Kitten On The Prowl


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Hello bees! Finally making my own check in thread. :move:

I am MadamMeow. I am 42, married, no kids. I have been doing office work for my career.

I am a n00b to your kind forum, but I've been using this site for at least 6 months now. Probably longer.

I had a gymnastics background in my youth. Loved bike riding and swimming. So even though I always also was a Nintendo loving gamer girl, I was always fairly active as well.

I was always thin with no real effort until I was 28 and I met my now husband. He's a big guy and he likes to eat. I was my heaviest when I was around 35-38. Was not eating crazy and just kind of accepted that's what I became.

Once I got a my first fit bit and tried logging food, did I see that I have a LOT less calories to work with than tall people and that I had to accept I was getting old enough where you can no longer eat like a teenager.

Then in early 2022 I had a health issue I thought might have been my gallbladder. Went to the hospital and was not really helped, but thankfully ok.

Long story short, I sent my reports to my dad who had gb issues so he could look at my results. The one main thing he noticed right away was that I weighed 5 lbs. more than him. (He's 5ft 9inches tall and fit. I should be no where near him). He made me feel bad about it, not being mean, but still.

So that happened and then a few months later, had some corporate changes at work that made me not want to be there. My mentor got gas lit really bad. So another part of me wanted to start working on myself figuring I will inevitably need to go get a new job and meet new people, etc.

But the final straw was when I went out for dinner with coworkers. When I would get home, I would text my husband who worked nights at that time a pic of me all drunk once I got home. I would make a weird face and he would still tell me I'm beautiful and it was a funny bit we always did.

Except one day I texted my coworkers in the group chat thinking it was my husband and I was mortified! I was drunk so it took me awhile to notice.

The picture was so horrible I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I deleted it from my own phone, I only hope they did too (they are nice people at least).

So not long after, I had a new fit bit (took a break for a few years other than sleeping cause it made a sore on my arm). Started by jogging every hour to 300 to get the 9 hours active reward. I didn't care if I got fired so I did it in a corner at work. Never got in trouble surprisingly.

Before this I had already given up eating free food at work. That helped me lose my first 10 lbs. with no effort.

The jogging and logging everything I did eat helped me get myself in line and lose another 10.

Then my google feed randomly put a DareBee desk workout pdf pic in my articles to read. Pretty sure that's what it was, otherwise that was a different site and DB was an ab workout. I saved it in an open tab for awhile, but that is what got me to the site once I finally checked it out.

After I lost the first 20 lbs jogging, I felt great and knew I could now do other jumping around type exercises without worrying about hurting my joints.

Was definitely not easy at first. Even easy things kicked my behind, but every time I get through it I feel great. I do it before work and after a particularly intense session, I love feeling cut all day.

First it was doing just the exercise of the day. Then that with the workout circuit of the day. Then that with the monthly challenges added. Now with that this month the FIT also added to it.

It's perfect. I love the pdfs, I can quick look at the card, be mindful of what's next, and keep track of the sets, times and counts.

Right now I am 30 lbs lighter than this time last year, 40 lbs lighter than when I started and 60 lbs lighter than my worst. I am never going back.

I finally look like me again. I can recognize myself against a picture of me in my teens. I have pants that my hips barely keep up anymore, so also having fun getting new clothes and replacing the too big stuff out. Slowly but surely.

So an extra big thank you to everyone who runs the site. It has helped me so much and has become one of the favorite parts of my day. Well, at least for Monday-Friday anyway...I rest on the weekends.

Cat Love GIF by Elements Digital


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
85 Snowball Fight Jumping Jacks
December Fit Challenge (13th Day/5sets)
Power Squats Challenge (13'th Day/3sets)
Jumping Lunges EotD (40) felt that burn!
Core Fighter workout circuit (3sets)

Jogged to 300.
Usually I get to this twice, once where it counts for 12pm and then again once it hits 1pm, but I was running late today.

After WorK:
100 Snowball Fight Jumping Jacks
Bummed I had to give up dodging another 36. My cat, Mister Miyagi was giving me the evil eye for interrupting his nap. lol

This month I like doing 1 DFC, the exercise of the day, 1 DFC, 1 PSC, 1 set Workout of the Day, 1 DFC, 1 PSC, 1 WotD, 1 DFC, 1 PSC, 1 WotD end on 1 last DFC.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Yesterday's log since I never popped online after work.

5am - Jog to 300. I'm internetting at this time and work out more towards 6.
December Fit Challenge (14th Day/5sets)
Power Squats Challenge (14'th Day/3sets)
60 Seconds Balance Hold EotD (60) I did 30 seconds a side, not sure if that's what everyone does or if they do two minutes total, haha.
Genesis workout circuit (3sets)
7am - Jog to 300. I forgot yesterday I do this to have me active for 7. I leave for work at 7:08 so I do that then finally throw my work clothes on.

Jog to 300 x 2.
Plus extra pacing while waiting for it to hit 1pm to do the second one.

Was very hyper yesterday!

stems i love lucy GIF


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Well, back to the grind today. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. I sure did, although I was lazier than I wanted to be on the working out end. :giveup:

December Fit (Day 15/5 Sets)
Side Leg Swings (2 Minutes/1 Minute Per Leg)
Power Squats (Day 16/3 Sets)
Tune Out WotD (60 sec Poses)


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Glad to be back to the grind...and to get out of the house again. lol

Good morning Jog to 300
December Fit Challenge (16th Day/5sets)
Power Squats Challenge (16'th Day/3sets)
W-Extenstions EotD (2 minutes) I did it in one go.
Mandown workout circuit (3sets) Reverse Flutter Kicks are surprisingly more difficult to do than I thought they would be...
7am before work Jog to 300.

Jog to 300 x 2.

66 Active Zone Minutes
4,690 Steps (didn't make goal 5k)
Distance: 2 Miles
Energy Burned: 1,640 Calories
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Pretty quiet all in all, so a nice day today.

Good morning Jog to 300
December Fit Challenge (17th Day/5sets)
Power Squats Challenge (17'th Day/3sets)
Plank Rotations EotD (40) I did it in one go. These and shoulder taps helped me start forming some nice lady bicep definition over the past half year!
Cardio Combat workout circuit (3sets) I appreciated the One Side First, Then The Other Side note!!!
7am before work Jog to 300.

Jog to 300 x 2.

43 Active Zone Minutes (Actually good, my readiness score recommended I stay 33-43)
5,962 Steps
Distance: 2.63 Miles
Energy Burned: 1,453 Calories


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thanks! It really is a great vibe here. :lovely:

The energy from everyone puts a big smile on my face. I didn't jump in for awhile, but I'm glad I did now.

Doing this part is surprisingly very motivating to keep going! And checking out on everyone else is inspiring.

Now I just need more time in the day, there is so much more I want to do!

Lets Go Wow GIF by America's Got Talent


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Fortunate to have another long weekend until Tues. :ss:

Good morning Jog to 300
December Fit Challenge (18th Day/5sets) Goblet squats are no joke! <3
Power Squats Challenge (18'th Day/3sets)
Punches EotD (60 seconds) I did it in one go.
Total Control workout circuit (3sets)
7am before work Jog to 300. Took some recyleables out and my Mister Miyagi wanted to come in, so I was happy to feed him instead, but wish I didn't run out of time.

Jog to 300 x 2.

86 Active Zone Minutes
5,922 Steps
Distance: 2.54 Miles


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Friday the 28th I had off and wanted to do extra sets to catch up as well as some chores. Then I woke up to having no voice (still having problems) but felt weak so I needed to rest.

Sick Season 4 GIF by Friends

My voice is still not working for the most part, but I feel better at least so was glad to get back into things. My last day off, so might have to work from home next week depending how I feel. Just annoying cause my manager is forever sick and she gave me two hugs that day so really sure she got me sick. lol.

But whatever. Going to keep trying to improve this year! Wishing all of you bees the best for 2024!

New Year Penguin GIF by Pudgy Penguins

Good morning Jog to 300
60 Days of HIIT Challenge (1st Day/5sets)
Power Hold Challenge (1st Day/3sets)
Side Jacks EotD (100 seconds) I did it in one go.
Awake & Alive workout circuit (3sets)
7am before work Jog to 300.

Jog to 300 x 3. (Got an extra one)

37 Active Zone Minutes
4,085 Steps
Distance: 1.74 Miles

Of course Mister Miyagi is in now napping. Hoping to at least be able to go through my closet like I wanted to.

My hubby went to Philadelphia for a Mummers Parade. I know other people that love going to that, now that he went and will know what to do with parking and where to go and all that fun stuff, I will try to go with him next year if he goes again...
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thank you so much everyone! :heart:

Really hoping for the best for everyone this year.

I am working from home this week and very happy I can do that. I work in sales for an industry that sells steel materials that get used in buildings. They're pretty techy, I can bring my phone from work home, plug an ethernet cord into it and receive & transfer phone calls not using my phone line.

Weird how once I decided to not be in the office, and after I went and grabbed some things, my voice was already getting much better.

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Good morning Jog to 300
60 Days of HIIT Challenge (2nd Day/5sets)
Power Hold Challenge (2nd Day/3sets) 10 pushups/set, hope to increase next time.
Raised Arms Hold EotD (5 minutes) I did it in one go. I hope I didn't negate anything, but I had to march around while I did it. Multi-Tasking. Was easy til near the end, but I made it.
Arms & Shoulders workout circuit (3sets)

Ran Drove to work to get a few things. Then was super motivated when I got home.
7am before work Jog to 300.
December FIT (Days 19&20 5sets/each) both were core exercises, wanted to do more, but decided to get my bathroom cleaned instead. Weekend me thanks me already. I'll do more to catch up tomorrow!

Jog to 300 x 2

43 Active Zone Minutes (80 Minutes YTD)
7,293 4,085 Steps (11,378 Steps YTD)
Distance: 3.07 Miles (4.81 Miles YTD)
Energy Burned: 1,788 Calories (3,311 Calories YTD)


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
All right. I've just got to ask.
What is "jog to 300"?

I count to 300 while I jog. Takes a little over 3 minutes.

Happy Toddlers And Tiaras GIF

Basically, when I started with my fitbit, 10k steps is unfortunately impossible when you have a sedentary job. So I do 5k. And to keep on track, they want me to do 250 steps an hour.

So I started counting to 250 while jogging in the corner, but not every step counted so I upped it to 300 to be sure it counted for the hour.

It only counts between 6am-3pm, but I do one around 5am just to get the blood going. I noticed when I just did the first one for 6am, that one was really ineffective.

Now I don't do it every hour anymore, but I try to get 4 active hours minimum.


Shooting Star GIF
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

I had a low readiness score today and I could feel my core nice and tight and my legs a little firm. Was still able to exceed my minimums, but couldn't do everything I was hoping for. Will try more tomorrow

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (3rd Day/5sets)
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (4th Day/5sets) - I realized since I skip weekends, I should probably double some up when I can to stay on top of it.
  • Power Hold Challenge (2nd Day/3sets) 11 squats/set.
  • Sumo Squat Hold EotD (60 seconds) I did it in one go.
  • No Capes workout circuit (3sets)
  • December FIT (Day 21 5sets) I wanted to do another, but was starting to feel like lead. I also realized I could just do hall passes and finish up, but I think I want to do some more first.

  • Jog to 300 x 3 (got a bonus one in)

  • 49 Active Zone Minutes (129 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,579 Steps (16,957 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.43 Miles (7.24 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,494 Calories (4,805 Calories YTD)
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

I had a low readiness score again today. Felt it when I was first getting started, but after I got through my normal stuff, I felt great. Did extra with December leftovers & extra jog spurts.


Then around 1pm, I stepped on a table foot for about three seconds and it actually got a little swollen so I stopped before getting to 300 seconds for the 2pm hour. I'm ok though, it's more of a step on a lego injury then an actual injury so should be back to normal tomorrow.

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (5th Day/5sets)
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (6th Day/5sets) - Now I don't have to feel guilty this weekend. Bwahaha.
  • Power Hold Challenge (3rd Day/3sets) x11 push-ups/set. I have to do my push-ups on my knees. Even in my gymnast days, I have never been able to do a regular push-up or pull-up. I do the plank hold part normally though.
  • Knee-To-Elbow EotD (x50) I did it in one go.
  • One Day At A Time workout circuit (3sets) This did help me feel better, instead of tightening up so I kept going!
  • December FIT (Days 22&23 5sets/each)

  • Jog to 300 x 4 (I'm going to miss working from home next week and having to miss out on all the extras.)

  • 75 Active Zone Minutes (204 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,513 Steps (25,470 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.68 Miles (10.92 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,648 Calories (6,453 Calories YTD)
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

A little bummed with myself in that I hall passed the rest of December Fit knowing I won't have the same amount of time to work with next week. I really wanted to do more, but I'm just going to try to do better next time. :ss:

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (7th Day/5sets)
  • Power Hold Challenge (5rd Day/3sets) x12 squats/set.
  • Elbow Plank Arm Raises EotD (x50) I did it in one go.
  • Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves workout circuit (1set)
  • December FIT (Days 24-31 Hallpassed) :completed:

  • Jog to 300 x 7 (I got all 9 hours 6am-2pm counted as active today.)

  • 59 Active Zone Minutes (263 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,217 Steps (33,687 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.51 Miles (14.43 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,638 Calories (14,091 Calories YTD)
Have a great weekend, bees! :fantastic:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thank you @Mamatigerj @JCU @mavie @Fremen @TopNotch @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Anek :thanku:

I know you guys are right about not feeling bad about hall passing, so I won't.

Today was a nice day. Easily got in an extra set so on track to be good for this weekend.

In for some storms tomorrow, shouldn't be too bad, but might be worse Wednesday.

  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (8th & 9th Day/5sets each)
  • Power Hold Challenge (8th Day/3sets) x13 push-ups/set.
  • Lunge Punches EotD (x50) I did it in one go.
  • Ice Age WotD (3sets)

  • Jog to 300 x 2

  • 58 Active Zone Minutes (321 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,476 Steps (39,163 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.37 Miles (16.68 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,547 Calories (15,638 Calories YTD)
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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,816
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thank you @Gandhalfit :thanku:

Today was a nice day. Getting a heavy rainstorm with strong winds. Will be worse tomorrow, but I'm happy to not be outside in it.

Mister Miyagi however, is NOT happy at all. He wants to be outside, but not in that. lol


  • Good morning Jog to 300
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • 60 Days of HIIT Challenge (10th & 11th Day/5sets each) Alright, prepared for the weekend now. :)
  • Power Hold Challenge (9th Day/3sets) x14 squats/set.
  • Single Leg Bridges EotD (x40) I did it in one go.
  • Clean Slate WotD (3sets)

  • Jog to 300 x 2

  • 35 Active Zone Minutes (356 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,854 Steps (45,017 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.58 Miles (19.25 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,535 Calories (17,173 Calories YTD)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,714
Mister Miyagi has the most adorable cheeks! I just want to squish them! 😍

Liam (my dearly departed pup) used to have very little weather he wouldn't go out in. But when he wouldn't? His look was very similar to Mister Miyagi!