday!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Had a full nights sleep so I was raring to go, unlike yesterday:-

Universal Warmup done,
3 Minutes High Knees (EotD) done (3 sets of 1 minute),
Can't Stop Me Now (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 23 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 22 of Hard Reset Cardio attempted (Managed 3 sets, my arms were too noodlely after that),
Stretched done.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Got up a little late, managed to do everything though:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Side Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done (In one go, 30 seconds a side),
Upperbody Tendon Strength (WotD) done (Had trouble hearing the timer over the TV, so I had to do this by count),
Day 24 of Daily Cardio done (Had to swap some of the Jumping Jacks for Step Jacks),
Day 23 of Hard Reset Strength (By count again).

Gotta rest my noodlely limbs, I ache all over! See y'all tomorrow!


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Viking from The Depths
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Gotta rest my noodlely limbs, I ache all over!

Ah the noodles... and then there's the infamous penguin waddle.

I'm still waiting for someone to invent a handle to be installed next to a toilet specifically for people who have survived leg-day. (Yes, I know there's one for the elderly. Maybe that'll work...)


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Mage from United Kingdom
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No noodlely limbs today, did seem to take a long time though!

Universal Warmup done,
60 Back Leg Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Buttercup (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 25 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 23 of Hard Reset Cardio done (Left out the Twist part of the Knee-in and Twist, since I've hurt myself every time I try to do them),
Stretched done.

The Sun is out so a nice long walk is in order, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Just did a bit of exercising today, Housemate was being weirdly passive-aggressive about working out this morning, so I just couldn't get in the right head space:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Climber Taps (EotD) done (In one go),
100 Push-Ups (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 26 of Daily Cardio done (Half were Step Jacks),
Day 24 of Hard Reset Strength done (Couldn't do all the Downward Upward Dogs, arms got too wobbly).

Going to take the Housemate out for as long as possible today, see if I can head off whatever bad mood she's getting into, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Yesterday turned out okay in the end, gotta stop using retail therapy though, it's making us poorer and fatter!
Did better with the exercising today:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 W-Extensions (EotD) done (In one go, standing up),
Catch Me If You Can (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 27 of Daily Cardio done,
Day 24 of Hard Reset Cardio done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

Did have a Farmers Market to go to today, but the rain is back, so it's a quiet day of painting models instead, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Yesterday was another bad day, trying harder today:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Squat Hops On The Spot (EotD) done (In one go),
Rogue Princess done (3 sets with Knee Push-Ups),
Day 30 of Daily Cardio done (Struggled with the final set, still taking the badge even though there were a few too many incomplete days),
Day 26 of Hard Reset Strength done (3 sets),
Stretched done.

Not sure what challenge to do next, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,116
:tu: @Lady Celerity @JCU @Mamatigerj @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Deadoks @PetiteSheWolf @Maegaranthelas - Just been having a few anxiety issues this week.

Did okay on the exercising today, decided to just try random challenges unless they are very obviously out of my league:-

Universal Warmup done,
3 Minutes Side-to-Side Chops (EotD) done (In 3 one minute sets),
Borderland (WotD) attempted (My legs were all Lunged out after 2 sets),
Day 26 of Hard Reset Cardio done (Was pretty slow those last couple sets),
Day 1 of Boxer done (Struggled with that final set of High Knees),
Stretched done.

The rain is gone, yay! :chilling:
See y'all tomorrow!