Secret Santa Workout Gift Exchange

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
Hey ho, fellow bees! Anyone want to participate in a Secret Santa Holiday Workout Gift Exchange? This is something I used to do with my zombie-apocalypse-themed workout group back in the day, and it was always a lot of fun!

Here's how it works:
  1. You must have an active Check-In Thread here in the Hive to participate. This is so that your Santa can read up on the types of workouts you like to do, so they can design a suitable "gift" for you. * If you're new here: Welcome! You can still join in if you set up a new check-in thread now and post at least three updates prior to the Secret Santa assignments going out. (More is better.) Also: if there's not much content in your check-in thread yet, please post an intro/summary of where you're at in your fitness journey right now.
  2. If you'd like to join in, sign up by commenting on this thread. The deadline to join is Saturday, December 2, 2023.
  3. If you decide to join in, you will be assigned your giftee, either by me or by my assistant elf (if somebody volunteers to assist me with this task), via DAREBEE private message. Santa assignments will be delivered by Tuesday, December 5. Be sure to check your in-box!
  4. Once you receive your assignment, go and read your giftee's check-in thread. (If it's really long, just reading the most recent couple of pages is fine.) Then design a 15-30 minute workout that you think will be fun and challenging for your giftee to complete. The theme of the workout is: Holiday Highjinks in the Hive. (More on this below.) Write up the workout, and send it via DAREBEE private message, either to me or to my assistant elf (whichever elf gave you the assignment). The deadline for turning in your gift is Saturday, December 16. DO NOT BE LATE!
  5. I will post all of the workout gifts here in this thread (so you won't know who your gift came from). Your gift will be posted here no later than Wednesday, December 20. (I need time to do this. Which is why you need to get your gifts submitted on time!)
  6. You must complete your workout gift and post in your check-in thread that you did it, no later than Monday, January 1, 2024.
  7. Is it better to give, or to receive? To investigate this question, you must also complete the gift you gave and post about doing so in your check-in thread. To make it harder for your giftee to identify you, you may break up this workout across multiple days and/or be vague in describing the exercises you did. The deadline for completing this is also Monday, January 1.
  8. Read up on your fellow Bees' holiday adventures in their check-in threads and try to guess who was your Santa!

The Rules:
  1. Try to wrap your gift in a story that explains why your giftee must complete the exercises you have assigned to them. (For some inspiration, you can check out past ZOINKS Secret Santa gifts here.) The theme for these stories is: The Bees are all working to organize a big holiday party for the Hive. But trouble ensues which gets in the way of their efforts. Your giftee Bee will conquer this trouble through completing their workout gift. (In the ZOINKS gifts, the trouble is usually zombies, since that was the theme of that group. You can make up whatever sort of trouble you like for this story gift.)
  2. Don't be gruesome! We're here to challenge one another. But also to have fun. The workout you design is meant to be a gift. Do not assign anyone 100 burpees! (Unless they've written recently in their check-in thread about how much they LOVE burpees and really hope that Santa will gift them with a high volume of them.)
  3. All exercises assigned should be no-equipment exercises--unless you know from reading your giftee's recent check-in posts that they have regular access to the equipment you're asking them to use.
  4. If you assign an obscure exercise, you need to include a link to a demo of how to do it. Anything in the DAREBEE video exercise library is fair game (if it's within your giftee's wheelhouse). For yoga poses, please use pose names from the Pocket Yoga pose library (or provide a link to a demo if you're assigning a specific sequence, or a pose that's not in that library).
  5. Modifications are fine! If you are gifted with push-ups, but can only do kneeling push-ups at this point in your fitness journey, for example, it's fine to do the kneeling variety. Conversely: if you assign your giftee step-jacks as part of their workout, because you've read in their check-in thread that they're not doing high impact activities at the moment, but you want to do jumping jacks as part of your "gift you gave" workout, this is fine too. Try to complete both the gift you receive, and the gift you gave to the best of your ability, using exercise variations that are right for you. In the Hive, we honour where each individual bee is at in their own fitness journey at this moment in time.
  6. You are welcome to use DAREBEE Workouts as part of, or as inspiration for, the gift you design if you like. Or you can design something totally original. It's up to you. For selecting individual exercises, DAREBEE's handy Bodyweight Exercises and No-Equipment Ab Exercises charts might be useful.
  7. Try to design a gift that can be completed in ~ 15-30 minutes.
  8. If you have any questions--either about designing your gift, or about how to complete your gift once you've received it, please post them here. (Or you can PM me if posting your question publicly would give away too much about the gift you're designing.) I will try to answer all gift questions myself (so your Secret Santa does not need to out themself by answering themself). Santas: I, or my assistant elf, may contact you via PM if a question is asked about the gift you gave which I don't know how to answer.
  9. The December 16 deadline is a HARD DEADLINE. Please don't miss it! If you sign up to participate in this gift exchange, you are committing to desiging a workout gift for one of your fellow Bees, and submitting it to me (or my assistant elf) between December 5 and December 16, 2023.
  10. Have fun!
Comment below if you want to join in!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
Gift Exchange Timeline:

Saturday, December 2
: deadline to sign-up (everybody)
Tuesday, December 5: deadline for delivery of Secret Santa assignments (dragon elf and assistant elf)
Saturday, December 16: deadline for designing your gift and submitting it to the appropriate elf (everyone)
Wednesday, December 20: deadline for Laura to post all workout gifts (dragon elf)
Monday, January 1, 2024: deadline for completing both the gift you gave and the one you receive (everyone)

There is one additional important date for the Assistant Elf (should anyone choose to take on this role):

The assistant elf is responsible for collecting the gifts from half of the Santas, and forwarding them to me (via copy and paste into new PMs, so as to strip the original sender's name from the gift) by the end of the day on Sunday, December 17. (The Santas in my group will be designing gifts for the Santas in the assistant elf's group, and vice versa. This is done so that both I and the assistant elf can play too, and our Santas will remain a secret from us.)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
This sounds weird, I´m in. I just hope I get a giftee on my level, dealing with one of the "powerhouses" here would be nearly impossible :D
Welcome @legolo !

I'm not sure how the match-ups will go yet. (Have to wait and see how many people we have, once everyone who wants to has had a chance to sign up.)

Remember that modifications and variations count. Once you receive your giftee assignment, if you have questions about ways to modify a workout so it would be fun and challenging for them, but also something you can do, please feel free to PM them to me.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
I will create my training log and would be happy to participate. Many thanks @Laura Rainbow Dragon
Awesome, @graoumia ! Please be sure to link your check-in thread to your profile, so your Santa will be able to find it.
(Click on your name in the nav bar at the top of any Hive page, then select "Edit Profile" from the drop down menu. Near the bottom of the edit page you will see a spot to put "Your Log URL")


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,099
This is a wonderful idea! I'd like to join. I haven't posted in my thread for a few weeks now, but my training habits haven't changed, and maybe I even get to post all the logs that are not yet public until then. :LOL:
And I can't wait to write a nice little exercise-story for someone. :heart:

Yes, @Sólveig , the part in parentheses could simply be "unless she's Sólveig" :LOL:


Posts: 16
I'll join. I don't know how good it will be but I'll join. I should have time on weekends to do this. Can we make also another rule for people that are entering this? Can they please write on one of their last pages 1 to 3 fitness/wellness goals. This would really help the giver.
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
Reminder: This Saturday, December 2, is the last day to sign up for the Secret Santa Gift Exchange! I will post in this thread when new sign-ups are closed. (Likely ~ 13:00 UTC on Sunday, which is an hour after the end of December 2 Anywhere on Earth.)

Reminder #2: You must have a check-in thread here in the DAREBEE Hive, and you must have made at least 3 entries in your thread in order to participate in this gift exchange. Everyone please check your profile page and ensure that it links to your check-in thread. Click on the link to ensure that it works. Edit your profile to fix the link if it's broken. (There are instructions for how to format the URL immediately under the field where you input it. Please give me a shout if you still run into problems.)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
The Secret Santa Workout Gift Exchange is now CLOSED to further entries.

Thank you to everyone who signed up. We have a great group here! Let the festivities begin!

What happens next?

Over the next few days you will receive a private message here on DAREBEE from either me (the Dragon Elf) or @Nevetharine (the Viking Elf) to let you know who you will be creating your workout gift for. Please watch your inbox for that to come in.

A few of you will also receive a PM from me today to help you get your Check-In thread ready to participate in the gift exchange. (Remember: you must have a check-in thread here in the DAREBEE Hive, and you must have added at least 3 entries to it, in order to participate. The time to get this done is today!)

Here is a sample letter to Santa that I wrote to help my Secret Santa design an awesome gift for me. It is not mandatory to write such a letter if your check-in thread already includes the minimum 3 entries and accurately reflects the types of workout activities you are doing these days. I present this only as an idea for something you might want to post (especially if you're in need of fleshing out your thread today to meet minimum participation requirements).

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
Everyone who signed up (and got a check-in thread set up) should have received their Secret Santa assignment now. (If you haven't seen yours, please check your DAREBEE in-box.)

The deadline for turning in your gift (to me if you received your assignment from me, to @Nevetharine if you received your assignment from her) is Saturday, December 16.

I can't wait to see what awesome goodies you all will create!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
All the gifts are in!

Thank you Santas!

What happens next?

Today I will be forwarding the gifts to the Gift-Wrapping Elf.
Once she has done her thing, I will be delivering all of your gifts to you here in this thread, on Wednesday, December 20 (assuming my life doesn't blow up even more between now and then!)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
All the gifts are now beautifully gift-wrapped!

Santa's sleigh will be winging its way through the Hive today, delivering your gifts right here in this very thread.
Rudolph and the other reindeer can only fly so quickly, and they need to take breaks every now and then for carrots and cookies (and probably to dodge a few more snowballs). So it will take a while to get everything posted. But watch for your name to be tagged here. And feel free to check in throughout the day to see everyone else's gifts too. They really are purdy! And there are some fun stories!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@Syrius :

T’was the night of the party
And all through the Hive,
The Bees were rushing
To be ready for five.

The halls were all decked
With much festive cheer,
With trees sparkling with lights
And lots of reindeer.

When all of a sudden
There came a bright flash.
The room was a mess
Everything fell with a crash.

Avoid the falling decorations: 10 Side to Side Jumps

When what to their wondering
Eyes should appear
But a mischievous elf
Trying to steal all the cheer!

Then up and away
He ran up the stairs
Causing mess as he went
Knocking down all the chairs.

Chase the elf: 20 butt kicks, 20 high knees, 20 butt kicks

“Ah Ah” the elf cried
Jauntily shaking his fist,
“You must treat me nice
Or end up on the naughty list!”

He cackled with glee
As he started to throw
Food from the snack table
And skipped to and fro.

Block the food: 10 Punches, 10 Elbow Strikes

The elf jumped and dodged
As he sprang to the floor,
The Bees tried to grab him
As he dashed for the door.

He’d almost escaped
Then to his great shock
One very quick Bee
Jumped over to block.

He tried to zig,
He tried to zag,
But the Bee swiftly got him
Into a gift bag.

Trap the elf: 15 Jumping Jacks

“Enough” cried the elf
“Don’t leave me in here!
Santa won’t be too happy
That I’ve messed up the cheer!”

He poked his head out
Of the gift bag so bright,
Then looked round the room
It was quite a sight.

He sighed, “Well I’ve done it,
I’ve made such a mess.
Now all that can be done
Is to clean up I guess.”

Help the elf clean up: 20 Scissor Chops, 20 Arm Scissors

The elf looked around
It was a site to see,
“The last thing to do
Is to decorate the tree.”

Decorate the tree: 10 Calf Raises

As the party drew near
The elf said good bye
“You have a great night,
Enjoy an extra slice of pie!”

With a wave of his hand
And a tip of his hat
The elf disappeared
From where he was sat.

But as he vanished
In a shower of snow
“Just one last thing
Before I finally go.”

“I hear you like challenges
So I have one for you.
How long can you plank?
Show me how well you can do!”

Meet the elf’s challenge: Plank to failure

“That was fantastic
I’m really impressed,
Now have a great party
It will be the best!”

Your Workout

3 sets of:
  1. 10 Side to Side Jumps
  2. 20 Butt Kicks, 20 High Knees, 20 Butt Kicks
  3. 10 Punches, 10 Elbow Strikes
  4. 15 Jumping Jacks
  5. 20 Scissor Chops, 20 Arm Scissors
  6. 10 Calf Raises
Finisher: Plank to failure
  1. Plank to Failure


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,390
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
I LOVE IT!!!!!! I can't wait to do this and the poem is amazing!
Will Ferrell Christmas GIF

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."

The Hijinks of an Author of a Thousand Successes

It was a bright cold day in December, and the alarm clock was striking 6:00.
“What fun! I love to get up on time!” said OJJJEM, yawning. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, she
hopped out of bed and bent down to pick up her water bottle.

20 squats

After drinking her bottle she felt wide awake and ready for a successful day!
She marched into the kitchen...

20 march steps

...and had a very healthy breakfast of porridge with fresh fruit and nuts. How tasty! She was very
happy to see that her kids had cleaned up the kitchen the evening before. She was so happy that she
just couldn’t contain it and had to hug them all!

6 arm raises + 6 arm circles per child

It was such a beautiful day outside that she decided to go and enjoy it.

20 march steps

On the way she met her favorite neighbor. “Hello there!” said OJJJEM hopping from side to side
because she was so happy, “isn’t it a glorious day today?”

20 low side leg raises + 20 high side leg raises + 20 low side leg raises

The neighbor was rather grumpy that morning, but seeing OJJJEM’s smile and enthusiasm turned
their mood around. “You are right my dear, it is! What are you up to?”

OJJJEM had not planned exactly where to go, but she felt inspired to say “I am going to have a
successful day today. Why don’t you come with me?”.

The neighbor, intrigued, decided to follow her.

20 march steps

They arrived at the Hive park nearby, and immediately OJJJEM saw that someone had been
decorating it for Christmas but forgot to put away the boxes. So she decided to pick up the mess.

20 squats

And the Hive looked much nicer. OJJJEM and her neighbor high-fived all around.

20 standing shoulder taps

“Now that is already a success!” said the neighbor.

“Yes! Let’s continue!” said OJJJEM.

They went around the Hive...

20 march steps

...and saw a little Bee crying.

“What’s the matter?” asked OJJEM.

“A nasty leftover Halloween corrupted pumpkin stole the Christmas lights! I can’t finish the Hive’s
decorations!” sobbed the Bee.

“Don’t worry!” exclaimed OJJEM fiercely, “I will recover them for you!”

She ran towards the corrupted pumpkin, who did look rather aggressive and not at all inclined
to give up the stolen Christmas lights. But OJJJEM was going to have a successful day! No brutish
corrupted pumpkin was going to stop her!

20 punches + 20 palm strikes + 20 jab & cross

And the pumpkin was so astonished that it rolled away and left the little Bee’s Christmas lights for
OJJJEM to recover.

“That was amazing!” said OJJJEM’s neighbor admiringly

“Thank you so much! You are a wonderful hero!” said the little Bee.

OJJJEM felt very proud. All her hard work was paying off, and on top of that, she was having a successful day!

“Let’s finish decorating the Hive together!” said OJJJEM. She had to get the remaining boxes down
from the top cupboard, and stretch the lights from side to side of the shelves.

10 step jacks + 10 calf raises + 10 step jacks

In no time, all working together, it was done! And the Hive looked wonderful!
But it was getting late and OJJJEM thought of her family waiting for her at home.

“Let’s go back” she said to her neighbor, “and we can have a fun evening together”. So they went home.

20 march steps

OJJJEM’s children were very happy to see her back and hear about her fight with the corrupted
pumpkin. OJJJEM was so proud of her achievement, that she showed her children exactly what she
had done.

20 punches + 20 palm strikes + 20 jab & cross
The children were impressed. “Can we make dinner for you tonight?” they asked “as your prize for being

“Well sure, if you want to!” said OJJJEM, “and let’s invite our neighbor too!”.

The neighbor was happy to help and went to the kitchen with the children.

What fun they had that night! The food was delicious, the company excellent, and time flew by really quickly.
And OJJJEM felt very relaxed when she went up to bed.

20 march steps

But she felt the effects of her day! So she decided to stretch a bit to relax her sore muscles.

20 fist clench/unclench
20 wide twists
20 wide arm circles
20 side bends

With each bend she thought of her successes that day “A leftover corrupted pumpkin just rolling
around the Hive is no fun! I’ll start a Hive patrol in the future! And the decorations looked fantastic,
all the little Bees’ light and hard-earned Ornaments decorating the big tree! It feels like I had a
thousand successes today! What a great feeling! I will have another successful day tomorrow”

And she went to bed, happy and relaxed, and dreamt only happy dreams.

Your Workout:
  1. 20 squats
  2. 20 march steps
  3. 6 arm raises + 6 arm circles per child
  4. 20 march steps
  5. 20 low side leg raises + 20 high side leg raises + 20 low side leg raises
  6. 20 march steps
  7. 20 squats
  8. 20 shoulder taps (standing)
  9. 20 march steps
  10. 20 punches + 20 palm strikes + 20 jab & cross
  11. 10 step jacks + 10 calf raises + 10 step jacks
  12. 20 march steps
  13. 20 punches + 20 palm strikes + 20 jab & cross
  14. 20 march steps
  15. 20 fist clench/unclench
  16. 10 wide twists (torso twists with extended arms)
  17. 20 wide arm circles
  18. 20 side bends with extended arms (like a yawn stretch)



Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 672
Thank you, Santa! I LOVE IT! Short of that mega ego boost, you've captured my peppiness and just how amazing my children treat me quite well! :heart: :thumbup: :heart:

Who am I kiddin'... I've got a HUGE ego, and I loved that you fed it so well! BAHAHAHA!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@Nevetharine :

It was just another day in Thalor, or so it seemed.

While the Viking Nevetharine was preparing for another day with Morning Yoga Flow Workout, a band of unlawful elves had discovered and was currently ransacking the Wonder Workshop, which was on a hidden island, deep in the Emersomin Sea.

Word was passed to the Viking, along with specific directions, from a most peculiar and confident young gnome. The Viking quickly mobilized and set out to restore order and goodness to the land.

March to the Sea: Cardio Step Workout

Swim to the island: The Viking plunged into the sea and started to swim Just Keep Swimming Workout.

There was no trace of the Elves at the Wonder Workshop, nor its mysterious typical inhabitants and caretakers (thankfully hiding in safety nearby).

What an incredible and depressing mess. Time to clean this place up: Clean Sweep Workout

With the Wonder Workshop tidied up to a hospitable state, there was not much else to do. The technology was alien and mysterious. We can only hope that the leaders and operators of this incredible workshop know what to do next. While not visible, they must have been observing, for they sent a shadowy, shrouded craft to whisk the Viking home.

Victory Lap Workout.

What a mysterious adventure. The feelings around the land began to revert to a positive state as that miraculous workshop got up and running again, spreading wonder and joy for all those receptive to it.

Your Workout:

At least one set (do more if you like) of each of:
Morning Yoga Flow
Cardio Step
Just Keep Swimming
Clean Sweep
Victory Lap

Note from Santa:

Dear Nevertharine,
I hope this finds you happy and doing well. Thank you for sharing your tales in the Hive. I am so impressed by your writing and perseverance with your workout journey. You are an inspiration. I look forward to following your future adventures on the Hive.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@Anek :

Alright, Anek. I know you're a helpful bee. I know you want to help the hive decorate. There's just one problem.


It's... Largely fine, though. They're actually pretty easy to beat, just a punch'll make them poof into festive confetti all over the floor. Yes, poof. It's kind of strange, but no need to question it. You need to decorate while keeping these creatures at bay - The safe room you're in is all set, so now you need to get ready to get to the other parts of the place. Zombies don't like to go here, for some reason that you don't really feel like investigating at this time. So let's take the time to warm up.

1. First, water. Have some water. Not like a sip, but a good amount of water, because you need it for what you'll end up doing.
2. Okay! To the body movement. Shake your wrists/hands out for ten seconds.
3. Gimme about 20 shoulder rolls.
4. 20 side bends, you got it.
5. Let's continue to loosen up those cramped arms a bit - 20 bicep extensions, gogo!
6. Get some more movement in there, 20 clasped arm rotations.
7. 20 squats! Get those legs and glutes pumpin' too.
8. End it with 20 calf raises.

And by end it, I mean your warmup is done. Take a small breather, stretch if you need to, because now you're opening the door and...

Huh. No zombies. But you're gonna wanna get this done pretty quick, and get through this hallway in front of you as fast as possible. It'll take you about 2 minutes to get to the end of the hallway.

9. 2 minutes march steps!

Okay, great. You're at the end of the hallway. Problem - You can't get into the room to decorate because there's all these friggin' boxes in front of you. Whoever did that, is a fool. So let's pick 'em up - Use your legs, not your back.

10. 3 sets of 30 squats with a 10 second squat hold at the end of them. Take at least 30 seconds in between sets to breathe.

Oh. Oh now you see why there were boxes piled up at the end. ZOMBIES. ZOMBIES. EVERYWHERE, COMING AT YOU. But you're not going to let them invade the hallway. Nay nay. YOU ARE THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING.

11. 3 sets of 30 jabs. There's a small lull in between each wave, take another 30 second breather in between 'em, maybe bounce on your heels a bit too in between to keep yourself ready.

They're gone. Exactly 90 of them. Convenient. Luckily, the boxes contain ornaments. Looks like people already put ornaments on the low ends of the tree... Which leaves you to needing to put some ornaments higher up. It's fine. You can do it.

12. You can specifically do it with - Oh, another 3 and 30 - Overhead punches! Be sure to take breaks in between!

Phew. Lookin' good. Hmm. Looks like that's it for now. Let's turn around a- OH GOD WHO OPENED A WINDOW, IT'S COLD, THERE ARE ZOMBIES, WHY--

13. You're the main character now, though. You have all of the cool moves. Like, the coolest moves. Show 'em how a bunny can punch with two minutes of shadow boxing. They're coming from all sides, so be active and crazy! (If you have the energy for it, do it for more than two minutes, go nuts)

You now witness the fruits of your labor. There's so much festive confetti everywhere. It's like a craft store exploded. It's... Kind of beautiful. You accidentally did the most decorating out of anyone.

Now to get the Hell out of here before anymore come your way. Back to the safe room you go.

14. Two minute high knees, for the bunniest of the bees.

Phew. Safe room is all nice and cozy. You're pretty dogged from all this, though... Maybe you should take a breather. For like. Maybe 3-5 minutes.

15. 3-5 minute meditation.

And... You're done! My God, you did it. There's confetti everywhere. It's wonderful. You're wonderful.

Your Workout:

Warm Up:

1. shake out hands for 10 seconds
2. 20 shoulder rolls
3. 20 side bends
4. 20 bicep extensions
5. 20 clasped arm rotations (see: Chest & Back Light workout)
6. 20 squats
7. 20 calf raises

The Main Event:
  1. 2 minutes march steps
  2. 3 sets of 30 squats, 10 second hold on final rep
  3. 3 sets of 30 jabs
  4. 3 sets of 30 overhead punches
  5. 2 minutes shadow boxing (more if you like!)
  6. 2 minutes high knees
  7. 3-5 minutes meditation


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
@Nevetharine :

It was just another day in Thalor, or so it seemed.

While the Viking Nevetharine was preparing for another day with Morning Yoga Flow Workout, a band of unlawful elves had discovered and was currently ransacking the Wonder Workshop, which was on a hidden island, deep in the Emersomin Sea.

Word was passed to the Viking, along with specific directions, from a most peculiar and confident young gnome. The Viking quickly mobilized and set out to restore order and goodness to the land.

March to the Sea: Cardio Step Workout

Swim to the island: The Viking plunged into the sea and started to swim Just Keep Swimming Workout.

There was no trace of the Elves at the Wonder Workshop, nor its mysterious typical inhabitants and caretakers (thankfully hiding in safety nearby).

What an incredible and depressing mess. Time to clean this place up: Clean Sweep Workout

With the Wonder Workshop tidied up to a hospitable state, there was not much else to do. The technology was alien and mysterious. We can only hope that the leaders and operators of this incredible workshop know what to do next. While not visible, they must have been observing, for they sent a shadowy, shrouded craft to whisk the Viking home.

Victory Lap Workout.

What a mysterious adventure. The feelings around the land began to revert to a positive state as that miraculous workshop got up and running again, spreading wonder and joy for all those receptive to it.

Your Workout:

At least one set (do more if you like) of each of:
Morning Yoga Flow
Cardio Step
Just Keep Swimming
Clean Sweep
Victory Lap

Note from Santa:

Dear Nevertharine,
I hope this finds you happy and doing well. Thank you for sharing your tales in the Hive. I am so impressed by your writing and perseverance with your workout journey. You are an inspiration. I look forward to following your future adventures on the Hive.

View attachment 2874

I LOVE it! On my to-do list first thing tomorrow morning 😁 it's nearly bedtime for me... 😂 So thoughtful that my santa used the name of the world in my current novel. 🌟

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@Quarkmage :

Christmas was getting closer and closer, and all of the Bees were eager to organize the coziest Christmas party any of them had ever been to. Some volunteered to prepare healthy and filling Christmas dishes, others promised to bake cookies the recipes of which they had been perfecting for years, and you yourself agreed to help with the decorations. You thought it would be a fun task that allowed you to be a little creative. There was only one thing you forgot to consider: the amount of time you didn't have before Christmas. It was as if you had just blinked, and suddenly all of November and half of December already went by, and you still didn't have a single piece of decoration ready! Luckily, one afternoon you found yourself without any urgent tasks to do—what a rare occasion—so you decided to look for inspiration in the place where everyone on a desperate quest of last-minute Christmas shopping goes: a Christmas market. You had heard of a new one that was opened this year for the first time, and it boasted of magical handicraft products. You thought it was worth a shot, and, to fully take advantage of your free afternoon, decided to go there on foot, taking the time to look around the town and enjoy its near-Christmas charm.

3 times: 40 march steps, 10 torso twists

This new market was either really good, or there were just too many people with the same trouble as yours, but the closer you got, the bigger the crowd was, and as you approached the first stalls, it became a real challenge to avoid bumping into others every single step.

3x10 side-to-side jumps

With some difficulties you walked through the market, but without finding anything you considered a proper piece of decoration. Everything either looked cheap, or they were far too sparkly for your liking. Disappointed and out of ideas, you aimlessly walked around, and ended up at a stall you had already passed several times. The elderly lady who sat there didn't say a word, but she smiled kindly on you whenever your eyes met. You looked through her wares once more, not even hoping to find something pretty anymore. Your eyes went over and over the quirky golden angels and glittery ornaments, and you absent-mindedly picked up a little snowglobe. You shook it, and watched as the fake snowflakes rained on the pale green pine trees. The thick glass made it seem as if they emitted a light blue glow, and as your tired brain lost its focus on everything but the globe, it looked as if the trees inside were vibrating. You almost even heard a humming sound in your head as you watched them shake the snow off their needles.

You were jerked back to reality by a loud cry coming from the middle of the market. The huge Christmas tree that was standing there began to fall with a loud creaking sound. It landed right on top of a stall. Without a second thought, you rushed there, putting the little snowglobe in the pocket of your jacket. Oops. Whatever, you would give it back to the lady once you made sure everyone was safe.

Luckily, no one got hurt, apart from all of the handmade products of the owner of the destroyed stall. You joined the two men trying to get the fallen tree out of the way.

3 times: 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 40 scissor chops

By the time you managed to move the tree away, your hands were freezing from being exposed to the snow so much. Wait. Snow? You were absolutely certain it wasn't even close to snowing just a few minutes before! You couldn't dwell on this too long, however, because you heard some strange giggling sound coming from the woods. The woods which seemingly replaced the entire town in the direction you originally came from. And the source of the giggling weren't some misbehaving children either, but little elves! They were of the ugly and mischievous kind, and the woman whose stall got destroyed immediately rallied everyone nearby to go and catch them.

“Get those rascals,” she cried, “and do not let them get away this time!”

Still quite a bit confused, you followed the angry crowd into the woods, having a hard time getting ahead in the several inches deep snow.

3 times: 10 lunge step-ups, 40 butt kicks, 10 jumping lunges

While your group could barely move, the elves were swift, and soon they were out of your sight. They didn't leave without a trace though, so you suggested to follow their tracks at a more leisurely pace. The group followed your lead, and every now and then you checked the tracks from up close to make sure the elves weren't leading you astray.

3x30 sec elbow planks

Sure enough, you had only been travelling for a few minutes when the tracks led you into a cavern. Had you not paid attention, you wouldn't even have noticed its well-hidden entrance. You didn't have time to say anything at all, because the angry lot behind you, who, it appeared, had long been annoyed by these elves, all stomped into the cavern, ready to punish the rascals. But as careful as you were, the elves still managed to set a trap for you. It was not them who awaited you inside, but bigger, more goblin-like creatures, who jumped on the group the moment the first person entered. It was time to fight for your life!

3 times: 20 jab + cross, 10 knee strike + elbow strike, 10 side kicks

With how fierce your group was, the fight ended very quickly with barely any injuries on your side. After making sure everyone was alright, you finally took the time to properly look around. And you were amazed. You were in a cavern full of crystals glowing in all magnificent shades of blue and purple. They emitted a light of their own, creating a magical atmosphere. The people around you were in awe as well, and after a few minutes of silence, they all began to try and break off the crystals to bring home as many as they could. You suddenly remembered why you set out from home in the first place, and decided that you found the perfect addition to the Hive's Christmas decoration. You wanted to take a couple shards from the most beautiful crystals, but those only grew near the ceiling. You needed a bit of balance to get there safely, and a bit of strength to break off the shards.

30 sec raised knee hold per leg
3 times: 20 sec calf raise hold, 20 shoulder taps (standing), 20 clench/unclench

The cavern must have been quite displeased with so many people trying to take its treasures. This must be why, despite your best efforts, the stone you held onto cracked, and, as you fell, the floor itself gave way to you. Before you could even process what was happening, you splashed into icy cold water. You had to get to the surface and swim to wherever you first found solid ground you could climb onto.

3 times: 40 flutter kicks, 40 swimmers, 40 climbers

You climbed out of the water cold and grumpy, regretting that you ever left the cozy warmth of your home. You sneezed once, then tried to get warm before you began going in the direction in which you suspected the Christmas market to be.

3 times: 20 hops, 20 step jacks, 40 high knees

As you got closer and closer, your frustration dissipated. The temperature got a couple of degrees higher, and soon all the snow around you was gone. Within a few minutes all of your clothes were dry again, and you actually felt refreshed and energetic from all the previous excitement. Soon you reached the Christmas market again, and looked at the big Christmas tree standing tall and proud in the middle of it. With your brows furrowed in confusion, you stepped up to the elderly lady you'd met earlier to give her back the snowglobe you accidentally stole. Except that the globe was right there on her table, as if you had never even touched it. You reached into your pocket—and there was a globe there too. Your eyes met the woman's, but she didn't say a word, just kept looking at you with the same kind smile as before. You slowly pulled out the snowglobe form your pocket, and gazed into it. It still seemed to vibrate, but the blueish glow began to turn into a redder hue. You blinked, and the pine trees inside were gone, and what began to take their place seemed to have… red scales? You quickly looked away and put the globe back into your pocket. You suddenly had an idea on how to turn the Hive's Christmas into a more immersive experience…

Your Workout:
  1. 3 sets of: 40 march steps + 10 torso twists
  2. 3 sets of: 10 side-to-side jumps
  3. 3 sets of: 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 40 scissor chops
  4. 3 sets of: 10 lunge step-ups, 40 butt kicks, 10 jumping lunges
  5. 3 x 30 seconds elbow plank
  6. 3 sets of: 20 jab + cross, 10 knee strike + elbow strike, 10 side kicks
  7. 30 seconds raised knee hold on each leg
  8. 3 sets of: 20 second calf raise hold, 20 standing shoulder taps, 20 fist clench/unclench
  9. 3 sets of: 40 flutter kicks, 40 swimmers, 40 climbers
  10. 3 sets of: 20 hops, 20 step jacks, 40 high knees

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@neilarey :

There are more gifts to give out this year than usual. Santa and the Elves can only do so much. They need an extra hand to help out.
You've tried to keep your secret identity, well... a secret. But you've given so much of yourself to the Hive over the years, the truth was bound to get out eventually. And now Santa's asking you to step up. He's turning to you, his dear Mrs. Claus, for help.

First off: the elves need help to carry some gifts from the workshop to the sleigh:

5 Sets: 10 Squats - 10 Forward Lunges - 10 Push-ups - 10 March Steps
Rest up to 2 minutes between sets.

Now that the sleigh is loaded up, it is time to fly all over the world. Santa needs Mrs. Claus as his copilot in order to spot the chimneys. Since there are two of you, you can keep the pace for the evening by delivering the gifts simultaneously, working together to spot the houses and deliver each house their gifts:

5 Sets: 20 Bicep Extensions - 20 High Knees - 20 Climbers - 20 Shoulder Taps
Rest up to 2 minutes between sets.

With each gift in place, it's time to return to the north pole, but wait! The weather suddenly shifted! The violent winds, combined with the fog, is making the way back harder. It is your time to ride the sleigh while Santa makes his calculations to make a safe way back home. Try to get out of the storm fast!

Do the Walk, Run, Repeat workout as a finisher at your desired level.

You did it! You managed a way out of the storm right on time as Santa turned up with a safer route back home. Now, you arrive at the North Pole, after a long night of spreading the joy. Have some cookies and milk, because you've earned them!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@f1shtacular :

Dodge, Duck, & Squat

On the way to the Darebee Christmas party, you pass through a snow field with snowy hills, no taller than haystacks. A mischievous giggle interrupts your quiet walk and snowballs begin to fly. The first one misses, and shatters harmlessly against the snowy hills.


5 sets, 2 min rest between sets:
  1. 20 high knees
  2. 4 side-to-side hops
  3. 20 high knees
  4. 4 side jacks
  5. 20 high knees
  6. 4 side lunges
Suddenly the snowballs stop and the giggles cease. You dash around the snowy hill to see that the perpetrators have fled. Coming back around to the path, you can now see that it is covered in balls of yarn, which were hidden in the snowballs. Free crafting materials!!


3 sets, 2 min rest between sets:
  1. 10 wide squats
  2. 10 wide squat hold calf raises
  3. 10 single hip rotations
  4. 10 squat hold punches
You pick up all the yarn and find some good-boy treats for Cooper. Heading back on your way to the party, nothing attacks you any more and you make it safely there to enjoy the festivities.

Optional: Dance to your favorite holiday song. My personal favorite for dancing is Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.

Happy Holidays Fish! Give Cooper some love for me.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,232
"Striving to be the change."
@Saffity :

You are moving through the snow-covered forest to collect Snowberries for the decorations
at the Hive, where the Bees are preparing for a great Christmas Feast!

When you return, you discover that a group of mischievous sprites have cast a spell on the
Bees and have frozen time.

The honeycomb is missing, scattered over the snow, or chewed, and you find them
laughing it up, bathing in honey. Teeny tiny glittering boys and girls with ethereal wings of
many different colors.

Their glitter is everywhere. They’re cute, you’ll give ’em that.

The spell is undone by movement and being merry. Show those pesky sprites this won’t
get you down!

4x Grapevine side-to-side with clap
10x March Steps with wide arm circles
4x Grapevine side-to-side with clap

You see one Bee’s eye twitching a bit. And then another. Let’s try to get their attention shall we? Throw a bit of ho-ho in there if you like...

5x Skater Runs (No hop needed)
10x Knee to Elbows
5x Skater Runs

Seems waking them up needs a more hands-on approach. But first, we have to move through mounds of snow to get to them.

10x Side Leg Raises
10x March Steps
10x Side Leg Raises

Those mischievous sprites are fluttering around like nothing happened, giggling enthusiastically at the slowly unfreezing Bees. Let’s scare them off, and wake the Bees up
in the process.

10x Chest Expansions with Clap

As if moving through a river of chocolate, the Bees are coming to. Repeat one more time and they should be fully awake, and the party could commence!

And, since one pink little sprite is staring at you with large, teary eyes and a pouted, trembling lip, you can decide whether or not to include them in the festivities. If you decide
they can join in, complete an additional set.

Link to dance-move Demos, both are in this link, modify as needed –

Link to optional music to go with the story/get you in the mood –

Your Workout:

2 or 3 sets of:
  1. 4 grapevine step with clap
  2. 10 march steps with wide arm circles
  3. 4 grapevine step with clap
  4. 5 skaters
  5. 10 knee-to-elbows
  6. 5 skaters
  7. 10 side leg raises
  8. 10 march steps
  9. 10 side leg raises
  10. 10 chest expansions with clap


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,473
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@Sólveig :
The way to the Hive is snowed in! Clear the snow and fight 5 evil snowmen barring your way to the community! Jump over the snow heaps, duck the icicle projectiles and punch through the snow walls to clear the way for yourself, and everyone else!

View attachment 2871

I am, most definitely, doing this more than once, because it does fit so well with my routine! Thank you, my dear Secret Santa! You outdid yourself with the unexpected combat movements!

I am fighting those snowmen soon this week now!