Montserrat's Musings


Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody! It's really nice to read them.

@GentleOx Not at all! Still four hours of celebrating to go! ;)
But seriously... I often don't know what to do with my birthday these days. There's always some people coming over somehow or other, though. And :cake:!

Workout-wise, today was rather unimpressive:

28-9-2022 - day 73
and also
  • 1hr bike ride and 30min walk commuting to university


Mercenary from North America
Pronouns: It/Its
Posts: 13
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday Disney GIF


Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
I'm going to try the Daily Kicks October Challenge. It seems a lot of fun. First time that I'll be doing the challenge of the month!

My kicks felt a bit awkward when I first tried them today, I've never really done it before. But practicing in front of a mirror helped. Another new form of training that seems enjoyable. So much to choose from!


1-10-2022 - day 76


Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
Yesterday, I got myself a foam roller!

I am hoping I will benefit from it, but I have to experiment a bit. I often experience very tight muscles in my legs, especially hamstrings and calves, not only after working out but quite often when I am just feeling tired. Or is it the sore muscles that are making me feel tired? I'm not sure...

Anyway, I am very curious to see if this will help in any way with improving flexibility and recovery.

6-10-2022 - day 81

7-10-2022 - day 82


Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Don't worry about your speed. My week 8 5k took me 42 minutes! I surprised myself by actually running/jogging/lurching for all that time! It's not the speed that matters - it's the achievement that really counts. :LOL:


Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
@Isla Morha Thanks!

@TopNotch Yeah I know. I'm thinking that my time, if I can manage the full distance, will be somewhat similar. And that's OK, it'll be an achievement in itself, and I'll build from there!

@NancyTree Haha you're too kind! & thanks for the support!

9-10-2022 - day 84

10-10-2022 - day 85
and also
  • 1hr bike ride and 30min walk commuting to university


Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
So... today I completed Zombies, Run! 5K Training and ran my first 5K in at least five years. I am really thrilled about this, I have to say!

I ran a 5K once before in my life, but this was a few years ago under completely different circumstances, when I was regularly running with some other people. When I started running again in August I literally couldn't run for more than one minute at a time, which I now built up to more than forty minutes.


My actual 5K time was 38:40 min. Not much for some people, but for me, somewhat of a milestone!

I was feeling very determined today, and although it felt like the whole thing took a long time, I was never close to slowing to a walk. The weather was rainy, but in the end the slight drizzle was actually quite pleasant to run in. Several friendly random people encouraged me, which is something I never noticed before. It does feel a bit awkward when you can tell that they're saying something nice, but you have your earphones in and are running right past them... I did try to give them a friendly nod!

I will definitely continue with the regular Zombies, Run! missions. The regular schedule of three runs a week has been very good for me (I stuck to it with no exceptions!) and has also served as the backbone for the other workouts I'm doing throughout the week.

I'm also already eager to improve my time!

15-10-2022 - day 90



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Well-known member
Mystic from The Netherlands
Posts: 972
Thanks everyone, you are all so kind! It really does help.

The past two days were a bit more easygoing as far as working out was concerned. I went to a concert and an art exhibition and I had to study as well, so I was quite busy. I did manage to finish the 1 Minute Yoga challenge, which basically introduced me to a whole lot of yoga/stretching poses. Tomorrow I'll be running again!

16-10-2022 - day 91

17-10-2022 - day 92
and also
  • 1hr bike ride and 30min walk commuting to university
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