

Well-known member
Fighter from France
Posts: 101
Hello bees ! :hellothere:
I don't really know how to start this new thread after so many years with the last one...
I especially like combat moves :kungfu: and I have enjoyed sharing roleplay programs with friends :nod:, and hope I'll have the opportunity to do this again !
I'm 50, willing to share again with you my journey.
As always, feel free to read, comment, share some experiences with me, I'm opened to all new collaborations and discussions.



Well-known member
Fighter from France
Posts: 101
Hello friends :hellothere:
I postponed some days of the program, strangely the ones I dread :chuckle:
I wasn't inactive one those days though (walk and work).
As I thought, bridges were catastrophic :crawl:, even with a cushion, as well as the push-up hold of D14:flat:. For those who don't know yet, I have strange elbows that prevent me to do proper push-ups, so I do them as I can.

Yesterday was D15, a much more easier D15 than the ones on some previous programs ! Did you notice they often are super hard ?


Well-known member
Fighter from France
Posts: 101
Hi friends :kizz:

As you probably noticed, I'm not very active here. :peek:
Life got in the way and I had to stop Power up.
Nothing severe, but an accumulation of work (pro and perso) and too much pression on tendons. :surrender:

I'm currently installing new plumbing and redevelop kitchen and bathroom and it is my priority.

I plan to take part in Haunted Hive though ! :bigyes:

Have a nice day ! :ss:


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 293
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Happy new year!
New Year Vintage GIF


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year :fireworks:


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 515
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 293
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"


Well-known member
Fighter from France
Posts: 101
:hi:There is still time if you want to jump in the train !
I have done 3 days but I have to wait for my partner on FB because he hurt himself :(( not doing a workout) so you may have time to do the first days before we continue.
First day I did L1 and was too tired for the push-up challenge. :flat:
Second day was hard with plank walk-outs... :crawl:so L1, but high knees challenge done.
Third day was soooo fun ! :hop:


I think I definitely prefer combat moves :LOL:
I reviewed Punching Guide and enjoyed the first 3 sets, done the Squat Hold challenge before being too tired, and added 2 sets for a L2 because I wanted more fun ! :kungfu:
I know will search some katana or bow workouts to wait for FB friend (and maybe you ?) and I will have time to review the Kicks Guide for the next day of the program.

@Gafi ?
@lpf ?
Any bee ?


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 293
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
:hi:There is still time if you want to jump in the train !
I have done 3 days but I have to wait for my partner on FB because he hurt himself :(( not doing a workout) so you may have time to do the first days before we continue.
First day I did L1 and was too tired for the push-up challenge. :flat:
Second day was hard with plank walk-outs... :crawl:so L1, but high knees challenge done.
Third day was soooo fun ! :hop:


I think I definitely prefer combat moves :LOL:
I reviewed Punching Guide and enjoyed the first 3 sets, done the Squat Hold challenge before being too tired, and added 2 sets for a L2 because I wanted more fun ! :kungfu:
I know will search some katana or bow workouts to wait for FB friend (and maybe you ?) and I will have time to review the Kicks Guide for the next day of the program.

@Gafi ?
@lpf ?
Any bee ?

I am already doing like 2 programs... a little challenge and my regular workouts.... (yeah, I know.... I am some kind of strange)


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
:hi:There is still time if you want to jump in the train !
I have done 3 days but I have to wait for my partner on FB because he hurt himself :(( not doing a workout) so you may have time to do the first days before we continue.
First day I did L1 and was too tired for the push-up challenge. :flat:
Second day was hard with plank walk-outs... :crawl:so L1, but high knees challenge done.
Third day was soooo fun ! :hop:


I think I definitely prefer combat moves :LOL:
I reviewed Punching Guide and enjoyed the first 3 sets, done the Squat Hold challenge before being too tired, and added 2 sets for a L2 because I wanted more fun ! :kungfu:
I know will search some katana or bow workouts to wait for FB friend (and maybe you ?) and I will have time to review the Kicks Guide for the next day of the program.

@Gafi ?
@lpf ?
Any bee ?
I did day 3 of the program shadebound today, I don't know where you're at now?
I'm new so I'll be taking it easy (level I for me) but my challenge is to show up every day for the 30 days 🙂 if you like we can cheer each other?


Well-known member
Fighter from France
Posts: 101
I did day 3 of the program shadebound today, I don't know where you're at now?
I'm new so I'll be taking it easy (level I for me) but my challenge is to show up every day for the 30 days 🙂 if you like we can cheer each other?
:hi: @Tileenah :)
You are most welcome here ! :ss:
We are at D5 (in fact my FB friend did not pause the program), but it is not a problem, you'll have a sneak peek of your next days ;)
Don't hesitate to post your report here every day !
Did you enjoy the punches as I did?
D4 was kicks :kungfu:, which I enjoy a lot too. I did L1 + challenge.
D5 is all relaxation, that was nice after a stressful day.


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
I had to ask my husband how to do the punches because I have no knowledge whatsoever in fighting moves 😅
But it was easier for me than the first two days (those pushups and planks are hard on me, even on L1...) I think I could have gone L2 for the number of reps today though 😊


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@Tileenah you can review Punching Guide here, and Kicks guide here. You can also find the Video Exercise Library here. Hope it helps ! :ss:
I also had trouble with the plank walk-outs and push-ups (my elbows prevent me from doing proper push-ups) !
Yes I looked at them 😊 but I still wasn't sure I did them properly 😅
Sorry about your elbows it's never easy working out with a pain somewhere (sorry if my words are wrong I'm french so maybe my sentences are weird sometimes)


Well-known member
Fighter from France
Posts: 101
Don't worry for your English, it is good and as long as we understand each other...
My elbows don't ache, but they do not bend as they should, so I can not lower enough, there is a point where they block and either I have to go back up or fall on the floor... :crawl:not really practical :chuckle:


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Don't worry for your English, it is good and as long as we understand each other...
My elbows don't ache, but they do not bend as they should, so I can not lower enough, there is a point where they block and either I have to go back up or fall on the floor... :crawl:not really practical :chuckle:
Oh, yes I can imagine 😬

I have completed day 4 of the shadebound rpg and am officially lying on the floor for the rest of the day! Kidding of course... Or am I?
I did it at level2 think


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Oops sent without finishing... I was saying I thought it would be okay since it's legwork and I walk and bike everyday... Shows how much I know about fighting...🙈 Seems like kicking has nothing to do with walking 😂 and I really have to build core strength.
Still proud of myself though 😊


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
I will do D7 only today because Wednesday my FB Friend forgot to train and yesterday it was I who was tired.
How was your D6 @Tileenah ?
It was okay for me thanks. Did it at L2 without much trouble (carrying my toddler on my back a lot must have helped somehow). It confirms my suspicions that my legs are kinda strong enough, but not my core or arms... I peeked at D6 and I think tomorrow is going to be quite the challenge for me with those pushups 😅