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"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Mistaken Identity...
okay, so what happened during the game and why it ended in a mistaken identity...
my team (the older ones) had a match on Sunday... in Germany we would call it "Kellerduell" as it was the last (us) against the last but one (is it called like this?)
The match itself was really tight and thrilling, at least in the first half and we were in lead at the end of the first half...
There were some weird referee decisions, but that is something that could happen sometimes...
The second half, went wild.... the amount of foul plays increased, especially the other team got harder and tougher and the referees lost more or less the control of the game
which made us a bit angry, regarding the fact, we had to replace two players for the rest of the game because they were injured because of the foul plays...
(don't get me wrong, handball is a full contact sport, but there are at least some rules, that should avoid getting injured because of forbidden things during the game,
like throwing balls directly in the face of the goalie, or pulling someone down by reaching for his neck, or grabbing someone from behind and things like that...
those things didn't lead to any sort of penalty for the other team, like a yellow card, or a 2 minutes penalty or something like that...)
this led to the head coach (the one with the handball knowlegde) getting really upset and shouting: "now it's enough!"
this ended in a yellow card for him and as there wasn't any change in behavior of the referees regarding directing the game or the other team playing foul,
we decided with the whole team (us 2 coaches and the players) that they play this game to the end, but without trying too hard to score, as we didn't want anyone to get hurt
this led to the entry in the protocol of the game, that he will receive a formal letter....
well... it should have ended like this, but, as I am the person in charge of the team, which is entered in the protocol also,
the referees put the yellow card for me and the formal letter also...
which is wrong, as this is not a team penalty but a personal penalty...
so the referees made a mistake here (another one so to say)...
so in the end, this is a little bit funny, I think
edit: a little fun fact
we will have the same referees for the next game....
edit 2: I usually don't rant about the referees, as this is a tough job... but they really lost it during the game
okay, so what happened during the game and why it ended in a mistaken identity...
my team (the older ones) had a match on Sunday... in Germany we would call it "Kellerduell" as it was the last (us) against the last but one (is it called like this?)
The match itself was really tight and thrilling, at least in the first half and we were in lead at the end of the first half...
There were some weird referee decisions, but that is something that could happen sometimes...
The second half, went wild.... the amount of foul plays increased, especially the other team got harder and tougher and the referees lost more or less the control of the game
which made us a bit angry, regarding the fact, we had to replace two players for the rest of the game because they were injured because of the foul plays...
(don't get me wrong, handball is a full contact sport, but there are at least some rules, that should avoid getting injured because of forbidden things during the game,
like throwing balls directly in the face of the goalie, or pulling someone down by reaching for his neck, or grabbing someone from behind and things like that...
those things didn't lead to any sort of penalty for the other team, like a yellow card, or a 2 minutes penalty or something like that...)
this led to the head coach (the one with the handball knowlegde) getting really upset and shouting: "now it's enough!"
this ended in a yellow card for him and as there wasn't any change in behavior of the referees regarding directing the game or the other team playing foul,
we decided with the whole team (us 2 coaches and the players) that they play this game to the end, but without trying too hard to score, as we didn't want anyone to get hurt
this led to the entry in the protocol of the game, that he will receive a formal letter....
well... it should have ended like this, but, as I am the person in charge of the team, which is entered in the protocol also,
the referees put the yellow card for me and the formal letter also...
which is wrong, as this is not a team penalty but a personal penalty...
so the referees made a mistake here (another one so to say)...
so in the end, this is a little bit funny, I think
edit: a little fun fact
we will have the same referees for the next game....
edit 2: I usually don't rant about the referees, as this is a tough job... but they really lost it during the game